Records and Files

of the

Quarterly Courts of Essex County Massachusetts,
Volume IX


Rainburow, Edward, 378.

Rainsbery, Major, 387.

Rainsford, Raynsford, Edward, 475.

Ramsdell, Ramsdall, Ramsdel, Ransdell, —, 555.

        Aquilla, 35, 40, 64, 341.

        Hannah, 64.

        Isaac, 40.

        John, 40, 64, 313, 342.

Randall, Abigail, 290.

        Isaac, 290.

Rawlins, Mary, 165.

        Nicolas, 58, 165.

Rawson, —, 549.

        Edward, 13, 43, 46, 53, 169, 185, 188, 189, 258, 259, 312, 336, 406, 410, 420, 439, 454, 491, 525, 541, 574, 575.

Rayment, Rainment, Remant, John, 63, 65.

        Thomas, 378, 387, 390, 516, 517, 565, 570, 571.

        William, 63, 65, 129, 150, 236, 306, 382, 383, 459.

Rea, Ree, Daniel, 378, 382, 383, 387, 390, 517.

        Joseph, 387.

        Joshua, 105, 236, 378, 382, 383, 390, 517.

Read, Reade, Reed, —, 378, 389.

        Abigail, 250, 286.

        Edward, 468.

        Isaac, 299, 380, 385, 388.

        Joane, 408, 579.

        Joseph, 82, 149, 152, 218, 286, 360, 362, 363, 397, 568.

        Tabitha, 152, 235.

Ready, Richard, 59.

Red, Richard, 164.

        Samuel, 289.

Redford, —, 566.

        Charles, 271, 371, 573.

Redington, Reddington, Abraham, 100.

        Daniel, 168, 430, 532, 539, 599, 606, 612.

        Elizabeth, 430.

        John, 86, 104, 166, 172, 237, 312, 430, 443.

        Margret, 430.

Redknap, Rednap, —, 337, 339.

        Benjamin, 338.

        Joseph, 338, 339.

Redman, John, 544.

Reef, —, 206.

Reeves, Reves, John, 178, 243.

        William, 372, 374, 376.

Reiding, —, 84.

Reith, Richard, 292, 294, 512, 541, 566.

Remington, Rimington, John, 322.

        Jonathan, 183.

Reyner, Jachin, 407.

Reynolds, Ranalls, Renholds, Renolds, Alexius (see also Electious), 55, 386, 389.

        Electious (see also Alexius), 380.

        Henry, 360, 361, 363.

Rhodes, Rhoade, Rhode, Rhods, Roades, Roads, Rood, Roodes, Roods, —, 340, 341, 592.

        Eleazer, 591.

        Elesbeth, 254.

        Henry, 431, 432, 465 -467, 590 -592.

        John, 111, 239, 261.

        Joseph, 148, 341.

        Joshua, 591.

        Josiah, 254, 431, 487, 465, 487, 590, 591.

        Samuel, 313, 341.

Rice, Ryes, John, 476.

        Obadiah, 566.

Rich, —, 234.

        Nicholas, 380, 385, 388.

        Obadiah, 233, 235.

        Peter, 388.

Richard, 26.

        (Indian), 568.

Richards, Richardes, Richars, —, 211.

        Anne, 240.

        Edward, 51, 236, 240, 245, 246, 314 -317, 326, 338, 339, 458, 465, 502, 591.

        John, 241, 244 -246, 249, 284, 314, 315, 317, 344, 469, 502, 541, 544, 565, 566.

        Richard, 178, 243, 244.

        William, 141, 246, 316.

Richardson, Richason, Richenson, —, 608.

        Caleb, 326.

        Edward, 270, 519, 540, 577, 613.

        John, 218.

Ridden, Redden, Riddan, 146, 512, 550.

        Thaddeus, 240, 248, 309, 318, 339.

Ridge, Matthew, 405, 473.

        Thomas, 405, 473.

Ridgway, John, 304.

Riggs, Thomas, 61, 85, 346.

Ring, Reang, Reng, Rindg, Ringe, Ringg, Daniel, 508, 539, 586, 588, 592.

        Hanah, 29.

        Isaac, 29, 113, 114, 331, 528.

        James, 599.

        Jarvis, 347, 348, 393, 419, 600, 601, 611.

        John, 192, 251, 328.

        Mary, 328.

        Robert, 109, 324, 519, 577.

Ripton, —, 421.

Rix, James, 360, 362, 363.

        Thomas, 302.

Robbins, Robbin, Robin, —, 251 -253, 480 -484.

        Mary, 484.

        Thomas, 290, 343, 344, 360, 361, 363, 438, 442, 478 -480, 482, 485, 515, 518, 559.

Robert, 520.

Roberts, Dorothy, 602.

        Ephraim, 428, 537.

        Richard, 350, 353, 356.

        Robert, 230.

        Timothy, 319, 351, 354, 357.

Robertson, Joseph, 539.

Robinson, Robbinson, Robison, Abram, 179.

Robenson, Joseph, 430, 605, 607, 612.

        Daniel, 87, 327.

        Dorothy, 430.

        John, 312, 366, 368, 371, 411, 430, 510.

        Robert, 87, 327.

        Samuel, 234, 235, 300, 366, 368, 371.

        William, 300.

Roby, Robie, Ann, 428.

        Henry, 319.

        John, 428, 519, 540.

        Sarah, 428.

Rock, —, 241.

        Joseph, 239, 241.

Rogers, Rogeres, Roggers, —, 227, 508, 539.

        Dina, 517.

        Elizabeth, 334, 454.

        Ezekiel, 224, 226, 227.

        Jeremiah, 24, 26, 372, 374, 376.

        John, 9, 10, 27, 130, 334, 366, 368, 370, 454, 575.

        Margaret, 225 -227.

        Martha, 224, 226, 228.

        Mary, 607.

        Nathaniel, 182, 226.

        Samuel, 126, 215, 226, 331, 336.

        Timothy, 226.

        William, 360.

Rolfe, Raulph, Rofe, Roff, Roffe, Rolf, Rolph, —, 420.

        Benjamin, 92, 164, 249, 256.

        Daniel, 299.

        Ezra, 575.

        John, 91-93, 107, 164, 248, 249.

Rols, John, 575.

Romble, William, 527.

Roots, Rootes, Rootts, Routes, —, 130.

        John, 66.

        Jonathan, 66, 67, 207, 265.

        Josiah, 66, 67, 88, 107, 172, 175, 266, 425.

        Richard, 88.

        Sarah, 129, 130, 175 -177.

        Susanna, 66, 67, 88, 266.

        Thomas, 87, 88, 106, 107, 129, 130, 175, 350.

Roper, Roaper, —, 530.

        John, 531.

        Nathaniel, 329, 332, 335, 336, 426, 530, 531.

Ropes, Roaps, John, 296, 360, 361, 363, 541, 566.

        Mary, 272, 440.

        Samuel, 296, 360, 362, 363.

        William, 361, 363, 440.

Ross, Roose, Ros, Rose, Rosse, Abigail, 158.

        Daniel, 157.

        Elizabeth, 158.

        Fennell (or Phenil), 202, 204.

        Hannah, 202, 204.

        Jene, 158.

        John, 158, 402.

        Jonathan, 158.

        Judith, 402.

        Killecress, 150, 157, 158, 191.

        Mary, 158.

        Richard, 401, 402.

        Ruth, 401, 402.

        Samuel, 158.

        Sarah, 150, 158.

        Susannah, 582.

        Thomas, 350, 353, 356.

        William, 158.

Roundell, Thomas, 394, 396.

Roundy, Robert, 208.

Row, Roe, —, 478.

        John, 72.

        Oliver, 478.

        Robert, 478, 599, 611.

Rowden, John, 127.

        Mary, 127.

Rowell, Rowall, Rowel, Phillip, 100, 335, 455, 528, 538, 596, 598.

        Sarah, 528, 593, 600.

Rowes, William, 419.

Rowland, Roulands, Rowld, Abigail, 64.

        John, 63, 250, 505, 506.

        Mary, 5, 64.

        R., 373.

        Richard, 20, 62, 63, 68, 250, 372, 374 -376, 468, 505, 506.

Rowlandson, Rowlason, Rowlyson, Eliza, 289.

        Elizabeth, 232, 233, 263, 400.

        Martha, 219.

Ruck, Rucke, —, 139, 140, 169, 312.

        Elizabeth, 139.

        John, 105, 139, 169, 184, 236, 372, 374, 376, 572.

        Ruth, 139.

        Samuel, 139.

Ruggles, Samuel, 442.

Rumball, —, 367.

Rumery, Rumry, Simon, 352, 355.

        Thomas, 352, 355.

Rumzey, Simon, 358.

        Thomas, 358.

Runba, —, 365.

Runno, Roenoe, —, 248.

        Peter, 247, 248.

Russ, Deborah, 428.

        John, 427, 428.

        Josiah, 428.

        Phoebe, 427.

        Rebecca, 427.

Russell, Russle, —, 46, 126.

        Elizabeth, 19, 59, 60, 398, 399, 569.

        Henry, 16, 59, 60.

        James, 12, 45, 46, 124, 181, 242, 271, 306, 308, 487, 488, 555.

        John, 124.

        Mary, 60, 537.

        Richard, 214.

        Samuel, 60, 85, 250, 288, 309.

        Sarah, 60.

        Thomas, 60, 265, 280, 282, 283, 311, 398, 537, 566, 569.

        William, 20, 379, 384, 387.

Rust, —, 456.

        Nathaniel, 91, 103, 120, 124, 125, 435, 450, 452, 508, 539.

Ruth, Richard, 141.

Rylay, Jeremiah, 575.