[96] Salem Villadge 15th of march 1700
[96] Salem Villadge 15th of march 1700
The Inhabetants of this Villadge are hearby Required in his Majets name to meete Togather at theire ordenary place of meateing upon Tuesday next being the ninetenth day of this present march at 12 of theh Clocke to Receve the present Comitys account and to Chewes a Comittye for the yeare ensueing and also to Chews a Clarke to keepe our Booke of Records or Impower The Comitye to Chewes one amonge themselves to keepe the Booke and to enter what is neadefull into the Booke from Time to Time and of what is allrayde done also to Conseder wt about the Contrebution and to Conseder what shall be done about placeing som parsons that wante seates in the meaton house and also to Conseder and agree wheather they will builde a new meaten house: by order of the Comitye Ezekel Chever