Salem Witch Trials Logo
Parris’s successor was Rev Joseph Green who took over the keeping of the record book until his death. The text is a copy of a transcription published in The New England Historical and Genealogical Register, Vol, 11, 1857, (October) 321; Vol 12, (July) 1858; 127-128; (January) 245-248. [Transcribed by Wm. Thaddeus Harris, Esq.]


Records of the Salem-Village Church as Kept by the Reverend Joseph Green

1697, sometime in October. A day of public fasting-prayers put up by ye Rev. Mr. Hale and Mr. Noyes; from which time God has smiled on ye people.

[Church Records, May 30th and June 15th, 1701.]

1698, November 10. Thursday. Rev. Joseph Green ordained. "Rev Elders and Messengers of ye Church of Salem, Beverly, Whenham, Redding, and Roxbury, Mr. Hale ordained J. G. a Minister of ye Gospel, a Pastor of this Church, and a preacher to this Congregation, after he had asked ye consent of the Church by a vote, and of ye Elders and messengers, and of the Inhabitants of this Village, and of the whole Congregation which consent was given by silence. And Mr. Noyes gave to me the right hand of fellowship as a minister and fellow-labor - and by me be gave the right hand of fellowship to this Church in-the name of the Messrs of ye Churches.

1699-1700, Jan. 19.

Whereas there are many Persons ye dwell among us and belong to ye Congregation who are not babtized; And we liveing in hopes and expectations ye God will by his word and spirit persuade and incline them, (or some of ym at least) to seek after ye Ordinance of Baptisme.

We do freely consent yt our Pastour should baptize such of them as may seek after it, provided they do in order to Baptisme.

1. Submit to the examination of the Pastour or Elders of this Chh, and upon such examination they be found neither fundamentally ignorant nor erronious.

2. That timely notice being given to the Congregation (of ye desires of such persons to be baptized) there be no sufficient evidences appear to testify ye they are vicious in their lives.


3. That they in publick do consent to the Covent. propounded unto ym by our Pastour in these words (or words to ye like effect) --

You -- A. B.[person's name] do before ye holy Assembly acknowledge ye only Living and true God to be yr God, & do give up yrself to him to love, fear, serve him, and to be happy in the enjoyment of him forever.

You do also acknowledge ye Lord Jesus Christ the Eternal son of God to be your only Saviour and Redeemer; and (under a sense of yr sin and misery & need of him) do give up yrself to him to be saved by him from sin and from the wrath of God.

You do also acknowledge the Eternal Spirit of God to be your only Sanctifyer, and do give up yrself to him to be sanctifyed, comforted, and guided by him to Glory.

You do also submit to the discipline and government of Jesus Christ in ye Chh, and do promise yt you will live in ye use of all means yt so you may be fit to come to all ye ordinances of Christ in his Church.

This was first voted by the Chh.

4. We do also consent yt the children of such persons be baptized provided the parents publickly give ym up to God, and promise yt if God shall spare their lives they will see such their children educated in the nurture and admonition of ye Lord.

This was voted by itself -- and there was none that manifested any dis. Satisfaction -- but all gave their consent to each particular.

Blessed be God for such a peaceful meeting.


1701, June 18.

A day of Publick Thanksgiving. God smiled on ye season, ye work of ye day was carryed by Mr. Noyes (who prayed) & Mr Pierpoint preachd, & concluded. "The reasons for the Thanksgiving were, 1. Yt God has so far discovered ye wiles of ye Devil which might have been more hurtfull and distructive to us, if God had not in judgmt remembred mercy. 2. Yt when ye people were farthest from peace & unity yt God was pleased to hear prayers & unite us, & especially to hearken to those prayers yt were put up here on a day of publick fasting & prayer by Mr. Hale & Mr. Noyes, from wee day God was pleased to succeed all publick endeavours for a peaceable settlemt. 3. & yt God has now for some years continued peace and prosperity to us. 4. that he has been carrying on his work in ye midst of us, &c."

Oct. 19.

The Pastor read a Letter to the Church at Beverly, to desire our assistance in ordaining Mr. Blower -- & three messengers were chosen with ye Elder &c.

Oct. 29.

We assisted in Mr. Blowers ordination, all impediments removed.

1702. December.

The Pastor spake to ye Chh. on ye Sab. As followeth Brethren I find in ye Chh book a Recd of Martha Corys being excommunicated for witchcraft. -- Andye Generality of ye land being sensible of ye errors yt prevailed in yt day -- some of her friends have moved me several times to propose to ye Chh whether it be not our duty to recall yt sentence yt so it may not stand agt her to all Generations and I myself being a stranger to her & being ignorant of what was alledg'd ag her -- I shall now only leave it to your consideration, and shall determine the matter by a vote ye next convenient opportunity.


Jan. 13.

We kept a day of fasting and prayer on account of r small pox, &c.


Feb. 14.

The Pastor moved ye Chh to revoke Martha Corys excommunn. -- but sevll dissented and there wast not a full vote for ye revoking it, tho' a maj'y.


1706. Aug. 25.

Recd Ann Putnam to full communion.

The confession of Anne Putnam when she was received to communion: 1706.

I desire to be humbled before God for yt sad and humbling providence that befell my fathers family in the year about 92, yt I then being in my childhood should by such a providence of God be made an instrument for yt accuseing of severall persons of a grievous crime wherby their lives were taken away from them, whom now I have just grounds and good reason to believe they were innocent persons, and yt it was a great delusion of Satan yt deceived me in that sad time, whereby I justly fear I have been instrumental with others tho' ignorantly and unwittingly to bring upon myself & this land the guilt of innocent blood Though what was said or done by me against any person I can truly and uprightly say before God & man I did it not out of any anger, malice, or illwill to any person for I had no such thing against one of them; but what I did was ignorantly being deluded by Satan. And particularly as I was a chief instrument of accuseing of Goodwife Nurse and her two sisters I desire to lye in the dust & to be humbled for it in that I was a cause with others of so sad a calamity to them & their familys, for which cause I desire to lye in ye dust & earnestly begg fforgiveness of God & from all those unto whom have given just cause of sorrow & offence, whose relations were taken away or accused.

(Signed) Anne Putnam.

Ye confession was read before ye congregation together with her relation Aug: 25. 1706. & she acknowledged it. -- J. Greene. Past'r.


1702-3, Feb. 14.

The major part of the brethren consented to ye following &

Whereas this Church passed a vote Sept. 11. 1692 for the excommunication of Martha Cory, and that sentence was pronounced agt her Sept. 14 by Mr. Samll Parris formerly the Pastour of this Church; she being before her excomn condemned & afterwards executed for supposed witchcraft: and there being a record of this in our Chh book page 12. We being moved hereunto do freely consent & heartily desire that the same sentence may be revoked, and that it may stand no longer agt her for we are thro' Gods mercy to us convinced yt we were at that dark day under the Power of those errours which then prevailed in the land ; and we are sensible that we had not sufficient grounds to think her guilty of that crime for which she was condemned & executed; and yt her excom -- was not according to the mind of God; and therefore we desire that this may be entred in our Church book, to take off that odium that is cast on her name and that so God may forgive our sin, & may be atoned for the land, & we humbly pray that God will not leave us any more to such errours and sins, but will teach & enable us always to do that which is right in his sight.

There was a majr part voted -- & 6 or 7 dissented. J. G. Pr.

[I know not by what accident this entry -- 1702-3 -- is thus transposed to the end of the year 1707-but so it stands in the Church Book. W. T. H]


17, June 5. Wednesday.

Rev. Peter Clark ordained. Rev. Elders and Messengers of ye Chhs of Salem, Beverly, Wenham, Topsfield, & Reading convened. Rev. Mr. Gerrish gave ye Charge, ordaining him a minister of ye Gospel, Pastor of the Chh in Sal: Village &c with ye consent of ye Chh & ye Inhabitants-and Rev. Mr. Curwin gave to him ye Right Hand of Fellowship, and to this Chh."


1717-18, Feb. 13.

This Day was kept as a Day of Solemn Fasting & prayer to God, occasioned by a Sore Visitation, by Sickness & mortality; some of ye neighboring Elders assisted &c.


1718, Oct. 3.

At a Chh meeting before ye Sacramt was read a Letter from ye first Chh in Salem to request ye presence & assistance of yr Pastour & messengers at ye Ordination of ye Revd. Mr. Fisk on ye 8th of Octob: 1718. The two Deacons & Capt. Jonath: Putnam were chosen as messengers by a vote of ye Chh.


1719, April 5.

A Letter from ye Chh newly gathered in Salem was read, wherein was desired ye presence & assistance of yr Pastour & messengers at ye Ordination of ye Revd. Mr. Staunton on ye 8th of April 1719. Same messengers as in last extract chosen.


May 6.

A Contribution being made by this Chh & Congregation on ye Publick Thanksgiving Dec. 11.1718. on ye account of the Brief for ye Propagating & maintaining ye Gospel ministry &c. amounting to ye sum of 5lb was transmitted & put into ye hands of Edward Bromfield Esq. according to ye Directions of s° Brief. By ye Pastor of sd Chh."


1720, April 10.

A Letter from ye neighbouring Society at Lyn-End who had entred upon ye foundation of a Chh State, was read, requesting ye assistance of yr Elder & messengers in yr proceeding to an Ordination on Apr. 13. The two Deacons & Mr. Cheaver were chosen as messengers by a vote of ye Chh.


June 19.

A Letter from ye Chh newly gathered in Reading North Precinct desiring ye assistance of ye Elder & messenger of this Chh in joyning wth those of other neighbouring Chhs in ye Ordination of ya Revd. Mr Danll Putnam, was read, & ye two Deacons & Capt. Putnam were chosen as messengers by a vote of ye Chh."

1723, Nov. 28.

A Letter from ye Chh in Reading North Precinct was read, to desire ye presence & assistance of yr Elder & messengers in Council with ye Rev. Elders & messengers of other Churches, in order to ye composing some matters of difference among yin to be held Dec. 3. 1723. & Deaco Edward Putnam & Mr. Ezekiel Cheaver were chosen as messengers by a vote of ye Chh.


1727, Oct. 29.

Being Lord's Day, at night, between 10 & 11 oclock, yre happened a very Great Earthquake accompanied with a terrible noise & shaking wch was greatly surprizing to ye whole Land ye rumbling noise in ye bowels of ye Earth with some lesser trepidation of ye Earth has been repeated at certain intervals divers weeks after.

[Church Records, between Jan. 7th & Jan. 14th, 1727- 8.]


1728, May 12 (?)

A Letter from ye Chh of Christ belonging to ye East Parish in Salem was read, desiring ye presence & assistance of yr Elder & messengers at ye Ordination of ye Revd Mr. Wm. Jenison, appointed to be on May 22, 1728. The two Deacons & Brother Ezekiel Cheever were chosen as messengers by a vote of ye Chh.


Nov. 24.

A Letter from. ye Chh of Christ to Topsfield was read, desiring ye presence & concurrence of yr Elder and messengers with those of other Chhs, in ye Ordination of ye Revd. John Emerson Nov: 27. 1728. The two Deacons & Capt. Jona Putnam were chosen as messengers on yt occasion.



1729, Nov. 16.

A Letter read from y`eChh of Christ in Middleton, requesting ye presence & assistance of yr Elder & messengers to joyn with those of other Chhs in ye Ordination of ye Revd Mr Andrew Peters Nov: 26, 1729. The two Deacons & Mr. Ezekiel Cheevers were chosen as messengers on yt occasion by a vote of yt Chh. At yt same time were propounded yt Desires of several of ye brethren & sisters of ye Chh to be dtsmist to ye Chh of Christ in Middleton, whose names are as follows, Viz. Males. Henry Wilkins, Danll Kenny, Jona. Fuller, Joseph Fuller, Isaac Wilkins, Ezra Prutnam, Edward Putnam, Benja. Wilkins. Of ye Females. Sarah Fuller, Mary Fuller, Sarah Putnam, Elie. Putnam, Mary Wilkins, Mary Kenny, Susanna Fuller, Elie. Nichols, Mary Wilkins, Hannah Carril, Margery Wilkins, Eunice Lambert, Eliza. Eliot, Penelope Wilkins, Susanna Fuller, Susanna Hobbs. In complyance with whose desires. Letters of Dismission were granted ym with consent of ye brethren.


1731, Aug. 15.

A Letter was read from ye Second Chh in Lynn, requesting ye presence of ye Pastour & Delegates to joyn with other Elders & Delegates in Council upon ye affair of ye dismission of yr Pastor Mr Natll. Sparhawk. The two Deacns & Joseph Hutchinson were chosen as Delegates. To meet Thursday, Aug: 19, 1731.

1732, Dec. 31.

A Letter from ye Chh of Christ in Wenham was read, desiring ye presence & assistance of yr Elder & messengers in orders to ye Ordinations of ye Revd Mr John Warren, Jan: 10. 1732-3. The two Deacns. Edward & Nathll Putnam & Brother Joseph Hutchinson were chosen as messengers by a vote of ye Chh.


1736, Dec. 5.

A Letter read from those Brethren of ye Chh of ye First Parish in Salem meeting in ye ancient place of publick worship, requesting ye presence & assistance of this Chh by yr Elder & messengers with yr Elders & messengers of other Chhs, in ye Ordination of Mr. John Sparhawk to ye Pastoral Office, on Decembr 8th, & also a Letter from ye Revd. Mr. Samll Fisk & his adherents of ye First Chh in Salem objecting agt our proceeding in that affair.


Dec. 6.

A concurrence with the request of the first letter above mentioned was voted by a considerable majority of ye Brethren present; and ye two Deacons present & Capt Jona Putnam & Brother John Putnam were chosen as messengers of ye Chh on yt occasion.


1737, May 8.

A Letter read from y' Brethren of y' Fourth Chh in Salem requesting y' presence & assistance of this Chh by yr Elder & messengers, with y' Elders & messengers of other Chhs, in y• Ordination of Mr James Diman to y' Pastoral office over ym on May 11th, 1737. Accordingly the Brethren consented, & y' Deacons & Capt. Jon`. Putnam were chosen messengers on yt occasion."


1737-8, Jan. 1.

A Letter from ye brethren of ye Chh in Marble Head lately under ye Pastoral care of ye Revd Mr Edwd Holyoke was read, desiring ye presence & assistance of this Chh by yr Elder & messengers, with ye Elders & messengers of other Chhs, in ye Ordination of Mr Simon Broadstreet Junr to ye Pastoral Office over them; on Jan. 4. 1737-8, in compliance with we request Deacn Whipple, Capt Jona Putnam, and Capt Thos Flint were chosen messengers by y' vote of ye Chh.


1746, Sept. 5.

At a Chh meeting appointed on ye Lecture ye Day before, on ye occasion of several persons in this Parish being reported to have resorted to a woman of a very ill reputation pretending to ye art of Divination & fortunetelling &c to make enquiry into yt matter, & to take such resolutions as may be thot proper on yt occasion. The Brethren of ye Chh then present came into ye following Votes. Viz.

1. That for Christians, especiallv Chh members, to seek to & consult reputed Witches or fortune tellers this Chh is clearly of opinion & firmly beleives, on ye testimony of ye Word of God, is highly impious & scandalous, being a violation of ye Christian Covt sealed in Baptism, rendring ye persons guilty of it subject to ye just censure of ye Chh.

No proof appearing against any of ye members of ye Chh (some of whom had been strongly suspected of this crime) so as to convict them of their being guilty, it was further Voted

2. That ye Pastor in ye name of ye Chh should publickly testify their disapprobation & abhorrence of this infamous & ungodly practice of consulting Witches or Fortunetellers or any yt are reputed such; exhorting all under their watch who may have been guilty of it to an hearty repentance & returning to God, earnestly seeking forgiveness in ye blood of Christ, and warning all against ye like practice for ye time to come.


Sept. 7. 11

This Testimony, Exhortation, & Warning, Voted by ye Chh, was publickly given by ye Pastor, before ye Dismission of ye Congregation.


Sept. 14.

A Letter was read from a number of y- Brethren of ye First Church in Woburn, requesting ye presence & assistance of ye Elder & Messengers of this Church to joyn in an Ecclesiastical Council. Capt Thos Flint & Deacn Cornelius Tarbell were chosen as Delegates.


1747, May 19.

At a Chh meeting to consider ye petition of Capt John Gardner & Eliza his wife to be dismissed to ye Chh in Salem under Mr Leavits Ministry, and to come to some conclusion upon it

Proposed to be Voted

Considering that Church in Salem where Mr Leavit officiates lies under scandalous imputations & at least a suspicious character for having broken in upon ye Rules of ye Gospel & ye Order of these Churches in their late proceedings in ye settlemt of that Society, Whether this Church apprehend [it] consistent with their care of their members, and with their faithfulness to ye Order of ye Gospel in these Churches, to dismiss any of their members to ye Communion of that Society, till they have clear'd up a good understanding with their sister Churches?

Voted in ye negative, nemine contradicente.


1749-50, March 11.

A Contribution made for. David Woodwell of Hopkinton, towards paymt of the Ransom of his Daughter out of Captivity. Gather'd about

13lb. 8s.


March 18.

A Letter read from ye Chh of Christ in Lynn End, requesting ye presence & assistance of yr Elder with a Delegate in Council, on ye affair of ye Dismission of yr Pastor ye Revd Mr Chase from his Pastoral Office; Capt Thos Flint was chosen as ye Churches Delegate.


1753, May 18. N. S.

Letters missive read from the Chh of Chris in Wells desiring ye presence & assistance of yr Elder & Delegate, with other desiring is ye Ordinan of Mr Samll Feyrweather on ye 23d.



May 20. "Capt. Thos Flint was nominated & chosen for ye Chh's


[Last Page of Church Record Book]


Persons Departed by Death in S. Village.



Nov. 30.

Nathanael Sheldon son to WO Sheldon : well on Monday

sick tewsday distracted on thursday & so continued till

Fryday it dyed 10y.

Dec. 20.

Sam: Wilkins a very naughty man & dyed very hopefully 52

Jan. 1.

"Sam: Fuller at meeting ye Sab: well before day tewsday was

speechless & dyed this day, 1/2 an hour before I came" 27

Mar. 11.

Tabitha (daughter to James) Smith well & dead in 4 days" 3


Apr. 11.

Job Switherton 88

Apr. 17.

John Byshop kill'd with the Indians" 18


Nicholas Reed Edw: Putnams man killd wth ye Indians 18



Godfrey (killed) Sheldon kill'd by the Indians 24

"Tho: Alsot kill'd at Casko"

"Ed w° Crocker kill'd at Casko"

"George Bogwell kill'd at Casko"


Sept. 19.

"Jacob Phillips of the Small Pox"


Dec. 2.

Wm Sheldon cut his knee then hurt by a fall above 2 weeks 80

May 16.

Dan: Wilkins Bewitched to death 17


daughter to Ann Douglas by Witchcraft I doubt not


May 30.

John Andrews of a Consumption at Cambridge


"William Tarbell souldier at the Eastward" 21


Oct. 11. " Eliz: wife to Timothy Allen of Groton" 70 odd

Oct. 27.

Ruth daughter to Job Swinnerton, & buryed the 28 instant

being the Lords day, & ye corpse carryed by ye meeting-house

door in time of singing before meeting afternoon & more at

ye Funerall than at ye Sermon 28

Feb. 3.

Jacob only son to Jacob Fuller well yesterday & dead

this day" 11 three year old 5 March next 3


Nov. 22. Francis Nurse 77

Jan. 31.

wife to John Martin not sick a fortnight"



Thomas Fuller Senr 80


Apr. 7. Sab.

Job Swinnerton 70

May 19. Sab.

Sarah wife of Joshua Rae Senr" 70

July 23.

Nathaniel Putnam Senr about 79 or 80" 80

Jan. 1.

Bray Wilkins-1702 aged 92


William Buckley aged 80


Dec. 3.

Daniel Andrew Senr Dyed of ye Small pox 59

Jan. 6.

Thomas Andrew ye 2d son of Danll Andrew

dyed of ye Small pox 24


Samll Andrew ye 3d son of Dan" Andrew dyed of ye Sin. pox" 19

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