Ladd, Bridget, 373.
Mary, 345.
Ladoga (ship), 358.
Lady Sarah (ship), 348.
Lake, John, 300.
Margaret, 300.
William, 437.
Lakeman, Edmund, W., 400.
Hannah, 421.
Joseph, 421.
Rutha P., 400.
Lambert, Daniel, 153.
John, 391.
Lydia, 342.
Mary, 280.
Preserved, 391.
Priscilla, 344.
Richard, 314, 419, 437, 456, 461.
Samuel, 430.
Sarah, 419.
Lamprell, Ann A., 358.
William, 358.
Lamson, Amos, 394.
Elizabeth, 394.
Lander, Abigail, 387.
Elizabeth, 434.
William, 183.
Lands, Clearing, 224.
Recording of, 255.
Lane, Rebecca, 251.
Lang, Nathaniel, 394.
Priscilla, 394.
Langford, John, 357.
Sarah, 357.
Langley, Agnes, 131.
Ann, 131.
Langsford, Elias, 217.
Mary, 217.
Lanterce, Anne, 429.
Robert, 429.
Larcom, Abigail, 84.
Cornelius, 84.
Larkin, Joanna, 117.
Larrabee, James W., 389.
Martha, 96.
Mary Jane, 389.
Larrimore, Abigail, 95.
Thomas, 95.
Laskin, Alice, 306.
Damaris, 306.
Elizabeth, 306.
Hugh, 198, 306, 314, 316, 341, 428, 454, 458, 464.
John, 306.
Susanna, 306.
Thomas, 306.
Lawes, Francis, 315, 449, 464.
Lydia, 449.
Mary, 449.
Lawrence, Hannah, 372.
Hannah, Meader, 358.
Joseph, 372.
Mary, 372.
Sarah Susanna, 92.
Layout of lands, etc., 313.
Lazenby, Margaret, 246.
Alice, 370.
Anna, 119.
Anne, 119.
Asa, 119.
Biley, 119.
Deborah, 118.
Eliza, 118.
Eunice, 119.
Ezra, 119.
George, 119.
Henry, 119.
Henry Hale, 119.
Huldah, 119.
Isaac, 119.
John, 79, 118, 119, 419, 456, 461.
Jonathan, 119.
Joseph, 119.
Josiah, 119.
Lawrence, 118, 127, 197, 293, 316, 318, 352, 353, 355, 419, 423, 428, 454, 458, 459, 463.
Lydia, 118.
Martha, 119.
Mary S., 78.
Nathan, 119.
Nathaniel, 119.
Remember, 118.
Robert, 95, 370, 375, 454, 456, 463.
Samuel, 88, 118, 119, 353, 370.
Timothy, 119.
William, 119.
Leach's Hill, 4.
Leavitt, Dudley, 421.
Nathaniel, 282.
Lebanon, Conn., 418.
Le Craw, Sarah, 246.
Lechford, Thomas, 203.
Lectures of the Church, 159, 244.
Ledge Hill, 2.
Ledge Hill Park, 9.
Lee, Alice Stodder, 398.
Catherine M., 389.
Deborah, 158.
Joseph, 158.
Lois, 153.
Rejoice, 383.
Robert, 383.
Thomas, 153.
Wilbur E., 398.
Lefavour, Hannah, 216.
John, 216.
Legg, Daniel, 205.
Elizabeth, 205.
Samuel, 205.
Legro, Ann, 250.
Joseph, 250.
Leicester, England, 108, 136, 157, 160, 161, 162.
Leicester, Mass., 243.
Lemon, Elizabeth, 391.
Hannah, 391.
John, 391.
Martha, 391.
Mary, 391.
Robert, 315, 390, 391, 456, 461.
Sarah, 391.
Letter carrier, 354.
Letters, 99, 102, 106, 120, 154, 167, 178, 193, 201, 207, 221, 222, 228, 229, 262, 267, 271, 272, 286, 301, 379.
First general, 120.
Second general, 132.
Levett, Captain, 191.
Lewis, Charles, H., 74.
Mary Abby, 74.
Leyden, Holland, 232.
Liberty Hill, 36.
Life in the Colony, 320.
Lillington, Alexander, 270.
Sarah, 270.
Lincoln, Earl of, 65, 108, 156, 181, 190, 196.
Lindsey, Hannah, 118.
Lion's Whelp (ship), 104, 110, 113, 116, 120, 121, 127, 128, 129, 132, 134, 135, 137, 191, 193, 227, 330.
Liquor, 49, 238, 258, 288, 363.
Listen (Leeson, Lissen, etc.), Alice, 406.
Nicholas, 406.
Little, Deborah H., 216.
Elizabeth, 280.
Eunice, 74.
Mathew, 74.
Moses, 280.
Little Carleton, England, 308.
Little Harbor, Marblehead, 233, 234, 296, 298.
Little Misery Island, 9.
Littlefield, Agnes, 77.
Joseph Story, 397.
Lydia A., 397.
Littleton, N. H., 400.
Livermore, Joanna, 242.
Samuel, 242.
Liverpool, N. S., 465.
Lobster Cove, Manchester, 21.
Lobster point, 85.
Lobster rocks, 21.
Locke, Sarah, 466.
Lockwood, Sargeant, 426, 427, 428.
Lombard, Hannah, 79.
Kezia, 79.
London, England, 91, 93, 104, 114, 130, 157, 158, 162, 172, 173, 227, 232, 233, 234, 280, 284, 285, 286, 305, 307, 328, 332, 346, 365, 382, 385, 388, 424, 425, 439.
Londonderry, N. H., 388.
Long, Rebecca, 355.
Long Hill, 4.
Loomis, John, 95.
Mary, 95.
Lord, Abigail, 307.
Charles A., 398.
Dinah, 307.
Dorothy, 307.
Elizabeth, 307.
George, E., 398.
Jane, 307.
Jeremiah, 307.
Joseph, 307.
Lucy Dale, 398.
Lucy M., 388.
Margaret, 307.
Martha L., 398.
Mary J., 77.
Mehitable, 307.
Robert, 307.
Rowland, 307.
William, 117, 180, 212, 257, 306, 307, 314, 316, 318, 319, 438, 455, 456, 464.
Los Angeles, Cal., 400.
Lot layers, 255.
Lothrop (Lathrop), Abigail, 392.
Eleanor, 283.
Ellen, 283.
Sarah, 283.
Thomas, 83, 197, 237, 241, 283, 284, 353, 435, 454, 458, 461.
Lovell, Alexander, 280.
Margaret, 280.
Thomas, 254.
Lovett, Benjamin Balch, 339.
Emma, 353.
Mercy, 339.
Simon, 353.
Low, Alice, 154.
Daniel, 154.
Sarah, 308.
Lowell, John, 158.
Sarah, 158.
Lowell, Island, 9.
Lowther, Ruth, 281.
William, 281.
Loyalist, 367.
Lunt, Priscilla, 433.
Luscomb, Hannah, 346.
Lyme, Conn., 355.
Mary, 366.
Lynn, Mass., 71, 74, 76, 77, 79, 116, 117, 118, 131, 153, 216, 217, 218, 236, 247, 252, 283, 284, 285, 286, 298, 344, 348, 350, 351, 356, 357, 372, 378, 382, 386, 388, 394, 399, 401, 417, 418, 420, 421, 429, 431, 434, 443, 451.
Priscilla, 451.
Lynnfield, Mass., 118, 153, 382, 399, 431, 432, 440.
Lyon, John, 235.