The 15: of January 1673
The 15: of January 1673
[At] a meeting of the Inhabitants It was Voted that the Committ[ee] [now] in being together with John Putnam shall seat the meeting house [according] to the rates to the m[in this ] respect
[9] Received forty pounds of Lt: Thomas [Putnam] and Goodman Rea: which was the Rate Made by [them] 8 October:72: and continewed to october 8th 1673: I say Rece [ ] James Bayley
24 December 1674
Received thirty fouer pounds ten shillings and seven pence-which was part of the Rate Made for my mentainnance for the second year of my Being att the village of Salem: which begun October 8th and ended october:8th 1674: I say Received so much as above me[nti]oned from thos who ware the selectmen that year: By me James Bayley.
Received sence the writing of the above writen Receit so much as Makes the above mentioned sume amount to forty pounds: which was so much as was voated for my mentennance for that year: I say Recd: by me James Bayley
the 10th Jenewary 1675
Received forty seven pounds which was the Ratt made for my mentenan[ce] for the year beginning the eight of october: 1674: and ending the eighth [of] october: 1675: I say Received of the Committe for that year: B[y me][James Bayley]
Received forty seven pounds which was the Ratte :-- Made for my mentenance for the year Begining the 8th october: [1675] and ending the: 8th october: 1676: I say Received of the [ ] for that year: By me James Bay[ley]
Received: 47 pounds of the Inhabitants of the farmes for the y[ear] begining october: 8th 76: and ending october ye: 8th 1677: I say Re[ceived] By me James Bayley
Received of the account of My Ratte begining october: 8th 1677 and ending o[ctober] : the 8th 1678: I say Receivd forty fouer pounds fouer shilling and eight pence By me James Bayley
Received affter wards of those whoses names ware entered in constable Joshua Reas Bill: two pounds: sixteen shillings: 4 pence by me: James Bay[ley]
The Inhabitants of the Farmes Discharged from their two Last ye[ars] Rattes Made for my mentenance for the two Last years of my be [ing] In The Ministry amongst them: ye, 25th: 8th: 1681 By me James Ba[yley]
All the above writen Receits are true Coppeis taken out [ ] the originalls writen with Mr. Bayles one Hand: as [attest] Thomas putnam Recorder: to the Committe of Salem v[illage]