Records and Files

of the

Quarterly Courts of Essex County Massachusetts,
Volume VI


Earthenware, see Utensils, Household.

Easman, Benjamin, 429.

        John, 21, 139.

        Nathaniel, 116.

        Roger, 208, 261.

Easson's river, 64, 66, 320, 321.

Eastern Point, 378.

Easton, —, 40, 319.

Eaton, Eaten, —, 89.

        Daniel, 400.

        John, 21, 23, 139, 429, 437.

        Joseph, 381, 401, 429, 437.

Edmunds, —, 180.

        John, 400.

        Joseph, 308, 309, 400.

        Samuel, 400.

        William, 228, 370.

Edwards, John, 146, 236, 397, 400.

        Rice, 401.

        Thomas, 355, 399.

Ela, Ely, —, 25, 26.

        Daniel, 11, 21, 24, 25, 138, 140, 141, 212, 262, 264, 335, 432.

        Elizabeth, 11.

Elbridg, Thomas, 296.

Elethrop, Ellithorp, Ellitrop, Elithrop, John, 132, 133, 294, 385, 401.

        Mary, 396.

        Nathaniel, 421.

        Thomas, 421.

Elford, Leweie, 187.

Ellenwood, Ellingwood, Ralph, 147, 288, 316.

Ellery, William, 378.

Elliott, Eliott, Andrew, 110, 146, 188, 401.

        Edmond, 427.

        Jacob, 403.

        Robert, 185.

        William, 401.

Elsworth, Jeremiah, 11, 13, 27, 217, 239, 272, 291, 326- 328.

Elwell, Isaac, 77, 402.

        Robert, 61, 345.

        Joseph, 114.

        Samuel, 61, 402.

        Thomas, 402.

Emerson, —, 85, 117.

        John, 26.

        Michael, 21, 139, 141, 212, 213.

Emery, Emerie, Emrie, Emory, —, 449.

        Dr., 240.

        George, 135, 292.

        John, 63, 66, 197, 227, 248, 260, 426, 446, 447, 451.

        Jonathan, 260.

Emmons, Emins, Emons, John, 86.

        Joseph, 18.

        Peter, 131.

Endecott, Endecot, Endicot, Endicote, —, 190, 246.

        Dr., 188.

        John, 8, 78, 242, 362, 371.

        Zerubabell, 293, 294.

England, 44, 45, 70, 81, 82, 84-86, 96, 153, 155-158, 160, 161, 173, 180, 196, 220-222, 303, 305, 314, 316, 350, 372.

English, —, 153.

        Clem, 180, 181.

        Mary, 92, 382.

        Philip, 42, 115, 346-348, 355, 356.

Epps, Epes, Eps, —, 156, 404, 406- 408.

        Daniel, 1, 10, 30, 85, 118, 221, 238, 244, 245, 247, 248, 278, 318, 392, 403- 405, 418, 419.

        Joseph, 408.

        Lionel, 248.

        Samuel, 221, 222.

Esset, Isset, William, 199, 200, 201.

Essex, 11, 65, 154.

Eston, —, 66, 321.

Estow, William, 212.

Evanes, Evens, Evins, Agnes, 216.

        Daniel, 331, 332.

        John, 167.

        William, 216.

Everley, Joseph, 396.

Exeter, 13, 21, 23, 24, 61, 64, 128, 139, 142- 144, 158, 208-212, 214, 262-265, 286, 340, 366, 391, 411, 423, 428, 429, 430- 432, 434- 437, 442.