Records and Files

of the

Quarterly Courts of Essex County Massachusetts,
Volume VIII


Table, see Furniture.

Table cloth, see Furnishings, Household.

Tailor, see Trades.

Tainter, Joseph, 200.

Tall, John, 199.

Tallow, 260.

Tanler, James, 184.

Tanner, see Trades.

Tapley, —, 239.

        Gilbert, 206.

Tappan, Tappin, —, 316.

        Abraham, 248, 249.

        Jane, 248.

        Peter, 248, 304, 305.

Tar, see Manufactures.

Tarbell, Tarball, John, 116.

        Mathew, 108.

Tarbox, John, 400.

        Samuel, 102, 103, 104, 125, 338, 395, 416, 439, 440.

Tarvice, Tarves, Andrew, 343, 344, 442.

Tavern, see Public Houses.

Tawley, Tawlie, Tauley, —, 123.

        Elizabeth, 124, 362.

        John, 123, 124, 140, 237, 238, 362.

Taylor, Tailour, Taler, Tayler, George, 254, 400.

        James, 202.

        Joseph, 352.

        Samuel, 311, 365.

        Tobiah, 315.

        Walter, 40.

Tayre, —, 203.

Teneriff, 25.

Tenny, Teney, Tennie, Teny, Daniel, 213, 214, 216.

        James, 307.

        John, 299, 300, 301, 307, 374.

        Thomas, 150, 167, 267, 268, 269, 270, 308.

        William, 166, 167, 308.

Tewksbury, Tuekbury, Thomas, 99, 285, 316.

Thacher, Mary, 416.

Thatch, 408.

Thimble, 280.

Thimble, silver, 281.

        Thomas, —, 104.

        John, 305.

        Richard, 340, 341.

Thomson, see Tompson.

Thorndike, Thorndick, Lieut., 358 ,

        Paul, 18, 19, 43, 148.

Thorne, —, 361.

        Barnard, 311.

Thread, 24, 74, 271, 418, 419.

Thurlay, Tharley, Thorla, Thurell, Thurla, Thurly, —, 307.

        Ann, 262.

        Francis, 47, 262, 305, 306, 387.

        Richard, 284.

        Thomas, 23, 47, 303, 305, 307, 308.

Tilton, Abraham, 311.

        Mark, 122.

Timber, see Manufactures.

Tin, see Utensils, Household.

Tingle, William, 201.

Tinker, John, 416.

Titcomb, Titcombe, —, 77.

        Penuel, 62.

        William, 77, 168, 169, 304, 305.

Tiver, Grace, 88.

Tobacco, 70, 74, 244, 271, 300, 315, 418, 419, 421.

Tobacco box, tin, 282.

Tobacco pipe, 21, 60, 271, 300, 387, 411.

Tobacco pipe, Indian, 331.

Todd, Tod, Nathaniel, 308.

        John, 1, 7, 16, 167, 274.

Toish, John, 202.

Tom (Indian), 306.

Tompkins, Tomkins, Deborah, 140, 219.

        Elizabeth, 140, 219.

        John, 138, 139, 140, 218, 219.

        Mary, 138, 140, 218, 219.

        Nathaniel, 140, 219.

        Priscilla, 140, 219.

        Ralph, 72.

        Sarah, 140, 219.

Tomlins, Timothy, 129, 400.

Tompson, Thomson, Tomson, Alexander, 311.

        Andrew, 202.

        George, 202.

        James, 202.

        William, 1, 8, 311.

Tongs, see Utensils, Household.

Tonner, John, 226.

Tony (negro), 144.

Tookie, Tookey, Job, 330 -338.

Tools, implements, etc., 49, 54, 56, 134, 136, 139, 235, 364.

        Adze, 44, 50, 109, 212, 349, 351.

        Anvil, 201, 423.

        Anvil, smith's, 202.

        Anvil block, 254.

        Auger, 44, 212, 349, 351.

        Ax, 44, 47, 50, 53, 82, 96, 136, 201, 212, 243, 271, 339, 359, 363, 437, 439.

        Axle-tree for a grindstone, 53.

        Back, 428.

        Beam and scales, 51, 53, 202, 222, 423.

        Beetle, 50, 243

        Beetle rings, 47, 222.

        Bellows, 363.

        Bellows, smith's, 423.

        Bellows irons, 201.

        Bench, 364.

        Bickern, 423.

        Bill hook, 139, 140.

        Blocks, 202.

        Bloom, 201, 202.

        Bloom cart, 201.

        Bolt, 44.

        Box irons, 134.

        Boxes, 421.

        Boxes for wheels, 44, 50, 53.

        Break, 139.

        Broadax, 53, 109, 367.

        Cards, 50, 244, 260.

        Carpentry tools, 144.

        Cart, 44, 50, 53, 71, 144, 202, 209, 212, 222, 229, 255, 260, 261, 349, 351, 437.

        Cart, horse, 49, 126.

        Cart rings, 201.

        Cart tire, 50.

        Caulking iron, 44.

        Chafery, 200, 202.

        Chains, 50, 53, 137, 202, 233, 255, 361, 437.

        Chains, plow, 139, 212.

        Chains timber, 50, 203.

        Clams, 202.

        Clevis, 202.

        Coal wain, 202.

        Compass, 22, 44, 131, 132, 162, 400, 428.

        Compass, brass, 47.

        Cops, 139, 140, 438.

        Cowl, 50.

        Crow, 139, 326.

        Dung pot, 437.

        Fetters, 44, 50, 215, 428.

        Files, 201.

        Flax tear, 50.

        Flesh hook, 364.

        Forge, 39, 201, 203.

        Forge blower, 201.

        Fork, 53.

        Fork, dung, 50.

        Frow, 51.

        Furgins, 201.

        Furnace, 39, 116, 246.

        Furnace bellows, 202.

        Gauge, 438.

        Gimlet, 44, 47.

        Grindstone, 30, 49, 50, 53, 144, 202, 212, 349, 351.

        Gudgeon, 201, 202.

        Hackle, 50.

        Hammer, 47, 201, 202, 212, 349, 351.

        Hammer, band, 201, 202.

        Hammer, loop, 202.

        Hammer, sledge, 202.

        Hammer, stone, 210.

        Hammer beam, 201.

        Handsaw, 47, 50, 439.

        Harrow, 50, 53.

        Hatchet, 47, 293, 364.

        Hearth stones, 201.

        Hoe, 22, 50, 53, 139, 206, 243, 349, 351, 363, 437.

        Hooks, 50, 134, 221.

        Hooks, hay, 361.

        Hoop, 44, 50, 53, 202.

        Hurst, 201, 202.

        Hutch, 202.

        Iron, old, 50, 139, 235.

        Iron bar, 249.

        Iron foundry tools, 200 -203.

        Iron weights, 202.

        Irons, prison, 233.

        Jack, 136, 349, 351, 423.

        Jar, oil, 212.

        Junk, old, 222.

        Knife, 74, 142.

        Knife, splitting, 235.

        Ladder, 202, 277, 278.

        Ladder, cart, 278.

        Latches, 201.

        Locks, 44.

        Locks, chest, 126.

        Loom, 358.

        Loop, 201.

        Marling spike, 235.

        Maul, 44, 349, 351.

        Mill stone, 327.

        Mine plate, 201.

        Padlock, 212.

        Pin, 53, 139, 140, 202.

        Pincers, 47, 349, 351.

        Pitchfork, 212.

        Planes, 349, 351.

        Plow, 209, 229, 244, 255, 361, 437.

        Plow gear, 136.

        Plow irons, 421.

        Pot mold, 116.

        Pump hook, 222.

        Rake, 53, 315.

        Rake, iron coal, 202.

        Rake, wooden, 202.

        Razor, 47, 143, 439.

        Refinery, 200, 202.

        Ring bolt, 44, 349, 351.

        Ringers, 200, 201.

        Rings, 50, 202.

        Rope, 98.

        Rope, cart, 53, 212, 326, 361, 363.

        Rule, 44.

        Salt pan, 201.

        Saw, 108, 253, 339, 437.

        Saw, crosscut, 201, 212, 349, 351.

        Scale, 428.

        Scales, wooden, 364.

        Scissors, 47.

        Scythe, 50, 243, 339, 349, 351.

        Shaft, 202.

        Shears, 47, 349, 351.

        Shovel, 53, 243, 421.

        Shovel, chafery, 202.

        Sickle, 243.

        Sieve, wire, 202.

        Sled, 21, 44, 71, 222, 283, 437, 439.

        Sledge, 326.

        Spade, 50, 212, 243, 363.

        Spade, sod, 340.

        Spanshackle, 50, 53.

        Spindle, 326.

        Spools, 53.

        Still, 135.

        Stock block, 126.

        Strakes, 50.

        Tackle blocket, 202.

        Tackle hook, 222.

        Tackling, 50, 136, 229, 349.

        Tongs, 200, 201, 202.

        Totow, 139.

        Tow comb, 139.

        Trough, meal, 439.

        Tumbrill, 50, 53, 201.

        Washers, 53.

        Water wheel, 326.

        Wedges, 47, 50, 212, 243, 349, 351, 437, 439.

        Wheelbarrow, 139, 202, 212.

        Wheels, 44, 50, 71, 126, 138, 144, 202, 209, 212, 243, 339, 349, 351, 358, 421.

        Wheels, cart, 44, 53, 59, 260, 435, 437.

        Wheels, iron bound, 201.

        Wheels, linen, 139, 212, 363.

        Wheels, spinning, 50, 134, 238, 349, 351, 361, 369, 428.

        Wheels, tumbrill, 244.

        Wheels, woolen, 139.

        Whipsaw, 252, 349, 351.

        Winch, iron, 50, 53.

        Wrench, 202.

        Yoke, 50, 53, 255, 437.

Toppan, see Tappan.

Topsfield, 1, 21, 98, 100, 156, 159, 160, 161, 184, 228, 270, 291, 292, 305, 306, 319 -322, 339, 360, 371, 381, 385, 421.

Topsham, Eng., 26, 27.

Towels, see Furnishings, Household.

Tower, Thomas, 2, 9, 135, 189, 198, 202.

Towne, Town, Jacob, 14, 65, 74, 319, 320, 322.

        John, 181, 308.

        Mary, 181.

        William, 74.

Townsend, Thomas, 400.

Towsey, Tousey, —, 241, 280.

        Arminell, 282.

Trades, professions and occupations.

        Attorney, 34.

        Baker, 164, 165.

        Blacksmith, 418.

        Boatman, 398.

        Boatswain, 77.

        Brewer, 42.

        Carpenter, 132, 179, 196, 266.

        Castor maker, 249, 250.

        Chandler, 26.

        Chirurgeon, 30, 59, 356.

        Clerk, 138.

        Cloth worker, 151.

        Collier, 116.

        Cooper, 28, 192, 332, 349, 351, 419.

        Cordwainer, 90, 432.

        Dish turner, 122.

        Dyer, 204.

        Farmer, 310.

        Feltmaker, 164, 249, 250, 419.

        Fisherman, 29, 66, 72, 270, 334.

        Fuller, 7.

        Glazier, 96, 291, 309, 330.

        Glover, 29.

        Grocer, 337.

        Gunner, 30.

        Gunsmith, 48.

        Haberdasher, 113.

        Hatter, 250.

        Husbandman, 64, 322, 377.

        Innkeeper, 231.

        Joiner, 123.

        Leather dresser, 287.

        Mariner, 27, 28, 30, 58, 123, 205, 325, 338, 379.

        Marshal, salary of, 309.

        Master mariner, 29, 76-78, 80, 94, 149, 164, 165, 177, 193, 333, 347, 412, 429.

        Mate, 76-78.

        Merchant, 11, 25, 36, 39, 42, 66, 77, 113 -115, 126, 132, 138, 171, 184, 203, 270, 398, 400, 437.

        Midwife, 15, 145, 277, 317, 345.

        Miller, 111.

        Nurse, 60, 215, 219, 340, 445.

        Ordinary keeper, 27, 289.

        Pewterer, 322.

        Physician, 145, 182, 194, 200, 276, 280, 282, 330 -338, 354, 359, 360, 364, 371, 421, 423, 437, 443, 445.

        Planter, 266.

        Potter, 116.

        Prison keeper, 32, 42, 91, 241, 271, 277, 304, 330, 334, 424, 441.

        Quartermaster, 90.

        Saddler, 230, 311.

        Sawyer, 108, 109, 438.

        School dame, 297.

        Schoolmaster, 23, 96, 100, 101, 297.

        Schoolmistriss, 97.

        Sea cook, 77.

        Seaman, 30, 100, 177, 442.

        Shepherd, 284, 292, 317.

        Ship carpenter, 36, 77, 109, 377.

        Ship cook, 31.

        Shipmaster, 77.

        Shipwright, 36, 109, 110.

        Shipped before the mast, 77.

        Shoemaker, 408, 421.

        Shoreman, 174, 195, 206, 332, 333, 412 -415.

        Smith, 63, 271.

        Spinner, 279.

        Surveyor, 4, 16, 117, 119, 132, 314.

        Tailor, 65, 256.

        Tanner, 79, 127, 188, 259.

        Taverner, 231.

        Tythingman, 46, 147, 185, 238, 293, 367, 384, 444.

        Vinter, 73.

        Weaver, 51, 302, 311.

        Yeoman, 64, 73, 204, 324, 417, 430.

Training, see Military.

Trask, Traske, Hannah, 432.

        John, 49, 192, 317, 432.

        William, 49, 143, 175, 187, 238, 318.

Treadwell, Tredwell, —, 64.

        Elisha, 185.

        Nathaniel, 365, 366.

        Thomas, 185, 311.

Trees, 61, 141, 153, 257, 267, 268, 341, 365, 401.

        Apple, 123, 142, 222, 341, 346.

        Ash, 268, 269.

        Asp, 242.

        Cherry, 210.

        Cherry, wild, 120, 121.

        Hemlock, 117, 119, 314.

        Maple, 81, 118, 119, 314.

        Oak, 180, 253.

        Oak, black, 72, 117, 119, 131, 133, 401.

        Oak, red, 34, 40, 62, 126, 155, 175, 269, 285.

        Oak, white, 20, 81, 126, 131, 133, 160, 256, 263.

        Pine, 122, 180, 251, 252, 398, 405, 406, 408.

        Poplar, 119, 120, 254, 314.

        Walnut, 133, 256, 257, 284.

        Willow, 166, 404.

Trencher, see Utensils, Household.

Trespass, see Crimes.

Trevet, Henry, 188.

        Moses, 338.

Trick, Elias, 238.

Trott, George, 59.

True, Henry, 245, 293, 379, 389, 390, 443.

        Joseph, 373, 393.

Trundle bed, see Furniture.

Trunk see Furniture.

Tub, see Utensils, Household.

Tuck, —, 44, 146, 324, 359.

        Thomas, 324.

Tucker, Toocker, Toucker, —, 309.

        Andrew, 41, 62, 173, 174, 193, 194, 226, 227, 231, 232, 279, 356.

        John, 132, 233, 279.

        Mary, 193, 195, 226, 227, 279.

        Meres, 101.

        Morris, 393.

Tunnel, see Utensils, Household.

Turell, Daniel, 2.

Turf and twig, 61, 62, 69, 162, 239, 242, 400.

Turkeys, see Fowls.

Turner, —, 48.

        Abiel, 57.

        Elizabeth, 56, 57.

        Eunice, 57.

        Freestone, 57.

        John, 25, 56, 57.

        Nathaniel, 175.

Tuttle, —, 291, 311.

        John, 158.

Twine, 418, 438.

Twist, Peter, 145, 147, 237, 241, 372.

Tyler, Tiler, —, 352.

        Nathaniel, 122.

        Roger, 401.

        Samuel, 68.

Ting, Tyng, —, 39.

        Edward, 2, 126, 161, 196, 400.