Records and Files

of the

Quarterly Courts of Essex County Massachusetts,
Volume VI


Raft, see Vessels.

Rainer, Raynur, Reiner, Jachin, 364, 421, 437.

Rake, see Tools.

Ramsdell, Ramsdall, —, 1, 4.

        Aquilla, 399.

        Isaac, 399.

        John, 4, 5.

Rand & Co., —, 114.

        Isaac, 35, 36, 114.

        Robert, 345, 400.

        Zachary, 400.

Randall, Rendoll, Rebecca, 237.

        William, 88, 237, 249, 446, 449, 454.

Ransbery, Rowland, 62.

Rapier, see Weapons.

Rastell, —, 222.

Rawlines, Rawlings, Nicholas, 454.

        Thomas, 61, 212.

Rawson, —, 404.

        Edward, 8, 36, 50, 82, 152, 203, 226, 287, 289, 292, 362, 418.

Rayment, Raiment, Raimentt, John, 102, 110, 135, 172, 234, 401.

        Thomas, 234.

        William, 46, 49, 186, 215, 242, 401.

Razor, see Tools.

Rea, Ray, Daniel, 63.

        Joshua, 31, 45, 46, 117, 170, 191, 229, 231, 314.

Read, Reade, Reede, Abraham, 74, 244, 246, 247.

        Edward, 192, 290, 308, 309, 362.

        Mary, 51, 62, 63.

        Richard, 192, 363, 389, 390.

Reading, 35, 103, 324.


        General Court, 362.

        Town, 35, 41, 64, 65, 75, 270, 296, 318, 319, 322, 323, 327, 364-366, 402, 405-408, 414.

        Vital, 115, 116, 395, 396.

Redding, Redden, Agnes, 30.

        Elizabeth, 299.

        Joseph, 30.

Reddington, Redington, Abraham, 3, 196, 216, 318.

        John, 34.

        Susan, 398.

Redman, John, 135, 141, 208, 341.

Rednap, Redknap, Benjamin, 184, 287, 289, 400.

Reeves, Reves, Freeborn, 237.

        William, 62, 107, 108, 190.

Reith, Reath, Richard, 171, 179-181, 192, 219, 308, 309, 362, 386, 398.

Religious Affairs.

        Absence from meeting on Lord's days>, 19, 73, 192, 193, 206, 344.

        Absence from public ordinances, 31.

        Beating a servant on the Sabbath, 236.

        Breach of the fifth commandment, 273.

        Breaking up the meeting house, 259.

        Chairs in meeting house, 259.

        Charging pastor with inhumanity, 23.

        Church bells, 117, 262.

        Church troubles, 144, 267-276, 326.

        Cutting wood in the street on Fast day, 100, 112, 117.

        Disturbing the congregation, 192.

        Fast days, 100, 112, 117.

        Going in a boat on Lord's day, 169.

        Laughing during public worship, 425.

        Meeting house, 45, 46, 90, 91, 142, 143, 154, 175, 205, 259, 262, 265, 296, 322, 325, 416.

        Meeting house, cost of seat in, 205.

        Meeting house left open for cattle to go in, 143.

        Minister, calling a, 402.

        Ministry house, 64, 94, 95.

        Pews, 259, 267.

        Quakers, 101.

        Refusing to pay rate for building meeting house, 46.

        Sailing with loaded boat on Lord's day, 61.

        Speaking to the people in public on Lord's day, 192.

        Travelling on the Sabbath, 23, 26.

        Uncivil carriages toward the minister's wife, 428.

        Warning meetings on Sabbath days, 338.

Remington, Mehitable, 13.

        Thomas, 13, 14, 16, 364.

Rhoades, Rodes, Roades, —, 72, 385.

        Ely, 399.

        Henry, 57, 58, 72, 114, 115.

        Joan, 150, 169.

        John, 374, 393, 399.

        Joseph, 58, 59, 399.

        Joshua, 399.

        Josiah, 385, 400.

        Samuel, 59, 115, 399.

        Sarah, 150, 169.

Ribbon, see Cloth.

Ribert, Ribeero, 330.

Rice, —, 400.

Rich, Bethia, 390.

        Henry, 92, 241, 282.

        Obadiah, 390.

Richards, Edward, 9, 10, 16, 20, 43, 45, 51, 55, 88, 290, 299, 360, 362, 390.

        John, 280, 281, 400.

        Mary, 44.

        Richard, 172.

Richardson, Richeson, Richisson, —, 26, 253, 449.

        Caleb, 259.

        Edward, 260, 337, 445, 454.

        Joseph, 116, 333, 454.

        Joshua, 225, 259, 332.

        Nicholas, 278.

        Richard, 400.

Riddan, Thaddeus, 171, 184, 227, 370.

Riggs, Thomas, 26, 62, 117, 424.

Ring, Daniel, 278, 421.

        Isaac, 278.

        Robert, 21, 22, 139, 209, 210, 266, 341, 428, 434.

Rix, —, 186.

        Thomas, 57, 62, 107, 108, 215, 290, 306, 316, 381.

Roapes, Ropps, George, 107, 108.

        Mary, 107.

        William, 107, 175.

Roberts, Robards, Abraham, 185, 400.

        David, 185.

        Giles, 184, 185.

        Hannah, 134.

        John, 397, 402.

        Richard, 62.

        Robert, 115.

        Thomas, 115.

Robbins, Robins, —, 106, 107.

        John, 399.

        Thomas, 46, 107.

        Thomas (Indian), 60.

Robinson, Robbinson, Robison, —, 264.

        Abraham, 396, 402.

        David, 142, 263.

        Elinor, 38, 39, 189.

        Elizabeth, 142.

        James, 399.

        John, 21, 142, 192, 233, 263.

        Robert, 66.

        Thomas, 240, 241, 282.

        William, 101.

Roby, Robe, Robie, Henry, 21, 23, 24, 143, 144, 208, 209, 264, 343, 430, 432, 437.

        John, 220.

Rogers, Rodgers, —, 11, 153, 364.

        Ezekiel, 30, 345.

        John, 45, 134, 339, 405.

        Margaret, 31, 134, 345.

        Martha, 345.

        Nathaniel, 345.

        Peter, 102.

        Robert, 11.

        Samuel, 339, 345.

        Thomas, 164, 447, 454.

        Timothy, 345.

Rolenson, Rouleson, Rowlinson, Rowlingson, Dorothy, 265.

        Thomas, 23, 213.

Rolfe, Raufe, Rofe, Roff, Roffe, —, 153, 161, 351, 449.

        Abigail, 253.

        Benjamin, 66, 138, 205, 212, 225, 227, 260, 322, 413, 445, 449, 454.

        Daniel, 137, 447.

        Ezra, 137, 359, 395, 447, 454.

Rominados, 328.

Roope, Roop, Rope, Anthony, 331, 332, 358.

Rooten, Edmond, 115.

Roots, Rootes, Joseph, 110.

        Josiah, 147, 228, 289.

        Thomas, 31, 215, 290.

Roper, Ropar, Ephraim, 251.

        John, 76.

        Sara, 76.

        Nathaniel, 250, 251.

        Walte, 1, 30, 159, 196, 205, 206, 261, 338, 416, 418.

Rose, Roger, 21, 210, 419.

Ross, Killcross, 406, 407.

Round, Mark, 167.

Round Island, 420.

Roundy, Philip, 219, 279, 280.

        Robert, 401.

Row, Roe, Hugh, 402.

        John, 353, 393.

Rowell, —, 351.

        Jacob, 223.

        Philip, 21, 25.

        Thomas, 139.

Rowland, Richard, 76, 292, 293, 374, 399.

        Samuel, 17, 19.

Rowley, 6, 10, 11, 13-15, 29, 31, 41, 50, 64, 76, 103, 115, 116, 129-131, 134, 135, 138, 201, 209, 210, 216, 217, 267- 272, 291, 313, 324, 326-328, 338, 344, 364- 366, 372, 395, 396, 423, 424, 427, 437, 440, 444, 445-448, 450- 455.

Rowley village, 1, 2, 5, 27, 32, 34, 54, 187.

Royal neck, 110, 245, 246, 247.

Royal side, 98, 244, 246, 247, 278.

Ruben, —, 60.

Ruck, Rucke, —, 108, 355.

        Elizabeth, 306.

        Hannah, 306.

        John, 2, 3, 5, 57, 73, 89, 92, 112, 145, 173, 174, 228, 281, 306, 313, 354, 355, 369, 370.

        Margaret, 306.

        Sarah, 306.

        Thomas, 306.

Ruck & Co., 354, 355.

Rug, see Furnishings, Household.

Rum, see Drinks.

Rumney Marsh, 58, 78, 79, 182, 295, 311, 388.

Runlett, Charles, 139, 210, 213, 215, 262, 340, 342, 436.

        Mary, 213, 215, 342.

Runnells, Cornelius, 328.

Runno, Peter, 401.

Russell, Rusell, Henry, 317, 387, 399.

        John, 67.

        Mary, 370.

        Richard, 76, 399.

        Roger, 363.

        Samuel, 399.

        Thomas, 61, 370, 389, 396, 399.

        William, 51.

Rust, Nathaniel, 1, 375, 415, 441.

Rye, see Food.

Ryly, Rila, Royley, Henry, 15, 272.