Salem Village the 22 of march 1712
Salem Village the 22 of march 1712
The Inhabitants of this village are heare by Reqwired In hur magisties name to meet to gather att there Usiall Place of metting one thurds day next being the 27 of this Instant att one of the Clocke In the after noone to Chuse acommity for the yeare Insewing & to give them Instructions: and to Chuse asutabell Parson for to keep our booke of Records: and to desire ye Reasons of the Commity that was Chosen to Repaire the ministry house why they have nedglected itt and to Impower them or sum others spedily to see that it be dun: all soe to Reseve the Returne of the Commity that was Chosen to see that the fencs of the ministry Pastur was finished acording to the votte of the people: and to Consider and agree what Is needful farder to be ackted In that matter By order of the Committy Joseph Putnam Clark