Records and Files

of the

Quarterly Courts of Essex County Massachusetts,

Volume II

Packers, see Trades.

Page, Isaac, 104, 106.

        Robert, 377.

Pails, see Utensils, Household.

Paine, Payne, —, 66, 177, 179.

        Elizabeth, 250.

        John, 115, 146, 233, 250, 270, 271, 275, 279, 434.

        Robert, 51, 70, 99, 112, 115, 118, 119, 145, 146, 170, 178, 180, 232, 233, 250, 280, 368, 432, 435.

        Thomas, 167.

        William, 32, 58, 74, 81, 92, 99, 116, 124, 193, 210, 232, 268, 271, 359, 360, 363, 399, 405-407.

Palfery, Palfrey, Palfry, Palphry, —, 264, 293.

        Eliza, 263.

        Elizabeth, 293.

        Peter, 22, 25, 224, 263, 333.

Palmer, Pallmer, Pallmor, Ann, 349.

        Christopher, 227, 231, 347, 348, 349, 375, 379.

        Frances, 58.

        Henry, 158, 277, 331, 332, 376, 382, 383.

        John, 4, 20, 58, 111, 278, 360, 367, 396, 400, 434.

        Joseph, 347, 348.

        Margaret, 4.

        Martha, 349.

        Richard, 56.

        William, 347-349.

Pannels, 55, 304, 375, 415.

Pans, see Utensils, Household.

Pantolanes, see Cloth.

Pantossam, see Cloth.

Paper, 15, 17, 42, 64-66, 258, 272, 380, 389, 396, 404, 406, 413, 433, 440.

Parker, Parcker, —, 123, 00, 272.

        Joseph, 181, 345.

        Mary, 11, 121, 181, 345, 365.

        Nathan, 41, 121, 308, 327, 366, 404, 415.

Parker, Richard, 25, 124, 391, 402.

        Ruth, 345.

        Samuel, 181.

        Thomas, 7, 270.

Parkman, Perckman, Elias, 2, 38, 53, 64.

Parmiter, Palmiter, Parmenter, Parmintor,Parmitter,—, 235.

        Benjamin, 190, 207, 208, 221, 236.

        John, 345.

Parrot, Parrat, Parrit, —, 20.

        Elizabeth, 57.

        Faith, 57.

        Francis, 5, 13, 16, 19.

Parsons, Parson,Pershons,George, 237.

        Jeffrey, 427.

        Robert, 270.

        Thomas, 02, 139, 148.

Partridge, John, 322.

        William, 270.

Patch, Elizabeth, 108.

        Hannah, 108, 109, 135.

        James, 108, 135, 186.

        John, 108.

        Mary, 108.

        Nicholas, 60.

Patteshall, Paddashall, Pateshall, —, 95, 235.

        Robert, 91, 92, 163.

Pattey, Patry, Patte, Pattry, Paty, Nathaniel, 226, 315, 408.

Paul, John, 227, 230.

Paw, James, 8.

Pea —, James, 89.

Peabody, Pabody, Pebodye, —, 140, 141.

        Francis, 1, 51, 98, 105, 115, 122, 140, 141, 163, 260, 266, 369, 405.

        Joseph, 141.

        Ruth, 122.

Peach, John, 58, 394, 407, 408, 446.

Peach's point, 442.

Peacocke, Pecock, Mary, 402.

        Samuel, 402.

Pearson, Peerson, Peirson, Person, Persons, —, 112, 248.

        Benjamin, 122.

        Dorcas, 122.

        Jeffrey, 64, 166, 192.

        John, 20, 21, 45, 70, 122, 1/images/essex021.html">21, 45, 70, 122, 194, 213, 225, 233, 234, 319, 321, 343.

Peas, see Food.

Peasley, Pesle, Joseph, 377.

Pecker, —, 19.

Peirce, Pearce, Pears, Pearse, Peerce, Perce, —, 151.

        Capt., 124.

        Daniel, 225, 278, 348.

        John, 64, 123, 157, 166, 192, 213, 216, 217, 237, 256-258, 320, 374.

        Robert, 99.

        Sarah, 181.

Pelham,see Pellam.

Pell, —, 270.

        Anna, 5.

Pellam, Thomas, 281.

Pelts, see Skins.

Pembleton, —, 291.

Pendleton, Capt., 99.

        Brian, 209, 225.

Penistone, see Cloth.

Pentados, 20.

Pentucket, 15, 240.

Pepper, see Food.

Perjury, see Crimes.

Perkins, Parckins, Parkins, Pirkins, Purckins,Purkings, —, 36, 99, 169, 360.

        Abraham, 345.

        Elizabeth, 255.

        Isaac, 376, 378.

        Jacob, 61, 168, 196, 347, 350, 351.

        John, 51, 122, 150, 347, 372, 373, 407.

        Lydia, 150.

        Sarah, 122.

        Thomas, 209, 406.

        Timothy, 122.

        Tobias, 255.

        William, 21, 30, 122, 152, 195, 255, 359.

Perley, Parlly, Pearley,Perly,—, 175.

        Allen, 1, 2, 225.

        John, 3, 39, 140, 141, 280, 374.

        Nathaniel, 141.

        Samuel, 141.

Perry, —, 88.

        Francis, 72, 73, 87, 92, 96.

        Thomas, 52, 57, 64, 67, 202, 209, 250, 298, 301, 304, 318.

Peter, Peeters, —, 205, 394.

        Andrew, 373.

        Hugh, 167.

Petticoats, see Clothing.

Pettingall, Petingall, Richard, 111, 312.

Pews, see Religious affairs.

Pewter, see Utensils, Household.

Phelps, Phelpes, Hanna, 314.

        Henry, 220, 237-239, 261, 262, 310, 314, 317, 422.

        John, 220, 262.

        Nicholas, 103-107, 118, 167, 224, 225, 261, 262, 265, 310, 314, 315, 342, 431, 432.

Philbrook, Feillbroocke, James, 375.

        John, 420.

Philips, Phillips, Phillops, —, 202, 247.

        Charles, 210.

        George, 181.

        John, 213.

        Nicholas, 237, 262.

        Samuel, 3, 58, 181.

        Sarah, 3.

        Zachary, 72, 73.

        Zerubbabel, 5, 21.

Phips, Solomon, 111.

Physic, see Medicine.

Physicians, see Trades.

Pickard, Pickerd, Ann, 181.

        Jane, 4.

        John, 4, 5, 11, 13, 17, 18, 32, 54, 56, 111, 181, 195, 202, 234, 278, 305, 329, 340, 360, 397.

        Sarah, 4.

Pickaxes, see Tools.

Pickering, Pickeringe, Elizabeth, 47, 48.

        John, 47, 48, 136, 281, 423.

        Jonathan, 47, 48.

Pickman, Nathaniel, 22, 25, 26, 44, 124, 224, 320, 389, 395.

        Samuel, 165.

Pickworth, John, 50, 225, 226.

        Joseph, 225, 226.

        Samuel, 225, 226.

Pictures, see Furniture.

Pies, see Food.

Pigden, Thomas, 122, 161.

Pike, Picke, Pyke, Lt., 70.

        James, 335.

        John, 4, 11, 27, 28, 51, 52, 70, 120, 182, 225, 236, 380-382, 437.

        Joseph, 379, 380-382.

        Robert, 375, 378.

        Sara, 4, 182.

        Thomas, 120.

Pikes, see Weapons.

Pillion, 371, 414, 418.

Pillow beers, see Furnishings, Household.

Pillows, see Furnishings, Household.

Pilsbury, William, 57.

Pinder, Pindar, Henry, 255.

        John, 197, 248, 249, 280.

Pingry, Pengry, Pengrye,—, 350.

        Aaron, 153.

        Lydia, 350.

        Moses, 1, 39, 117, 119, 152, 155, 197, 198, 280, 319, 328, 350, 371.

Pinion, Pinnion, Pinyon,Nicholas, 1, 195, 196, 210, 211.

        Robert, 195, 196.

        Thomas, 196.

Piny, Thomas, 202.

Pipestaves, see Manufactures.

Piscataqua, 95.

Piscataqua river, 203, 251, 389, 394.

Pistols, see Weapons.

Pitcher, see Utensils, Household.

Pitford, Pitfold, Edward, 6, 10, 44, 50.

Peter, 163.

        Richard, 60.

Pitman, Pittman, Mark, 441.

        Nathaniel, 22-24.

        Tabitha, 25.

        Thomas, 127, 163, 167, 168, 188, 190, 194, 220, 221, 442.

Pitt, William, 6, 61, 223, 430, 445.

Plains farm, 394, 395.

Plank, see Manufactures.

Plans, 114.

Planters, see Trades.

Planters, old, 422.

Plasters, 123, 231, 446.

Plates, see Utensils, Household.

Platters, see Utensils, Household.

Platts, Plats, Elizabeth, 4, 122.

        John, 122.

        Jonathan, 4, 52, 122, 195, 364.

        Mary, 4, 181.

        Samuel, 67, 360, 361, 367, 396, 434.

Pleasant pond, 357.

Ploughs, see Tools.

Plum island, 52, 176.

Plummer, Plomer, Plumer, Ann, 349.

        Benjamin, 57.

        Francis, 41, 111, 178, 349, 436.

        Hanna, 4.

        Joseph, 41, 57, 70.

        Samuel, 4, 41, 70, 120, 348, 349, 436.

        Silvanus, 120.

        Steven, 38.

Plymouth, 88, 313.

Pockets,see Clothing.

Podd, Pod, Pood, —, 200, 201.

        Samuel, 22, 146, 279.

Poiblsy, Roger, 18.

Poland, Powlan, John, 281, 292.

Poledavis, see Cloth.

Pollen, Polin, Pollin, Bethiah, 10.

        John, 10, 261, 318.

Pomeroy, Pomary, Pomery, John, 216, 368, 419.

Pond field, 17, 21.

Ponds, 223, 293, 333.

Poole, Daniel, 311.

        John, 270.

Poore, Poare, Pore, Daniel, 121, 123, 225, 363.

        Edward, 57, 120.

        Elizabeth, 120.

        John, 4, 41, 55-57, 70, 111, 117, 120, 121, 266.

        Lydia, 57.

        Mary, 121.

        Matthew, 121.

        Samuel, 57, 120.

        Sara, 4.

        Thomas, 280, 374.

Pope, Damaris, 265, 315, 342, 432.

        Joseph, 103-106.

        Joseph, 265, 315, 341.

Pork, see Food.

Porridge, see Food.

Porringers, see Utensils, Household.

Porter, Porrter, Portar, —, 342.

        Sergt., 269.

        Eunice, 251, 252, 256.

        Hannah, 40, 192.

        Israel, 321.

        John, 6, 105, 123, 136, 151, 157, 191, 214, 218, 320-322, 333, 335- 338, 346, 356, 374, 414, 428, 429.

        Jonathan, 251, 252, 256.

        Joseph, 12, 321, 338.

        Samuel, 192.

Porter, see Trades.

Portingall, 52.

Portsmouth, 383, 389, 441.

Posnet, see Utensils, Household.

Post, Richard, 96.

Posts, 13, 19, 363.

Pot hangers, see Utensils, Household.

Pot hooks, see Utensils, Household.

Pots, see Utensils, Household.

Potter, Ann, 262.

        Anthony, 40.

        Indigo, 391.

        Nicholas, 123, 157, 167, 270, 319, 421, 431, 446.

        Robert, 42.

        Thomas, 115.

Pound, 102, 109, 112, 130, 184, 194, 199, 201, 208, 321, 375, 376.

Pound keeper, see Trades.

Powder, see Weapons.

Powell, —, 372.

        Isabel, 402.

        Jane, 67.

        Mary, 372, 373.

        Robert, 153, 174.

        Rowland, 133, 402.

Pray, Quentin, 94.

        Thomas, 64.

Prentis, Thomas, 326.

Prescott, Edward, 98, 116.

Press, see Furniture.

Pressing iron, see Utensils,Household.

Pressye, Elizabeth, 151.

Preston, Presson, Preson, Elizabeth, 02, 120, 181.

        Roger, 186, 187, 255, 338.

        Thomas, 22.

Price, Prise, —, 68, 214, 322.

        Capt., 422.

        Matthew, 227, 228, 439.

        Richard, 402.

        Theodore, 175, 176, 259.

        Walter, 6, 58, 124, 133, 175, 176, 182, 189, 190, 194, 215, 216, 225, 251, 322, 344, 370, 421, 425.

Pride, see Pryd.

Prime, Pryme, Mark, 19-21, 45, 433.

Prince, —, 37.

        Margaret, 37.

        Mark, 16, 360, 367.

        Richard, 102, 90, 215, 218, 421, 426.

        Robert, 206.

        Thomas, 6, 36-38, 64, 237, 261.

Prison keeper, see Trades.

Prison, 39, 54, 58, 72, 85, 110, 151, 161, 175, 180, 202, 212, 224, 243, 249, 260, 263, 299, 317, 332, 336, 351-353, 356, 409, 411, 419, 439, 441.

Prison, see also House of Correction.

Pritchett, Prichard, Pritchet, William, 225, 239, 240, 242, 243, 434.

Proctter, Prockter, Procktor, —, 158.

        John, 28, 67, 70, 153, 154, 186, 195.

Professions, see Trades.

Prout, Timothy, 126, 322.

Provisions, see Food.

Pryd, John, 274.

Public houses.

        Houses of public entertainment, 216,

        Ordinaries, 02, 3, 28, 35, 36, 39, 40, 59, 67, 69, 74, 100, 116, 117, 153, 154, 177, 179, 196, 197, 212, 229, 231, 235, 241, 243, 245, 278, 281, 332, 371, 379, 413, 416.

        Taverns, 322.

        Victualing houses, 322.

Pulling point, 30.


        Branded and ear cut off, 48.

        Bound to good behavior, 49, 53, 54, 61, 68, 100, 115, 154, 155, 177-180, 196, 279, 280, 307, 336, 416, 441.

        Corporal, 69.

        Disfranchisement, 373.

        Imprisonment, 36, 54, 57, 58, 74, 107, 118, 151, 178, 197, 202, 212, 243, 245, 372, 374, 419, 441.

        Ordered out of town, 180, 280.

        Public acknowledgments, 35, 151, 190, 195, 216, 217, 221, 348.

        Quaker to be sold, 202.

        Stocks, 10, 11, 106, 154, 155, 212, 244, 281, 337.

        Whipping, 3, 35, 38, 39, 41, 50, 53, 54, 58, 60, 67, 69, 101, 108, 110, 136, 151, 152, 155, 196, 217, 219, 235, 247, 279, 281, 342, 372- 374, 384, 420, 441.

Punell, Punnil, Punil, Robert, 39, 113, 148, 178, 179, 252, 364, 437.

Purchase, Porchis, Porchas, Purchass, Purchis, —, 278, 300.

        Oliver, 30, 35, 36, 59, 97-99, 109, 127, 135, 190, 194, 210, 215, 253, 270, 278, 282, 301, 302, 318, 326, 338, 343, 367, 371, 402.

        Sarah, 59.

Putnam, Putman, Putname, Puttnam, Capt. —, 269.

        John, 6, 59, 126, 132, 166, 182, 194, 205, 206, 254, 265, 281, 282, 315, 429.

        Nathaniel, 44, 107, 124, 182, 194, 196, 206, 225, 252, 319, 333, 431.

        Thomas, 123, 136, 151, 157, 166, 167, 193, 217, 224, 250, 265, 367.