At a Generall meatening of the Inhabetances of Salem villag the third of march 1700:701 Chosen for a Comitye
At a Generall meatening of the Inhabetances of Salem villag the third of march 1700:701 Chosen for a Comitye
1 voted for the yeare Insueing John putnam Junr Ensigne Buxton Samuell Nurse James putnam and Benjemin Willkins
2ly Chosen to petetion the Towne for helpe towards building our meaten house Capt Jno putnam and Capt flint Decon putnam Joseph putnam and Joseph Hericke
[104] 3ly voted that the Decons Shall Receve what mony is Contrebuted by our Neighbours toward buildeing our meaten house and to deliver it when the people Require it
4ly John putnam was Chosen to keep our Booke of Records for the yeare Ensueing