SWP No. 134: Sarah Wardwell
( See also: Samuel Wardwell -- Petition from Andover Selectmen)
(Examination of Sarah Wardwell, Copy)
[September 1, 1692]
The 1'rst Septemb'r 1692.
Before Maj'r Gidney Mr Hathorne Mr Corwin Jno Higginson Esq'r The Confession of Sarah Wardwel wife of Sam'll Wardwel of Andivor after many Denials of w't She was accused for & pe'ticularly of tormenting the afflicted p'rsons by loocking on them w'th her Eyes before the Justices w'ch not withstanding was Evident to the behold'rs She was required to declare the truth in the fear of god, & then She Confeses as followeth that She thinks She has been in the Snare of the Divel 6 years at w'ch time #(theDivel) a man appeared to her & required her to Worship him & doe him Service he Said he was god & Should be worshiped & promised Me Such thing as I wanted as Cloathing & the like She Saith She Signed a peice of paper by putting her fing'r to it which (as She thinks) made a black mark being asked why She did not weep & lament for it She answered She could not Weep She S'd She was baptized in Shawshin River & he dipt her face in the Watt'r & at her baptizme She gave her Self Soul & body to him & he told her She was his Servant She Says She both went & Retturned on foot & was alone She was also once at Salem Village Witch metting where their ware many people & that She was Carried upon a pole in Company w'th 3 more Viz Good'y Fostter Good'y Carrier & Good'y Lawrence their was also aminister there & Some Men w'th pretty handsome apparell & that She Saw a weaman Cary wine & amongts them She S'd She knew Good'y Carrier to be a witch She S'd She afflicted none butt Marth'a Sprauge last night -- being asked how She did it Said that Marthr Spraue was a means of taking up her husband & because he was gone from home & she much Vext at it & thereupon Suddenly Catcht up her Child in her armes & wished Sprauge might be afflicted a little after S'd She Squezed her Child w'th an Intention that the p'rsons Should be afflicted She S'd She Never New her husband to be a witch till She was Such an one her Self & thinks her daughters have been so butt a little while not above a month She ownes She is Sorry for w't She has done & promises to renounce the Divel & all his works & Serve the true Liveing god -- Noate she is accused for afflicting Sprauge Marttin & Rosse fostt.'r & In the time of her Examination Struck them dwone w'th her Eyes & Recovered them by her touching of their armes as also Struck dwone Sarah Bridges & Hanah Post & Mary Warren Mary Lacy Jun'r & Martha Sprauge Testified they Saw her afflict Abigal Martin in the Court & Hannah Post S'd She Saw her afflict Sarah Bridges
Sarah Wardwell Signed & owned the above S'd
Examination & Confession
Before Me *John Higginson Justice peace
The X Mark
Sarah Wardwel
( Essex Institute MSS. Collection, no. 24, 8v-9r, Peabody Essex Museum, Phillips Library, Rowley, MA. )
(Petition of Samuel Wardwell Jr. for Reversing Attainder, and for and Restitution for Sarah Wardwell)
[February 19, 1711]
To the honourable, the Gentlemen of the Committee Sitting at Salem Feb. 19.
Whereas my mother Sarah Wardel was condemned by the Court at Salem sometime in January in the year 1692, as I Suppose will appear by the Records of thes Tryalls at that
Court, but her name is not inserted in the late Act of the General Court, for the taking off
the Attainder of those that were condemned #[for] in that year, my mother being since
deceased, I thought it my duty to Endeauour that her Name may have the benefit of that
Act. I therefore humbly pray your Honours to Represent this case to the Honourable Gen'll
Court, that my mothers name may be inserted in the Said Act. And whereas in the Account
which I gave to your Honor's, when you met at Salem the Last winter, I mentioned only
what was Seized of my Fathers Estate by the Sherriffe, but gave no account of other charges
which did arise from the imprisonment of my Father and mother, they having provided for
their own subsistence while they were in Prison, and I Suppose #[they] there was Something
considerable payd to the keeper of the prison, though I am not able now to give a particular
account how much it was. If your Honours please to allow me something upon that account
It will be thankfully acknowledged by.
your honour's
most humble servant
Samuel wardel
Feb 19. 1711/12 Samuel wardel
(Reverse) Wardwell
(Essex County Court Archives, vol. 2, no. 167, Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court, Judicial Archives, James Duncan Phillips Library, Peabody Essex Museum, Salem, MA.)