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SWP No. 044a: Daniell Eames

[August 13, 1692 ]

SWP No. 44a.1

Figure H51r

Figure H51v

(Examination of Daniel Eames )

[August 13, 1692 ]

the Exam. of Danll. Emes:

Eliz: Johnson owned her confesion against Danll. Emes & yt he was wth her 3 nights before she owned it & aflicted phelps Child wth popets puting pins in it & she se him Yesterday in the prison. he fell upon mary lacy & Ell. Johnson & Richd: Carier said he saw him aflict you. mary wolcot afirmed Emes aflicted her last night at aslots [?] house at andiver & she se him aflict [#[danll Emes], Tim Swan & Ingalls child An puttman & mary warren afirme ye Danll. Emes aflicted them severall times - - - ye aflicted all fell downe wn: he came in

Q Danll. Emes. what doo you act your witch craft before us. tell us how long is it sence you first. Began. ye Evidences say you have be[en] a witch ever since you ran away.

A I never went away but wn I went to the southward & stayd a yere & 3 or 4 months. it was in June.
about I am 28 yeres old: I have be maried 8 or 9 yeres.

I first & formost am arand [arraigned?] [torn] afore ye. honr. I am her before you. in ye presents of Jx [Jesus Christ] yt you would pray for me yt I may spek ye truth. he yt is ye Gret Judge knows yt I never did ceovnt. wth: ye divel: & doe not know any thing of it I never signed to no book nor never se satan or any of his Instrmnts yt I know of

Q her is mary warren. yt never saw you personaly, yt afirmes you have aflicted her above a month. Se if you can look upon her: he turned about & 5 fell downe & wth his touch he raised ym --- I did drem I se Goody tooaker & some others who did tempt me: to Signe to Sattan but I resisted. Q. are you certain you ware asleep:

A. I was asleep. to be sure Samll Varnum. afirmes yt [#Danll Emes told Me yt] he yt Eph. Stevens. told me yt Danll Emes. said yt he followed ye Divell in ye shap of a horse over 5 mile pond. & Bridges
Richd. Carier afirmed yt. Danll. Emes shap knock him downe:

A. as I was once on aprogrese Jno. Wilson Jno Lull. was going to Salsbury & I went wth ym: & came againe to gether: Jno. Lull. came up along wth me till we came againe @ 5 mile pond. I had ben long from home: & was not willing ye man should goe wth me: home:

Bridges: saith: ye report yt. he invited this man & cheated him, told ye man that ther was ye divel in ye 5 mile pond: & said he would goe to him, but he rid away home & shut ye door:

ye brook by Samll. bratlebooks house. when I was alitle boy: my fathr. left me at home & I got abotle of rum & Drank more yn might doe me good.

mary waren afirmed that this danll. Emes afflicted me wn. falkner was Exam. & ther was a young man apered & ye bl man stood upon his shoulder:

mary post doe you know DE: yes I know him his is my neighbr. did you ever know him to aflict: no - did you know him to be awitch. no.

-- Goody bridges doe you know him yes doe you know him to be a witch no: --

An: Putnam said he was made a witch at a brook:

at yt time at ye Brook at ingagmt [engagement] did you make to ye divell:: Bridges: I beleve ther is evidence Enough. yt he said the divill caried him & his pack to ye brook. at yt sabath day: I doe not know but I might say so, but I bely my selfe --Eliz Johnson afirmes yt the young man yt stood before Emes at ye bl man is Deane Robinson. & mary lacy said yt young man hurt mary warren:: I se him personally. at ffr deans lane & he told me he was awizard & at gate in his shap & a bl cat wth him yt told me yt he was danll. Emes: & said he would goe along wth me to aflict folkes

(Reverse) EJ: the 3 time was ye nite afore I owned he said he apeared in his shap & I wen with him to aflict child & aflicd wth pinching & prickg wth a speare Emes pricked wth a pin, it is all true:

--- post said her compa was Sear. Chandler. toohaker. Carier ffoster: Nurse:

mary lacy said she saw the aperition of danll. Emes. ye day before her father came to done & told her father she doubtes he would be sent for in away:

This Examination taken the
13th August 1692 before ther
Majesties of ye peace in Salem

atest John Higginson Just peace

( UNCAT MS, Miscellaneous Manuscripts (1692), Salem Witchcraft Papers, Massachusetts Historical Society, Boston, MA. )

SWP No. 44a.2

Figure H53r

Figure H53v

(Indictment of Daniel Eames, for Afflcting Mary Warren. Returned Ignoramus)

[May 9, 1692 ]

Province of ye Massachusetts Annoq RRs & Reginae Gulielmi & Mariae &c Bay in New England. Essex Quinto Annoqe: [Im 1693

The Jurors for our Sovereigne Lord & Lady the King and Queen presents that Daniell Emmes of ------- in the County of Essex aforsd In or about the thirteenth day of August last in the Yeare 1692 aforsd -- and divers other dayes & times as well before as after Certain Detestable Arts Called witchcrafts and Sorceries wickedly Mallishiously and ffeloniously hath used Practised and Exersised at and in the towne of Salem ---in the County of--- Essex aforesd: Upon and against one Mary Warren #[Bradford] of Salem Single Woman -- by which wicked Arts the said Mary Warren--the day and year aforsaid and divers other dayes and times as well before as after, was and is Tortured Afflicted Tormented Consumed Pined and wasted. against ye: Peace of our Sovereigne Lord and Lady the King and Queen their Crowne & Dignity and agt: the Lawes in that Case made and Provided/

Wittness Mary Walcott
An Putnam

(Reverse) Daniel Emms for Aflicting Mary Warren

Abraham Haseltine foreman of ye Grand Jury

( UNCAT MS, Miscellaneous Manuscripts (1692), Salem Witchcraft Papers, Massachusetts Historical Society, Boston, MA.)

Salem Witchcraft Papers