Records and Files

of the

Quarterly Courts of Essex County Massachusetts,
Volume VI



Jacket, see Clothing.

Jackman, —, 25.

        Henry, 172, 173.

        James, 71, 248, 445, 452, 456.

Jackson, Jaxson, Joanna, 29.

        John, 27, 28, 38, 138, 401, 402.

        Nicholas, 326, 366.

        William, 29, 326, 424.

Jacob (Indian), 30.

Jacobs, Jacob, —, 339, 405.

        George, 292, 293.

Jacobs, John, 199, 201, 202, 396.

        Richard, 83.

        Thomas, 1, 318.

Jacques, Jackways, Jacquish, Jaquis, —, 449.

        Henry, 11, 118, 124, 128, 162, 212, 225, 227, 260, 318, 359, 425, 448,

Jail, 336.

        James, Erasmus, 126, 127, 228, 234, 290, 362, 370, 389, 394.

        John, 52, 53.

        Joseph, 52, 53.

        Sarah, 52, 53.

        Thomas, 52, 53.

Jarman, William, 149, 249.

Jeffery's Neck, 26, 416.

Jegles, Thomas, 73.

Jencks, Jenckes, John, 400.

        Samuel, 400.

Jenkins, John, 53.

Jennings, Genings, Gennings, Jennins, Jinnings, —, 222.

        Francis, 433, 434.

        Henry, 84, 85, 220, 221.

Jeremiah (Indian), 426.

Jersey, 229.

Jersey, Eng., 346- 348.

Jesson, Jacob, 148.

Jewett, Jewit, Juet, Juete, Juit, —, 11, 70, 208, 275, 326, 351.

        Deacon, 267.

        Abraham, 15, 16, 134, 236, 272, 327, 364.

        Ann, 76.

        Ezekiel, 326, 327, 364.

        Jeremiah, 11.

        Joseph, 11, 76, 313, 396.

        Maximilian, 268, 269, 271, 275, 406.

        Nehemiah, 238, 318, 441.

Jimson, John, 141.

John (Indian), 164.

John (ship), 167, 328, 329, 330.

Johnson, Jonson, —, 9, 93, 437.

        Daniel, 109, 217, 400.

        Frances, 353, 393.

        John, 14, 15, 21, 27, 29, 270, 271, 275, 326, 327.

        Jonah, 349.

        Peter, 342.

        Return, 140, 340.

        Samuel, 10, 16, 18, 146, 400.

        Stephen, 322, 324, 325.

        Timothy, 239, 439.

Joliff, Joyliffe, —, 334.

        John, 218, 219, 330.

Jones, Joans, Jons, —, 128, 129.

        Benjamin, 90.

        Ephraim, 398.

        Garvais, 355.

        George, 23, 340, 396, 428, 433.

        Griffen, 398.

        Hugh, 283, 284.

        John, 29, 119, 121, 126, 370, 377, 423, 424, 433, 445, 456.

        Morgan, 452.

        Richard, 398.

        Robert, 23, 128, 211, 263, 266.

        Samuel, 200.

        Thomas, 60, 378, 397, 424.

Jordon, Jordin, Francis, 208, 351.

        Jane, 351.

        William, 372.

Joseph (Indian), 295.

Joy, Peter, 376.

        Thomas, 219.

Judkin, Thomas, 72, 204, 337.

Jugs, see Utensils, Household.

Justice of the peace, 85, 221.