Table, see Furniture.
Table cloth, see Furnishings, Household.
Tailor, see Trades.
Talbut, Talbet, Tallbut, Mary, 315, 411-413.
Tallow, 142.
Talmage, Thomas, 2.
Tanhouse, see Buildings.
Tandy, Michael, 166.
Tan pit, 313.
Tan yard, 315.
Tankard, see Utensils, Household.
Tanner, see Trades.
Taply, Thomasine, 216.
Tappan, Topan, Toppan, Toppin, Abraham, 160, 161, 176-178, 227, 327, 398, 399.
Elizabeth, 161.
Isaac, 161.
Jacob, 155, 161, 176-178, 265, 330, 398, 399, 440.
John, 161.
Peter, 35, 160, 162, 176-178, 260, 265, 292.
Samuel, 161.
Tarball, Tarbal, John, 352, 353.
Tarbox, Tarboks, John, 60, 62, 370, 371.
Tavern, see Public houses.
Taylor, Tailer, Tayelor, Taylour, Tayler, —, 144, 250.
John, 225.
Joseph, 99.
Samuel, 315.
Taylor's river, 99, 150, 237, 295.
Teiner, Teyner, Thomas, 279, 282.
Temple, Col., 19.
Christopher, 398.
Tenney, Tenny, Teny, John, 254, 269, 343.
Thomas, 224, 277, 313, 343, 385, 397.
Tetherly, John, 11.
Tewksbury, Tuksbery, Tuxeberry, —, 403.
Henry, 401.
Theft, see Crimes.
Thing, —, 242.
Jonathan, 88, 98-101, 104, 149, 150, 151, 166, 241, 244, 295, 409, 410.
Thomas, —, 162.
David, 279.
Evan, 77.
John, 140.
Susanna, 20.
Thompson, see Tompson.
Thorndike, Thornedicke, —, 323.
Mary, 290.
Thorndike meadow, 94.
Thread, crewel, 328.
Thurlay's bridge, 23.
Thurloe, Thurla, Thorley, Thorlla, Thurlay, —, 37.
Francis, 141.
Juda, 39.
Thomas, 443.
Thurston, Anne, 261.
Daniel, 159.
Tibb, John, 23.
Till, —, 49.
Tilsey, Francis, 374.
Tilton, Daniel, 98, 101, 237, 296.
Timber, see Manufactures.
Titcombe, Titcumb, Tittcombe, Beniah, 268.
Pennuel, 268.
Titherly, William, 108.
Toad, 146.
Tobacco, 8, 31, 63, 114, 217, 303, 308, 349.
Tobacco pipes, 22, 24, 31, 46, 64, 73, 144, 145, 349.
Todd, Tod, John, 6, 7, 14, 19, 35, 80-83, 114, 137, 168, 188, 198, 301, 442.
Toleman, Anthony, 48.
Tom (Indian), 400.
Tomkins, John, 53.
Tomlins, —, 44.
Tompson, Tomsone, Alexander, 375, 414.
Elizabeth, 251.
Tongs, see Utensils, Household.
Tools, implements, etc., 37.
Ax, 57, 72, 118, 136, 141-143, 161, 171, 199, 209, 214, 224, 253, 300, 319, 329, 364, 365, 368, 371, 390, 432.
Ax, cooper's, 334.
Axle-pins, 203.
Beam, 329.
Beetle and wedges, 57.
Beetle ring, 300.
Boxes, 209.
Brush, 329.
Carpenter's tools, 214.
Cart, 58, 59, 83, 108, 120, 130 -132, 183, 208, 209, 214, 227, 329, 364, 389, 390, 391, 432.
Chain, 72, 118, 161, 208, 209, 212, 214, 300, 364, 382, 390, 432.
Chain, draft, 203.
Cider press, 364.
Clever, 203.
Comb, 210.
Crank, 300.
Fan, 161.
Go-cart, 433.
Goad, 192.
Gouge, 329.
Grindstone, 72, 209, 224, 300, 329, 371.
Hake, 435.
Hammer, 73, 210, 224, 329, 371, 433.
Hand bar, 328.
Harrow, 161.
Hedge hook, 328.
Hoes, 72, 136, 203, 209, 300, 329, 364, 368, 432, 433.
Hone, 73.
Hoops, 382.
Iron bar, 300.
Iron ringer, 203.
Iron slice, 30.
Knife, cutting, 329.
Knife, paring, 40.
Limbec, 95.
Loom, weaver's, 202.
Malt mill, 203.
Mattocks, 209.
Meal shovel, 304.
Mustard mill, 203.
Nibs, 329.
Nippers, 40.
Ox-bow, 192.
Physician's instruments, 160.
Pile hook, 328.
Pitchforks, 72, 203, 209, 328, 329.
Plow, 72, 161, 208, 209, 212, 214, 329, 389, 390.
Plow, wooden, 328.
Plow irons, 118, 209, 364, 432.
Pot, dung, 209.
Pounding trough, 364.
Powdering tub, 328.
Press, wooden, 329.
Pump, 295.
Rake, 87.
Rake, garden, 328.
Raw hide, 203.
Ring, brass, 433.
Rings and staples, 209.
Rope, 247.
Saw, 203, 209, 253, 300, 329, 371, 390, 443.
Scales, 214.
Scales, brass, 329.
Scales and weights, 73, 203, 210, 303, 431.
Scythe, 72, 209, 329, 349, 364, 390, 432.
Searce, 329.
Shovel, 8, 57, 72, 118, 210, 328, 371.
Sled, 58, 72, 276, 311, 329, 373, 405, 432.
Sleek stone, 65.
Slice, 224.
Staples, 329.
Sterling irons, 329.
Toll dish, 305.
Toll tub, 305.
Tow comb, 58, 203, 300, 328, 435.
Tramills, 30, 76, 136, 202, 203, 206, 207, 211, 214, 224, 300, 390.
Trowel, 371.
Turning tools, 224.
Wedges, 209, 300, 329, 364, 435.
Wheels, 30, 58, 78, 204, 207, 208, 209, 252, 329, 364, 365, 368, 435.
Wheels, spinning, 72, 76, 300, 364, 371, 432, 433.
Wheels, woolen, 57, 136, 224, 390.
Workchest, joiner's, 266.
Worm, 64.
Yokes, 72, 161, 209, 329, 390.
Toope, Tape, Margery, 303.
Topsfield, 2, 21, 26, 37, 59, 63, 76, 78, 83, 88, 96, 115, 116, 124, 125, 133, 134, 138-141, 160, 170, 215, 221, 222, 262, 265, 271, 321, 337, 349, 425, 441.
Towels, see Furnishings, Household.
Towers, Thomas, 227.
Towle, Towell, Philip, 105, 239, 242.
Town records, see Records.
Towne, Townes, Edmund, 22, 124, 133.
Johana, 197.
Samuel, 124.
Sarah, 22.
Susanna, 125.
Townsend, Townsin, Samuel, 220.
Thomas, 60.
Trades, professions and occupations.
Apothecary, 354.
Barber-surgeon, 49.
Bellringer, 200.
Blacksmith, 42, 45, 219, 251, 383, 417.
Boatman, 384.
Boatmaster, 371.
Brickmaker, 374.
Butcher, 423.
Clothier, 65.
Cordwainer, 334.
Currier, 334.
Cutler, 200.
Feltmaker, 189.
Fisherman, 4, 8-10, 56, 129, 182, 188, 246, 281, 357, 420.
Gunsmith, 287.
Hatter, 188.
Husbandman, 47, 55, 133, 191, 336.
Innkeeper, 223.
Ironmonger, 220.
Locksmith, 417.
Mason, 66.
Master mariner, 9, 10, 48, 301, 339, 444.
Maulster, 19.
Merchant, 3, 7-11, 45, 80, 129, 156, 190, 195, 239, 303, 337, 339, 340, 384, 388, 394.
Painter, 37.
Physician, 32, 35, 159, 160, 205, 244, 319, 418, 419, 442, 443.
Prison keeper, 24, 40, 55, 64, 84, 123, 128, 147, 246, 249, 250, 265, 293, 335, 339, 358, 410, 439.
Sadler, 444.
Schoolmaster, 409.
Seaman, 129.
Serge-maker, 407.
Shoreman, 6.
Tanner, 126, 172, 338, 388, 395.
Yeoman, 47, 191, 212, 225, 323, 333, 384.
Trainings, see Military.
Trask, Traske, Capt., 324.
Florence, 77.
John, 56, 77, 120, 129, 164, 200, 204, 374.
Osmund, 383.
Travis, James, 254.
Tray, see Utensils, Household.
Traymaker, see Trades.
Chestnut, 74.
Pine, 322.
Trenchers, see Utensils, Household.
Trespass, see Crimes.
Trevey, John, 110.
Trevitt, Trevett, Trivet, Henry, 63, 185, 197, 248, 256, 279, 282.
Jemima, 174.
Trumble, —, 80.
Hannah, 262.
Trunk, see Furniture.
Trusler, —, 208.
Tubs, see Utensils, Household.
Edward, 148.
Mary, 148.
Tucker, —, 444.
Andrew, 282.
Tunbridge, James, 19.
Tunnel, see Utensils, Household.
Turf and twig, 47, 112, 175, 265, 266, 388, 438.
Turill, Daniel, 191.
Turning the key, 326.
Turnips, see Food.
Ephraim, 397.
Tuttle, —, 185.
Tuttle, Joanna, 292.
John, 292.
Twisden, Peter, 8, 228, 230, 385.
Tylor, Tiler, Tiller, Job, 128.
Tyng, Edward, 12, 66, 115, 116, 169, 177, 178, 186, 286, 317, 334, 356, 394, 397.