Records and Files

of the

Quarterly Courts of Essex County Massachusetts,
Volume V


Cady, Caddy, James, 352, 353.

Cake, see Food.

Caldwell, John, 304.

Calico, see Cloth.

Caly, Caulie, Benjamin, 57, 58.

        Mary, 57, 58.

        Thomas, 57, 58, 429.

Cambridge, 78, 177.

Candlesticks, see Utensils, Household.

Candy, Samuel, 279.

Canoe, see Vessels.

Canterbury, Archbishop of, 38, 39.

        William, 160.

Canvas, see Cloth.

Cape Ann, 67, 109, 236, 268, 422.

Carlisle Bay, 340.

Carlton, Carleton, —, 51, 313.

        Edward, 80.

        John, 391, 392, 436.

Carman, —, 107, 108.

Carpenter, see Trades.

Carpet, see Furnishings, Household.

Carr, Car, —, 102.

        George, 147, 293.

        James, 23, 113, 116, 130, 196, 227.

        Richard, 242.

Carrell, Carill, Carrall, Carrill, —, 52.

        Anthony, 130-135, 173, 196, 218, 219.

        Katherine, 133.

        Mary, 53, 55.

        Nathaniel, 54.

Cart, see Tools.

Carter, Arthur, 430.

        Francis, 49.

        William, 76.

Cartey, Teage, 411.

Cartwright, Jane, 102, 165.

Cary, James, 230.

Casely, William, 73.

Casement, see Buildings.

Cass, Casse, John, 293, 405, 406.

        Mary, 292.

Castle hill, 169.


        Drowning, 1, 444.

        Suicide by drowning, 124.

Cat-tails, 433.

Cattle, see Animals (domestic).

Chaddock, Chadock, Chadwock, Thomas, 302, 439, 443.

Chadwell, Benjamin, 76, 206.

        Moses, 222, 259, 266, 426.

Chafing dish, see Utensils, Household.

Chairs, see Furniture.

Challis, Chalic, Challes, Lt., 30, 165, 402.

        Mary, 402.

        Philip, 147, 165, 235, 299, 300, 401.

Chambers, Edward, 98.

Chandler, Chanler, Chaundler, —, 314.

        Hanna, 263.

        Mary, 263, 440.

        Thomas, 130, 154.

        William, 20, 30, 80, 117, 128, 155, 162, 224, 234, 263, 292, 384, 440, 442.

Chaplin, Chaplaine, Elizabeth, 262, 441.

        John, 441.

        Joseph, 40, 262, 441.

Chapman, —, 234.

        Dorothy, 234.

        Edmond, 67, 68.

        Edward, 34, 139, 233, 263, 269.

        Joan, 67.

        John, 233.

        Simon, 36, 263, 342, 343, 441, 442.

Charcoal, 169.

Chard, —, 405.

        Helen, 18.

Charles, Nicholas, 207.

        Robert, 207.

        Sarah, 206, 207.

        William, 67, 129, 168, 169, 206 -208.

Charlescraft, Richard, 118, 217.

Charlestown, 67, 77, 123, 170, 221, 259, 267, 268, 387.

Charter party, see Vessels.

Chase, Abraham, 235, 298, 409.

        Aquilla, 440.

        Esther, 440.

        James, 148, 295.

        Joseph, 152.

        Rachel, 152.

        Thomas, 298, 409.

Chatwell, Nicholas, 58.

Chebecco, 119, 339.

Chebacco river, 132.

Cheese, see Food.

Cheever, Samuel, 206, 247, 253.

Cheney, Cheny, Daniel, 30, 230, 260.

        Hannah, 260.

        John, 22, 30, 125.

        Martha, 23.

        Mary, 22, 125.

        Nathaniel, 30.

Chere, Charles, 401.

Chest, see Furniture.

Chichester, William, 280.

Chickering, Chickeren, —, 323 -325, 442.

Chickly, John, 132.

Chilson, Walsingham, 280.

Ching, George, 279.

Chisel, see Tools.

Choate, Choat, Chote, —, 95, 136.

        John, 136, 319, 414.

Chubb, Chub, Avis, 25.

        John, 141, 146, 303.

        Thomas, 23-25, 221, 257, 259, 383, 384.

Churn, see Utensils, Household.

Chute, Chewte, —, 15.

        James, 94, 144, 175, 337.

Cider, see Drinks.

Clapboards, see Manufactures.

Clark, Clarck, Clarke, Clerke, —, 137.

        Sergt., 95, 136.

        Adam, 41.

        Breever, 95.

        Daniel, 93, 122, 133, 160, 231, 302, 443.

        Edward, 46, 111, 138, 147, 153, 182, 230, 239, 241, 248, 249, 301, 325, 330, 438.

        Haniel, 270.

        Henry, 260.

        John, 33, 34, 125, 141, 157, 159, 175, 250, 314, 374, 399, 408, 409.

        Joseph, 258.

        Josiah, 38, 55, 144, 157, 305, 308, 312.

        Martha, 160.

        Mathew, 4, 279, 281.

        Nathaniel, 100, 149, 162, 200, 224, 260, 295, 385, 403, 407, 443.

        Richard, 40, 314, 442.

        Samuel, 33, 34.

        Thomas, 23, 40, 136, 189, 243, 248, 288, 322, 334, 385, 444.

        William, 61, 250.

Clatterie, Richard, 253.

Clay brook, 208, 209.

Clements, Clemens, Clemant, Clement, Clemence, Job, 100.

Clements, John, 70, 105, 179, 180, 347.

        Robert, 30, 137.

Clenge, Clunges, Clungey, Elizabeth, 350, 430.

Clifford, John, 47, 48, 97, 168, 382, 399, 426, 429, 436.

        Thomas, 162.

Clinton, Clenton, Lawrence, 37, 223, 267, 312.

        Rachel, 312.

Cloak, see Clothing.

Clock, see Furnishings, Household.

Cloth, 73, 265, 300, 349, 371, 390, 433.

        Baize, 76.

        Bed ticking, 370.

        Blanketing, 188.

        Broadcloth, 204, 209, 215, 251, 368.

        Calico, 328.

        Canvas 169, 328, 335, 349, 350, 433.

        Clout, 328, 351.

        Corduroy, 10.

        Cotton, 8-11, 122, 136, 180, 210, 349, 353, 366, 390, 433.

        Diaper, 369.

        Dowlas, 9, 206.

        Galoon, 8.

        Holland, 169, 251, 327, 328, 357, 369.

        Home made, 73, 364.

        Kersey, 8, 9, 10, 73, 209, 251, 288, 349, 369, 433.

        Linen, 54, 136, 169, 253, 254, 353, 359.

        Lists, 328.

        Mohair, 369.

        Ossenbrige, 65.

        Penistone, 204, 210, 285, 369.

        Pocking cloth, 430.

        Ribbon, 10, 358.

        Say, 369.

        Scotch cloth, 328.

        Serge, 10, 169, 210, 248, 253, 300, 327, 369, 407, 421, 432.

        Silk, 9, 169, 254, 349.

        Stuff, 10, 248, 251, 369, 390.

        Tammy, 10, 50, 300.

        Woolen, 210, 353, 359, 364, 370.

Clothing, wearing apparel, etc., 2, 40, 57, 58, 65, 69, 70, 73, 118, 202, 206, 209, 212, 214, 253, 254, 268, 300, 312, 327, 334, 370, 371, 390, 431, 432.

        Apron, 397.

        Apron, green, 136.

        Apron, green say, 369.

        Apron, leather, 251.

        Bands, 65, 206, 210, 327, 328, 349, 366, 433.

        Bands, swathing, 329.

        Bonnet, 366.

        Boots, 207, 209, 327, 368, 372, 360.

        Boots, fishing, 73.

        Boots, top, 327.

        Breeches, 6, 57, 68, 73, 136, 210, 248, 251, 369, 370, 372, 390, 419, 433.

        Buttons, 114, 169, 328, 349.

        Buttons, silver, 409.

        Cap, 65, 73, 134, 210, 357, 372, 433.

        Cap, day, 327.

        Cap, night, 327.

        Cassock, 433.

        Cloak, 327, 369, 390, 433.

        Cloak, liver-colored, 327.

        Coifs, 328, 357, 366.

        Collars, 65, 293.

        Doublet, 73, 327, 390.

        Drawers, 57, 65, 68, 73, 136, 179, 180, 207, 251, 364, 370, 372, 390, 433.

        Dressings, 357.

        Forehead cloths, 328.

        Gloves, 68, 73, 114, 329, 369, 372.

        Gloves, fringed, 94.

        Gloves, thread, 357.

        Gown, 94, 251, 329.

        Handkerchiefs, 68, 210, 327, 357, 366, 372, 433.

        Hat, 57, 58, 65, 68, 72, 160, 189, 206, 207, 209, 212, 233, 265, 312, 327, 349, 364, 366, 371, 390, 416, 433.

        Hat, demi-castor, 206.

        Hat, felt, 73.

        Hat, woman's, 369.

        Headbands, 328, 357.

        Headcloth, 352, 369.

        Hood, 251, 329.

        Hood, silk, 357.

        Hood, white Holland, 357.

        Hose, 327.

        Jacket, 136.

        Jacket, freeze, 327.

        Jacket, leather, 327.

        Jacket, liver colored, 327.

        Kirtle, 329.

        Laces, 9, 329.

        Leggings, 433.

        Linen clothes, 120, 252.

        Mantle, 94, 329.

        Mittens, 73.

        Neckcloths, 65, 68, 73, 136, 293, 364, 433.

        Perewig, 433.

        Petticoat, 204, 251, 329.

        Petticoat, red cloth, 94.

        Ring, enamelled, 94.

        Ring, gold, 94, 158, 395, 433.

        Ruff, 328.

        Sack, 433.

        Safeguard, 430.

        Scarf, lute string, 369.

        Scarf, tiffany, 357.

        Sea boots, 265.

        Shift, 94, 204.

        Shirts, 57, 65, 72, 73, 136, 179, 180, 206, 207, 210, 231, 327, 334, 364, 370, 372, 433.

        Shoes, 9, 10, 13, 25, 57, 68, 69, 73, 185, 209, 285, 315, 327, 334, 364, 368, 371, 372, 421, 433.

        Shoes, russet, with French heels, 251.

        Sleeves, 433.

        Sleeves, Holland, 357.

        Spectacles, 210.

        Stockings, 8, 57, 65, 68, 73, 114, 142, 169, 207, 327, 349, 357, 364, 371, 372, 433.

        Stockings, white Jersey, 433.

        Stockings, worsted, 73.

        Suit, 204, 207, 217, 248, 327, 372, 433.

        Suit, blue watered grosgrain, 327.

        Suit, homespun, 364.

        Suit, leather, 327.

        Waistcoat, 68, 73, 136, 204, 207, 327, 328, 364, 369, 372, 390, 430.

        Wallet, 370.

        Whalebone, 349, 433.

        Whisk, Holland, 357.

        Whittle, 329.

        Woolen clothes, 204, 252, 368,

Clough, Cluff, John, 30, 98, 235.

Coaker, William, 121.

Coal, 130, 131, 132, 144, 170, 186, 196, 227, 50, 396.

Cobb, Cob, —, 221.

        John, 69, 70.

Cobbett, Corbitt, —, 75, 386.

        Samuel, 288.

        Thomas, 52, 331.

Cobham, —, 238, 296.

        Josiah, 243.

Cobrun, Edward, 276.

        Robert, 124.

Cockwood, Devon, 73.

Cod, see Fish.

Codner, Henry, 348.

        John, 110, 279.

        Robert, 122.

Coe, Cowes, Giles, 8, 229.

Coffin, Coffyn, Peter, 236.

        Tristram, 2, 20, 30, 128, 161, 162, 164, 177, 178.

Cogswell, John, 31, 186, 380-382.

        Samuel, 303.

        Susanna, 424.

        William, 29, 132, 424.

Coite, see Goyte.

Colburne, Colborn, Henry, 420.

        Robert, 79, 164.

Colby, John, 46, 111, 150, 155, 244, 302, 405.

        Samuel, 147.

Colcord, Colkot, Collecott, Collicutt, Edward, 100, 150, 151, 166, 237 -239, 243, 294, 296, 302, 405, 406.

        Richard, 345, 346.

Coldum, Colddam, Coldom, —, 76, 231, 250, 259, 358.

        Johanna, 206.

        Thomas, 205, 206.

Cole, Coale, Colle, Coule, —, 372.

        Abraham, 41.

        Christopher, 243.

        Eunice, 102, 166.

        Francis, 93.

        George, 371.

        Gilbert, 11.

        Isaac, 243.

        Lewis, 340.

        Samuel, 3.

Collier, Bartholemew, 239.

Collins, Collings, Collis, —, 12, 13.

        Benjamin, 166, 167, 239, 243.

        Francis, 254, 255, 281, 318, 426.

        Henry, 2, 60, 75, 105, 126, 184, 192, 256, 268, 363, 417, 436.

        John, 2, 60, 113, 119, 184, 221, 259, 260, 268.

        Joseph, 60, 63, 106, 251, 268.

        Robert, 12.

        Sarah, 113.

Colman, Abraham, 263.

        Jabez, 263.

        James, 313.

        Margery, 20.

        Tobiah, 263.

        William, 288.

Comey, Commu, Commue, Peter, 68.

Comey, see Conney.

Compass, see Tools.

Conant, Connant, Cunnont, Connett, Elizabeth, 254.

        Exercise, 221, 259, 431, 432.

        Lot, 29, 279, 431, 432.

Conant, Nathaniel, 432.

        Roger, 325, 374, 376, 427, 431.

Concord, 196.

Conney, Conneye, John, 334, 438.

Conney, see Comey.


        Building, 443.

        Marriage, 57, 177, 194, 380-382, 394.

        Meeting house, 273.

Cook, Cooke, —, 209.

        John, 129, 221, 259.

        Mary, 25.

        Richard, 3.

        Robert, 436.

Cooper, John, 173.

Cooper, see Trades.

Copper, see Utensils, Household.

Corduroy, see Cloth.

Cordwainer, see Trades.

Corey, Coree, Giles, 52-54.

        Mary, 53, 55.

Corlis, George, 30, 51, 101, 151, 242, 243, 301.

        John, 151.

Corn, see Food.

Cornings, Ens. 205, 212.

        Samuel, 168, 221, 255.

Cornu, John, 1.

Corse, Mary, 145.

Corwithing, Curwithy, —, 127.

        David, 280.

        Samuel, 280.

Cose, Christopher, .

Cottle, —, 30, 162.

        Edward, 293.

Cotton, Cotten, Anne, 413.

        Dorothy, 243.

        Seaborn, 242, 243.

Cotton, see Cloth.

Cotton wool, 56, 65, 73, 301, 390, 432.

Coundy, Samuel, 282.

Court of Assistants, 150, 183, 225, 227, 237, 242, 244, 295, 296, 299, 322, 407.

        Appeal to, 100, 101, 130, 148, 149, 150, 152, 168, 170, 188, 230, 235, 237, 238, 239, 278, 283, 286, 287, 293, 294, 387, 396-398.

Court house, 233.

Cousens, Cossons, Isaac, 30, 105.

Cowdery, Cowdry, William, 74, 75, 85.

Cowes, see Corse.

Cowper, Couper, Peter, 16.

Cows, see Animals (domestic).

Cox, Cock, Robert, 226.

        William, 217.

Cradle, see Furniture.

Cram, Argentine, 163.

        Benjamin, 163.

        Thomas, 298, 409.

Crane river, 322, 324.

Cravit, Mordecai, 420.

Craw, Croye, Richard, 249, 250.

Crimes, misdemeanors, etc.

        Absence from jury, 235.

        Absence from public ordinances, 121, 152, 215.

        Abusing a child, 122.

        Abusing another, 122, 151, 293.

        Abusing her husband, 147.

        Abusing the constable, 64, 379.

        Abusing the marshal, 122, 358.

        Abusive carriage at meeting, 215.

        Abusive carriages, 21, 43, 52, 217.

        Abusive speeches to servants, 232.

        Affronting the marshal, 35.

        Alienating wife's affections, 186, 228.

        Allowing a prisoner to escape, 84.

        Assault, 24, 140.

        Attempting murder, 374.

        Bastardy, 33, 38, 55, 103, 152, 155, 157, 408-411.

        Battery, 80, 121, 199, 233, 249.

        Beating and abusing another, 119, 120.

        Beating his wife, 221.

        Being abroad at unseasonable times in the night, 165.

        Breach of law called Quakers' meeting, 298.

        Breach of law requiring children to read and write, 378, 427.

        Breach of peace, 31, 59, 78, 122, 139, 181, 214, 362, 363, 408.

        Breach of peace on the Lord's day in the meeting house, 362.

        Breach of Sabbath, 38, 214, 232, 311.

        Breaking and entering, 117, 217.

        Breaking into a house, 350.

        Breaking prison, 249.

        Carrying corn on the Sabbath, 38.

        Chaining up the gate on the highway, 303.

        Common barratry, 376.

        Contempt of court, 23, 409.

        Cruelty to animals, 40.

        Cursing, 165, 411.

        Cursing and swearing, 102, 104.

        Debt, 6, 18, 19, 20, 30, 43, 49, 77 -79, 83, 84, 86, 88, 98-101, 104-106, 108, 111, 113, 114, 116, 126, 127, 130, 135, 137, 138, 150, 151, 169, 170, 173, 179, 185, 188, 195-197, 217-219, 227, 230, 236, 237, 239, 241, 245-248, 257, 258, 271, 276, 284, 285, 287, 288, 294-296, 301, 302, 316, 337, 348, 349, 384, 386, 395, 397, 398, 405-408, 421-423, 425, 435, 436.

        Defamation, 52, 138, 284, 301, 326, 348.

        Defect in watching, 122.

        Demanding debts on Lord's day, 214, 215, 222.

        Disorder in the meeting house, 308.

        Disorder in public houses, 31.

        Disturbance in the meeting, 222, 303, 306, 316.

        Drunkenness, 35, 64, 78, 90, 102, 104, 120, 121, 126, 166, 215, 220, 222, 258, 260, 266, 363, 373, 374, 375, 379, 408, 430.

        Entertaining at unseasonable times, 31, 243.

        Entertaining in time of public worship, 215.

        Entertaining young persons at unseasonable times, 104, 166.

        Excessive drinking, 64, 68, 117, 118, 139, 293, 298, 311, 360, 363.

        Extortion, 222.

        False imprisonment, 238.

        False oath, 14, 149, 218, 415.

        Felony, 292, 316.

        Fighting, 222.

        Firing off a pistol in the meeting house, 235.

        Fornication, 55, 56, 77, 93, 102, 103, 120, 121, 152- 154, 158, 165, 167, 221, 222, 232, 233, 250, 253, 259, 292, 297, 298, 299, 301, 302, 316, 357, 358, 376, 404, 408, 411, 427, 428.

        Giving cider to Indians, 121.

        Giving short measure in mill, 304.

        Horse stolen by Indian, 139.

        Idleness, 356.

        Kicking his wife, 377.

        Killing a hawk on the Lord's day, 151.

        Lascivious carriages, 291, 303, 351, 415.

        Leaving children alone nights, 311.

        Living a solitary life, 104.

        Living apart from husband, 154, 312.

        Living apart from wife, 21, 37, 65, 165, 401.

        Loading a boat on the Lord's day, 68.

        Lying, 2, 14, 222.

        Lying and cheating, 409.

        Neglect to provide a schoolmaster, 127.

        Neglect to provide ammunition, 139.

        Neglecting to teach the trade to servant, 417.

        Night walking, 23, 352, 408.

        Not assisting the constable, 231.

        Not frequenting public ordinances, 409.

        Not keeping conveniences in ordinary, 409.

        Not requiring servant to attend public worship, 221, 259.

        Overcharging, 37.

        Pernicious lie, 413.

        Playing in meeting in time of exercise, 312.

        Presumptuous speeches, 414.

        Publishing scandalous report of a minister, 355.

        Pushing his wife, 64.

        Receiving stolen goods, 122.

        Refusing to agree on jury, 404.

        Reproachful speeches, 151.

        Reproachful speeches against a minister, 302.

        Riding fast to meeting, 39.

        Running away, 230.

        Running away from master, 23, 140.

        Sailing on the Lord's day, 67, 221, 259, 267.

        Sealing leather insufficiently tanned, 359.

        Selling beer and cider, 165.

        Selling cider, 409, 430.

        Selling cider by retail, 76.

        Selling strong beer to Indians, 232.

        Selling strongwater to Indians, 60.

        Singing indecent songs, 355.

        Sitting with his hat on in time of prayer, 232.

        Slander, 2, 43, 77, 85, 113, 185, 218, 220, 225, 245, 342.

        Smoking tobacco in the meeting house, 63.

        Speaking against authority, 430.

        Speaking boastfully of lascivious practices, 239.

        Striking a woman, 166, 408.

        Striking another, 104, 120, 141, 214, 222, 63, 399.

        Striking another in the meeting house, 141.

        Striking father-in-law, 157.

        Striking his wife, 312, 363.

        Swearing, 23, 31, 121, 122, 147, 155, 156, 222, 259, 363, 411.

        Taking the name of God in vain. 222.

        Theft, 21, 23, -33, 64, 68, 122, 141 -143, 214, 215, 222, 230, 231, 235, 249, 250, 252, 259, 284, 288, 292, 312, 350, 362, 363.

        Threatening another, 97, 166.

        Threatening to burn a house, 311.

        Threatening to kill, 147.

        Too much familiarity, 374.

        Trespass, 2, 44, 46, 79, 84, 86, 98,, 99, 100, 101, 109, 135, 149, 150, 171, 185, 189, 191, 194, 217, 225, 237, 238, 246, 269, 275, 293, 294, 296, 302, 318, 322, 330, 373, 396, 406, 407.

        Uncivil carriages, 355.

        Uncivil carriages on the Lord's day, 299.

        Uncleanness, 64, 231, 326, 356, 363.

        Unjust molestation, 99, 325.

        Unlawful familiarity, 147.

        Woman struck by Indian, 400.

Croade, Crod, Crood, —, 39, 363.

        Elizabeth, 366, 367.

        Hannah, 367.

        John, 366, 367, 443.

Crock, see Utensils, Household.

Crocker, Sarah, 199.

Croft, Craffe, Craufts, Croffe, Crofts, Richard, 215.

        William, 75, 76, 105, 192, 197, 204, 251, 259, 316-318, 331, 384.

Croho, Cornelius, 240.

Crompton, Samuel, 444.

Cromwell, —, 64, 423.

        Ann, 358.

        Giles, 163.

        John, 57.

        Philip, 41, 45, 57, 120, 126, 163, 182, 197, 222, 258, 264, 266, 288, 421.

        Thomas, 171, 214, 222, 433, 435.

Crosbie, Crosbee, Crossbee, —, 442.

        Dr., 35, 36.

        Anthony, 35, 36, 77, 80-83, 90, 96, 125, 140, 160, 220.

Constance, 308.

        Prudence, 81, 96, 140, 160.

Cross, Crose, —, 18.

Cross, George, 199.

        Richard, 122, 222.

        Robert, 78, 139, 185, 186, 266, 423, 436.

        Stephen, 6, 7, 186, 412, 436.

Croy, see Lacross.

Cummings, Commens, Comins, Commings, Cumings, Cumins, —, 134, 321.

        Benjamin, 124.

        Ebenezer, 125.

        Isaac, 96, 133, 134, 441.

        John, 1, 83, 124, 125, 131, 134, 422.

        Mary, 125, 441.

        Rebecca, 441.

        Sarah, 124, 125.

        William, 124, 125.

Cup, see Utensils, Household.

Cupboard, see Furniture.

Currier, Curier, Jeffrye, 385.

        Richard, 80, 93, 147, 149, 152, 165, 235, 237, 239, 300, 301, 330.

        Samuel, 102, 105, 330.

        Thomas, 235.

Currier, see Trades.

Curtains, see Furnishings, Household.

Curtis, Cortis, Courties, Curtice, Curtious, —, 420, 421.

        John, 215, 222, 353.

        Richard, 280.

        William, 41, 265, 420.

        Zachariah, 26, 28, 63, 64, 113, 215, 222, 384, 422, 425, 443.

Curwin, Corwin, Corwine, —, 57, 174.

Capt., 129, 274, 338, 355, 356, 421.

        George, 12, 27, 28, 45, 49, 56, 57, 114, 119, 123, 129, 168, 169, 197, 212, 248, 255, 258, 264, 272, 273, 429, 435.

        John, 55, 101, 105, 198, 214, 271, 272, 322, 357.

        Jonathan, 119, 255, 426, 429.

Cushions, see Furnishings, Household.

Cutlass, see Weapons.

Cutts, Cutt, —, 19, 61, 339, 340, 395, 438.

        Richard, 198, 421.