Records and Files

of the

Quarterly Courts of Essex County Massachusetts,
Volume V


Wade, —, 11, 212.

        Jonathan, 1, 2, 7-11, 19, 385.

        Nathaniel, 8, 12, 31, 126.

        Thomas, 8, 9, 11, 12, 31, 33.

        William, 223.

Wadleigh, Robert, 102, 295.

Wages, 83, 100, 101, 120, 196, 275, 301, 340, 341, 443.

Wainwright, Wainwrite, Waynright, Waynwright, —, 94, 95, 138, 156, 223, 285, 288, 303, 320, 413.

        Francis, 12, 21, 77, 93, 135 -138, 140, 163, 237, 268, 341, 385, 386, 395, 399, 444.

        John, 31, 290.

Waistcoat, see Clothing.

Waite, Wayte, Sergt., 304.

        Return, 188, 334, 388, 395, 397, 426.

        Richard, 169, 188, 220, 246, 258, 318, 334, 338, 339, 350, 388, 393-395, 397, 439.

        Thomas, 34, 142, 156, 157, 231, 232, 306, 413, 414.

Waklinge, Luke, 133, 135, 160.

Walcot, Walcutt, Jonathan, 273, 324.

Walcot, see Willcott.

Waldron, Walden, Walderne, Waldren, Edward, 261.

        Elizabeth, 261.

        Hannah, 203.

        John, 41, 58, 90, 92, 109, 111, 179, 181, 217, 279, 281, 310.

        Rebecca, 42.

        Tamson, 310.

Walker, Wallker, Capt., 2.

        Henry, 50, 117.

        Nathaniel, 85.

        Richard, 74, 75, 79, 116, 184, 198, 312, 356, 359, 386, 387.

        Shuball, 92, 128, 163, 248, 263, 269, 270, 295, 338, 339, 385, 397, 436.

Wall, —, 242.

        Hannah, 104.

        Mary, 104.

        James, 244.

Waller, Christopher, 170-172, 325.

        Margaret, 170-172.

Wallet, see Clothing.

Wallington, John, 254.

        Nicholas, 162, 269.

        Sarah, 254.

Wallingford, Joseph, 263.

        Nicholas, 254, 263.

Wallis, —, 444.

        Nicholas, 289, 313.

        Robert, 289, 313.

        William, 292.

Walton, Walten, Walthorn, Waltown, —, 168.

        Elizabeth, 253.

        George, 30, 105, 302.

        Josiah, 92, 253, 254.

        Nathaniel, 42, 92, 109, 254, 278-280, 281, 283, 358, 417, 436.

        Samuel, 254, 280.

        William, 280.

Ward, Warde, —, 55, 270, 442.

        Lt., 200, 253.

        John, 105.

        Joshua, 208.

Ward, Samuel, 6, 42, 56, 58, 114, 195, 207, 221, 253, 279, 358, 368, 429.

        Thomas, 99, 152, 235, 239, 242, 243.

Wardell, Wardle, Elihu, 31, 33.

        Mary, 263.

        Samuel, 126, 263.

        Sara, 263.

        Uzziel, 79, 164, 307, 308.

Warehouse, see Buildings.

Warming pan, see Utensils, Household.

Warner, Daniel, 128, 385.

        John, 442.

        Nathaniel, 246.

Warr, Josiah, 138.

        Sarah, 38, 138, 157.

Warrent Ann, 257.

Wasse, Thomas, 249.

Waskcott, Ralph, 11.

Wataquadoke, 213.

Watchhouse, see Buildings.

Watertown, 44, 392.

Waters, Watters, Elizabeth, 124.

        James, 2, 21, 22, 21, 22, 124.

        Mary, 21, 124.

        William, 168.

Watson, Wattson, —, 71, 72.

        John, 276, 277, 303.

Watts, Wates, James, 126, 279, 281.

        Jeremiah, 273.

        Samuel, 40, 93, 128, 295.

Way, Waye, Richard, 318, 334, 393, 397, 439.

Weapons, armor and equipments, 2, 214, 390.

        Ammunition, 202, 214.

        Bandeliers, 136, 327.

        Belt, 65, 73, 224.

        Bullets, 72, 139, 329.

        Corselet, 76, 313.

        Cutlass, 76.

        Fowling piece, 56, 69, 95, 207, 328.

        Guns, 72, 73, 82, 83, 118, 162, 207, 253, 300, 364, 365, 409, 433.

        Holsters, 65, 73, 95, 224.

        Knife, 199, 374.

        Lance, 224.

        Lock, 73.

        Musket, 56, 58, 95, 99, 136, 202, 209, 327, 328, 432, 435.

        Pistols, 31, 32, 65, 73, 160, 224, 235, 327.

        Pistols, case of, 95.

        Poniard, 327.

        Powder, 72, 139, 236, 329, 341.

        Rapier, 224, 408.

        Shot, 329.

        Sword, 56, 72, 73, 95, 118, 202, 209, 300, 327, 365, 432, 435.

Weare, Wyer, Nathaniel, 100, 147, 151, 152, 224, 405.

Weathersfield street, 17.

Weaver, Wever, Capt., 411.

        John, 411.

Weaver, see Trades.

Web, Henry, 384.

Webster, Israel, 30.

        John, 30, 161, 162, 260, 269, 403.

        Nicholas, 260.

        Stephen, 46, 51, 106, 111, 123, 302.

Wedges, see Tools.

Wedgwood, Jonathan, 298, 409.

Weed, John, 296, 298, 301, 302.

        Mary, 298.

        Samuel, 296, 409.

Welch, Weltch, David, 124.

        Hannah, 124, 125, 441.

        John, 125.

        Philip, 124, 125, 415, 441.

        Thomas, 441.

Weld, Dr., 336, 434.

        Daniel, 58.

Weld, see Wells.

Wellman, —, 352.

        Abraham, 163.

        Elizabeth, 163.

        Isaac, 163.

        Mary, 163.

        Sarah, 163.

        Thomas, 163.

Wells, —, 267.

        Daniel, 211.

        Elizabeth, 102.

        John, 384.

        Joseph, 12.

        Nathaniel, 79, 154, 155, 158, 198, 225, 231-233, 246, 287.

        Richard, 102.

        Thomas, 137, 401.

Wells, see Weld.

Wells, 296.

Wenham, 46, 47, 121, 124, 127, 138-140, 158, 160, 174, 175, 203, 212 -214, 220, 221, 245, 252, 259, 261, 267, 275, 276, 284, 285, 309, 335, 376, 436, 437.

Wenham pond, 47.

Wenmar, Thomas, 132, 374.

Wescott, see Waskcott.

West, —, 365.

        John, 21, 137, 174-176, 212, 230, 245, 365, 374, 434.

        Thomas, 41, 392, 434.

        Twiford, 392, 393.

Westgate, Wesgatt, Adam, 197, 219, 222, 258, 264, 266, 430.

Weston, John, 324.

Weymouth, 66.

Whalebone, see Clothing.

Wheat, see Food.

Wheelbarrow, see Tools.

Wheeler, David, 161, 263.

        Joseph, 263.

        Thomas, 45, 332, 333.

Wheels, see Tools.

Wheelwright, John, 295.

Wheelwright, see Trades.

Whipple, Whiple, Whippelle, —, 393.

        Corp., 79, 97, 441.

        Cornet, 335, 442.

        Jennet, 318, 387, 388, 392, 397, 439.

        John, 79, 95-97, 124, 198, 305, 315.

        Joseph, 288.

        Sarah, 97, 147, 439.

Whitcomb, James, 8, 10, 11.

White, —, 411.

        Capt., 30, 79, 154, 155, 162.

        Elias, 108, 248, 279, 282, 283.

        Elizabeth, 213.

        George, 271, 287.

        Hannah, 213, 214.

        James, 132, 268.

        Joan, 213.

        John, 175, 212, 213.

        Josiah, 213.

        Josias, 175.

        Marie, 213.

        Martha, 261.

        Paul, 79, 80, 119, 154, 155, 246, 255, 258, 404, 426.

        Richard, 239.

        Ruth, 118, 140, 174, 175, 212, 213, 230, 284, 335.

        Sara, 213.

        Thomas, 21, 42, 46, 49, 118, 140, 174, 175, 212-214, 230, 261, 282, 284, 285, 335, 373.

        William, 102, 105, 385, 405.

Whiting, —, 113, 386.

        Samuel, 61, 317.

Whitman, Robert, 33.

Whitney, Whitny, —, 206.

        Martha, 206.

        Richard, 205, 206.

Whitred, Whittred, William, 127, 311, 312, 316.

Whitredge, Whiteridg, Whitridge, Whitrige, —, 257.

        Florence, 124.

        Richard, 164.

        Samuel, 164.

        Thomas, 90, 93, 124, 140, 164.

        William, 164.

Whittaker, Whittacker, Whitticker, —, 18, 46.

        Abraham, 45, 46, 111, 135, 183, 239, 249, 251, 258, 337, 348.

Whittier, Whiteare, Whitehaire, Whitteere, Whithaire, Whittchar, Whityear, Abraham, 280, 400, 434.

        Edward, 400, 434.

        John, 434.

        Ruth, 167.

        Thomas, 330, 331.

Wickam, Waycom, Wicom, Wicome, Wikom, Wycome, —, 35.

        Ann, 440, 441.

        Daniel, 14, 87, 230, 292, 307, 308, 319, 342-345, 384, 397, 442.

        John, 36, 440.

        Richard, 441.

Wiggin, Andrew, 105.

        Ann, 153.

Wilcom, Richard, 444.

Wildes, Wild, John, 37, 138.

        Jonathan, 28.

Wilford, Willford, Gilbert, 163, 263.

        Ruth, 263.

Wilkes, Robert, 217.

Wilkins, Abigail, 74.

        Bray, 255, 273.

        Elizabeth, 74.

        John, 73, 74, 273.

        Mary, 73, 74.

        Thomas, 273.

Willed, John, 134.

Willet, Francis, 440.

        Joseph, 440.

Williams, Gregory, 385.

        Isaac, 41, 45, 221, 359, 420, 444.

        John, 30, 45, 46, 105, 111, 165, 188, 189, 217, 222, 225, 241, 248, 264, 278, 283, 298, 299, 301, 302, 397, 410, 420, 426, 436, 437, 439.

        Joseph, 48.

        Margery, 358.

        Mary, 298.

        Samuel, 122, 245, 247, 248, 265,

Willis, Wiles, —, 107.

Wills, see also Administrations and Inventories.


        Alley, Hugh, 367.

        Borman, Thomas, 167.

        Burt, Ann, 203.

        Caulie (also Caly), Thomas, 57.

        Charles, William, 206.

        Clarke, Richard, 314.

        Coldum, Thomas, 205.

        Cromwell, Giles, 163.

        Davis, John, 160.

        Dickanson, Thomas, 388.

        Drake, Robert, 407.

        Dresser, John, 39.

        Ellenwood, Ralph, 363.

        Farr, Lazarus, 117.

        Fiske, Phineas, 203.

        Fitts, Richard, 162.

        Flint, William, 207.

        Gage, John, 163.

        Gillow, John, 201.

        Hart, Thomas, 314.

        Haseltine, Robert, 385.

        Humphrey, Joseph, 317.

        Jacob, Richard, 95.

        Jones, Thomas, 162.

        King, Daniel, 73.

        Lake, Margaret, 93.

        Leach, Robert, 364.

        Legg, John, 368.

        Lord, William, 200.

        Lowle, John, 326.

        Mansfield, Elizabeth, 251.

        Marsh, John, 434.

        Merrill, John, 234.

        Morgan, Robert, 204.

        Neale, John, 70.

        Newhall, Thomas, 365.

        Peasle, Joseph, 299.

        Price, Walter, 366.

        Prince, Robert, 369.

        Robins, Samuel, 102.

        Short, Henry, 167.

        Sothwick, John, 121.

        Tappin, Abraham, 160.

        Tarbox, John, 370.

        Varney, Bridget, 119.

        Walton, Josiah, 253.

White, John, 212.

Whitredge, Thomas, 164.

Wilson, Willson, —, 24, 95, 136, 139, 285, 289, 315, 405, 415.

        Humphrey, 152, 235, 442.

        Mary, 143, 145, 190.

        Robert, 436.

        Samuel, 55, 340.

        Shoreborn, 95, 136, 139.

        Theophilus, 6, 55, 78, 135, 218, 227, 246, 249, 265, 335, 337, 375.

        William, 374.

Wilson hill, 391.

Windmill, 108.

Windmill hill, 317.

Window, —, 254, 441.

        Bridget, 254.

Wine, see Drinks.

Wing, Winge, —, 9.

        John, 78.

Winslow, Wensly, Winsly, Ephraim, 235.

        Mary, 236.

        Nathaniel, 30, 148, 235, 244, 293, 299, 405.

        John, 116, 317.

        Samuel, 241.

Winter, Edward, 420.

Winter Island, 197, 366, 431.

Wiswell, Wiswall, —, 3.

        John, 220.

Witt, Hester, 428.

        John, 75.

Women riding horseback astride, 291.

Wood, Woods, Ann, 440.

        Baker, 187.

        Esaiah, 164, 283, 321, 416.

        James, 440.

        John, 157.

        Nathaniel, 33.

        Obadiah, 33, 157, 356, 411, 412.

        Samuel, 442.

        Simon, 141-143.

        Solomon, 263.

        Thomas, 135, 263, 303, 440.

        William, 279.

Wood, 73, 83, 131, 132, 192, 196, 210, 227, 275, 277, 296, 311, 322, 359, 396, 431.

Woodbery, Woodberey, Woodberry, Ann, 215, 216.

        Hugh, 221.

        Humphery, 290.

        Mary, 221, 363.

        Nicholas, 46, 47, 111, 112, 216, 221, 255.

        Peter, 417, 436.

        Sarah, 221.

        Thomas, 289-291, 362, 436.

Woodbridge, —, 251.

        John, 227.

        Mary, 440.

        Thomas, 80, 235, 258, 302, 440.

Wooddam, John, 40.

Wooding, Woodine, John, 441.

        Martha, 413.

        Peter, 441.

Woodman, —, 30, 163.

        Archelaus, 161, 234, 290.

        Elizabeth, 125.

        Hercules, 419.

        Joanna, 419.

        Jonathan, 411, 440.

        Joshua, 125.

Ward, 302.

Woodsie, Richard, 226.

Woodward, —, 141, 145, 315.

        Betty, 143, 155, 267.

        Elizabeth, 186, 187, 220, 231.

        Esther, 144.

        Ezekiel, 138, 146, 195, 212, 220, 261, 288, 289.

Woodwell, Matthew, 129.

Wool, 120, 142, 193, 300, 435.

Wool, sheep, 73, 76, 162, 224, 268, 371, 364, 390, 414, 432.

Woolcot, Willcott, John, 302.

        Mary, 302.

        Sarah, 302, 439.

Woolcot, see Walcot.

Woolfe, —, 215, 222.

        Peter, 215, 290.

Woollen, Woolan, Wolland, Edward, 41, 108, 222, 245, 258, 266, 285.

Woolley, John, 374.

Worcester, 105.

Worcester, Woostar, Elizabeth, 254, 264.

        Samuel, 149, 162, 254, 264.

        Sarah, 102.

        Susanna, 102, 104, 299.

        Timothy, 102, 299.

Wormwood, Mary, 117.

        William, 290.

Wright, Write, Christopher, 125, 263.

        John, 234.

        Susanna, 125, 263.

        Walter, 20, 125, 263.

        William, 226.