Records and Files

of the

Quarterly Courts of Essex County Massachusetts,
Volume V


Gage, —, 391.

        Benjamin, 95, 141, 164, 263, 399.

        Daniel, 128, 163.

        John, 84, 85, 163, 164, 263, 264, 399.

        Jonathan, 163, 263.

        Josiah, 163.

        Naomi, 263.

        Nathaniel, 163.

        Prudence, 141, 164.

        Samuel, 163, 269, 385.

        Sarah, 163.

Gain's Neck, 365.

Gale, Gall, Galle, Ambrose, 58, 69, 70, 110, 211, 281, 358, 429.

Gallop, Hannah, 94.

Gallows, 144.

Gally, Florence, 216, 222.

        John, 205.

Ganson, Benjamin, 444.

Gardner, —, 121, 160, 222, 256, 289, 357, 384, 429.

        John, 41, 47, 48, 52.

        Joseph, 55, 59, 69, 198, 200, 421.

        Richard, 108, 109.

        Samuel, 106, 111, 168, 417, 436.

        Thomas, 40, 168, 399.

Garforde, Gervis, 47, 111, 112.

Garland, —, 293.

Garland, Jacob, 293.

        John, 292, 298, 409.

Gatchell, Gachell, Jeremiah, 279.

        Jonathan, 279.

        John, 42, 279.

        Joseph, 444.

Gater, Francis, 58.

Gates, 16, 44, 277, 278, 343, 377, 384, 389, 390, 391, 396.

Geare, Tryphena, 139, 158, 311.

        William, 124, 139, 158, 261.

Gedney, Gedneye, Gednie, Gedny, Gidney, Gidni, —, 67, 90, 101, 121, 212, 222, 357, 384, 429, 434, 443.

        Bartholmew, 1, 69, 73, 106, 113, 174, 255, 429, 436.

        Eleazer, 69, 70, 255, 426.

        John, 6, 55, 114, 119, 170, 198, 200, 255, 257, 357, 429, 438.

George, Gorg, James, 331.

        Richard, 258, 387.

Gerrish, Garish, Gerish, Capt., 162, 301, 386.

        Benjamin, 366, 367, 374, 375, 438.

        Elizabeth, 262.

        Joanna, 327.

        Joseph, 262, 288.

        William, 30, 106, 123, 224, 227, 260, 290, 326, 327, 330, 367, 384, 403.

Gibbs, Benjamin, 189.

        Robert, 3, 8.

Giddings, Gidding, George, 187, 198.

        Jane, 187.

        John, 77.

        Joseph, 145, 308, 311, 416.

        Samuel, 11, 77, 303.

        Thomas, 13, 224, 228.

Gifford, Gefford, Giffard, Jefford, —, 334, 398.

        John, 18, 19, 43, 44, 78, 90, 372, 380-382, 397, 398, 423 -425.

        Margaret, 19, 43, 380, 381, 398, 423.

Gilbert, Gilbird, Gilburd, John, 221, 259, 267, 276, 310, 311.

        Mary, 88.

Giles, Guile, Gyls, Ealie, 206.

        John, 314.

        Samuel, 98, 139, 295, 314.

        Sarah, 397.

Gill, John, 100, 165, 215, 293, 405.

Gillow, Gillo, Gillye, John, 23, 60, 62, 76, 201, 202.

        Mary, 202.

        Sarah, 202.

Gillum, Benjamin, 191, 438.

        Joseph, 438.

Gilman, Gillman, Edward, 244.

        John, 99, 166, 235, 238, 242, 301.

        Moses, 30, 103, 238, 30, 103, 238, 240, 298, 301, 405, 408.

Gimlet, see Tools.

Gingell, John, 273.

Girdler, Godlar, Francis, 257, 282.

Glading, John, 260.

        William, 260.

Glanfield, Robert, 122.

Glazier, see Trades.

Gleeden, Charles, 152.

Gloucester, 49, 67, 76, 78, 94, 117, 119, 128, 138, 221, 236, 257, 259, 260, 267, 288, 291, 347, 358, 360-362, 422.

Glover, John, 171.

        Stephen, 94, 260.

Gloves, see Clothing.

Godfry, Godfery, Godfrey, George, 122.

        James, 152.

        John, 45, 46, 51, 99, 102, 111, 122, 135, 162, 165, 182, 183, 198, 230, 239, 241, 248, 249, 325, 326, 330, 331, 337, 384, 406, 437, 438.

        Peter, 51.

Godso, William, 355.

Goldthwait, —, 208, 209.

Goodell, —, 71, 72.

        Elizabeth, 43, 52-54.

        Isaac, 53.

        Patience, 53.

        Robert, 54.

        Zachariah, 43, 52-54.

Goodhue, Goodhewe, —, 12, 94, 136, 139, 223, 285, 307, 315.

        Deacon, 95, 212.

        Joseph, 288.

        Mary, 413.

        William, 12, 13, 38, 55, 96, 136, 188-190, 219, 226, 305.

Gooding, Goodin, Richard, 50.

        Susanna, 403.

Gookin, Daniel, 8, 45, 78, 173, 213, 234, 241, 292.

Gooseberries, see Food.

Gott, —, 208.

        Charles, 124, 168, 212, 220, 255, 261, 308-310, 373, 417, 437.

        Deborah, 261.

Gould, Gold, Goold, —, 29, 52, 159, 289.

        Ensign, 355.

        Henry, 232.

Gould, John, 23, 80, 85, 88, 89, 113, 115, 116, 124, 130, 132 -134, 138, 140, 141, 160, 197, 212, 219, 224, 230, 264, 271, 286, 287, 288, 290, 292, 337, 352, 353, 358, 396, 397, 423, 425, 438, 442, 443.

        Nathan, 152.

        Priscilla, 442.

        Sarah, 124, 134, 442.

        Zaccheus, 85, 124, 133, 135.

Gouldsmith, Gooldsmith, —, 212.

        Mary, 231.

        Richard, 231, 234.

Gove, Edward, 149, 151, 152, 238, 241, 243, 296, 297.

Goyte, Coite, John, 109, 218, 280.

Grace (negro), 404, 411.

Grafton, —, 26.

        John, 68, 245.

        Joseph, 68, 201, 258, 272.

Granger, Abraham, 260.

        Launcelot, 260.

Grant, Francis, 6.

        Johanna, 8, 9.

        John, 86, 269.

        Roger, 395.

Graves, —, 313.

        Abraham, 40, 93, 128.

        Edward, 47, 105.

        Elizabeth, 117, 126, 128.

Grace, 187.

        John, 416.

        Margaret, 126.

        Mark, 40, 126, 128, 255, 431, 437.

        Mary, 40, 128.

        Samuel, 68, 163, 187, 227, 289.

Gray, Hannah, 290, 291.

        Thomas, 280.

Great Island, 399.

Great river, the, 47.

Greely, Greley, Grely, Grele, Andrew, 137, 147, 150, 235, 237, 238, 293, 302.

        Mary, 154, 155, 158, 267.

        Philip, 149, 151, 237, 239, 294, 405, 408, 411.

Green, Greane, —, 164.

        Henry, 98, 101, 148-150, 157, 295, 302.

        Isaac, 292.

        John, 215, 222.

        Peter, 165.

        Thomas, 68.

Greenefeild, Hannah, 120.

        Peter, 120.

Greenland, Henry, 98.

Greenleafe, Greenlefe, Greinleife, Ensign, 30.

Greenleafe, Edmund, 224, 225, 326, 327.

        Judith, 260.

        Stephen, 79, 149, 162, 163, 224, 260, 385, 403.

Gregory, Gregori, Jonas, 141, 142, 143, 230, 284, 308, 413.

Greime, Allester, 255.

Gridiron, see Utensils, Household.

Griffin, Griffen, Griffing, Griffyn, Ebenezer, 441.

        Elizabeth, 126.

        Humphrey, 391.

        Jasper, 279.

        John, 103, 137, 138, 248, 269 -271, 287, 384, 441.

        Joseph, 126.

        Lydia, 412.

        Nathaniel, 126, 165, 239, 243, 298.

        Samuel, 412.

Griggs, Greegs, Grigges, Joseph, 24.

        Stephen, 49, 114, 282.

        William, 162, 245, 259, 316, 361.

Grime, see Greime.

Grindstone, see Tools.

Grinslate, Greenslade, —, 420.

        Sarah, 214.

        Thomas, 214.

Groth, John, 98, 406.

Grove, Hannah, 291.

Grover, Gover, John, 112.

        William, 246, 255, 264.

Grubb, Gabriel, 88.

Guns, see Weapons.

Guppy, Gupee, John, 222, 360.

        Reuben, 355, 356, 360.

Gutterson, Susanna, 126.