SWP No. 120: Ann Sears
(Warrant for the apprehension of Ann Sears , Bethiah Carter, Sr. , and Bethiah Carter, Jr., and Officer's Return)
[May 8, 1692]
Whereas Complaint hath benne this day Exhibited (before us) by Thomas Putnam andJohn Putnam Jun'r both of Salem Village Yeoman on behalfe of theire Majesties Against Ann Seeres the wife of John Seeres of Woburne and Bethiah Carter of s'd Towne of Woburne Widdow and Bethya Carter the daugter of s'd Carter Widdow. for high Suspition of Sundry acts of Witchcraft donne by them upon the Bodys of Ann Putnam Marcy Lewis Mary Walcot &c of Salem Village whereby much hurt and wrong is donne unto them therefore Craved Justice.
These are therefore in theire Majest's names to require you, to apprehand and forthwith bring the persons of the abovenamed before us at Salem Village at the house of L't Nathaniell Ingersalls in order to theire Examination Relateing to the abovesaid premises and hereof you are not to faile Dated Salem May 8'th 1692
To the Constable of Woburne
per us *John: Hathorne ] Assis'ts
*Jonathan. Corwin ] Assis'ts
(Reverse) I Ephraim bouck counstabel of Woburn have sarved this warant acording to Law hav apurhanded the parson of anah Sauris and of the wado[= widow] cartter and hauf broit tham to Lautanant ingursons hois as warant due exprest
In pursuance to the within specifyed warrant I have apprehended the bodies of the within mentioned Anna Seers and Bethia Carter sen'r and brought them to the place within ordered this 9 May 1692
*Ephraim Bock Constable of Woburn
Whereas Complaint hath benne this day Exhibited
before us Against
( Essex County Court Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 2, no. 100, Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court, Judicial Archives, Massachusetts State Archives, Boston, MA. )
(Recognizance for Ann Sears by Jonathan Prescot & John Horton )
[December 3, 1692]
That on the Third day of December 1692/date> @ in the fowerth year of Reign of our Soveraign Lord & Lady William & Mary by the Grace of God of Engld & King & Queen defenders of the faith Personally Appeared before us James Russell & Sam'll Heyman Esq'rs of their Majes'ts Councill & Province of the Massachusets Bay in New Eng[lbar ]d & Justices of Peace within the Same Jonathan Prescot of Concord and John Horton of Lancaster in the County of Middlesex & Acknowledged them selves & Each of them to be indebted unto our Said Lord & Lady the King & Queen & the Survivor of them their Heires & Successo's in the Some of Two hundred pounds to be leavied on their or Either of their goods or Chattels Lands or Tennements for the use of our Said Lord & Lady the King & Queen or Survivor of them if default be made in the performance of the condition under written viz
The Condition of the Above Recognizance is Such that whereas Ann Seers the Wife of John Seers of Wooburn in the County Aboves'd was committed to Cambridge Goal on Suspition of Witchcraft, If therefore the Said Ann Seers shall make her personall Appearance before the Justices of our Said Lord & Lady the King & Queen at the next Court of Assize Oyer & Terminer & Gen'll Goall delivery to be holden for or within the County. of Middlesex Afores'd to Answere what shall be objected against her in their Majest'es behalf refering to Witchcraft, and to do & receive that w'ch by sd Court shall be then & there injoined her & not depart w'thout licenc then the Above Recognizance to be void or Elce to remain & abide in full force & virtue --
Cap't & Recognit die per diet Coram
per *Ja: Russell
*Samuell Hayman
(Reverse) Recogn Ann Seers
appearance at Next Court in
( Suffolk Court Files, vol. 32, docket 2694, p. 20, Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court, Judicial Archives, Massachusetts State Archives, Boston, MA. )