Records and Files

of the

Quarterly Courts of Essex County Massachusetts,
Volume VIII


Labor, price of, 365.

Lacrosse, Leycross, Peter, 306.

Ladd, Lad, Daniel, 97, 150, 352, 444.

        Samuel, 307, 351.

Ladder, see Tools.

Laddle, James, 202.

Lake, Anne, 57, 231.

Lancelot, 30, 31.

        William, 57.

Lamb, see Food.

Lambert, Abigail, 138, 184.

        Gershom, 308.

        John, 46, 167, 319, 442.

        Margaret, 307.

        Mary, 340.

        Michael, 400.

        Sarah, 12, 13, 97, 308.

        Thomas, 138, 154, 166, 169, 184, 268.

Lamp, see Utensils, Household.

Lamperell river, 11, 12, 42, 52.

Lamson, Lampson, John, 75, 243, 281, 282, 310.

        Joseph, 243.

        Martha, 15, 64, 75, 280, 299, 308.

        Nathaniel, 243, 310.

        Samuel, 243.

Lancashire, 112.

Lancester, William, 305.

Lander, John, 126, 127, 423.

Lands End, 30.

Lane, Henry, 13.

        Thomas, 77.

Langly, Abel, 167.

Langly, see also Longley.

Larkem, Larcum, Abigail, 432.

        Mordecai, 317, 432.

Laske, Robert, 102.

Lathrop, Thomas, 58.

Lattamore, Lattemore, Lattimore, Christopher, 28, 29, 31, 63, 274, 318.

        Hugh, 256.

        Mary, 28, 29.

Laughton, Laton, Laighton, Layton, Leyton, Lighton, —, 133, 148, 202, 399, 402.

        John, 64, 148, 184 -186, 269, 303, 310.

        Mary, 278.

        Richard, 167.

        Sarah, 279.

        Thomas, 41, 61, 75, 103, 105, 121, 122, 123, 125, 130, 132, 134, 254, 255, 257, 290, 339, 346, 397, 403.

Lavener, Stephen, 307.

Law, Laws, —, 181.

        Francis, 44.

        William, 167.

Lawrence, —, 305.

        Robert, 101, 102.

Leach, Leech, John, 72, 74, 135, 148, 161, 187, 237.

        Lawrence, 20, 72, 162.

        Robert, 187, 318.

        Samuel, 3-5, 106, 235, 307, 358, 394, 434.

        Sarah, 72.

Lead, see Metals.

Leader, —, 132, 197 -199.

        Thomas, 167.

Leanto, see Buildings.

Lease, 326.

Leather, see Manufactures.

Leaver, Mary, 269, 278.

        Thomas, 7, 267 -269, 444.

Leavitt, see Levitt.

Lee, Leigh, Elizabeth, 205.

        John, 11-13, 75, 113, 164, 305, 306, 307, 310, 327, 328, 373, 375, 441.

        Joseph, 13, 66, 306, 310, 377.

        Richard, 205, 310, 335, 338, 377.

        Sarah, 377.

Leeds, John, 304.

Leford, Lewis, 310.

Legg, —, 231.

        John, 43, 48, 174, 177, 179, 180, 194, 195, 221, 240, 256, 420, 443, 444.

Legroe, John, 420.

Lenick, Arthur, 352.

Leonard, Lennard, Nathaniel, 305.

        Thomas, 305, 307.

Lesen, —, 352.

Leverett, Governor, 192.

        Hudson, 7, 113, 196.

        John, 2, 114, 132, 203, 416.

Levitt, Levet, —, 203.

        Samuel, 352.

Lewen, Lewin, Edward, 413, 444.

Lewis, Leues, Lewise, —, 400.

        Edward, 205.

        Isaac, 120.

        John, 10, 319, 372.

        Peter, 75.

        Thomas, 364.

Licenses, 17, 47, 99, 140, 148, 184, 231, 274, 291, 383, 420, 422, 431.

        Approbation for, 46, 94, 317, 318, 379 -381, 383, 384, 420, 444.

        Draw liquors, 93, 94, 127, 231, 381.

        House of entertainment, 43, 58, 127, 148, 231, 274, 317, 318, 383.

        Innholder, 231, 317, 318.

        Make sturgeon, 14, 99.

        Ordinary, 14, 17, 48, 93, 289, 291, 340, 379 -381, 383, 384, 422.

        Retailer, 17, 93, 94.

        Retailing strongwater, 46, 48, 231, 420.

        Sell ale, 58.

        Sell beer and cider, 43, 58, 231, 383.

        Sell cider, 17, 93.

        Sell wine, 93, 94, 127, 381, 384.

        Sell provisions, 383.

        Taverner, 231.

Lilly, Ann, 30.

        Henry, 29, 30.

Limestone, 222.

Lindall, Lyndall, —, 401.

        Augustine, 399.

        Timothy, 126, 146, 236, 372, 395, 439, 441.

Lindsey, Linsey, Linsy, Lense, Linsy, Christopher, 122.

        Eleazer, 46, 102 -105, 124, 148, 179.

        John, 103, 105, 179.

        Mary, 102, 104.

        Sarah, 46, 102, 103, 104, 225.

Line, John, 306.

Linen, see Cloth.

Liquor, see Drinks and Licenses.

Lissen, see Lesen.

Little, Littel, George, 261, 380.

        Moses, 59, 387.

London, 30, 113, 114, 175, 180, 337

London fire, 337.

Long, Ann, 87.

        Richard, 87, 308.

        Robert, 59, 359.

Longfellow, —, 430.

        William, 62, 95, 96, 308.

Longham bridge, 20, 160.

Longhorne, Constance, 304.

        Richard, 167.

Longley, John, 124, 140.

        William, 399.

Longley, see also Langly.

        Looke, —, 307.

        Jonathan, 421.

        Thomas, 201.

Looking glass, see Furnishings, Household.

Loomes, John, 187, 237, 318, 371.

Loomes, see also Lumas.

Looms, see Tools.

Lord, Abigail, 361.

        Dinah, 362.

        Elizabeth, 361.

        Jean, 340, 362.

        Jeremy, 362.

        Joseph, 110, 342, 361.

        Margaret, 361.

        Richard, 202.

  Robert, 7, 9, 11, 12, 14, 23, 25, 26, 29, 32-36, 40, 41, 42, 52, 53, 62, 64, 66, 68, 69, 84, 85, 107, 110, 113, 115, 126, 128, 150 -155, 173, 184, 187, 189, 191, 193, 203, 219, 229, 240, 242 -249, 256, 263, 269 -271, 285, 291, 299, 301, 302, 310, 315, 317, 353, 373 -375, 377, 389, 404 -410, 420, 422, 426, 429, 435, 441.

        William, 72, 361, 362.

Lord's hill, 160.

Love, Dorcas, 13.

Lovejoy, Lovjoy, John, 56, 80-83.

        Naomi, 56.

Lovell, —, 308.

        Hannah, 307.

        Thomas, 152, 241, 286, 287, 291, 305, 306, 310, 315, 375, 381.

Lovett, Lufit, Elizabeth, 432.

        Joseph, 317, 432.

Low, Loe, John, 110, 152, 310.

        Thomas, 1, 310, 377.

Lowel, Loole, Lowle, Benjamin, 99, 380.

        Samuel, 77, 261, 262, 288, 387.

        Thomas, 442.

Lowry, Loure, Lory, George, 204, 205.

Luccan, Henry, 316.

Lucy, Thomas, 360.

Ludgate Hill, 175.

Luke, Henry, 293.

Lull, —, 291.

        Thomas, 65, 187, 240, 310.

Lumas, Lumax, Loumaks, Lomas, Edward, 95, 110 -112, 305, 310.

        Jonathan, 305.

        Samuel, 308, 310, 375.

Lunt, —, 308.

        Daniel, 42, 380.

        Henry, 233, 380, 442.

Lurevey, Peter, 310.

Luter, —, 177.

Lyford, Francis, 58.

Lying, see Crimes.

Lynden, Abigail, 306.

Lynn, 38, 40, 61, 64, 102, 103, 112, 116, 122, 129, 130, 144, 148, 175, 179, 196, 199, 200, 225, 228, 237, 254, 256, 257, 363, 364, 372, 397 -399, 400, 402, 438.

Lynn river, 132.