salem village the: 19th of February 1696-7

salem village the: 19th of February 1696-7

The Inhabitants of This village are Hereby Requiered In His Majesties name to meet together att Their usiall place of meeting on Tuseday next being the 23d Day of this Instant February att Two a Clock in the affter noon: to Receive the Returne of the men that ware chosen by our Inhabitants ye 14th Day of september Last: to transact with mr. Parris Relateing to all differances that are between him and our Inhabitants and to consider of and Agree upon what shall be further don in that matter: and to chouse and fully Impower men to transact with mr. Parris Relateing to our ministry House that so He may remove from it: By ordor of The Committe Thomas putnam Clerk

Salem Village Records