SWP No. 097: Alice Parker Executed, September 22, 1692
(See also: Ann Pudeator -- Warrant; George Jacobs, Sr. -- Mittimus; Bridget Bishop -- Physical Examination.)
(Examination of Alice Parker )
[May 12, 1692. ]
The Examination of Alice Parker 12 May. 1692.
Q Mary Warren Charges you with Several acts off witchcraft; what Say you to it Guilty or not Guilty: A. I am not Guilty. You told her this day you cast away Thomas Westgate -- A. I know nothing of it -- You told her John Laptho[rn] was lost in [lost] A. I never spoke a word to her in my Life. You told her also you bewitched her sister, because her father would not mow your grass. I never saw her -- Warren desiring to go to strike her, was permitted, but Could not Come near so much as to touch her, but fel backward immediately into a dreadful fitt. Margaret Jacobs Charged her also to her face with seeing her in the North feild on fryday night last about #[nine a Clock] an hour within Night in apparition -- Marshal Herrick also affirmed to her face that she told him this day after he had apprehended her and was bringing her to Examination, that there were threscore Witches of the Company, which he denyed not, But said she did not Remember, how many she said there was. But John Loader being by attested the same the Marshal had before. Mary Warren was grieviously afflicted dureing the whole time of her Examination. But being asked who told her there were threescore Witches, she answered she Could not tell. Mary Warren affirmd that Her Father having promised to mow the grass for her if he had time, which he not doeing she came to the house, and told him he had better he had done it, presently after that Her Sister fell ill and shortly after Her Mother was taken ill, and dyed. Mary Warren affirms that when Alice Parker brought the Poppet to her, she said if she would not Run the needle in, she would Run itt, into her heart. Mary Warren affirmd it to her face, but upon the Glance of Parkers Ey she immediately struck her down into a fitt. being Examined upon these things, she wished God would open the Earth and Swallow her up presently, if one word of this was true and make her an Example to Others -- Tho att the same times she practised her Witchcrafts before upon the Body of Mary Warren, dreadfully tormenting her. Moreover Warren affirmed that she told her this day that she was att the Bloody Sacrament in mr Parris's Pasture, and that they were about thirty of them. Mary Warren also affirms that she told her this day also that she Ran after John Loader in the Common. Mary Warren affirms that the Spectrum came direct from her Body and afflicted her dureing the whole time off her Examination. Mr Noise in Time of Examination affirmed to her face, that he being with her in a Time of sicknes, discoursing with about her witchcrafts whether she were not Guilty, she answered If she was as free from Other sins as from Witchcrafts she would not ask the Lord mercy. Mary. Warren being taken with a dreadful fit at the same time, w'rby her tongue hung out of her mouth until it was black, Parker being present said warrens tongue would be blacker befor she dyed. Parker being asked why she did thus afflict and torm't her, answered If I do, the Lord forgive mee --
( Witchcraft Papers, No. 31. Massachusetts Historical Society, Boston, MA. )
(Indictment No. 1 of Alice Parker, for Afflicting Mary Walcot)
[+ September 7, 1692. ]
Essex in the Province of the Massachusetts Bay New England ss/ Anno RR's & Reginae Gulielmi & Mariae &c Quarto, Annoq'e Domini 1692/
The Juriors for our Sov'r Lord and Lady the King and Queen doe present That Alice Parker wife of John Parker of Salem in the County Essex Fisherman #[In the County of Essex] the Sixth day of September #[in the yeare afore s'd]
In the yeare aforesaid and divers other days and times as well before as after Certaine detestable arts called Witchcraft and Sorceries Wickedly Mallitiouslynd felloniously hath used practised and Exercised At and in the Towne of Salem in the County of Essex -- aforesaid in upon and against one Mary Walcot -- of Salem Village in-the-County -- aforesaid Single-Woman -- by which said Wicked acts the said Mary Walcott the day & Yeare aforesaid and divers other days & Times both before and after was and is Tortured aflicted Consumed Pined Wasted & Tormented and also for sundry other acts of Witchcraft by the said Allice Parker Committed and done before and since that time against the peace of our Sov'r Lord and Lady the King and Queen theire Crowne and Dignity and the form of the Stattute in that case made and Provided
Ann Putman
Mary Warren
Eliz: Hubard
(Reverse) Alice Parker
Mary Walcott
( Witchcraft Papers No. 33. Massachusetts Historical Society, Boston, MA. )
(Indictment No. 2 of Alice Parker for Afflicting Mary Warren )
[+ September 7, 1692. ]
Essex in the Province of the Massachusetts Bay in New Engl'd ss ] Anno RR's and Reginae Gulielmi & Mariae &c Quarto Annoq'e Domini 1692.
The Juriors for our Sov'r Lord and Lady the King and Queen doe [Pbar ]sent That Allice Parker Wife of John Parker of Salem -- In the County of Essex aforesaid fisherman, the #[twelfth] sixth day of #[May August] September -- In the yeare aforesaid and divers other days and times as well before as after Certaine detestable arts called Witchcraft and Sorceries Wickedly Mallitiously & felloniously hath used practised & Exercised At and in the Towne of Salem #[aforesaid] aforesaid in upon & against one Mary Warren of Salem aforesaid Single Woman by which said Wicked acts the said Mary Warren the Day & year aforesaid and divers other days & times both before and after was and is Tortured afflicted Consumed Wasted Pined and Tormented, and also for Sundry acts of Witchcraft by the said Allice Parker -- Committed and done before and Since that time against the peace of Our Sov'r Lord & lady the King and Queen theire Crowne and dignity and the forme of the Stattute in that case made and Provided
( Witchcraft Papers, No. 32, Massachusetts Historical Society, Boston, MA. )
( Testimony of Martha Dutch v. Alice Parker )
[September 7, 1692. ]
The Testimony of Martha Dutch aged about 36 years This Deponent Testifieth and saith that about 2 yeers Last past Jno Jarman of Salem Coming in from sea I This deponant & Alice parker of Salem Both of us standing Together said unto her w't a great mercy itt was for to see Them Come home well and Through mercy I said my husband had gone & Came home well many Times & I This deponant did saye unto the s'd parker that I did hope he would Come whome This voyage well allso & the s'd parker made answer unto me & said no Never more in This world the w'ch Came to pass as she then told me for he died abroad as I sertinly heare
Jurat in Curia Sep'r 7. 92.
attest *Step. Sewall Cle
(Reverse) Martha Dutch Depo against John Jarman
( Essex County Court Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 2, No. 93, Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court, Judicial Archives, Massachusetts State Archives, Boston, MA. )
. )
(Depositions of Sarah Bibber Mary Walcott, Elizabeth Hubbard, Ann Putnam Putnam Jr., & Mary Warren v. Alice Parker, and Statement of Abigail Hobbs v. Alice Parker)
[ September 7, 1692. ]
Sarah Vibber: upon oath: affirmeth: to the #[grand] Jury of inquest: that she hath seen Alice Parker: afflict: Mary Warin Mary Walcot: & An Putnam: & that s'd Parker did choke s'd Warin the last night & griped her: abo't the waste: Septem'r 7: 1692 & that she hath afflicted this deponent Jurat in Curia
Mary Walcot: upon oath: affirmeth: to the Jury of inquest: that she hath: seen: Alice Parker: afflict: Mary Warin:Eliz Hubbard Mercy Lewis: & An Putnum perticulerly: the last night: by choaking of them & squeezing of them Septem'r 7: 1692 & that she aflicted this deponent Jurat in Curia
Eliz Hubard: on oath affirmd to the Jury of inquest: that Alice Parker: hath once afflicted her: & that was last night; Sept'r 7: 1692 An Putnum: upon oath: affirmd: to the Jury of Inquest: that she hath seen: Alice Parker afflict: Mary: Warin: Mary Walcot: goodwife Vibber &Sara Churchell by Choking: of them & squeezing. Mary Warin; this they did the last night in the Court: Septem'r 7: 16:92
An Putnum: upon oath: affirmed: to ye Jury of Inquest: that she hath seen: Alice Parker aflict: Mary: Warin: Mary Walcot: goodwife Vibber: & Sara Churchell by choking: of them & squeezing. Mary Warin: this they did ye last night in ye Court:
Septem 7: 16:92
Mary: Warin : upon oath: affirms to the Jury of Inquest: that: she hath seen Alice Parker afflict: Mary Walcot: Eliz Hubbard An Putnam: & goodwife Vibber the last night: by choking: them & squeezing them: s'd Parker: has afflicted me: has brought me the book: to siign to she brought: me a poppit: & a needle: & thretned: to stab: me if I would not stick the needle into the Poppit: & she did run: the needle a little way into me: s'd Parker s'd she was a caus: of the death of Tho Wastgate: and crew: that was foundred in the sea: she was also a caus: of the death of goodwife ormes her son: that was drown'd before: there dore: and was a caus of the death of Jno Serles his -- boy: she was the caus also of: Michael Chapmans: Death in Boston harbour: she also told me she: bewiched my mother & was a caus of her death: also that: she bewiched my sister: Eliz: that is both deaf & dumb: September: 7. 92 Jurat in Curia
Abigail: Hobbs: afirms: she has seen: Alice Parker: afflict: Mary: Warin: when s'd Warin was at prison. Also: I have seen her: aflict: An Putman: by Choking: of them: Septem'r 7: 1692: before the Jury of Inquest
(Reverse) Several Afflicted p'rsons
( Witchcraft Papers, No. 34. Massachusetts Historical Society, Boston, MA. )
(Deposition of Thomas Putnam & William Murray v. Alice Parker)
[+ September 7, 1692]:
the deposistion of Tho: putnam aged 40: years and william murry aged 36: year. who: testifieth and saith: that several of the afflected: perzens were as mary walcott and mary warren and seuerall other and were much afflected on the: 6th Septr. 1692 dureing the time of the Examination of Elce parker: and we obsarved that upon the glance of hir Eies they were strucken down: and upon hir laying hir hand on them they were Recovered and we beleave that Elce parker the prisoner att the barr has often hurt the said persons by acts of witchcraf
Jurat in Curia Thomas putnam
(Reverse:) Tho: putnam &
Wm Murray
Elsi Parker
( Essex County Court Achives, Salem -- Witchcraft, vol. 2, No. 97, Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court, Judicial Archives, Massachusetts State Archives, Boston, MA. )
( Deposition of John Westgate v. Alice Parker )
[June 2, 1692]
Jno Wesgate aged about forty years This deponant Testifyeth thatt about Eight years since he being att the house of mr Sam'll Beadle In the company of Jno Parker and severall others, the wife of said Jno Parker came into the company and scolded att and called her husband all to nought whereupon I the said deponent tooke her husbands part telling of her itt was an unbeseeming thing for her to come after him to the taverne and raile after thatt rate w'th thatt she came up to me and called me rogue and bid me mind my owne busines and told me I had better have said nothing Sometimes afterwards I the s'd deponent going from the house of mr Dan'll King, w'n I came over against Jno Robinsons house I heard a great noyce coming from towards mr Babage his house then there apeared a black hogge running towards me w'th open mouth as though he would have devoured me att thatt Instant time I the said. deponent fell downe upon my hipp and my knife runn into my hipp up to the haft w'n I came home my knife was in my sheath w'n I drew itt out of the sheath then imediatly the sheath fell all to peaces, and further this deponant testifieth thatt after he gott up from his fall his stockin and shue was full of blood and thatt he was forc't to craule along by the fence all the way home and the hogg followed him and never left him tell he came. home, and haveing astout dog then with mee, the dog run then away from him Leapeing over the fence and Cryeing much which at other tymes used to Wory any hog well or Sufficiently,
(Reverse) which hog I then apprehended was Either the Divell or some Evill thing not a Reall hog, and did then Really Judge or determine in my mind that it was Either Goody parker or by her meenes, and procureing fearing that she is a Witch,
Sworne Salem June 2'd 1692
Before *John Hathorne Assis't
Jno Wastgate declared the above written & what is written on the other side of this paper to be a true evidence before the Jury of Inquest upon the oath he hath taken: Septem'r 7: 1692
Jurat in Curia
John Westgateag't
#[Mary] Parker Alice
[several illegible words]
( Essex County Court Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 2, No. 66 )
( Testimony of John Bullock v. Alice Parker )
[+ September 7, 1692. ]
Jno Bullock aged 36 years testifieth that aboute the middle of January last past one of my neighbors told me that mrs park'r did lay upon the durt & Snow if I did not take care of her that she would perish where upon I did desire Some men that were in mye hous to goe & help her: & when they Came to her that they would not meddle because they thought she was ded there being a neighbor by said she saw her before in such kind of fits: then I perswaded one man bye; to take her upon his Shoulders & Carrye her home but in a little way going he let her fall upon a place of Stones: w'ch did not awake her w'ch Caused me to thinke she was really dead after that wee Carryed her into her hous & Caused her Cloaths to be taken of & while we were taking of her Cloaths to put her into bed She rises up & laughs in o'r faces. Martha Dutch aged abo't 36 years: testifyeth: to the A bove written and farthar saith that I have sene said parker in such a Condition severall othar tims
Jurat in Curia Sep'r 7: 92. *S Sewall Cle
(Reverse) John Bullock depo
( Essex County Court Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 2, no. 67, Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court, Judicial Archives, Massachusetts State Archives, Boston, MA. )
( Testimony of Samuel Shattuck v. Alice Parker )
[+ September 7, 1692]
Samll Shattock aged 41 years testifieth that in the year 1685: Goodwife ? Parker wife to Jno Parker Mariner Came to my hous: & went into the room where my wife & Children were & fauned upon my wife wth very Smooth words in a Short tyme after that Child wch was Supposed to haue bin vnder an ill hand for Seuerall years before: was taken in a Strange & unuceall maner as if his vitalls would have broak out his breast boane drawn upto gather to the uper part of his brest his neck & Eys drawne Soe much aside as if they would never Come to right againe he lay in So Strange a maner that the Docter & others did beleive he was bewitched Soom daysafter Som of the vissiters Cut Som of his hair of to boyle wch they Saide altho they did wth great tendernes ye Child would Shreek out as if he had bin tormented: they put his hair in a Skillet over a fier: wch Stood plaine on the hearth and as Son as they were gon out of the room it was throwne downe & i came immediatly into the room & Could See no Creature in the room they put it on againe & after it had boyled Som tyme the above Said Goodwife Parker Came in & asked if i would buye Soom Chickeens I told her no: the women that were above in the Chamber Said to me it is pitty you did not ask to See her chickens for they did beleiue she had none to Sell: and aduised me to Send to her hous to buy Som wch i did & the messenger brought me word that She told him She had none & that the woman that lived in the Same hous told him that the Said Parker had not had any in three weeks before: Soom days after She wth her husband & two men moor Came to mye hous & to answer their request i went to them: She asked me if i Saide She had bewitched mye Child I told her I did belive She had: She Said to me yow are a wicked man: the lord avenge me of you the lord bring vengance upon you for y r this wrong: one of the men asked her what made you Com to this hous last Saturday She Saide to Sell Chicken: why did not yow let him have them when he Sent for them Said he: She Said becaus She had Sold them he asked to whome She Saide to Such a one: wee Sent presently to the party: & the answer was brought us that he never bought any of h e [Lost] [= her] well you See Saide they you have told us that wch is not true what did yow wth them She was at a Stand but at last Said her Son Carryed them to Sea wth him: her husband told her that was not true for her Son went to Sea last fryday: & if hed had Carryed them to Sea She Could not brough them here the Saturday following She could not give any true account what She did w't them: but went into the room where the Child was & told my wife that She was a wicked woman for Saying Soe of her: & told my wife in these words I hope I Shall See the downfall of you my wife told me and Soe went away in a great anger: & this is all true & reall to the uttermost of my remembrance & after this threatning or Euill
Jurat in Curia
(Reverse) Euill wishing the Child has Continued in a very Sad Condition
fowllow[ed] w'th very Solem fits w'ch hath taken away his understanding
Jurat in Curia
Samll Shattock agst parker.
( Essex County Court Archives, vol. 2, no. 65, Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court, Judicial Archives, Massachusetts State Archives, Boston, MA. )