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The Sermon Notebook of Samuel Parris: September 11, 1692

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Conco Ia} 11. Sept. 1692. After ye condemnation of 6. Witches at a Court at Salem, one of the Witches viz. Martha Kory in full communion with our Church.

17. Rev. 14.
These shall make War with the Lamb, & the Lamb shall overcome them: For he is the Lord of Lords, & King of Kings; And they that are with him, are Called, & Chosen, & Faithful.

In these words 2. things are observable.
1. A War prophesyed of.
2. The Victory that this was shall issue in.

1. Here is mention made of a War. These shall make War &c

Now in all wars are two parties. And so here

1. Here is the Offending Party. Namely These, viz: Anti-christ (the spiritual whole) & all her Assistants, instruments of Satan, & instigated by that Dragon to this War. 13. Rev. 1.2. Namely By Sorceries & witchcrafts (plentiful among the Papacy) doing lying Wonders whereby multitudes were deluded

2. Here is the Offended Party viz. the Lamb and his followers. Text. With these they make War.

3. Here is the Victory, & the Reason of the Victory.

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The Devil & his Instruments will be

1. The Victory. Devils, & Idolaters will make War with the Lamb, & his followers. But wo shall have the Victory? Why the Lamb (i.c. Christ) & his followers. Text

2. Here is the Reason of it, & that is twofold

1. And main Reason is taken from the Lamb (Christ) For he is Lord, of Lords &c

2. Reason is taken from the Saints

3. Victorial Properties

1. They are Chosen

2. They are called.

3. Last: They are Faithfull: of which hereafter.

1. Doctr. The Devil & his Instruments will be making war with the Lamb & his Followers as long as they can.

2. Doctr. The Lamb & his Followers

When do men make

shall overcome the Devil & his Instruments in this War against them.

1. Doctr. The Devil, & his Instruments , will be making War, as long as they can, with the Lamb & his Followers.

Here are. 2. things in this Doctrine. Namely.

1. The Devil & his Instruments will be warring against Christ & his followers.

2. This War will be as long as they can. It will not be for ever. There will be a time wn they shall war no longer.

1. The Devil and his Instruments will be warring against Christ & his followers. Text. These shall make War with the Lamb. 11. Chap. 2. The Beast shall make War against them. 12. Ch. 7. 17. War in heaven: The Dragon fought and his Angels. 13. Chap. 7. It was given to him to make war with the Saints. &c. 19. Ch. 19.

We may father confirm this point by Instances & Reasons

1. For Instances. We find the Devil Assaulting the Lamb as soon as he was borne to the end of his dayes. As we see in his instrument Herod. 2. Matth. 7&c. And afterwards by his Manifold Temptations of Christ in the Wilderness 4. Matt. And afterwards by his stirring up the chief of the Jewes to kill Christ. 26. Matth. 3. 4. And to help forward that murder the Devil puts it into the heart of one of Christs Disciples to betray him. 13. Joh. 2. And after all tho the Lamb be killed, but yet liveth for ever, & no advantage got by the Devil by the Murder of Christ, why now he seeks to destroy his Church: And for this end influenceth bloody

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Warning ag'st.Christ & his Followers

Saul to lay all waste. 8. Acts. 3. 9. Ch. 1. 2. But now when the Lamb had conquered this bloody Instrument, & of a Saul, made him Paul, a Preacher of Righteousness why now the Devil as much opposeth Paul. 13. Acts. 4. &c. Yea the scripture is full of such instances. Church History abounds also with evidences of this truth. Yea & in our dayes, How industrious & vigorous is the Bloody French Monarch, & his Confederates against Christ & his Interest? Yea, & in our Land (in this, & some neighboring Places) how many, what Multitudes, of Witches & Wizards has the Devil instigated with utmost violence to attempt the overthrow of Religion?

2. The Reason, that in a word is from the enmity of the Devil & his Instruments to Religion. 13. Acts. 10. Thou Child of the Devil, thou enemy of all Righteousness. Now the seed of the Devil will do the works of the Devil. 8. Joh. 44. Ye are of your Father the Devil, & the lusts of your Father ye will do &c. Satan (sais one. Trapp in loco) is called the God of this world, because as God at first did but speak the word & it was done: So if the Devil do but hold up his finger, give the least hint of his Mind, his Servants & Slaves will obey.

2. This War shall be as long as they can. It shall not be for ever, & alwayes. Here

1. Sometimes the Devil looseth his Volunteers in War. The Lawful Captive, the Captives of the Mighty, are sometimes delivered. 49. Isa. 24. 25. We have an instance in bloody Saul. 9. Acts. 3. &c.

2. Sometimes the Devil is chained up; s that he cannot head & forme an Army, as otherwise he would against the Saints. 20. Rev. 1. 2. 3.

3. Last: After this life the Saints shall no more be troubled with War from Devils and their Instruments. The City of Heaven, provided for the Saints, is well-walled, & well-Gated, & Well-Guarded, so that no Devils nor their Instruments shall enter therein. 21. Rev. 10. &c.

1. Use. It may serve to Reprove such as seem to be amazed at the War the Devil has raised amongst us by Wizards, & Witches against the Lamb and his Followers that they altogether deny it. If ever there were Wirches, Men & Women in Covenant with the Devil, here are Multitudes in New-England. Nor is it so strange

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The Devil & his Instruments will be

a thing there should be such: no nor that some Church Members should be such. The Jews after the Returne of their captivity, wofully degenerated even unto the horrible sin of Sorcerie & Witchcraft. 3. Mal. 5. Pious Bishop Hall saith, The Devils prevalency in this Age is most clear in the Marvailous number of Witches abounding in all places. Now hundreds (sais he) are discovered in one Shire; & if Fame deceive us not, in a Village of 14. Houses in the North, are found so many of this Damned brood. Heretofore only Barbarous Desarts had them, but now the Civilest & Religious Parts are frequently pestered with them: Heretofore some silly ignorant old Woman, &c. & but now we have known those of both Sexes, who professed much Knowledge, Holiness, & Devotion, drawn into this damnable practise. Baxters Apparitions & Witches. pag. 122.
Also the same Mr. Baxter speaks of a Woman who pretended to have the holy Ghost, & had a Gift of Prayer, & did many wonders, proved to be a witch. p. 123.

2. Use. We may see here who they are that War against the Lamb, & his Followers. Why they are Devils, or Devils instruments. Here are but 2 parties in the World, the Lamb & his Followers, & the Dragon & his Followers: & these are contrary one to to the other. Well now they that are against the Lamb, against the Peace & Prosperity of Zion, the interest of Christ: They are for the Devil. Here are no Newters. Every one is on one side or the other.

3. Use. It calls us all (especially those that would be accounted Followers of the Lamb) to mourn that the Devil has had so many assistants from amongst us, especially that he should find, or make such in our Churches. If so be Churches are deeply to mourn the dishonor done to Christ & Religion, by Fornicators among them. 1. Cor. 5. 1. &c. how much more, when Witches & Wizards are amongst them.

4. Use. It may show us the vileness of our natures, & that we should be ever praying that we be not left to our own lusts: for then we shall by & by fall in with Devils, & with the Dragon make war with the Lamb & his followers.

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Waring against Christ & his Followers

Conco.2a} 11. Setpr. 1692

17. Rev. 14.
These shall make war with the Lamb, & the Lamb shall overcome them. (1 Doctr.) The Devil & his Instruments will be making War as long as they can, with the Lamb & his Followers (1. U) No marvail then that the Devil & his Instruments are making this War at this day in our Plantations by Witchcrafts (2. U) See here wo they are that war against Christ (3. U) It calls us all to mourn that the Devil has had so many Assistants from amongst us (4. U) Last: It teacheth us the vileness of mans nature, that if left to himself will give help & assistance to the Devil against Christ. To Proceed

5. Use. Caution, & admonition to all & every one of us to beware of making War with the Lamb.

1. Consider so to do, is to fight for the Devil. Tis to fight for an Enemy. Tis to fight for him, who will pay you no other wages, than of being your Eternal Torturer. 1. Pet. 5.8.

2. Consider it is to take the weakest side. The Lamb shall most certainly overcome. Text. 19. Rev. 17 18. &c.

3. Consider this will aggravate thy sin above the sin of Devils. To fight against the Lamb, is to fight against thy Saviour: which the Damned Devils never had an offer of. 2. Heb. 16. He took not on him the Nature of Angels.

4. Last: It is the way to utter ruine. I say it is the way, the high-way to utter ruine. It is true Christ may conquer thee when thou are hot in the Battle, as he did Saul, & make thee throw away thy Weapons of Rebellion. But wo can tell that he will do so? This is not ordinary; & if thou shouldst dye a Rebel in the fight then thou art damned for ever. Therefore be we cautioned agst. making war with the Lamb.

Obj. But you may say, what is it to make war wth the Lamb? And when do man make war wth the Lamb?

1. An. in generall all Disobedience to Christ is a making War against him. As

1. Disobedience to his Laws. You know those that do not obey the Kings Laws are justly called Rebels. 1. Reg. 12. 19. So here, not to do what Christ comands is to Rebell against him, & to make war with him. 9. Deut. 22. 23. 24. 1. Isa. 19. 20.

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When do men make

2. Disobedience to Christs Ordinances is Rebellion against Christ, & making war with him. As warring agst. Magistrates, opposing them in their duties. In this sense Korah & his company are called Rebels. 17. Num. 10. & the Mutinous & murmuring Israelites are called Rebels. 20. Num. 10. Hince Resisters of Authority are Resisters of God, because they Resist the Ordinance of God. 13. Rom. 1 &c. But.

3. Answ: More especially to fight against the Lamb, & so to side with the Devil is.

1. To fight against the Gosple, or to war against the Gosple. When men will not receive the Gosple, & do what they can to hinder the course of the Gosple, this is to make war with the Lamb.

1. When men will not receive the Gosple themselves, then they fight agst. the Lamb: as the Jews. 13. Acts. 46. Not to accept of terms of Peace, is to proclaim war &c.

2. When they will not suffer others to receive it, as those Jews. 13. Acts. 44. &c. & the Sorcerer. 8. V. & those 2. Tim. 3. 8. And they that forbid preaching 5. Acts. 28

2. They make War against the Lamb, who oppose the holy Spirit. 7. Acts. 51. Ye do alwayes Resist ye holy Ghost.

3. Last: They make war against the Lamb, who do oppose the doctrine of Christ. As

1. Either the Person of Christ his Deity, or his Humanity. He must be man that he might dye for us: He must be God, that he might conquer Death for us. Now to deny either of these is to deny the Lamb, & so to make war wth the Lamb.

2. Or the offices of Christ as a saviour both Prophetical Sacerdotal, or Regal. His office of Prophet to teach; of Priest to Attone for us; of King to Governe us; as might in particular be shown.

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War with the Lamb?

6. viz. Last: may be of encouragement to all Christians in the words of the Apostle to endure hardness, as good Souldiers of Christ. 2. Tim. 2. 3. For encouragement hereto Devils and instruments shall not war against us alwayes. 2. Rev. 10. Fear none of those things which thou shalt suffer: behold, the Devil shall cast some of you into prison, that ye may be tried; & ye shall have Tribulation. 10. dayes: be thou Faithful unto Death, & will give thee a Crown of life.

Finis textus