at the Same meeting the 18 of June 1689

at the Same meeting the 18 of June 1689

It was agreed and and voted by a Generall Concurance that for Mr Parice his Incuragement and Settlement in the woorke of the monestry amongst us: we will give him Sixty Six pounds for his yearely Salerye one third parte in mony the other two third parts In provetion Att the priseis following wheet at foure shilengs per bushel Rye and Barlye malte at three Shilengs per Bushele Indian Corne at too Shilengs per bushele : and Beef at three half pence per pound porke att too pence per pound and Butter Six pence pr pound and Mr Parice to finde himselfe firewood: and Mr Parice to keepe the menestrye house In good Repaire turn over

[46] And that Mr Parice Shall also have the use of the menestrye pasture and the Inhabitants to keepe the fence in Repaire and that we will keep up our Contrebution and our Inhabitance to put their monye in papers and this to Contenue So Longe as Mr Parice Contenues in the woorke of the menestrye amongst us: and all provetion to be good and marchantable: and If it plese god to bless the Inhabitance we shall be willinge to give more and we expect that If god shall deminsh the estate of the people that then Mr parice doe abate of his Salerye acordeing to proportion

Salem Village Records