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SWP No. 010: William Barker, Jr.

SWP No. 10.1

Figure S063r

Figure S063v

(Examination of William Barker,Jr.)

[+ September 1, 1692]

[?]Sep't 92
Before Maj'r Gidney m'r Hawthorn m'r Corwin & Cap't Higginsone.

The Examination and confession of W'm Barker aged 14 yeares or #[there]about

He is accused for exerciseing acts of witchcraft upon the bodyes of Martha Sprague Rose foster and Abigail Martin, which he did not deny but could not remember it. ----
He confesses now that he hath not been in the snare of the devil above six dayes, That as he was goeing in the woods one evening to look efter cowes he saw the shape of a black dog which looked very fiercely upon him And he was much disturbed in his mynd about it and could not sleep well that night
And betymes next morneing he mett with a black man (he calls him a black man because he had black cloaths and thinks he had a black skin) who bid him set his hand to a book and serve him as long as he the said Barker Lived, which he promeised
And thereupon set his hand to the book by putting his finger thereon, He saith the black man brought red stuff along with him in an Inkhorn
And he the said Barker dipt his finger into it and therewith made a red mark on the paper He confesses he was to doe any service the black man appoynted him and was to have a sute of cloaths for it. he said further the black man would have him baptised but he never was. -----
He saith further that Goody Parker went with him last night to afflict martha Sprague, And that he afflicts by clincheing his hands together. He now Saith he is sorry & hates the devill but yet struck down the afflicted with his eyes,
And martha Sprague being recovered out of a fitt said that Barkers apparition and Goody Parker rid upon a pole. and was baptised at five myle pond,----- He now sayes there was such a load upon his Stomack that he could not speak,
A litle after he owned he was baptised by the black man at five myle pond and did also renounce his former baptisme, he knowes Goody Parker to be a witch And sayes the devil dipt his head into the water & spoke these words that he the said Barker was his for ever and ever.
He said he could not think of his baptisme before, ------
And that the load that was upon his stomak is not so heavy as it was but just before He #[said] still afflicted martha Sprague & shut her mouth but by layeing his hand thereon opened it again. -- and afterwards confessed that there were of his Company Goody Parker Goody Parker Samuel Wardwell & his wife and two daughte'rs.
And then could take the afflicted persones by the hand without doeing them any harme.

W'm Barker Jun'r Signed & owned the abovesaid
Examination & Confession.
before me *John Higginson Just'e peace:

The marke X
William Barker Jun'r

(Reverse) Confession of William Barker Jun'r

Goody parker
Goody Johnson
Sam'll wardell.
his wife
& 2 Daughters

martha. Sprage

( Suffolk Court Files, vol. 32, docket 2761, p. 103, Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court, Judicial Archives, Massachusetts State Archives, Boston, MA )

SWP No. 10.2

Figure eia24-10r

Figure eia24-10v

(Examination of William Barker, Jr., Copy )

[+ September 1, 1692 ]

1 Sep'r 92 Before Maj'r Gidney M'r Hathorne M'r Corwin Jn'o Higginson Esq'r
The Exam & Confe'son of Wm Barker Jun'r aged 14 Yeares or their about He is accused for Exercising acts of Witchcraft Upon the bodyes of Martha Sprauge Rosse fostter & abigall Martin w'ch he did not deny but Could Not Rememb'r it --
He Confesses now that he hath not been in the Snare of the Divel above Six # [Years] days, that as he was Goeing into the Woods one Evening to loeck after Cows he Saw the Shape of a black dog w'ch looked Verry fercly Upon Him & he was Much disturbed in his Mind about it & Could not Sleep well that Night & betimes Next Morning he Mett w'th a black Man (he Calls him a black man because he had black Cloaths & thinks he had a black Skin) Who bid him Sett his hand to his book & Serve him as long as he the s'd Barker lived w'ch he promised And #[Soe] theirupon Sett His hand to this book by putting his fing'r Thereon he Saith the black man brought Red Stuf along w'th him in an Inkorn & he the S'd Barker dipt his finger into it and ther w'th Made a Red Mark on the paper He Confesses he was to doe any Servis the black man appointed him # [to doe] & was to have Suite of Cloaths for it he S'd further the black man would have him baptized but he Nevr was -- he Saith further that good'e Parker went w'th him last Night to afflictt Martha Sprauge & that he afflicts by pinching his hands Together he Saith he Now is Sorry & hates the Divel but Yett Struck dwone the afflicted w'th his Eyes -- and Martha Sprauge being Recovered out of a fitt S'd that barkers apperition & Good'e Parker rod Upon a pole & was baptized at 5 Mile pond -- He Now Says there was Such a load Upon his Stomach that he Could Not Speak a little affter he owned he was baptized by the black man at 5 Mile pond & Renounced his former baptizime he Knows Good'e parker to be a witch & Says the Divel dipt his head into the Watter & Spook these words that he the S'd Barker was his for Ever & Ever He S'd he Could not think of his baptizime before & that the Load that was Up[] his Stomach Is not Soe heavy as it was Just now He Stil afflicted Martha Sprauge & Shut her Mouth but by laying his hand Theron opened it again -- and afterwards Confessed that ther ware of his Comp'a Good'e parker Good'e Johnson Sam'll Wardwel his wife & two Daughters & then Could take the afflicted p'rsons by the Hand w'th out doeing them any harm

Wm Barker Jun'r Signed & owned the above S'd Exam'n &
before Me *John Higginson Just'e peace

the Marke
X of
Wm Barker Jun'r

Essex Institute Collection, No. 24, 10r-v, Peabody Essex Museum, James Duncan Phillips Library, Rowley, MA. )

SWP No. 10.3

Figure S062r

Figure S062v

(Indictment of William Barker, Jr., for Covenanting)

[+ January 11, 1693 ]

Province of the An'o RRs & Reginae Gulielmi &c
Massachusetts Bay in Mariae Angliae &c Quarto Anoq'e Dom 1692
New England Essex ss

The Ju'rors for o'r Sov'r lord & Lady the King & Queen p'rsent That William Barker Junio'r of Andvo'r in the County of Essex aforsaid Sometime in the moneth of August last in the yeare 1692 aforsd Att or in the Towneship of Andivo'r in the Country of Essex aforsd Wickedly mallitiously & felloniously A Covenant with the Devill did make & Signed the Devills Booke and by the Devill was Baptized & before him Renounced his form'r Baptizme & promised to be the Devills for ever and ever By which wicked & Diabollicall Covenant the Said William Barker is become A Detestable Witch Against the peace of o'r Sov'r lord & Lady the King & Queen their Crowne & dignity And the laws in that Case made & provided.

(Reverse) William Barker Jun'r for Covenanting w'th the Devill
Billa vera
*Robert. Payne foreman:
ponet Se #[fled]
Not Guilty
Court at Ipwich
Ipswich 2'd Tuesday May 1693

( Suffolk Court Files, vol. 32, docket 2761, p. 102, Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court, Judicial Archives, Massachusetts State Archives, Boston, MA. )

SWP No. 10.4

Figure S064A

Figure S064B

(Indictment of William Barker, Jr. for Afflicting Martha Sprague)

[+ January 13, 1693]

Province of the Massathutetts Bay in New England EssexAnno RRs & Reginae Gulielmi & Mariae. Angliae &'c Quarto Annoq'e Dom: 1692

The Juro'r for our Sovereigne Lord & Lady the King & Queen Presents That William Barker Junio'r of Andivo'r in the County of Essex aforesaid - - - Sometime in the moneth of August last in the Yeare 1692 aforesaid - - - And Divers other Dayes & times as well before as after Certaine Detestable Arts called Witchcrafts & Sorceries: Wickedly Mallishiously & felloniously hath used Practised & Exercised at &: in the Towne of Salem -- in the County of Essex aforesaid upon and against one Martha Sprague Allias Martha Tyler -- by which Wicked Artes the Said Martha Sprague Alli Tyler the Day and Year aforesaid and Divers -- other Dayes & times as well before as after was & is Tourtered Afflicted Tormented Pined & wasted against the Peace of our Sovereigne Lord & Lady the King & Queen their Crowne & Dignity and the Lawes in that Case made & Provided./

(Reverse) William Barker Junio'r for bewitching Martha Sprague
Billa vera *Robert: Payne
ponet Se
Not Guilty

( Suffolk Court Records, Vol. 32, docket no. 2761, Page 103. Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court, Judicial Archives, Massachusetts State Archives. Boston, MA. )

SWP No. 10.5

Figure MA105r

Figure MA105v

(Recognizance for William Barker, Jr., , and Mary Barker by John Barker & John Osgood Sr.)

[+ January 13, 1693 ]


That on the Thirteenth day of Jan'ry 1692 In the Fourth Year of the Reigne of our Sovereigne Lord and Lady William and Mary by the Grace of God of England &c King & Queen defenders of the faith &c Personally appeared before W'm Stoughton Esq'r cheife Justice of their Maj'ies Province of the Massachusets bay in New England Jn'o Barker and Jn'o Osgood both of the Towne of Andiver in the County of Essex Husbandmen and acknowledged themselves to be Joyntly & Severally indebted unto our sd Sovereigne Lord & Lady and the Survivor of them their Heires & Successors in the Sum of one Hundred Pounds to be levied on their or either of their lands & Tenniments goods & chattles for the use of our sd Sovereigne Lord & Lady the King & Queen or Survivor of them on Condition that W'm Barker Jun'r & Mary Barker haveing stood Committed for Suspition of Witchcraft shall make their personall appearance before the Justices of our sd Lord & Lady the King & Queen at the next Court of Assizes and Generall Goale Delivery to be holden for the County of Essex then & their to answer to all such matters and things as shall in their Maj'ies behalfe be alledged against them and to doe & receive that which by the sd Court shall be then & there Injoyned them and thence not to departe without licence

*Jon'a Elatson Cler

(Reverse) Recognizance of Jn'o Barker
Jn'o Osgood {
for W'm Barker Jun'r
& #[Mary Tyler]
Mary Barker
May 10'th Apeared

( Massachusetts Archives Collection, vol. 135, no. 105. Massachusetts State Archives, Boston, MA. )

Salem Witchcraft Papers