The Salem Witchcraft Papers

The 1692 Salem Witch Trials:
Documents and Participants

List of Judges

Court of Oyer and Terminer
Salem Witch Trials 1692
May 27, 1692 - October 29, 1692


Chief Judge

William Stoughton

Associate Judges

Jonathan Corwin, Salem

Thomas Danforth, Boston

Bartholomew Gedney, Salem

John Hathorne, Salem

John Richards, Boston

Nathaniel Saltonstall, Haverhill

Peter Sargent, Boston

Samuel Sewell, Salem

Stephen Sewall, Clerk of the Court

Wait Winthrop, Boston


Attorney-General for the Court of Oyer and Terminer

Thomas Newton, May 31, 1692 – July 26, 1692

Anthony Checkley, July 27th, replaced Thomas Newton,


Sheriff of the County of Essex

George Corwin

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