The: 20th: of March 1684/5:
The: 20th: of March 1684/5:
we Reckoned with the old Committee and ther account is as followeth ---
There was a Rate mad to pay Mr. Epps: and Removing of Mr. Lawson and the Repairing of the ministry House: the whol Rate was 22 pou 12 shillings and 7 pene : frances Nurs : Thomas wilknes Ezekill Chver There was a quarter Rate made for Mr. Burroughs or his ordor the wholl Rate was: 14 pounds: 18 shillings and 10 pence: which ware Delivered to Constable Daniell Rea: Frances Nurs: Tho: Wilknes Ezekill Chever There was a Rate made for Mr. Lawsons year salary: 1684: the wholl Rate was sixty two pounds a leven shillings and five pence Frances Nurs: Thomas wilknes: Ezekill Chever
Received this 29 of March 1686 of Thomas Putnam senr & Nathanael Ingersoll in money & as money sixty pounds & my wood being in full of my salary for the year 1684 I say recd Per me Deodat Lawson