Salem village this: 16th: of Feberary 1686/7
Salem village this: 16th: of Feberary 1686/7
Thee Inhabitants of this village are Hereby Requiered In His Majesties Name: to meet to gether att there ordinary place of Meeting on the eighteenth Day of this Instant month att nine a clock In the Morning to Hear and to Consider of to Receive and Imbrace: or to Refuse: thee Advice of thee Honored Major Gidney and John Hathorn and William Brown Esqrs and thee Reverend Elders of Salem Church: also to view what is all Redy transcribed of our Village Book of Records and to give sum Direction to Thee Committee and Lt Nathaniell putnam about the transcribing of the Rest: also to Consider of and Make void sume voats that have past amongst us: that have ben grevious to us for time past or that May be unprofitable to us for time to come: all our Inhabitants are Desiered to come to this Meeting for It is Mater of grate Consarnment to us all: By ordor of Thee Committe Thomas putnam cler-