Records and Files

of the

Quarterly Courts of Essex County Massachusetts,
Volume V


Macallam, Mackam, 130.

Macauly, see Caly.

McCarthy, see Carty.

Mackclaflin, Elizabeth, 261.

        Priscilla, 261.

        Robert, 261.

Mackerel, see Fish.

Mackerel cove, 221, 222, 291.

Maggs, George, 49.

Major, George, 33, 35.

Makefashion, Mackfation, Ambrose, 130, 131, 196, 227.

Makemelon, Allester, 171.

        Elizabeth, 171.

Malden, 193.

Malt, see Food.

Manchester, 205, 364, 365, 378, 427, 434.

Mannering, Manneringe, Oliver, 208, 209.

Manning, Nicholas, 162, 217, 287, 289, 290, 349, 375, 395, 417, 438, 443.

Mansfield, Mansfeild, Mansfelld, —, 41, 256.

        Andrew, 44, 45, 60, 76, 107, 183, 185, 191-193, 198, 245, 252, 259, 266, 316, 334, 376, 377.

        Deborah, 251.

        Elizabeth, 251.

        John, 251.

        Joseph, 245, 251, 259.

        Samuel, 251.

        William, 228.


        Barrel staves, 294.

        Board, 7, 73, 411, 421, 434, 436.

        Board, deal, 104, 153, 295, 302, 406.

        Bricks, 83, 169, 173.

        Charcoal, 264.

        Clapboards, 60.

        Cordage, 11.

        Fence rails, 135.

        Glass, 235, 245, 246.

        Hogshead heading, 106, 114, 246.

        Hogshead staves, 106, 114, 235, 341.

        Hoops, 212.

        Leather, 9, 40, 73, 313, 329, 359, 375.

        Nails, 9, 10, 169, 170, 210, 236, 288, 289, 316, 329, 349, 386, 434.

        Nails, board, 289, 349.

        Nails, clapboard, 289.

        Nails, shingle, 289.

        Nails, six-penny, 289.

        Pins, spa iron, 349.

        Pipestaves, 88, 100, 104, 236, 258, 292, 295, 407, 408, 410.

        Plank, 80, 137, 212, 301.

        Pots, 186.

        Rails, 186.

        Rope, 10.

        Shingles, 203, 211, 386.

        Skins, dressed, 76.

        Slabs, 302.

        Soap, 8, 9, 169, 349, 443.

        Sparrables, 10, 73.

        Staves, 98, 132, 153, 246, 302.

        Tar, 10, 11.

        Timber, 26, 44, 99, 109, 132, 149, 150, 192, 193, 225, 237, 256, 273, 277, 281, 293, 296, 302, 322, 325, 386, 387, 406.

        Worsted, 328.

        Yarn, 120, 300, 328, 371, 432.

        Yarn, cotton, 65, 73, 210, 364, 371.

        Yarn, flax, 65.

        Yarn, linen, 73, 210, 368, 432.

Marble, Dorothy, 126.

        Joseph, 126, 262.

Mary, 126, 262.

Marblehead, 4, 6, 8, 9, 12, 41, 42, 49, 65, 74, 76-77, 90, 92, 109, 114, 115, 122, 126, 129, 168 -170, 172, 181, 183-185, 195, 218, 221-223, 247, 253, 256, 264, 265, 278, 279, 281 -283, 321, 347, 357, 358, 368, 373, 383, 421, 426, 432, 436.

Marblehead, population of, 279.

Marblehead Neck, 439.

March, George, 440.

        Hugh, 21, 138, 152, 154, 155,138, 152, 154, 155, 162, 285, 288, 385, 400, 417, 418.

Marsh, Benjamin, 435.

        Bethia, 435.

        Ezekiel, 435.

        Jacob, 435.

        John, 58, 314, 418, 419, 434, 435.

        Judah, 399.

        Judith, 418.

        Samuel, 435.

        Sara, 58.

        Susanna, 434.

        Zachery, 435.

Marshall, Marshal, Capt., 2, 62, 63, 255, 332, 370, 371, 374, 377, 380, 386, 429.

        Benjamin, 77, 303, 313, 339, 341.

        Edmond, 77, 127, 287, 313, 314, 339, 341.

        John, 127.

        Robert, 101, 150.

        Thomas, 3, 44, 45, 61, 78, 117, 191, 194, 252, 332, 356, 375, 377, 382, 386, 387, 397, 398, 423, 424, 426.

Marshfield, 356.

Marshman, Christian, 250, 291, 292, 357.

Marston, Marstone, John, 170, 171, 217, 255, 258, 356, 426.

Manasseth, 220, 316.

        Sabina, 103.

        Thomas, 238, 293.

        William, 98, 103, 170, 237, 356.

Martin, Marten, Martyn, Abraham, 119, 121, 140, 220, 221, 405.

        George, 148, 235, 236, 244, 293, 400-402, 405, 406, 410.

        John, 109, 110, 349.

        Mary, 400, 401.

        Richard, 243, 340, 400, 402, 405.

        Samuel, 20, 351.

        Susana, 235, 236, 297, 299, 401.

Mascall, John, 18, 426.

Mason, —, 375.

        Arthur, 108.

        John, 169, 293, 374.

Massey, —, 290.

        Jeffrey, 174, 282, 323, 325.

        John, 68, 215, 222, 364.

Masury, see Mazary.

Mather, Timothy, 19, 90.

Matoone, —, 34.

Matson, Mattson, John, 99.

        Thomas, 226, 265, 439.

Maverick, Mavericke, —, 55, 70.

        Moses, 4, 6, 18, 29, 56, 67, 77, 110, 111, 114, 115, 130, 168, 181-184, 197, 198, 200, 206, 211, 218, 246, 253, 257, 279, 280, 346, 357, 358, 421-426.

        Rebecca, 29.

        Samuel, 247.

Mawle, Thomas, 374.

Maxey, Maxe, Alexander, 220, 261.

        John, 261.

Mazary, William, 363.

Meacham, Jeremiah, 289, 382.

Meager, John, 405.

Meakins, Thomas, 411.

Meal, see Food.

Meat, see Food.

Medicine, 69, 442.

Meeke, Richard, 350, 425, 439.

Meere, John, 399, 432, 435.

        Thomas, 399, 432, 436.

Meeting house, see Religious affairs.

Mentor, Menter, Thomas, 146, 225, 231, 232, 308, 414.

Mearcer, Richard, 147.

Merchant, see Trades.

Merriam, Mariam, John, 97, 410.

        William, 41, 191-194, 198, 346, 384.

Merrill, Abel, 139, 164, 260.

        Abraham, 164, 260.

        Daniel, 440.

        Elizabeth, 234.

        Joan, 164.

        John, 234, 260, 261, 440.

        Susanna, 260.

Merrimack, 82, 83, 85, 301, 390.

Merrimack river, 15, 17, 101, 389, 410.

Merritt, Merrott, Merrett, James, 122.

        John, 110, 126, 421, 437.

        Nicholas, 110, 211, 253, 279 -281, 426.

Messer, Samuel, 128.


        Iron, 186, 264, 354, 397.

        Iron, anchor, 173.

        Iron, bar, 77, 78, 84, 88, 113, 116, 130, 131, 138, 169, 173, 196, 197, 218, 219, 264, 265, 271, 287, 288, 337, 349, 425.

        Lead, 328.

        Mine, 227, 277, 353, 396.

        Steel, 186, 349.

Michell, Christopher, 7.

        Jonathan, 173.

        Margaret, 173.

Mighill, Mihill, Michael, Elizabeth, 398.

        Ezekiel, 1, 128.

        John, 159.

        Nate, 444.

        Nathaniel, 42, 116, 217, 265, 266.

        Samuel, 161, 303, 398, 399.

        Thomas, 17.

Miles, Milles, John, 172.

        Joseph, 170.

        Martha, 367.


Military company, 37, 297, 309, 361.

        Officers of, 308, 309.

        Quartermaster, 33.

        Training, 21, 29, 31, 32, 37, 64, 93, 122, 138, 152, 165, 197, 233, 236, 240, 309, 310, 312, 345, 357, 360, 361, 362, 379, 410, 416.

        Troop, 29, 31, 236.

Mill brook, 294.

Millard, Ann, 227.

Miller, Thomas, 327.

Miller, see Trades.

Millett, Millitt, John, 260.

        Thomas, 76, 119, 258, 260.

Mills, see Buildings.

Milum, —, 188.

Ministers, see Religious affairs.

Mitchell, see Michell.

Mitchellsonne, Edward, 25.

Mittens, see Clothing.

Mocado ends, 95.

Mohair, see Cloth.

Molasses, see Food.

Mole, —, 160.

Money, silver, 41, 101, 137, 204, 246, 339, 372, 425.

Monhegan, 6, 12, 108.

Moody, Moodey, Caleb, 163, 260, 301, 385, 403, 417.

        Cutting, 440.

        Joshua, 167.

        Samuel, 440.

        William, 260, 261.

Moore, More, Moores, Moors, —, 71, 72, 91.

        Elizabeth, 299.

        John, 206, 379.

        Jonathan, 93, 342, 344.

        Richard, 202, 206, 245, 259, 316, 400, 444.

        William, 19, 97, 99, 235, 410.

Morgan, Morgaine, Morgen, Morgin, Sergt., 358.

        Benjamin, 114, 127, 205, 346, 439.

        Bethia, 205.

        Deborah, 216, 222.

        Joseph, 127, 129, 205, 216, 222, 346, 439.

        Margaret, 204.

        Moses, 24, 205.

        Richard, 105, 152.

        Robert, 90, 164, 204, 205.

        Samuel, 49, 77, 114, 126, 132, 140, 164, 205, 218, 279, 348, 425.

Morrill, Morrall, Morell, John, 138, 215, 221, 425.

Morrin, Morell, Morril, Moron, Patrick, 2, 21, 22.

Morris, Morice, Evan, 80, 134, 138, 160, 396.

Morse, Mors, Morss, Anthony, 30, 79, 231, 326, 330, 384, 440.

        Benjamin, 261.

        Edmond, 39.

        Peter, 440.

        William, 1, 79, 161, 261.

Mortar, see Utensils, Household.

Moulton, Moulten, Molton, —, 364.

        Henry, 99, 100, 104, , 147, 149, , 241, 405, 411.

        James, 41, 124, 127, 215, 220, 221, 417, 437.

        John, 221.

        Mary, 220, 439.

        Robert, 364.

Mower, Samuel, 379.

Muddy river, 391.

Mudgett, Thomas, 98, 105.

Munjoy, Martha, 254.

Murry, Benjamin, 354.

Musket, see Weapons.

Mussey, Muzey, Muzzy, —, 388, 391, 393.

Mussey, Esther, 440.

        Joseph, 392, 417, 440.

Mystic, 2.