Records and Files

of the

Quarterly Courts of Essex County Massachusetts,
Volume VI


Gage, —, 351, 415.

        Faith, 237.

        Hester, 63, 136.

        John, 405, 406, 409.

        Jonathan, 20, 63, 136.

        Josiah, 208, 253, 291.

        Nathaniel, 208.

        Samuel, 207, 237.

        Thomas, 280.

Gaines, John, 234, 397.

Gale, Gall, —, 385.

        Ambrose, 192, 228, 290, 370.

        Benjamin, 398.

        Edmund, 381.

Galley, John, 147, 381.

Galloon, see Cloth.

Gallop, Maximilian, 167, 168.

Gallows, 19, 255.

Gamage, John, 26, 206, 367.

Gammon, Gamon, Robert, 355, 374.

Ganson, Benjamin, 354, 392.

Gardner, Gardiner, George, 98, 356.

        John, 100, 309.

        Joseph, 51, 62, 63, 91, 112, 189.

        Samuel, 31, 40, 50, 243, 283-285, 296, 318, 356, 357, 394.

        Thomas, 8, 31, 100, 197, 249, 283-285, 308, 309, 356, 357, 386.

Garford, Gafford, —, 242, 243.

Gervais, 242.

Garland, Elizabeth, 433.

        Jacob, 262, 437.

        John, 23, 24.

Garritt, James, 103.

Gatchell, Gachell, Gattchell, Getchell, Jeremiah, 78.

        John, 363.

        Jonathan, 127, 399.

        Joseph, 101, 117, 399.

        Samuel, 100, 429.

Gates, 14, 66, 118, 206, 209, 364, 366.

Gault, Goult, Marie, 105, 106.

Gavitt, Philip, 398.

Gedney, Gednie, Gedny, Gidney, —, 7, 173, 239, 390.

        Bartholomew, 8, 31, 91, 92, 228, 281, 296, 317, 354, 355, 369, 370, 374, 377, 380, 438, 439.

        Eleazer, 73, 145, 380.

        John, 51, 57, 71, 76, 92, 173, 228, 232, 290, 370, 380.

Geer, Tryphena, 309.

Genett, Richard, 362.

Gerrish, Gerish, —, 126, 149, 162, 441, 443- 445

        Capt., 41, 42, 64, 65, 120, 121, 125, 126, 131, 148, 163- 165, 208, 225.

        Benjamin, 107, 197.

        Elizabeth, 125, 148, 149.

        Joseph, 148, 164, 188.

        Mary, 123.

        Moses, 123, 125, 149, 164, 444, 447.

        William, 39-42, 64, 119, 121, 122, 124, 125, 147, 162- 164, 202- 204, 212, 442, 445, 446, 449, 450, 452, 456.

Gibbs, Dr., 83.

        Charles, 149, 150, 169.

        Christopher, 89.

        Elizabeth, 149- 151, 169.

Giddings, Gedding, Gittens, Gittins, —, 160.

        Abigail, 207.

        George, 69, 112, 152, 168, 207, 406.

        James, 207, 441.

        Jane, 168.

        John, 87, 207.

        Joseph, 160, 207.

        Mary, 207.

        Rebecca, 207.

        Samuel, 160, 207.

        Thomas, 207, 425.

Gifford, Gefford, Gyfford, Jeffard, —, 9, 10, 57, 83, 278, 287, 288, 390, 440.

        John, 9, 16, 20, 81-83, 218, 219, 222, 235, 240, 261, 285- 288, 293, 314, 315, 333, 337, 368, 372, 373, 393, 395, 403, 404, 418.

        Margaret, 10, 16.

Gift (ketch), 243.

Gilbert, Gilbard, Gilbirt, Humphrey, 186.

        John, 277.

        Martha, 134.

Giles, Giell, —, 185, 193.

        Eleazer, 38, 73, 74, 191, 217.

        Samuel, 334.

Giles, see also Goyell.

Gilman, Gillam, Gillman, —, 431.

        Capt., 330.

Gilman, Abigail, 435.

        Edward, 21, 435.

        Elizabeth, 412.

        John, 21, 139, 142, 211, 264, 265, 266, 313, 412-414, 432, 435, 437.

        Joseph, 328, 329.

        Mary, 340.

        Moses, 21, 61, 139, 140, 143, 208-210, 261, 340, 341, 359, 411- 414, 420, 423, 429, 430.

Gill, John, 208, 261.

        Samuel, 334, 335.

        William, 401.

Gimlet, see Tools.

Gingell, John, 46.

Glanfiell, Robert, 176.

Glas, Richard, 399.

Glass, see Buildings, Manufactures and Utensils, Household.

Glazier, see Trades.

Gleeden, —, 211.

        Charles, 141.

Glide, John, 400.

Gloucester, 25, 30, 53, 61, 85, 90, 112, 117, 154, 158, 161, 168, 219, 242, 289, 317, 378, 401, 409, 414-416, 424.

Glover, John, 195.

        Steven, 62.

Gloves, see Clothing.

Goad, —, 153, 160.

Godfrey, Godfre, Godfrie, Godfry, —, 89.

        Francis, 53.

        George, 398.

        James, 237.

        John, 22, 25, 71, 88, 89, 197, 248.

        Mary, 71, 204.

        Peter, 71, 237, 260, 445, 451.

        William, 265.

Goffe, Anthony, 428.

Goldsmith, —, 57, 309.

        Richard, 186.

Goldthwaite, Golthright, Goldthurite, Goldthwrite, —, 357.

        Elizabeth, 439.

        George, 290.

        Rachel, 438.

        Samuel, 192, 193.

Goldwyer, George, 261, 431.

Goodale, Goodal, Goodall, Goodell, —, 203.

        Elizabeth, 190.

        Isaac, 46.

        Jacob, 190, 191.

        Nehemiah, 399.

        Robert, 375.

        Zachary, 190, 191.

Goodhue, Goodhew, —, 27, 188, 208, 441.

        Dea., 57, 63, 73, 186, 187, 337, 345, 352.

        Joseph, 196, 276, 277.

        Sarah, 277.

        William, 50, 60, 73, 86, 138, 199, 204, 249, 343, 408, 415, 418, 424.

Goodridge, Goodrage, Gutridge, Benjamin, 66, 237.

        Debora, 237.

        Joseph, 251, 321, 447, 452.

Goodwin, Gooding, Gudin, Philip, 399.

        Richard, 402, 428.

Gookins, Daniel, 167.

Gordin, Alexander, 262.

Gott, —, 95, 233.

        Charles, 145, 186, 289, 345.

        Daniel, 88, 145, 187.

        Robert, 150.

        Sarah, 95, 97, 170.

Gotty, —, 397, 398.

Gould, Gold, Goold, —, 12, 35, 352.

        Ensign, 57, 351.

        Henry, 135, 328, 350- 353, 371, 408.

        John, 1-5, 11, 12, 17, 18, 32, 33, 37, 47, 48, 54, 55, 80, 113, 137, 223, 239, 252, 259, 283, 324, 353, 426, 431, 438.

        Sarah, 37, 283, 328, 350- 353.

        Thomas, 290.

Goulding, Peter, 219.

Gove, Edward, 261, 262, 367, 391, 392.

Gover, Tamsin, 149.

        William, 399.

Gowen, Gowin, Daniel, 400.

        Nathaniel, 400.

        Sarah, 256.

Goyell, Edmon, 115.

Goyte, Coitt, Goit, Goyt, Guoit, John, 362, 363.

        Nathaniel, 402.

Grace (negro), 73, 135, 137.

Grafton, —, 170, 296.

        Bartholomew, 99.

        John, 100, 145, 357.

        Joseph, 99, 215, 290, 296.

Grain, see Food.

Grammon, Sarah, 21.

Grangur, Lancelot, 240.

Grant, Edward, 381.

        John, 223, 328.

        Roger, 29.

Graves, —, 100, 138.

        Amy, 300.

Graves, Elizabeth, 300.

        Hannah, 361.

        John, 86, 131, 391, 420, 421.

        Mark, 300.

        Samuel, 1, 400.

        Thomas, 400.

Gravesend, 332.

Gray, Greay, Abigaile, 74, 298, 299.

        Arthur, 356.

        Thomas, 135.

Great Island, 140, 199, 200, 201, 202, 413.

Great Pasture, 7.

Greeley, Greely, Grele, Grelee, Andrew, 139, 211, 220.

        Benjamin, 264.

        George, 207.

        Joseph, 340.

        Mary, 205, 278.

        Philip, 22, 141, 210, 211, 264, 266, 340, 341, 359.

Green, Greene, Gren, Charles, 42, 399.

        Hannah, 209.

        Henry, 24, 140, 141, 212, 427, 429.

        Hester, 42, 149.

        Isaac, 340, 436.

        Jacob, 212.

        John, 168.

        Peter, 430, 431.

        Thomas, 171, 194.

        William, 81, 285.

Greenland, 428, 444.

Greenlefe, Greenleif, Greinleife, Grenlefe, —, 260, 443.

        Ensign, 164, 165, 259.

        Stephen, 11, 148, 165, 212, 260, 403, 445, 446, 449, 450, 452, 456.

Gregory, Gregry, Jonas, 338, 440.

Grice, William, 218.

Gridiron, see Utensils, Household.

Griffin, Griffing, Griffyng, Humfry, 76.

        John, 10, 219, 220, 262, 281, 282, 291, 354, 355, 369, 423.

        Nathaniel, 142, 436.

        Thomas, 331, 332.

Grigs, Greeges, Elizabeth, 78.

        Jacob, 402.

        William, 31, 402.

Grindstone, see Tools.

Grinslett, Greenslett, Greeneslad, —, 316.

        Ann, 249.

        Thomas, 249, 372, 377.

Gross, Grose, Clement, 334.

Groth, Grothe, —, 142.

        Elizabeth, 23.

        John, 23, 24, 141, 263, 431.

Grove, Edward, 136, 215, 300.

        Nicholas, 108, 349.

Grover, Edmund, 401.

        John, 102.

        Nehemiah, 73, 349.

Groves, Edward, 178.

Grub, Gabrill, 67.

Gulbie, Richard, 399.

Gun, see Weapons.

Gunsmith, see Trades.

Guppy, John, 107, 108, 196.

        Reuben, 227.

Gutterson, Elizabeth, 277.