At a Generall meeting of the Inhabetance of this vilage 28th october 1690
At a Generall meeting of the Inhabetance of this vilage 28th october 1690
it was agreed and voted by a generall Concurance that the Instructions for the Commety for this yeare Shall be as followeth
that our Committe Shall make a Rate of Sixey pounds for mr parris his sallery for this yeare allreadye begun: one thirde parte to be paied in monye the other two thirds to be in provitions according to the prises Sett in the vote made by our Inhabetants the 18th June 1689: mr parris haveing Relinquised the Six pounds voted thare for fire wood:
Voted that the Commette now In being are Impowered to Repaire our meeting house and keepe it decent and the Inbabetants to bare the Charge of it
Voted that our Commetts Shall Raise our publicke Charge this yeare accordeing to the Instructions given to the Commette in the yeare 1684
4ly their was Chosen to take account of men estates in order to make a Rate Joseph putnam and John Holton and they to bring in an account withing a month to the Commette:
5ly at the same meeting Leutt Nathaniell putnam Capt John putnam and Frances Nurse ware Chosen to goe to Joseph Holton Senr to discourse with him about the deede of our menestrye Land which we bade from him and make Return to the people the next meeting
6 votted that we will keep up the Contrebution and that our Inhabetants Shall put theire moray in papers which they Contrebute or else it Shall be accounted as Strangers mony &