Records and Files

of the

Quarterly Courts of Essex County Massachusetts,
Volume VIII


Gage, —, 154.

        Corp., 153.

        Daniel, 15.

        Faith, 7, 8.

        John, 15, 16, 33, 101, 158, 302, 408.

        Josiah, 15, 16, 65, 97, 444.

        Nathaniel, 15, 16.

        Samuel, 7.

        Sarah, 101.

Gage's pond, 34.

Gaines, John, 421.

        Esther, 33.

        Martha, 280.

Gale, Gall, Ambrose, 48, 220, 233, 318, 443.

        Benjamin, 192 -194, 233, 237.

Gamage, Gammig, John, 90-92, 306.

Gannett, John, 441.

        Joseph, 237.

Gardner, Gardener, Gardiner, —, 18, 241, 325.

        Eben, 437.

Gardner, Ebenezer, 371, 372.

        Elizabeth, 422.

        John, 370, 401.

        Joseph, 4, 5, 43, 319.

        Samuel, 6, 24, 54, 58, 105, 141, 142, 159, 195, 206, 240, 327, 328, 346, 370, 396, 397, 412, 437, 441.

        Sarah, 371, 372.

        Thomas, 46, 56, 57, 72, 105, 222, 360, 370, 396, 422.

Gardner's hill, 49.

Garrow, James, 185.

Gatchell, Dorcas, 64.

        Jeremiah, 109.

        John, 219, 239, 340, 346, 378, 403.

        Jonathan, 42, 43, 63, 101, 184, 219, 232, 340.

        Joseph, 13, 17, 43, 62, 108, 109, 126, 127, 174, 188, 219, 239, 340, 342, 357, 377, 378.

        Josiah, 31.

        Samuel, 4, 5, 62, 101, 102, 107, 308, 378, 392, 423.

        Thomas, 219.

        Wiborough, 145, 345, 346.

        William, 342.

Gater, Elizabeth, 304.

Gates, 62, 154.

Gay, Hugh, 193, 194, 291.

Geare, Gare, Deborah, 18, 22.

Gedney, —, 47, 48, 174, 223, 224, 357.

        B., 140, 145, 188, 192, 194, 215, 219, 296, 316, 362, 411, 436.

        Bartholomew, 13, 14, 24, 26, 41, 48, 54, 56, 59-61, 63, 65, 71, 72, 74, 87, 88, 101 -105, 108 -110, 123 -125, 133, 149, 150, 156, 174, 179, 180, 187, 189, 193, 197 -199, 220, 225, 228, 230, 232, 236 -239, 241, 253, 254, 258, 259, 279, 281, 293, 318, 331, 340 -344, 348, 357, 370, 378, 411, 420, 421, 439, 441.

        Benjamin, 372.

        Eleazer, 440.

        Elizabeth, 57.

        John, 73, 231, 233, 241, 378, 423.

Geese, see Fowls.

George, —, 133.

        Richard, 130, 131, 365.

German, Jarman, William, 336, 338.

Gerrish, —, 139, 294.

        Capt., 304, 306.

        Benjamin, 135, 148, 210, 440.

        Moses, 1, 23, 148, 245, 339, 419.

        William, 307.

Gibbens, Davie, 7.

Gibbs, Elizabeth, 61.

Giddings, Gidding, Giddinge, Gittings, George, 111.

        John, 75, 377.

        Joseph, 303, 375.

        Thomas, 186, 307.

        William, 101.

Gifford, Gafford, Giffard, Giffard, Jeffard, Jifford, —, 106, 116, 198, 201, 397, 402.

        Francis, 238.

        John, 40, 112 -115, 198, 403.

        Margaret, 23, 113.

        Thomas, 195.

Gilbert, Gilberd, —, 305, 309.

        Ann, 194, 227, 279, 356.

        Martha, 275, 307 -309.

        Sarah, 216, 308.

Gild, Gilde, James, 86.

        Samuel, 86.

Giles, Gile, Gilles, Guile, Bridget, 55.

        Eleazer, 56, 234.

        John, 56, 105, 317, 359.

        Jonathan, 389.

        Samuel, 316.

Gill, —, 352.

        John, 393.

        Moses, 393, 443.

        Samuel, 352, 393.

Gillow, Gilloe, —, 195.

        George, 259.

        John, 257, 399.

        Sarah, 259.

Gilman, Daniel, 352.

        Edward, 352.

        John, 11, 352.

        Moses, 352.

Gilloway, Gillaway, —, 196.

        John, 64, 196.

Gillum, —, 417.

        Hannah, 416.

Gimlet, see Tools.

Girdler, Deborah, 104.

Glass, see Buildings.

Glass house field, 49.

Glazier, see Trades.

Gleden, Charles, 352.

Gloucester, 4, 106, 191, 195, 203, 204, 207, 237 -239, 271, 290, 295, 296, 302, 306, 340, 367, 368, 371, 372, 406, 410, 440.

Glover, Stephen, 238.

Gloves, see Clothing.

Godfrey, Godferi, Godfery, Godfre, Godfree, Godfry, James, 352.

        John, 114, 304.

        Peter, 233, 380.

Godsoe, Godsee, —, 215.

        Margaret, 361.

        William, 71, 110, 215, 342, 343.

Gold, see Money.

Goldwin, George, 443.

Goldwyer, Goldwiar, George, 251, 329.

Goodale, Goodell, —, 391.

        Isaac, 46.

        Nehemiah, 333.

        Patience, 46.

Goodhue, Goodhew, —, 17, 111, 186, 264, 375, 421, 443.

        William, 101, 150, 243, 377.

Goodridge, see Guttridge.

Goodwin, Richard, 40, 429.

Gookin, —, 423.

        Daniel, 16, 423.

Gording, Gourding, Lot, 13, 150.

Gott, Charles, 8, 9, 18, 20, 22, 25, 105, 148, 159, 160, 162, 163, 239, 317, 384.

        Daniel, 258, 259, 296, 364, 438.

        Elizabeth, 296.

        Mary, 296.

        Thomas, 27.

Gould, Gold, —, 189.

        Elizabeth, 299, 309, 381, 382.

        Henry, 303, 307.

        John, 2, 15, 75, 156, 189, 292, 305, 306, 320, 360, 421.

        Mary, 353.

        Sarah, 2.

Gout, see Diseases.

Governor's plain, 117.

Gowen, Going, Gowin, Gowing, George, 318.

        Robert, 187, 237.

        Sarah, 307.

Goyte, Coite, Coyte, Goyt, Goite, John, 27, 28, 29.

        Peter, 345, 368.

Grafton, Bethia, 58.

        John, 370.

        Joseph, 58, 339, 362, 370, 394, 437, 441.

Grain, see Food.

Grandy, Grandear, Grandee, John, 100.

        Mary, 3.

        Robert, 189.

Granger, John, 81.

Grant, John, 92, 98, 167, 373.

        Mary, 14, 97, 98.

        Peter, 202.

Grant, Susanna, 104.

Graves, —, 374.

        Johanna, 280.

        Mark, 122, 325, 326.

        Richard, 319, 322.

        Samuel, 64, 152, 217, 250, 281.

Gray, Robert, 42, 66, 141.

        Samuel, 361.

Great ashen swamp, 319.

Great Island, 331, 366.

Great plain creek, 83, 84.

Great river, 49.

Great Yarmouth, Eng., 337.

Green, Greene, —, 404, 430.

        Henry, 149, 197.

        Jacob, 122, 398, 399.

        John, 229, 399, 400, 403, 423.

        Mary, 398, 399.

        Nathaniel, 343.

        Peter, 68, 181, 182, 275, 276, 309, 316.

        Solomon, 60.

Greenland, 276, 366.

Greenleafe, Grenelefe, Greenleife, Greenliff, Enoch, 204, 207, 349, 350, 423, 427, 428.

        Stephen, 42, 77, 128, 233, 293, 358, 380, 429.

Greenslett, Greenslet, Greenslit, Grenslitt, —, 59, 60.

        James, 422.

        John, 422.

        Ruth, 422.

        Samuel, 422.

        Thomas, 422.

Greenwood, Greenewood, Mary, 3.

        Nathaniel, 1, 3, 189, 441.

Gregory, Jonas, 306, 307, 309.

Grely, Grele, Greelee, Greely, —, 352.

        Andrew, 1, 23, 94, 251, 265, 272, 275, 276, 393, 443.

        Benjamin, 12, 23, 68, 276, 308.

        Joseph, 275.

        Mary, 306.

        Philip, 12, 43, 241, 252, 292, 379, 389, 419, 443.

Gridiron, see Utensils, Household.

Griffin, Griffing, Griffyn, —, 215.

        John, 68-70, 79, 80, 89, 216, 263, 265, 272, 308.

        Nathaniel, 15, 68, 126, 392.

        Nicholas, 316.

Griffith, Henry, 132.

Griggs, Greegs, Griges, Grigs, —, 204.

        William, 24, 105, 147, 187, 237, 238, 318, 371, 372.

Grimes, Greime, Grim, Grime, Alester, 303, 368, 372.

Grimes, Alexander, 202, 237.

Grindstone, see Tools.

Groton, 64, 135, 136.

Grove, Edward, 221, 369.

        John, 1, 190.

        Nehemiah, 369.

        Sarah, 1.

Grubb, Gabriel, 66.

Gualter, Thomas, 202.

Gun, see Weapons.

Gunner's point, 349, 428.

Guppy, Reuben, 343.

Gurly, Richard, 445.

Guttridge, Benjamin, 23.

        Joseph, 23, 307.

Guy, see Gay.