Records and Files

of the

Quarterly Courts of Essex County Massachusetts,
Volume V


Jackson, John, 263.

Jacobs, Jacob, Ann, 89, 95.

        George, 53, 428.

        Joanna, 95.

        John, 96.

        Joseph, 96, 146, 190, 315.

        Judith, 96.

        Lydia, 96.

        Martha, 96.

        Mary, 429.

        Nathaniel, 96.

        Richard, 95, 96.

        Samuel, 31-33, 89, 95, 96.

        Thomas, 95, 96, 318.

Jacques, Jackwayes, Jacquish, Jaquis, Henry, 30, 330, 384, 439.

        Mary, 439.

Jamaica, 189.

James, Edmond, 96, 159.

        Erasmus, 1, 4-6, 69, 70, 111, 113-115, 121, 179-182, 278, 279, 283, 358, 368, 372.

        Thomas, 209, 382.

Jamsin & Leavy, 268.

Jarvis, John, 424.

Jeggells, Giggles, Thomas, 245, 255, 258.

Jemson, Jimson, John, 30, 400, 401.

Jenkins, Ginkens, Peter, 36, 37, 83, 84.

Jennins, Gennins, Francis, 298, 409.

        Peter, 189.

Jericho, 162.

Jerman, Clement, 167.

        William, 121.

Jersey, 433.

Jersey, Island of, 92.

Jerseymen, 92.

Jewell, Martha, 56.

        William, 56.

Jewett, Jewet, Jewit, Juet, —, 59, 389.

        Abraham, 80, 86, 160, 262, 387, 393, 394, 398.

        Ann, 86, 262.

        Bosun, 262.

        Ezekiel, 262, 263, 385.

        Faith, 262, 391.

        Jeremiah, 338, 350, 388, 391 395, 436-438.

        John, 134, 393, 394.

        Joseph, 17, 18, 338, 388, 391, 393, 394, 436.

        Maximilian, 40, 314, 390-393.

        Nehemiah, 86, 219, 220, 336, 338, 388, 390, 392-394, 397, 436.

        Patience, 391.

Jewett, Sara, 338, 339, 350, 393, 437, 438.

        Thomas, 212.

John, Justen, 122, 374.

Johnson, Jonson, —, 108, 345.

        Elizabeth, 126, 263.

        Francis, 4, 6, 42, 115, 211, 223, 279, 280, 282, 347.

        James, 126, 298, 408, 409.

        John, 14, 79, 80, 123, 137, 147, 223, 234, 275-277, 340, 342 -345, 397.

        Mary, 126, 263.

        Peter, 293, 302.

        Return, 263, 363.

        Richard, 256.

        Samuel, 44, 76, 193, 245, 251, 259, 266, 334.

        Stephen, 31, 126, 263, 350, 385.

        Thomas, 126, 294.

Joliffe, Jolliffe, Joyliffe, —, 8, 442.

        John, 194, 295, 317.

Jones, Joanes, Jons, Abigail, 18.

        Alexander, 88.

        Benjamin, 162, 291.

        Griffin, 122, 246.

        Jeffrey, 120, 435.

        Mary, 148, 162, 236, 297, 307.

        Remember, 162.

        Robert, 7, 79, 80, 239.

        Thomas, 18, 162, 236, 289.

Jordan, Jordon, —, 442.

        Francis, 313.

        Susan, 139.

        Susanna, 164.

Josse, Christopher, 444.

Joy, Joye, Peter, 222, 257, 258, 266, 363.

Judkins, Judgkin, Judkin, —, 360, 362.

        Joel, 104, 405.

        Thomas, 21, 49, 138, 288, 49, 138, 288, 399.

Jug, see Utensils, Household.

Juniper (negro), 411.

Juop, Richard, 268.

Justice of the peace, 66.