Records and Files

of the

Quarterly Courts of Essex County Massachusetts,
Volume III


Maber, Richard, 217.

Mackcallum, Mackcalum, John, 4, 123.

Mackerel, see Fish.

Mackerel cove, 352.

Mackfashon, Rowland, 16.

Macy, Thomas, 253.

Magoon, Henry, 409.

Malden, 8, 273, 290, 291, 444, 455.

Malt, see Food.

Manchester, 76, 113, 336, 337, 352, 424, 433, 459, 461.

Manegmoy, 328.

Manning, Maning, —, 29, 240.

        John, 453.

        Nicholas, 117, 171, 366, 378, 471.

        Thomas, 255.

Mansfield, Mansfeild, Mansfelld, Andrew, 24-26, 32, 74, 112, 256, 295, 297, 345, 381, 402, 413, 444, 455, 471.

        Bethiah, 112.

        Elizabeth, 403.

        John, 6, 26, 31, 102, 112, 282, 283, 351, 397, 401-403, 454.

        Joseph, 256, 282, 402, 403.

        Mary, 112.

        Paul, 12, 14, 15, 19.

        Robert, 402, 403.


        Barrel staves, 323, 324, 424.

        Bricks, 286, 336, 377.

        Boards, 55, 59, 64, 92, 104, 168, 169, 170, 171, 248, 280, 284, 285, 305, 324, 332, 333, 336, 347, 369, 377, 383, 392, 393, 405, 455, 463.

        Bolts, 113, 121, 254, 323, 332.

        Borax, 10.

        Cedar shingles, 322.

        Clapboards, 192, 323, 377, 392.

        Flax, 9, 78, 115, 201, 351, 357, 361, 382, 434, 464.

        Heading, 2, 169, 170, 253.

        Hogshead staves, 280, 424.

        Leather, 81, 140, 257, 302, 313, 316, 332, 336, 352, 357, 411, 449.

        Lime, 306.

        Lumber, 63, 78, 80, 83, 115, 174, 175, 176, 181, 286, 339, 351.

        Nails, 65, 104, 298, 305, 330, 332, 421, 463.

        Nails, board, 91, 397.

        Nails, hob, 91, 405.

        Nails, lath, 91.

        Planks, 59, 284, 285, 332, 335, 405.

        Posts, 95.

        Pipe staves, 2, 169, 170, 248, 364.

        Rails, 33, 95, 154, 269, 277, 278, 390, 435, 437, 438.

        Resin, 104.

        Shingles, 323, 377.

        Soap, 91, 104, 331.

        Soap, castile, 245.

        Spikes, 405.

        Staves, 2, 169, 170, 273, 319, 389, 424.

        Tar, 104, 330, 332.

        Timber, 37, 98, 147, 181, 216, 249, 284, 285, 323, 332, 404, 406, 409, 415.

        Whitleather, 361.

        Worsted, 78.

        Yarn, 61, 78, 81, 176, 181, 219, 314, 316, 357, 361, 381, 453.

        Yarn, cotton, 462, 464.

        Yarn, linen, 337, 379.

        Yarn, woolen, 337.

Maps, see Furnishings.

Marble, Nicholas, 86.

Marblehead, 11, 14, 15, 69, 76, 84, 102, 103, 106-111, 135, 155, 172, 177, 179, 180, 191, 209, 210, 218, 241, 257, 261-263, 269, 272, 275, 282-285, 295, 296, 297, 307, 321, 334, 337, 342-344, 350, 367-369, 373, 378, 387, 413-417, 419, 423, 427, 434, 435, 437, 443, 444, 454, 461, 462, 471.

Marblehead neck, 222, 223.

March, Marsh, George, 438.

        Hugh, 70, 75, 89, 90, 133, 299, 426.

        John, 83, 350.

Marchant, —, 141.

Marian, Marrian, John, 279, 408, 450.

Mariner, see Trades.

Mariott, Nicholas, 438.

Market, clerk of the, 47, 109, 250, 407.

Marsh, see March.

Marshall, Marchell, Martial, Marshal, Capt., 18, 284, 285.

        Edmund, 86, 87.

        Edward, 455.

        John, 74, 76, 86, 87, 92, 120.

        Rebecca, 164.

        Robert, 330.

        Thomas, 7, 30, 38, 56, 80, 158, 162, 164, 165, 176, 265, 266, 282, 321, 325, 373, 422, 423, 441, 459.

Marston, Mastone, —, 64, 100, 149.

        Ephraim, 228.

        Hannah, 467.

        John, 19, 117, 182, 217, 224, 293, 324, 343, 369, 462, 466, 467.

Manassa, 383.

Martha, 467.

        Thomas, 97, 99, 253, 279.

        William, 20, 60, 117, 147, 198, 199, 223, 253, 280, 293, 381, 404-407.

Martin, Martine, Martyn, Emanuel 103, 284.

        George, 198, 406, 424.

        Robert, 350.

        Solomon, 327, 391.

Maryland, 394, 464, 465.

Mascall, John, 378.

Mason, Masen, Elias, 14, 15, 208,416.

        John, 182, 202, 436.

Massachusetts, 322.

Massey, Marsy, Massie, Jeffrey, 14, 20, 81, 101, 162, 176, 181, 207, 219, 359, 360.

        John, 219.

        Sarah, 359, 360.

Masters, Frances, 296.

        John, 296.

        Nathaniel, 463, 466.

Masterson, Marsterson, Nathaniel, 57, 58.

        Ruth, 113.

Mathews, Mathees, Mathew, Daniel, 32, 33, 283.

Maverick, Mavericke, Maverik, —, 102, 417, 438.

        Moses, 47, 101, 103, 110, 135, 177, 218, 222, 223, 242, 270, 272, 282, 288, 290, 292, 297, 307, 309, 334, 342, 367, 368, 413-416, 418, 429, 437, 454, 462.

Maxey, Alexander, 118.

        David, 118.

Maxfield, Maxfeild, John, 4, 63, 98, 406, 407, 409.

Maxwell, John, 344.

May, George, 164, 280.

Meachum, Jeremiah, 338, 379.

Mead, Thomas, 384.

Meager, Meagus, Meger, Megus, John, 119, 120, 137, 138, 158, 186, 209, 328, 329, 350, 351.

Meal, see Food.

Meat, see Food.

Medcalf, Metcalfe, Medcalfe, Mettcalfe, —, 194.

        Elizabeth, 325, 326, 436.

        Joseph, 21, 163, 325, 326, 403, 436.

        Mary, 326, 436.

        Thomas, 325, 326, 403, 436.

Medford, 10.

Medecine, 1, 54, 66, 251, 297, 360.

Meeting houses, see Religious Affairs.

Mendon, 443.

Mere, Joseph, 148.

Merriam, Mirriam, William, 203, 226.

Merrick, Merricke, Mirak, Mirecke, Mirick, Miricke, Mirrick,James 96, 133, 134, 196, 255, 295.

        Margaret, 255.

        Sarah, 134, 135.

Merrill, Merill, Abigail, 293.

        Abraham, 126, 128, 293.

        John, 126, 182, 430.

        Nathaniel, 295.

Merrimac, 35, 300, 357, 389, 392, 453.

Merrimack river, 6, 118, 120, 123, 124, 166, 404, 426.

Merritt, Merett, Merret, Merrett, Merrit, James, 297.

        Mary, 429.

        Nicholas, 108, 116, 155, 209, 210, 297, 374, 429.

        Samuel, 297.

Merry, Merrie, Joseph, 101, 145, 253, 451, 452.


        Bell metal, 73.

        Iron, 9, 115, 173, 331, 335.

        Iron bar, 273, 330.

        Lead, 78, 104, 405.

Metcalf, see Medcalf.

Michell, —, 212.

        Mary, 363.

Mighill, Mighell, John, 30, 187, 239, 240.

        Samuel, 70, 150.

        Thomas, 296.

Milbore, Henry, 287.

        Richard, 287.

Miles, Joseph, 382.


        Officers of, 17, 100, 116, 139, 140, 143, 199, 241, 290, 336, 337, 365, 375, 427, 435, 439, 440, 441, 451-453.

        Soldiers, 140, 143, 336.

        Train band, 258, 375.

        Training, 3, 15, 80, 94, 111, 139, 140, 142, 143, 171, 191, 199, 216, 220, 241, 268, 275, 280, 294, 309, 310, 318, 319, 336-338 , 363, 365, 374, 397, 399, 402, 407, 410, 431, 434, 447, 459.

        Troopers, 122.

        Watchings, 319, 364, 365, 434.

Milk, John, 296.

Milk, see Food.

Mill brook, 249, 252.

Miller, Thomas, 239.

Millett, Millet, Millit, John, 281.

        Meare, 369.

        Nathaniel, 329.

        Thomas, 5, 6, 82, 109, 137, 185, 186, 260, 262, 272, 337, 369, 374, 431.

Millington, John, 37, 138, 192.

Mills, Mary, 101.

Mills, see Buildings.

Milton, Millton, Christopher, 335, 346, 387-389, 397, 410, 470.

Mingoe, —, 281.

Ministers, see Religious Affairs.

Misery, the, 80, 175.

Mitchell, see Michell.

Mitchelson, Micherson, Mitchellson, Edward, 8, 322, 423, 437.

Molasses, see Food.


        English, 360.

        Gold, 359, 360, 372, 415, 416, 456.

        Silver, 7, 233, 263, 349.

Mongey, Walter, 262.

Monhegan, 14, 15.

Montenicus, 261.

Moody, Lady, 10.

        Caleb, 293, 294, 329, 346, 367, 385, 388, 413.

        Samuel, 228, 295, 329, 339, 352.

        Sara, 294.

        William, 84.

Moore, Moores, More, —, 295.

        Capt., 19.

        Edmond, 299.

        Jonas, 21.

        Matthew, 293.

        Richard, 154, 257, 432.

        Samuel, 324, 422.

        William, 145, 149, 191, 280, 293,

Morgan, Morgaine, Morgin, Luke, 180.

        Robert, 113, 224-226.

        Samuel, 261, 297.

Morrill, Morrell, —, 63.

        Abram, 63.

        Isaac, 320, 409.

        John, 430.

Morris, Moris, Morrice, —, 322.

        Elizabeth, 112, 283.

        Evan, 66, 386.

        Thomas, 112, 283.

Morse, Morsse, Mose, Moss, Andrew, 269.

        Anthony, 13, 293, 321, 413, 468.

        Edmund, 392.

        Elizabeth, 468.

        John, 272.

        Joseph, 293.

        Peter, 126.

        Robert, 130, 255, 293.

        Sara, 293.

        William, 270, 436.

Morse point, 346.

Mortar, see Utensils.

Moulton, Abigail, 288.

        Hannah, 289.

        Henry, 144, 198, 408, 410.

        James, 101, 118, 241, 351, 384, 459, 468.

        John, 289, 409, 468.

        Joseph, 289.

        Marah, 118.

        Mary, 289.

        Miriam, 289.

        Robert, 77, 288, 289.

        Samuel, 288, 289.

Mounford, Mounforth, —, 266.

        Edmond, 254.

Mower, —, 460.

        Thomas, 105.

Muddeford, Muddyford, Thomas, 290, 344.

Muddle, Mudle, Henry, 81, 82, 260.

Muddy river, 123, 303, 304.

Mudg, Muge, Gilbert, 212.

Mudgett, Mudget, Thomas, 147, 316, 409, 450.

Mullins, —, 171.

Murrow, James, 170.

Muselwhitt, John, 67.

Musical instruments.

        Drum, 292.

        Treble Viol, 231.

Musket, see Weapons.

Mussey, Musey, Mussye, Muzey, Muzzey, Muzzy, —, 159.

        Benjamin, 60, 106, 465.

        Joseph, 45, 65, 70, 133-135, 255, 426, 438.

Mutton, see Food.