Records and Files

of the

Quarterly Courts of Essex County Massachusetts,
Volume VI


Keaser, Keiser, Kesor, Keyzar, Eleazer, 350, 353.

        George, 77, 290, 345.

        John, 215.

Kebbe, Cabee, Kebee, Elisha, 190, 191.

Kely, Celly, Kally, Keally, Kelle, Kellie, Kelly, Keyly, —, 254.

        John, 188, 196, 204, 225, 449.

        Renald, 353.

        Runne, 393.

        Sara, 254.

Kembar, Benjamin, 423.

Kemp, Robert, 36.

Kendall, Eng., 71.

Kendrick, see Kindrick.

Keniston, Christopher, 428.

Kenny, Keney, Kennye, Keny, Henry, 45, 46, 234.

Kent, Emma, 237.

        John, 78, 122, 125, 148, 260, 335, 446.

        Josiah, 402.

        Richard, 254, 260, 318, 338, 446, 449, 452.

        William, 330.

Kenton, Devonshire, Eng., 179.

Kersey, see Cloth.

Ketch, see Vessels.

Kettles, see Utensils, Household.

Key, see Buildings.

Kid, James, 140, 210.

Kilborn, Kilborne, Kilbourne, George, 1, 196, 326, 364.

        Joseph, 421.

Kilham, Kelham, Killam, Kellom, Kellum, Killim, —, 313.

        Daniel, 57, 186, 276, 277.

        John, 277.

Kilham, Joseph, 276, 277.

        Lot, 190, 191, 375.

        Thomas, 277.

Kimball, Kemball, Kemble, Kemboll, —, 31, 145, 207, 420.

        Benjamin, 253, 255, 426.

        Caleb, 117, 186, 187.

        Eliza, 50.

        Elizabeth, 185.

        Henry, 5, 117, 145, 146, 167, 185- 187, 213, 235, 252, 435.

        Joanna, 207.

        John, 76, 158, 208, 397, 422, 423, 426.

        Margaret, 119, 132.

        Mary, 76, 167, 169, 187, 207, 235, 429.

        Mercy, 252, 253.

        Richard, 20, 31, 71, 117, 119, 186- 188, 207.

        Samuel, 187.

        Thomas, 5, 15, 31, 36, 61, 167, 169, 187, 198, 207, 236.

Kimin, John, 210, 262.

Kindrick, John, 72, 73, 278, 415, 418.

King, —, 257, 299, 370.

        Betty, 361.

        Daniel, 31, 35, 100, 228, 299, 300, 359, 360, 361.

        Elizabeth, 193, 299, 359, 360.

        James, 36, 72.

        John, 51, 295.

        Joseph, 173.

        Philip, 29.

        Ralph, 10, 43, 51, 119, 198, 279, 299, 300, 306, 317, 325, 359- 361, 389, 400.

        William, 217.

Kingsbury, Kinsbery, Henry, 430.

        James, 252.

        John, 430.

Kinsman, John, 408.

        Robert, 29, 63, 278, 318, 441.

Kirks, Thomas, 188.

Kirtland, Cirtland, Kertland, Cucllen, Nathaniel, 73, 111, 112, 286, 289, 399, 400.

        Richard, 289.

Kitchen, Kitchin, Elizabeth, 98, 171.

        John, 176.

        Robert, 176.

Knapsack, see Weapons.

Knife, see Utensils, Household.

Knight, —, 122, 128, 132, 260.

        Bathshebah, 424.

        Jacob, 388, 400.

        John, 6, 11, 39-45, 64-66, 125, 127, 128, 133, 148, 149, 163, 165, 203, 212, 244, 248, 253, 254, 260, 286, 318- 322, 334, 335, 397, 401, 424, 447-449, 452, 453, 456.

        Joseph, 1, 253, 254.

        Mary, 77, 173, 253, 254, 266.

        Richard, 66, 225, 240, 260, 318, 321, 392, 393, 446, 452.

        Robert, 77, 398.

        Sarah, 253, 254.

        Thomas, 163.

Knill, Thomas, 377.

Knott, Dr., 308, 309, 370.

        Richard, 63, 180, 249, 307, 308, 328- 330, 369, 386.

Knowlton, Knolton, Knoulton, —, 441.

        Deacon, 161.

        Deborah, 352.

        John, 338, 351, 352.

        Thomas, 73, 278, 426, 440.