September 2, 1692
Honorable Sir,
I have made the world sensible of my zeal to assist, according unto my poor capacity, the weighty and worthy undertakings wherein almighty God has employed Your Honor as His instrument for the extinguishing of as wonderful a piece of devilism as has been seen in the world; and yet I hope I may say that the one half of my endeavors to serve you have not been told or seen. But one of my feeble essays that way, I would not use till I have in the first place asked your direction, with your countenance.
I have been extremely sensible of the duty lying upon the ministers of the country to do some singular thing in a way of testimony against those evils which lay people most open to the present annoyances of the devil, and unto those duties whereto we are now extraordinarily obliged. Because others have not hitherto done anything considerable that way, I have myself, not without the advice of others, drawn up an address unto my neighbor, on the prodigious occasion that is now before us. Throughout the whole of that attempt I would both propound your service, and enjoy your conduct. Wherefore,
I. I have labored to divert the thoughts of my readers, even with something of designed contrivance, unto those points which help very much to flatten that fury which we now so much turn upon one another.
II. I would ask Your Honor�s leave that I might give a distinct account of the trials which have passed upon some of our malefactors, which being inserted in this treatise will much vindicate the country, as well as the judges and juries.
III. I have not only set our calamity in as true a light as I can, but also, where I have let fall, as once or twice, the jealousies among us, of innocent people being accused, I would humbly submit all those expressions to Your Honor�s correction, that so there may not be one word out of point. In short, I have all along aimed at expressing such a temper as, I believe, Your Honor wishes the whole people at this time to be filled withal.
IV. To rectify further the opinions of men, as well about the nature of our distress as about the justice of your proceedings, I would publish a short narrative of the Swedish story, especially those articles of it which most agree with ours.
V. For me to beg that either Your Honor singly, or the judges jointly, would in a line or two signify unto the world that my labors have your approbation, or being not only an agreeable account of the calamity now upon us, but also a profitable representation of the duties whereto we should apply ourselves on this occasion.
This were an arrogance whereupon I dare not presume. Although a favor of that kind bestowed upon me would somewhat lay before the world an intimation of that holy, pious, fatherly frame of spirit, with which you are herein concerned for us, yet, I say, I dare not aspire so far as to ask it. I shall think myself highly favored if you do but let me see that you approve my cares to sanctify the terrible hand of God, which is now upon us. [Sends along part of The Wonders of the Invisible World.]
Your sincere and most humble servant,