Records and Files

of the

Quarterly Courts of Essex County Massachusetts,
Volume VI


Hacker, Haker, George, 115, 189, 190.

Hacket, Haccutt, —, 124.

        William, 122.

Haddock, see Fish.

Hadley, Hadly, George, 70, 153, 161.

        Mary, 116.

Hadley, 189.

Hadlocke, James, 8.

        Nathaniel, 402.

Haggett, Hagett, —, 309.

        Moses, 276, 277.

Hake, see Fish.

Halberd, see Weapons.

Hale, Halle, Elizabeth, 229.

        John, 249, 260, 267, 328.

        Thomas, 41, 61, 64, 66, 238, 260, 445, 446, 449, 452.

Hall, —, 403.

        Lieut., 215.

        Elizabeth, 293, 373.

        Joseph, 400.

        John, 85, 221, 222.

        Kinsley, 264, 428, 436.

        Martin, 288, 293, 294, 316, 373, 374.

        Paltiell, 264, 342.

        Ralph, 21, 23, 64, 208, 210, 229, 263, 293, 294, 342, 373, 374, 427.

        Richard, 237.

        Samuel, 367, 429.

Haly, Richard, 394.

Hamilton, William, 197.

Hammer, see Tools.

Hammock, 177.

Hammon, Hamons, John, 424.

        Mary, 424.

        William, 127.

Hampton, 21, 22, 24, 25, 132, 139-144, 164, 209, 210, 212, 214, 264, 266, 313, 342, 343, 367, 391, 427, 428, 431- 436.

Handforth, Nathaniel, 59.

Haniford, Richard, 86.

Hankerchiefs, see Clothing.

Hansecom, James, 239.

Harding, Hardin, Hardinge, —, 316.

        Elizabeth, 242.

        Joseph, 243.

Hardy, Hardee, Hardi, Hardye, —, 242.

        Elizabeth, 242.

        Jacob, 427.

        John, 242, 421, 437.

        Joseph, 35, 99, 208, 437.

        Samuel, 49, 50, 108.

        Thomas, 253, 405, 406, 409.

        William, 437.

Hare, Josiah, 36.

Hariot, —, 222.

        Thomas, 221.

Harlin, Hortin, Peter, 398.

Harradin, Harridine, Harradein, Andrew, 402.

        Edward, 402, 415.

Harris, —, 351.

        Griffin, 400.

        Hannah, 349.

        John, 26, 272, 318, 326, 358, 395- 398.

        Nathaniel, 50, 395.

        Richard, 348.

        Samuel, 401.

        Thomas, 53, 219.

        Timothy, 206.

Harryman, Haryman, Leonard, 63, 116, 238.

        Margaret, 116.

Hart, Hartt, Abigail, 304.

        Jonathan, 196, 366.

        Joseph, 304, 388, 399.

        Rebecca, 304.

        Samuel, 109, 223, 304, 397, 399.

        Sarah, 287.

        Thomas, 223.

Hartford, 58, 356.

Hartshorne, Thomas, 339.

Harvey, Harvie, George, 385.

        Hannah, 438.

        John, 12, 53, 451.

        Peter, 438.

        Richard, 398.

        Thomas, 428.

Harwood, Harod, Harrod, —, 77.

        Henry, 75-78.

        John, 398.

        Thomas, 399.

Haseltine, Haselton, Hasseltine, Hazeltine, —, 252, 262.

        Abraham, 252, 291.

Haseltine, Anna, 252, 253.

        David, 208, 252, 253, 291.

        Gershom, 253.

        John, 24, 208, 253, 261, 262, 335, 414.

        Robert, 223, 252, 253.

        Samuel, 208, 236, 421.

Haskell, Hascall, Hascol, Haskin, Haskings, —, 49.

        Deacon, 158.

        Eliza, 88.

        Elizabeth, 46, 49, 80, 243.

        Hannah, 315.

        John, 20, 49, 80, 126, 127, 243, 244, 402.

        Joseph, 402.

        Josiah, 19, 47, 88, 243, 244, 402.

        Mark, 127, 183, 243, 244, 401, 402.

        Roger, 19, 46, 47, 49, 50, 80, 88, 135, 242-244, 348, 349, 401.

        Samuel, 19, 47, 88, 243.

        Sarah, 19, 47, 88.

        Stephen, 243, 397.

        William, 19, 20, 46, 47, 49, 80, 88, 242- 244, 402.

Haskett, Haskitt, Elizabeth, 376.

        Steven, 9, 13, 32, 43, 51, 62, 173, 202, 219, 279, 290, 376.

Haskins, John, 399.

        Roger, 280, 401.

Hassell, —, 409.

Hassen, Hasson, Edward, 17, 137, 250, 424.

        Thomas, 282.

Hat, see Clothing.

Hatchet, see Tools.

Hathorne, Hathorn, Hawthorne, —, 333.

        Capt., 246.

        Maj., 63, 98, 101, 117, 147, 150, 170, 188, 195, 196, 234, 284, 296, 297, 316, 317, 338, 389.

        Ebenezer, 310, 337, 368, 399.

        Eleazer, 215, 241.

        John, 9, 10, 16, 20, 51, 73, 135, 173, 228, 233, 235, 289, 290, 310, 311, 313, 337, 368, 370.

        Marah, 112, 169, 310, 311.

        Nathaniel, 310, 399.

        Phebe, 310, 311.

        Sara, 290, 311, 368.

Hatter, see Trades.

Haven, Richard, 58, 135, 388, 399.

Haverhill, 11, 21-24, 50, 88, 89, 141, 145, 212, 213, 215, 220, 253, 264, 266, 334, 335, 344, 355, 358, 359, 414, 423, 431-433, 435, 441, 445, 448, 450, 453, 454, 456.

Hawkes, Hauckes, Hawks, John, 81, 82, 155, 182, 288, 400, 404, 419.

        Moses, 400.

        Richard, 135, 219.

        Sarah, 404, 419.

Hawkings, Haukins, Abraham, 362.

        Thomas, 135, 385, 398.

Hawksworth, Thomas, 212.

Hay, 14, 16, 22, 40, 57, 59, 71, 75, 83, 87, 100, 105, 106, 109, 138, 145, 182, 203, 206, 211, 231, 233, 340.

Hayseed, 70.

Hayman, Heman, Henry, 181, 196.

Haynes, Haines, Hains, Jonathan, 21, 127, 128, 202, 204, 448, 449, 452.

        Marks, 70.

        Richard, 147, 401.

        Robert, 400.

        Thomas, 400.

Hayward, Heywood, —, 187, 188.

        Hannah, 338.

        John, 200.

        Nathaniel, 102, 289.

        William, 259, 338, 440.

Healy, William, 200, 201.

Heard, Hard, Herd, Edmund, 277.

        John, 295, 296.

        Mary, 295, 296.

Heath, Heathe, —, 385.

        John, 334.

        Josiah, 140.

Hebard, Heburd, Heibard, Elizabeth, 361.

        John, 62.

        Joseph, 361, 388, 389, 400.

        Robert, 245, 247, 289.

Hedgcock, John, 180.

Heiden, Heyden, Andrew, 26, 27.

Heifer, see Animals (domestic).

Hemp, 59, 104, 105, 179, 186.

Hendrick, Daniel, 21, 23, 139, 208, 261.

Hendrick, Jabez, 263.

        John, 22, 264, 339.

        Jotham, 262- 264.

Henly, Hande, Hendly, Elias, 111, 169, 290.

        Martha, 54.

        Owen, 60, 62, 398.

Hens, 70, 172.

Herrick, Hericke, Benjamin, 261.

        Ephraim, 102, 261.

        Henry, 31, 47, 62, 261, 400.

        John, 261, 401.

        Thomas, 261.

        Zachariah, 46, 102, 207, 261, 293, 345, 374, 401.

Hetch hole, 324, 325.

Hetherd, William, 401.

Hewet, Hueet, Rebecca, 149, 150, 169.

Hewson, Hughson, Huson, Thomas, 331, 332, 357, 358, 374.

Hide, Richard, 363.

Hiden, Andrew, 272.

Hides, 122, 124, 331.

Higginson, Higinson, —, 296, 303, 375, 376, 402.

        John, 51, 89, 173, 267, 268, 281, 289, 290, 301, 306, 309, 328, 345, 354, 355, 369.

Highways and ways, 139, 406, 407.

        Assault on, 22, 193, 238, 317, 427.

        Defect in, 61, 62, 434, 437.

        Driftway, 146, 147.

        Laid out, 112, 206, 266, 294, 322, 375.

        Robbing on, 256- 258.

Hill, Hills, —, 225, 446, 449.

        Abigail, 373, 374.

        John, 31, 50, 97, 108, 289, 315, 349, 373, 374, 377.

        Joseph, 39-41, 71, 126.

        Roger, 184.

        Samuel, 448, 452.

        Zebulon, 57, 282.

Hilliard, Hillyard, Benjamin, 343.

        Edward, 115.

        Timothy, 142, 143, 208, 209, 214, 343.

Hilton, Hillton, —, 139.

        Charles, 263, 430, 436.

        Edward, 340, 429, 437.

        William, 7, 340.

Hisket, George, 137.

Hitchcock, see Hedgcock.

Hoar, Thomas, 399.

        William, 147, 401.

Hobbs, James, 140.

        John, 17, 142, 442.

        Morris, 140, 144, 339.

Hobbs, Robert, 308, 309, 399.

Hobby, William, 241.

Hobson, —, 364.

Hockman, Edward, 335.

        Richwood, 335.

Hodg, Robert, 100.

Hodgman, Hoggman, Hogsman, Mary, 35.

        Thomas, 35.

Hoe, see Tools.

Hog, see Animals (domestic).

Hog Island, 67, 364, 405, 406, 408, 409, 420.

Hogshead staves, see Manufactures.

Hogsheads, see Utensils, Household.

Hoiell, John, 398.

Holdred, Houldredg, —, 340.

        Mary, 396.

        William, 140.

Holland, see Cloth.

Hollingworth, Ellen, 290.

        Elenor, 51, 173, 369.

        Richard, 37, 42, 76, 235.

        William, 87, 135, 369.

Hollowey, Holoua, Joseph, 258, 400.

Holly, Richard, 369.

Holman, Edward, 387, 398.

        Richard, 387.

Holmes, Holms, Hester, 256.

        John, 100, 101.

        Richard, 267, 269-271, 275, 327.

        Robert, 256.

Holster, see Weapons.

Holt, —, 171, 194.

Homan, Edward, 18, 62, 167, 192, 361- 363.

        John, 165.

Houlton, Joseph, 369.

Hood, Hoode, Houd, —, 1, 36.

        Jeremie, 3-5, 54, 55.

        Richard, 215, 400.

Hood, see Clothing.

Hoog, John, 237.

        Joseph, 237.

Hoogman, Thomas, 217.

Hooker, Matthew, 441.

Hooper, Hoper, Hooper, Huper, Christian, 387.

        Elizabeth, 335, 363, 387.

        John, 362, 387, 399.

        Robert, 62, 179, 180, 335, 361, 362, 363, 387, 399.

        William, 349, 401.

Hopkinson, Hopkissen, Caleb, 253.

        Dorcas, 115.

        Elizabeth, 115.

        John, 13-15, 27, 28, 115, 326, 422.

        Jonathan, 27, 28, 138, 271, 395.

Horne, Benjamin, 387, 396.

        John, 39.

        Mary, 39.

        Simon, 175.

Horse, see Animals (domestic).

Horse Equipment.

        Bits, 312.

        Breast-plate, 312.

        Bridle, 69, 103, 168, 177, 178, 183, 185, 307, 445-448, 450- 456.

        Bridle, curb, 312, 446-448, 450- 452.

        Buckles, 103.

        Bullen nails, 103.

        Caulks, steel, 75.

        Collar, 312.

        Crupper, 447, 453.

        Double girth, 446.

        Girth, 69, 103, 452.

Halter, 454.

Horse shoeing, 75.

Horse shoes, 171, 455.

        Pillion, 59, 69, 111, 168, 177, 178, 185, 207, 307, 312, 447, 453, 455.

        Pillion cloth, 70, 177, 312.

        Plates, 103.

        Reins for bridles, 103.

        Saddle, 21, 51, 59, 69, 70, 103, 108, 168, 177-179, 183, 185, 207, 262, 307, 312, 372, 373, 377, 384, 385, 445-448, 450- 456.

        Saddle, cart, 183.

        Saddle cloth, 377, 447, 451, 452, 454, 455.

        Stirrup, 69, 455.

        Stirrup irons, 103.

        Tackle, 230.

        Traces, 312.

Horsemenden, Co. Kent, 82.

Hour Glass, see Utensils, Household and Furnishings, Household.

House, see Buildings.

House of correction, 137.

Hovey, Hovie, Hovy, Daniel, 196, 206, 238, 259, 425.

How, —, 405.

        Elizabeth, 304.

        James, 441.

        John, 1, 4, 7, 17, 20, 33, 34, 36, 37, 54, 55, 72, 179, 216, 222, 239, 338, 352, 354, 355, 426, 439.

Howard, Hannah, 256.

        John, 344.

        Nathaniel, 401.

        Thomas, 115.

Howard, William, 44.

Howlett, Howlet, Ensign, 324.

        Samuel, 403.

        Thomas, 324, 338.

        William, 425, 426.

Hoyt, Dorothy, 341.

        John, 339, 341, 427.

Hubbard, Hubard, Hubart, Hubbart, Hubbert, —, 112, 117, 124, 425.

        Jeremiah, 122.

        Josiah, 210.

        Mary, 30.

        Richard, 21, 277, 328, 427, 441.

        William, 30, 267, 268, 403, 426.

Huckston, Christopher, 399.

Hudson, Jonathan, 31.

        Moses, 399.

Hue and cry, 103, 137, 151.

Huggins, —, 428.

        John, 22, 209.

Hull, Houll, Edith, 281.

        Isaac, 401.

        John, 291, 349, 350, 393, 442.

        Richard, 308.

Humberd, Edward, 20.

Humphreys, Humphries, Humphry, Umpheries, —, 363.

        Edward, 18, 111, 127, 179- 181, 398.

        Elizabeth, 18.

Hunewell, Israel, 409.

Hunkings, John, 31, 256, 338, 440.

Hunt, —, 30, 208.

        Samuel, 20, 33, 47, 72, 114, 136, 278.

Huntaway, Benjamin (Indian), 21, 140.

Huske, —, 303.

Hussey, Huzee, —, 21.

        Stephen, 412.

Hutchings, Huchens, Huchins, Benjamin, 236.

        Daniel, 82, 400.

        John, 452.

        Joseph, 211, 400.

        Mary, 236.

        Nicholas, 400.

        Will, 236.

Hutchinson, Huchenson, Huchinson, Huchison, —, 250, 369.

        Elisha, 78, 79.

        Francis, 400.

        John, 230, 250.

        Joseph, 8, 31, 135, 177, 290, 369, 387.

        Samuel, 26, 425.

        Sarah, 230, 250.

        Thomas, 400.

Hutton, Hutten, Richard, 1, 57, 119, 185, 215, 249, 289, 374, 381, 382.

Hyde, see Hide.