Records and Files

of the

Quarterly Courts of Essex County Massachusetts,
Volume VIII


Kally, John, 380.

Kally, see also Cally.

Keazer, Cazer, Keyser, Keysar, George, 257, 259, 399.

        John, 257, 258, 259, 296, 352.

Keene, Keeny, John, 25, 43, 62.

Keetch, John, 7.

Keine, Robert, 132, 416.

Kelegrew, Ann, 88.

Kelton, Thomas, 202.

Kempton, Camten, Ephraim, 46, 210, 211, 212.

        John, 209.

        Mary, 209, 210, 211.

Kendrick, see Kindrick.

Kennett, Richard, 30.

Kennistone, Cannaston, —, 210.

        Christopher, 226.

Kent, James, 274.

        John, 76, 77, 78, 173, 274.

        Richard, 166 -169, 171 -173, 207, 305.

Kent, Eng., 72.

Kent's cove, 169.

Kersey, see Cloth.

Ketch, see Vessels.

Kettle, John, 238.

Kettle, see Utensils, Household.

Kettle Cove, 4, 5, 107, 235.

Keyes, Solomon, 168.

Keyne, George, 255.

Kibby, Edward, 10.

Kilburn, Killborne, George, 167.

        John, 318.

Kilburn, Joseph, 269.

Kilcup, Killcup, William, 398, 399.

Killam, Killim, Killum, Kollom, Daniel, 181, 308, 310.

        John, 25, 187.

        Joseph, 308.

        Martha, 432.

        Robert, 134.

        Thomas, 20, 184, 310, 317, 432.

Killigrove, Kelegrew, Anne, 48, 88.

Kimball, Kimboll, Kemball, Benjamin, 43, 68, 69, 91, 272, 273, 300, 444.

        Caleb, 153, 291, 295, 304, 310.

        Hannah, 295.

        Henry, 7, 385.

        John, 152, 165, 166, 310, 365, 404, 405.

        Joseph, 142, 143, 239.

        Richard, 68, 151, 213 -216.

        Samuel, 157, 435.

        Thomas, 216, 436.

Kindrick, John, 307, 310.

King, Kinge, —, 122, 149, 206, 234, 255, 309, 341, 365, 401.

        Daniel, 48, 205, 231, 233.

        James, 306, 377.

        John, 46, 48.

        Ralph, 122, 132, 135, 148, 178, 397, 403, 417.

        William, 71, 73, 74, 363, 368.

Kingsbury, Kingsbery, —, 154.

        Henry, 16, 302, 406.

        James, 16.

        Joseph, 444.

        Samuel, 11.

        Thomas, 385.

Kinsman, Robert, 50, 53, 310.

Kirtland, Kertland, —, 24.

        Sergt., 106.

        John, 122.

        Mary, 103.

        Nathaniel, 104, 122, 124, 438.

        Philip, 61, 122.

Kitchen, Kitchings, John, 72.

        Robert, 24, 318, 346, 372, 397.

Kitveld, Ketvill, Abraham, 174, 193, 194, 231.

Kneeland, see Nealand.

Knife, see Tools.

Knight, Knights, —, 359.

        Charles, 6.

        Jacob, 38, 75, 103, 125, 148, 187, 237, 257.

        John, 6, 41, 169, 172, 173, 241, 242, 358, 380, 399.

        Jonathan, 338.

        Joseph, 283, 442.

        Mary, 307, 358.

        Philip, 322, 323, 371.

        Richard, 3-6, 10, 106.

        Robert, 79, 168, 169, 172, 173.

        William, 399.

Knott, Dr., 145, 194, 331.

        Richard, 48, 194, 330 -338, 356, 378, 443, 444.

Knowles, Knoules, —, 417.

        John, 417.

        William, 202.

Knowlton, Knoulton, Knolten, —, 282, 310, 405, 408.

        Elizabeth, 280, 281, 408.

        Hannah, 282.

        John, 55, 87, 152, 310.

        Joseph, 310.

        Nathaniel, 280, 281.

        Thomas, 8, 9, 13, 15, 271, 282, 302, 306, 307, 310, 317, 375, 406, 408 -410.

        William, 9, 21, 22, 87, 302, 376, 408.