Records and Files

of the

Quarterly Courts of Essex County Massachusetts,
Volume VIII


Caldwell, John, 7.

Calico, see Cloth.

Call, Philip, 287.

Callam, John, 84.

Calley, Joseph, 124.

Cam, Kam, Robert, 274, 298, 299, 316.

Cambridge, 72, 200, 336, 424.

Candish, Thomas, 378, 411.

Candle, 102, 260.

Candlestick, see Utensils, Household.

Canoe, see Vessels.

Cannon, Robert, 191, 192.

Cap, see Clothing.

Cape Ann, 239.

Cape Ann side, 324.

Cape Sable, 193, 195.

Capen, Joseph, 360.

Card, William, 77, 78.

Carlton, John, 16, 155, 166.

        Joseph, 33, 153.

Carpenter, John, 15.

Carpenter, see Trades.

Carpet, see Furnishings, Household.

Carr, Carre, —, 390.

        Ann, 348, 355.

Carr, Elizabeth, 295, 348, 349, 351 -353, 355, 428, 431.

        George, 12, 35-37, 40, 63, 295, 348, 349, 352 -355, 424, 425, 427 -431.

        James, 35-37, 40, 63, 295, 348, 351, 353, 355, 356, 425 -431.

        John, 348, 355, 428, 429.

        Mary, 348, 353.

        Richard, 40, 307, 348, 353, 355, 356, 427 -430.

        Sarah, 348.

        William, 348, 349, 351 -353, 355, 379, 391, 424, 428 -430.

Carr's ferry, 366.

Carr's island, 36, 350, 356.

Carrell, Carell, Carril, Anthony, 46.

        Nathaniel, 344.

        Priscilla, 291.

        Samuel, 395.

Cart, see Tools.

Carter, John, 392.

        Samuel, 392.

        Thomas, 27, 445.

Case, Humphrey, 60.

Castle hill, 52, 57.


        Death from drinking rum, 59.

        Death from hunger and cold, 59.

        Death from heat, 238.

        Drowning, 60, 61, 76, 233, 239, 442, 443.

        Fall, 6, 97.

        Killed by a cart wheel, 59.

        Shipwreck, 60.

Cattle, see Animals (domestic).

Cawley, Cauley, Joseph, 124.

        Thomas, 104.

Century, 327.

Chadwell, Moses, 60, 165.

        Thomas, 122.

Chadwick, —, 264.

        Thomas, 265.

        William, 266.

Chafingdish, see Utensils, Household.

Chains, see Tools.

Chair, see Furniture.

Challis, Lt., 70, 71.

        Mary, 277, 373, 374.

        Philip, 252, 373.

Chandler, —, 383, 421.

        Bridget, 382.

        Thomas, 78-80, 100, 127, 128, 306.

        William, 22, 82, 233, 380.

Chany, Chainy, Chane, —, 263.

        Anna, 386.

        Hannah, 262.

Chany, Nathaniel, 420.

Chany, see also Cheney.

Chaplin, Chaplen, John, 236, 441.

Chapman, —, 203.

        Edward, 173.

        John, 443.

        Mary, 307.

        Nathaniel, 32, 306, 443.

        Samuel, 152, 173, 240.

        Simon, 240.

        William, 279.

Chapply, Joseph, 34.

Chard, Chardd, Chargd, Hannah, 371, 372, 424.

        Helen, 304, 371, 372, 424.

Charles, William, 175.

Charlestown, 24, 73, 122, 129, 132, 192, 204, 398, 400, 416.

Chase, Chas, Aquilla, 266, 380.

        John, 353.

Chatham, Eng., 72.

Chatwell, Chatwill, Nicholas, 204, 205, 395.

Chebacco, 377.

Chebacco river, 64, 301, 302, 375, 376, 406, 408.

Checkley, Checkly, Cheekley, ChickleyCheekley, Chickley, Anthony, 24, 25, 36, 141, 150, 412.

Chelmsford, 200, 382.

Cheney, Cheny, Anna, 288.

        Peter, 45.

Cheney, see also Chany.

Chennick, William, 422, 441.

Cheseamuck, Caleb, 196.

Cheever, Cheevers, Ellen, 58.

        Ezekiel, 105, 135, 148.

        Peter, 62, 64.

        Samuel, 444.

Chest, see Furniture.

Chin, John, 442.

Chirurgeon, see Trades.

Chock, Peter, 116.

Christmas, see Religious Affairs.

Chubb, Chub, John, 291, 299, 304, 306, 309, 315.

        Thomas, 305.

Chubby, creek, 20.

Church troubles, see Religious Affairs.

Churly, Nathaniel, 444.

Churn, see Utensils, Household.

Chute, James, 307, 366, 408.

Cider, see Drinks.

Clare, William, 27.

Clark, Clarke, Clearke, Clerk, —, 232, 284.

        Dr., 200.

        Sergt., 280.

        Abigail, 388.

Clark, Christopher, 199, 200.

        Daniel, 17, 184, 270, 271, 307, 317, 381.

        Edward, 67, 264.

        Haniel, 67, 273, 276.

        Hannah, 295.

        John, 187, 202.

        Joseph, 68, 187, 238.

        Josiah, 7, 66, 90, 263, 264, 304, 305, 404.

        Mary, 282.

        Nathaniel, 23, 78, 207, 292, 318, 379, 422, 424, 431.

        Mathew, 67, 68, 233.

        Richard, 167.

        Thomas, 200, 241, 281, 282, 388, 365.

Clattery, Richard, 101.

Clement, Clemant, Clements, Abraham, 265, 266.

        Daniel, 67, 266, 352.

        Elizabeth, 274.

        Fawn, 68.

        John, 264 -267, 352.

        Lydia, 274.

        Robert, 17, 67-69, 84, 85, 264, 276, 352.

        William, 197, 416.

Clenton, Ezekiel, 358.

        Lawrence, 305, 307.

        Rachel, 17, 303.

Clifford, —, 153.

        Elizabeth, 12.

        John, 206.

        Richard, 334.

Clist St. George, Church of, 27.

Clock, see Furnishings, Household.

Clonmell, Ireland, 137.

Cloth, 7, 47, 49, 91, 134, 176, 244, 283, 437.

        Baize, 51.

        Broadcloth, 78.

        Calico, 136.

        Camlet, 51, 222.

        Canvas, 74, 222.

        Caster, 222.

        Clout, 262.

        Cotton, 125, 136, 206.

        Damask, 51, 53.

        Diaper, 134, 136, 369.

        Dish cloth, 286.

        Dowlas, 24, 54, 77, 78, 136, 235, 330.

        English goods, 49, 87.

        Ferret, 24, 206.

        Filleting, 74, 206.

        Fustian, 142.

        Galloway, 126.

        Genting, 54, 206.

        Holland, 24, 134, 136, 222, 370.

        Homespun, 136, 235, 358, 361.

        Irish cloth, 418, 419.

        Kersey, 74, 124, 126, 235, 358.

        Kersey, Devonshire, 24.

        Kersey, Exeter, 24.

        Lace, 222, 223, 227, 281.

        Lace, thread, 126, 206.

        Lane, 206.

        Linen, 24, 136, 138, 142, 206, 244, 279 -282, 359, 360, 418.

        Lockrum, 418.

        Lutestring, 280.

        Musling, 222.

        Ossenbrige, 206.

        Paragon, 235.

        Peniston, 109, 206, 212, 418.

        Ribbon, 24, 74, 104, 126, 207, 223, 281, 284.

        Sacking, 79.

        Say, 24.

        Serge, 49, 54, 74, 138, 142, 206, 235, 276, 330, 336, 358, 435.

        Shirt cloth, 316.

        Sleazy, 24.

        Stuff, 54, 77, 126, 235, 276.

        Tape, 74, 206.

        Ticking, 24, 54, 235.

Clothing, wearing apparel, etc., 3, 44, 49, 50, 53, 54, 56, 85, 92, 104, 109, 134, 137 -139, 141 -143, 235, 244, 249, 339, 349, 350, 359, 363, 364, 369, 421, 423, 434, 435, 437.

        Bag, leather, 47.

        Bands, 235.

        Bibs, 280.

        Bodies, 24.

        Bonnet, 282.

        Boot hose tops, 51.

        Boots, 188, 271, 350, 428.

        Breeches, 51, 77, 205, 222, 235, 358, 362, 442.

        Buttons, 74, 77, 126, 359, 419.

        Buttons, cloak, 222.

        Buttons, hair, 47, 206.

        Cane, 14, 275, 378.

        Cap, 227, 336.

        Cape, 47.

        Cloak, 2, 47, 55, 235.

        Cloak, cloth, 51.

        Cloak, hair camlet, 51.

        Coat, 77, 205, 235, 276, 278, 358, 362, 365.

        Coat, close-bodied, 222.

        Coat, camlet, 222.

        Coat, worsted, 51.

        Comb, 126.

        Cravat, 222.

        Doublet, 235.

        Doublet, cloth, 51.

        Drawers, 47, 77, 205, 336, 362, 442.

        Drawers, silk, 77.

        Fan, 75.

        Gloves, 206, 222, 235, 280, 358, 359, 437.

        Gloves, silk, 51.

        Gown, 51.

        Handkerchief, 77, 358.

        Hat, 22, 51, 53, 55, 77, 92, 104, 125, 126, 191, 205, 212, 222, 235, 286, 358, 359, 389, 437.

        Hook, silver waistcoat, 281, 282.

        Hooks and eyes, 222.

        Hose, 51.

        Jacket, 77, 362, 442.

        Linen, 50, 74, 134, 136, 359, 421.

        Mittens, 336.

        Neckcloth, 2, 47, 77, 186, 205, 222, 235, 336, 358.

        Neckcloth, silk, 2, 74, 77.

        Pockets, 227, 282, 284.

        Ring, 417.

        Ring, gold, 359.

        Ring, seal, 417.

        Ring, stone, 417.

        Sea clothes, 360.

        Sea gown, 77.

        Shift, 2.

        Shirts, 47, 77, 92, 139, 205, 222, 235, 336, 362, 439, 442.

        Shoes, 74, 78, 126, 189, 205, 212, 235, 239, 271, 350, 362, 418, 428, 432, 437, 442.

        Shoes, French fall, 188.

        Sleeves, 77, 222.

        Spectacles, 273, 349, 351.

        Stockings, 2, 47, 74, 205, 212, 235, 250, 281, 282, 358, 359, 362, 437, 439, 442.

        Stockings, Irish yarn, 222.

        Suit, 2, 205, 250, 292.

        Suit, cloth, 77.

        Suit, damask, 51.

        Suit, Lord's day, 250.

        Tunic, 51.

        Waistcoat, 47, 205, 222, 358.

        Waistcoat, silk, 77.

        Whalebone, 418.

        Whisk, 281, 282.

        Whittles, 262.

        Woolen, 50, 134, 136.

Clough, John, 393.

        Samuel, 12, 308.

        Thomas, 393.

Cloutman, Thomas, 205.

Coats, Coates, John, 343.

Coats, Robert, 122, 145.

        Thomas, 109.

Cobbitt, Cobet, Cobbet, Cobbit, —, 89, 90, 200, 255, 376, 406, 409, 410.

        Elizabeth, 64, 406.

        Samuel, 40, 60, 148, 296, 440.

        Thomas, 64, 256, 406.

Cobbler's brook, 430.

Cockin, —, 5.

Cod, see Fish.

Codner, John, 28, 29, 179, 180.

Coffin, —, 171.

        Sergt., 354.

        James, 358.

        Tristram, 23, 100, 168, 172, 218, 232, 243, 245, 250, 260, 265, 274, 298, 309, 329, 349, 350, 359, 373, 424, 429, 437.

Coffin, 55, 371, 445.

Cogswell, Edward, 304.

        William, 302, 309.

Coker, Coaker, —, 135.

        Benjamin, 442.

        Sarah, 135.

Colby, Colbie, Colbye, Coleby, Anthony, 252, 373, 374, 388.

        Isaac, 374, 388.

        Samuel, 274, 374, 388.

        Susanna, 374.

        Thomas, 388.

Coldam, Colddam, Coldum, Coledom, —, 254.

        Clement, 40, 61, 76, 199, 256, 259.

        Thomas, 254, 399.

Cole, —, 158, 201.

        Citt, 77.

        Francis, 305.

        John, 233, 443.

        Sarah, 224, 225, 341.

Coleman, Thomas, 168.

Colier, Peter, 348.

College, 200.

Collicot, —, 189.

        Richard, 1, 2, 3, 189, 441.

Collins, Collens, —, 104, 297.

        Abraham, 52.

        Benjamin, 125, 364, 392, 444.

        Christopher, 400.

        Frances, 236, 343.

        Henry, 10, 102, 103, 122, 364, 365, 397, 438.

        Joseph, 102, 125, 228, 439.

        Robert, 97.

        Timothy, 45.

Coloring face with berry stain, 90.

Combes, Sir Richard, 114.

Coming, —, 203.

Coming, Isaac, 11.

        John, 14, 308.

Common land, 73, 86.

Compass, see Tools.

Conant, —, 6.

        Exercise, 369.

        John, 325, 396, 397.

        Roger, 72, 158.

Connaugh, Charles, 303.

Connecticut, 164, 165, 328.

Conner, Corne, 393.

Contract for building ketch, 80.

Cook, Cooke, —, 48.

        Henry, 65, 73, 145, 147.

        Isaac, 139.

        James, 443.

        John, 47, 59, 67, 207.

        Mary, 207, 208.

        William, 238.

Coombs, Bathsheba, 341.

Cooper, Couper, Peter, 167.

        Thomas, 47.

Cooper, see Trades.

Cordwainer, see Trades.

Corlis, George, 97.

Corn, see Food.

Corning, Samuel, 19, 20, 87, 160, 187, 318.

Corwithin, David, 175, 180.

Cotter, John, 73.

Country, Holick, 303.

Court chamber, 206.

Court of Assistants, 27, 38, 48, 62, 108, 120, 152, 234, 242, 319, 379.

        Appeal to, 1, 3, 6, 8, 10, 25, 66, 78, 83, 106, 110, 116, 121, 156, 166, 173, 174, 192, 195, 241, 244, 249, 263, 264, 265, 312, 325, 328, 338, 379, 397, 404, 419.

Cow, see Animals (domestic).

Cow, possession given of, by horn, 76.

Cowdry, William, 75.

Cox, Cocke, Cockes, Cokes, Peter, 26.

        Robert, 148, 237, 340.

        Robin, 147.

        Roger, 26.

        Sarah, 26.

        William, 102.

Coxwell, 52.

Coy pond, 220.

Cradle, see Furniture.

Crane brook, 118.

Creach, Thomas, 443.

Creek, Creeke, Crick, James, 285, 286, 309.

Creesee, Michael, 269.

Crimes, misdemeanors, etc.

        Absence from jury, 24, 106.

        Absence from public ordinances, 147, 228, 237, 238, 367.

        Abuse on board ship, 29-31.

        Abusing a servant, 91, 184, 222 -225, 296, 302, 314, 315, 371, 411.

        Abusing another, 65, 140, 145, 181, 213, 226, 237, 298.

        Abusing her husband, 102, 103.

        Abusing his wife, 105, 272 -274, 344.

        Abusing the watch, 378.

        Abusive carriages, 238, 347.

        Abusive speeches to authority, 102.

        Accusing a minister of theft, 144.

        Assault, 90.

        Base words against the minister, 90.

        Bastardy, 12, 87, 98, 219, 288, 296, 299, 345, 381, 383, 385, 433.

        Battery, 1, 193.

        Beating another, 65, 101, 145, 147, 148, 237, 274, 316, 340.

        Beating a servant, 91.

        Beating a child, 295.

        Beating husband, 293.

        Breach of the peace, 232, 299, 340.

        Breach of the Sabbath, 223, 224, 225, 342, 345.

        Breaking prison, 142.

        Contempt of authority, 368.

        Cruelty to animals, 411.

        Currying insufficient leather, 232.

        Debt, 6, 7, 13, 32, 40, 64, 65, 74, 75, 79, 108, 123, 150, 156, 187, 191, 195, 203, 204, 206, 246, 265, 270, 271, 317, 373, 389, 394, 395, 417, 418, 420.

        Defamation, 193.

        Defaming authority, 342.

        Disorderly company keeping, 232.

        Drinking to excess, 368, 375.

        Drunkenness, 23, 31, 96, 99, 103, 147, 184, 185, 232, 237, 276, 291, 292, 299, 343, 371.

        Entertaining servants, 238.

        Enticing servants, 12.

        Excessive drinking, 227, 237, 241.

        False imprisonment, 42.

        False oath, 396, 411.

        Fighting, 102, 275.

        Filing an iron on a prisoner, 142.

        Folding and frizzling hair, 291.

        Fornication, 15, 43, 47, 87, 97, 99, 100, 140, 145 -148, 181, 228, 237, 241, 274, 275, 279, 289, 298, 299, 302, 367, 368, 371, 372, 375 -377, 389, 422, 424, 440.

        Illegally performing marriage ceremony, 216.

        Incest, 48, 87.

        Irregular selling of drink, 387.

        Killing a bullock, 95.

        Kissing another's wife, 102, 285 -287.

        Lascivious conduct, 285.

        Living away from wife, 23, 63, 94, 99, 285, 371.

        Lying, 146, 238, 299, 316, 342.

        Neglect to provide schoolmaster, 23, 96, 100.

        Neglecting his family, 344.

        Night walking, 316.

        Peeping in windows, 12, 23.

        Posting books on Sabbath, 341, 342.

        Pretending to he marshal's deputy, 357.

        Profaning the Sabbath, 147, 226, 237, 241, 316, 371.

        Rape, 15.

        Receiving stolen goods, 144.

        Reproaching ministers, parents and relations, 89.

        Robbing orchards, 444.

        Running away from master, 91, 143, 301, 365.

        Sailing out of a harbor on Lord's day, 58, 345.

        Scandalous words, 89.

        Selling beer without license, 99,

        Selling cider without license, 99.

        Selling drink without license, 184, 226, 343, 346, 435.

        Selling strongwater to Indians, 290, 436.

        Slander, 75, 86, 87, 103, 247, 248, 259, 260, 264, 323, 375, 419, 420.

        Smoking tobacco, 315, 316.

        Speaking against authority, 87, 128.

        Speaking against the government, 98.

        Speaking against the magistrates, 98.

        Speaking against the elders, 100.

        Speaking against worship, 367.

        Speaking reproachfully, 144.

        Striking another, 6, 18, 46, 289, 293.

        Striking the marshal's deputy, 13.

        Swearing, 147, 232, 237, 340, 347.

        Theft, 144, 184, 225, 232, 249, 279, 283, 297, 301, 343, 365.

        Threatening to kill, 316, 347.

        Throwing firebrands, 227.

        Travelling on the Sabbath, 100.

        Trespass, 10, 27, 68, 80, 110, 151, 152, 162, 166, 174, 267, 319, 395, 404.

        Uncivil carriages, 46, 102, 316.

        Uncleanness, 184.

        Upbraiding a deformed person, 14.

        Vile carriages, 293.

        Wearing silk scarfs, 291.

        Witchcraft, 23, 356.

Crisp, Jonathan, 64.

Croad, Croade, Croads, Crod, Christopher, 324.

        Elizabeth, 369.

        Francis, 224, 342.

        Richard, 47, 48, 59, 123, 124, 136, 138, 209, 211, 226, 236, 341, 343, 369.

        Sarah, 343.

        William, 343.

Crocker, Daniel, 235.

Croft, Crofts, Anne, 290.

        William, 122, 237, 290.

Cromwell, Cromwell, —, 180, 319, 373, 389.

        Ann, 356.

        John, 62, 139, 212, 222, 246, 247, 423.

        Mary, 356.

        Philip, 61, 72, 150, 210, 211, 212, 221, 222, 241, 369, 421.

Cromwell's Neck, 319.

Crosbie, Crosbe, Crosbey, —, 305.

        Anthony, 444.

        Constance, 167.

Cross, Crose, Crosse, Elizabeth, 280.

        John, 34.

        Robert, 11, 12, 165, 291, 303 -305, 307, 315, 365, 406, 409, 410.

        Stephen, 11, 164, 165, 297, 303, 304, 373.

Crounes, Henry, 11.

Crow, Christopher, 60.

Cummings, see Coming.

Cupboard, see Furniture.

        Samuel, 6.

Curtain, see Furnishings, Household.

Curtis, Curtice, Cortis, —, 3.

        Abigail, 421.

        Ephraim, 421.

        John, 233, 421, 443.

        William, 205, 235, 240, 417, 418, 423.

        Zachery, 17, 308, 311.

        Zaccheus, 29, 420, 421.

Curwen, Corwin, Curwine, Curwing, Elizabeth, 61.

        George, 48, 188, 322, 421, 435.

        John, 20, 37, 72, 150, 159, 362, 364, 439.

        Jonathan, 46, 61.

Cushion, see Furnishing, Household.

Cutlass, see Weapons.

Cutler, Cuttler, Mary, 55, 56.

        Samuel, 48, 49, 357.

        Thomas, 56.