Danvers, Massachuetts
(formerly, Salem Village)
Danvers Archival CenterLearn about this municipal archives & its witchcraft
collection The Devil Hath Been RaisedIntroduction to "The Devil Hath Been Raised: A
Documentary History of the Salem Village Witchcraft Outbreak of
March 1692," by Richard Trask.
Witchcraft in Salem Village A Brief Guide by the Danvers Archival Center Ask the Archivist |
![]() Explore Danvers |
Historical Sites of DanversOverview history and historic sites accessible to the public, with map and bibliography. |
Israel Putnam House
The Danvers Museum at the Israel Putnam House contains exhibits on local and regional history. |
Rebecca Nurse
Including information on the Danvers Alarm List Company and the Homestead Preservation Society |
The Withcraft Victims' Memorial
Location, design and list of names Danvers Historical Society Formed in 1889 "to discover, collect, preserve and exhibit objects which illustrate local history, but particularly the history and development of the Town of Danvers." |
Glen Magna Farms
Owned by the Danvers Historical Society , founded in 1889 “to discover, collect and preserve objects which illustrate local history, but particularly the history and development of the Town of Danvers.” |