SWP No. 063: Sarah Good Executed July 19, 1692
(See also: Bridget Bishop -- Physical Examination.)
(Warrant for the Apprehension of Sarah Good, and Officer's Return)
[February 29, 1692 ]
Salem feb'y the 29th 1691/2
Whereas Mrs Joseph Hutcheson Thomas putnam Edward putnam and Thomas preston Yeomen of Salem Village in the County of Essex personally appeared before us, and made Complaint on Behalfe of theire Majests against Sarah Good the wife of William Good of Salem Village aboves'd for suspition of Witchcraft by her Committed, and thereby much Injury donne to Eliz parris, Abigail Williams Anna putnam and Elizabeth Hubert all of Salem Village afores'd Sundry times within this two moneths and Lately also don, at Salem Village Contrary to the peace of our Sover'n L'd and Lady W'm & mary King & Queen of Engld &c -- You are therefore in theire Majesties names hereby required to apprehe'd & bring before us the said Sarah Good, to morrow aboute ten of the clock in the forenoon at the house of L't Nathaniell Ingersalls in Salem Village.or as soon as may be then & there to be Examined Relateing to the aboves'd premises and hereof you are not to faile at your perile Dated Salem, febr 29th 1691/2
*John Hathorne ] Assists.
*Jonathan.Corwin ] Assists.
To Constable George Locker
(Reverse) I brought the person of Saragh Good the
wife of william Good according to the tenor
of the within warrant as is Attest by me 1.March. 1691/2 *George LockerConstable
( Essex County Court Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1 no. 4, Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court, Judicial Archives, Massachusetts State Archive, MA. )
(Examination of Sarah Good, as Recorded by Ezekiell Chever )
[February 1692]
The examination of Sarah Good before the Worshipfull assts John Harthon and Jonathan Curren
(H.) Sarah Good what evil spirit have you familiarity with (S G) none (H) have you made no contract with the devil, (g) good answered no (H) why doe you hurt these children (g) I doe not hurt them. I scorn it. (H) who doe you imploy then to doe it (g) I imploy no body, (H) what creature do you imploy then, (g) no creature but I am falsely accused (H) why did you go away muttering from mr Parris his house (g) I did not mutter but I thanked him for what he gave my child (H) have you made no contract with the devil (g) no (H) desired the children all of them to look upon her, and see, if this were the person that had hurt them and so they all did looke upon her and said this was one of the persons that did torment them -- presently they were all tormented. (H) Sarah good doe you not see now what you have done why doe you not tell us the truth, why doe you thus torment these poor children (g) I doe not torment them, H who do you imploy then (g) I imploy nobody I scorn it (H) how came they thus tormented, (g) what doe I know you bring others here and now you charge me with it (H) why who was it. (g) I doe not know but it was some you brought into the meeting house with you (H) wee brought you into the meeting house (g) but you brought in two more (H) Who was it then that tormented the children (g) it was osburn (H) what is it that you say when you goe muttering away from persons houses (g) if I must tell I will tell (H) doe tell us then (g) if I must tell I will tell, it is the commandments I may say my commandments I hope (H) what commandment is it (g) if I must tell you I will tell, it is a psalm (H) what psalm (g) after a long time shee muttered over some part of a psalm (H) who doe you serve (g) I serve God (H) what God doe you serve (g) the god that made heaven and earth though shee was not willing to mention the word God her answers were in a very wicked, spitfull manner reflecting and retorting aganst the authority with base and abusive words and many lies shee was taken in.it was here said that her housband had said that he was afraid that shee either was a witch or would be one very quickly the worsh mr Harthon asked him his reason why he said so of her whether he had ever seen any thing by her he answered no not in this nature but it was her bad carriage to him and indeed said he I may say with tears that shee is an enimy to all good.
(Salem Village March the 1t 1691/2
( Essex County Court Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1 no. 11, Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court, Judicial Archives, Massachusetts State Archive, MA. )
(Examination of Sarah Good, Written by Jonathan Corwin )
[March 1, 1692]
Salem Village March the 1t. 1691/2
Sarah Good the wife of Wm Good of Salem Village Labourer Brought before us:by George Locker Constable in Salem, to Answer Joseph Hutcheson Thomas putnam &c of Salem Village yeomen (Complainants on behalfe of theire Majesties) against s'd Sarah Good for suspition of Witchcraft by her Committed and thereby much Injury don to the Bodys of Elizabeth parris Abigaile Williams Anna putnam & Elizabeth Hubert all of Salem Village afore'd according to theire Complaints as p'r warrants.
Dated Salem March 29th, 1691/2
Sarah Good upon Examination denyed the matter of fact (viz) that she ever used any witchcraft; or hurt the abovesaid Children or any of them,
The above named Children being all present positively accused her of hurting of them Sundry times within this two moneths and also that morneing
Sarah Good denyed that she had been:at theire houses in s'd tyme, neere them, or had don them any hurt all the abovesaid children then presente accused her face to face, upon which they ware all dredfully tortred & tormented for a short space of tyme, and the affliction and torters being over they charged s'd Sarah Good againe that she had then soe tortered them, and came to them and.did itt. althow she was personally then keept at a Considerable distance from them Sarah Good being Asked if that she did not then hurt them; who did it, And the children being againe tortered, she looked upon them, And said that it was one of them Wee brought into the house with us, Wee Asked her who it was, shee then Answered and Said it was Sarah Osburne, and Sarah Osburne was then under Custody & not in the house; -- And the children being quickley after recovered out of there fitt sayd. that itt was Sarah Good and also Sarah Osburne that then did hurt & torment or aflict them -- althow both of them at the same time at adistance or Remote from them personally; -- their ware also sundry other Questions put to her & Answers given thereunto by her. according as is also given in.
per us John Hathorne Assists.
Jonathan. Corwin
Salem March the 7th: 1691/2
Sarah Good Sarah Osburne and Titiba an Indian Woman all sent to the Goale in Boston according to theire mittimuses then sent: to theire Majests Goale Keeper
( Essex County Court Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1 no. 14, Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court, Judicial Archives, Massachusetts State Archive, MA. )
(Mittimus for Sarah Good and Tituba ; List of Witnesses )
[May 25, 1692]
To the Keeper of theire Majests Goale in Boston
You are in theire Majests names hereby required, to take into your care and safe Custody the Bodys of Sarah Good the wife of W'm Good of Salem farmes husbandman and Titiba an Indian Woman, belonging unto mr. Samuell parris of Salem Village Minester, who stand Charged on behalfe of theire Majests. for theire feloniously Committing Sundry acts of Witchcraft at Salem Village on the Bodys of Elizabeth parris Eliz Hubbert Abigail Williams And Ann putnam of Salem Village. whereby great hurt hath beene donne to theire Body contrary to the peace of our Sov'r L'd and Lady W'm & Mary of England &c King & Queen home you are well to secure untill thay shall thence be delivered by due order of Law and hereof you are not to faile
Dated Boston May the 25t 1692
*John Hathorne ] Assists.
*Jonathan Corwin ] Assists (O. R.) Mittimus
( Essex County Court Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1 no. 8. Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court, Judicial Archives, Massachusetts State Archive, MA. )
(Examinations of Sarah Good , Sarah Osborne , and Tituba, as Written by Joseph Putnam )
[March 1, 1692 ]
Whatt Sarah Good saith
1 with non 2 shee saith that shee did doe them noe harme 3 shee implyd noe budey to doe the children 4 shee saith that shee hath made no contract nor covenant 5 shee saith that shee never did hurt the children 6 shee saith that she never had familyarity att the Devell 7 shee saith that shee never saw the children in such a condition shee saith that shee came nott to meting for want of cloase who is itt shee usially discorceseth with nobodey: but itt is a psalme or a comandement: her God is the god that made heaven and earth she hops: she saith that shee never did noe harme to mr parr
she saith itt was nott she itt is gamer osborne that doth pinch and aflicht the children
william good saith thatt shee is anenemy to all good shee saith shee is cleare of being a wich
What gamer osborn saith --
1 shee saith she had noe hand in hurting the children nether by hur self by in strements
she saith that shee saith that #[shee] was more lickley beewicht then a wich
shee said shee would never beeleave the devell, the devell did propound to hur that shee should never goe to meting noe more and att that time nothing was suggested to hur elces
Why did she pinch the young woaman shee never did nor dont know who did
What the Indyen woman saith
they have don noe harme to hur shee saith she doth nott know how the dveill works -- Who it it that hurts them the devell frot I know there is fowre that hurts the children 2 of the women are gamer Osburn and gamer Good and they say itt is shee one of the women is atall and short women and they would have hur goe with them to boston and shee oned that shee did itt att first butt [butt] she was sorry for itt: itt was the apearance of a man that came to hur and told hur that she must hurt the Children and she said that 4 times shaps or a hodg or adodge and bid her sarve him she said that shee could nott then she said he would hurt hur shee all soe said that Shee seed a yalow burd that said unto hur sarve me and shee seed 2 catts and they said sarve me she murst more pinch the children
she saith she sends the catt to bid hur pinch them: and the man brings the maid and bids her pinch hir: and they doe pull hur and make hur goe with them to mr putman to perplex them: and they make hur ride upone apoall and they hould the poll and osband and good all soe rids upon poalls and they the 2 women would have hur cill thomas putmans child The 2 women and the man told hur that if she told to hur master they would cutt of hur heed and yester day tetaby abigall sayd that she say athing with wings and 2 leedgs and vanished into the chape of osborn and the indgen oneth the same: and all soe atends osborn a short and hary thing with 2 ledgs and to Whings all soe tetaby oneth that sary good sent a wolfe to scare the dr maid
(Reverse) Written by Jos putnam Salem Village March the 1t 1691/2
Ag't Sarah Good
( Essex County Court Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1, no. 9, Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court, Judicial Archives, Massachusetts State Archive, MA. )
(Summary of Evidence v. Sarah Good )
[++ June 29, 1692 ]
Titabes Confession & Examinacon ag't. her selfe & Sarah Good abstracted
Charges Sarah Good to hurt the Children & would have had her done it 5. were with her last night & would have.had her hurt the Children w'ch she refused & that Good was one of them
Good with others are very strong & pull her with them to Mr. putnams & made her hurt the Child.
Good [ther] rode with her upon Apoole behind her, takeing hold of one another doth not know how they goe for she never sees trees nor path but are presently th --
Good [ther] tell her she must kill some body with a knife & would have had her killed Tho: putnams Child last night the Child at the same time afirmed she would have had her cutt of her own head if not Titabe would doe it & complained of a knife cutting her
Good came to her last night when her Mr. was at prayer & would not let her hear hath one yellow bird & stopped her Eares in prayer time, the yellow bird hath been seen by the Children & Titabee saw it suck
Good between the forefinger & long finger upon the right hand
Saw Good [ther] practice witchcraft.
Saw Good have a Catt besides the bird & a thing all over hair [ther]
Sarah Good appeared like a wolfe to Hubbard going to proctors & saw it sent by Good to Hubbard
Good [ther] hurt the Children again & the Children affirme the same Hubbard knew th[em] not being blinded by them & was once or twice taken dumb herslefe i:e: Titabe
Good caused her to pinch the Children all in their own persons
Saw Goods name in the booke, & the devell told her they made these marks & said to her she made ther marke & it was the same day she went to prison
Good [ther] came to ride abroad with her & the man shewed her Goods mark in the book
Good [ther] pinched her on the leggs & being searched found it soe after confession
Nota S. G. mumbled when she went away from Mr Parriss & the children after hurt.
Dorothy Goods Charge ag't. her mother Sarah Good . That she had three birds one black, one yellow & that these birds hurt the Children & afflicted persons.
her own Confession
Nota None here sees the witches but the afflicted & themselves Charges Sarah Osburne with hurting the Children -- looking upon them at the same time & not being afflicted must consequently be a Witch
Deliverance Hobs Confession
being at a meeting of the witches in Mr: parisses feild when Mr. Burroughs preached & administred the sacram't to them saw Good amongst the rest & this fully agrees with what the afflicted persons relate. 22th. Apr (92)
Abigaile Hobbs' Confession
was in Company with Sarah Good & knowes her to be a witch & afterwards was taken deafe & Mary walcott [ther] saw Good & osburn run their fingers into this dep'oits ears a little after she spoke & s'd Good told her she sh'd not speake
Mary Warren's Confession
That Sarah Good is a Witch & brought her the booke to signe to.
(Reverse) Elizabeth Hubbard
Mary Walcott
Ann puttnam
Mercy Lewis
Sarah Vibber
Abigail Williams
aflicted by S. Good & saw her shape.
Richard Patch
W'm Allen that she app'rd to him when abed
W'm Good . that she hat
h a strange Tett or wort
John Hughes that he saw strange sights.
Sam; Braybrooke
that she said she would not confess unless proved ag't her & that ther was but One Evidence & that an Indian & ther for did not fear
Evidences ag't. Sarah Good Extract of them No. 1 Ind't.
Sarah Good Witnesses to the Indictm'ts No. 1
Sarah vibber
Abigall Williams
Eliz. Hubbard
Ann Putman
Eliz: Hubbard
Ann Put man
Mary Wolcott
Abigaill Wi lliams
Ann Putman
El. Hubbard
Abigall Williams
Sarah Davis of Wenham widow of Jno. Davis
Sarah vibber
Abigall Williams
Elizabeth Hubbard
Ann Putman
.. versas Good
Marcy Lewis
Ann Putman
Sarah Bibber
Mary Wolcott
abigall Williams
( Essex County Court Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1 no. 13, Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court, Judicial Archives, Massachusetts State Archive, MA. )
(Witnesses v. Sarah Good, and Officer's Return )
[++ June 28, 1692 ]
[Above] Witnesses against Sarah Good
William Allen
John Hughes
Samuell Brabrooke
Mary walkut
mercy Lewis
Sarah Vibber
Abig'll Williams
Elizabeth Hubberd
Ann Putman
Tittube indian
Richard Patch
(Reverse) Sarah Good
( Essex County Court Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1 Page 7 )
(Indictment No. 1 of Sarah Good for Afflicting Sarah Bibber )
[++ June 28, 1692 ]
Anno: Regis et Reginae Willm. et Mariae nunc Angliae &c: Quarto
Essex ss.
The Jurors for our Sovereigne Lord and Lady the King and Queen: presents That Sarah Good wife of William Good of Salem Villiage in the County of Essex Husbandman the Second Day of May in the forth year of the Reigne of our Sovereigne Lord and Lady William and Mary by the Grace of God of England Scottland France & Ireland King and Queen Defenders of the faith &c: and Divers other Dayes and times as well before as after, certaine Detestable arts called Witchcrafts and Sorceries, Wickedly & felloniously, hath used Practised, & Exersised at and within the Township of Salem in the County of Essex aforesaid in upon and against one Sarah Vibber wife of John Vibber of Salem aforesaid Husband man, by which said wicked Arts: she the said Sarah Vibber , the said Second Day of May in the fourth year abovsaid and divers other Dayes and times as well before as after was and is Tortured Afflicted Pined Consumed wasted and Tormented, -- and also for Sundry other Acts of witchcraft by said Sarah Good committed and done before and since that time ag't: the Peace of our Sovereigne Lord & Lady the King & Queen, their Crowne and Dignity and ag't the forme of the Statute in that case made and Provided:
Sarah Vibber Jurat
Abigall Williams Jurat
Elizabeth Hubbard Jurat
Ann Putman Jurat
Jno. Vibber -- Sworne
(Reverse) No. 1. Ind't. of sarah Good
bill a vera
( Essex County Court Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1 no. 3, Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court, Judicial Archives, Massachusetts State Archive, MA. )
(Indictment No. 2 of Sarah Good, for Afflicting Elizabeth Hubbart )
[++ June 28, 1692 ]
Anno Regis et Reginae Willm et Mariae : nunc: Angliae &: Quarto
Essex ss
The Jurors for our Sovereigne Lord and Lady the King and Queen: presents That Sarah Good Wife of William Good : of Salem Villiage in the County of Essex husbandman the first Day of March in the forth year of the Reigne of our Sovereigne Lord and Lady William & Mary by the Grace of God of England Scottland France and Ireland Defenders of the faith &c and divers other Days, and times, as well before as after certaine Detestable artes called witchcrafts & Sorceries: wickedly and fellioniously hath used Practised & Exercised:at and within the Towne Ship of Salem in the County of Essex aforesaid. in upon and ag't: one Elizabeth Hubbard: of Salem aforesaid Single woman: by w'ch: said wicked arts the said Elizabeth Hubbart, the said first Day of March in the fourth year aforesaid: and at Divers other Days and times as well before as after, was and is Tortured Afflicted: Pined, wasted and Tormented as also for Sundry other acts of witchcraft by s'd: Sarah Good Committed and done before and since that time ag't the Peace of our Sovereigne Lord and Lady King & Queen of England, and ag't the forme of the Statute in that case made & Provided
Elizabeth Hubbard
Anne Puttman Jurat
Mary Wallcott Jurat in Curia June 28th. 1692.
Abigaill Williams Jurat (O.R.) No. 2: Ag't
Sarah Good bil a vera
Sarah Good
bil a vera
( Essex County Court Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1 no. 6, Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court, Judicial Archives, Massachusetts State Archive, MA. )
(Indictment No. 3 of Sarah Good, for Afflicting Ann Puttnam)
The Jurors for our Soveraigne Lord & Lady, King William & Mary, Doe present; That Sarah Good the Wife of william Good , of Salem, Village In the County of Essex husband man, upon the. first day of March In the fourth Year of the Reigne of our Soveragine, Lord & Lady W'm. & Mary, by the Grace of god of England, Scotland France & Ireland, King & Queen, defend'rs of the faith &c & Divers other dayes, & Times as well before as after, Certaine Detestable Arts, Caleditchcrafts & Sorceries, wickedly & feloniously, hath used, practiced & Exersised at & within the Township of Salem aforesaid In upon & against Ann. Puttman, Singlewoman of Salem Village, by which said Wicked arts, the said. Ann Puttnam the said first day of March in the fourth, year, & divers other dayes & times, as well before as after, was & is hurt, Tortured, afflicted, Pined Consumed, wasted & Tormented, & also for Sundry acts, of Witchcraft by said Good , Comitted & done before & since that time, against the peace of our Soveraigne Lord & Lady the King & Queen, Thair Crowne & dignity and against the forme of, the Statutes, In that Case made & provided.
Ann Putman Jurat
Eliz: Hubbard
Abigall Williams . Jurat
(Reverse) No. 3 bil a vera Sarah Goods
( Essex County Court Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1 no. 5, Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court, Judicial Archives, Massachusetts State Archive, MA. )
(Summons for Witnesses v. Sarah Good and Officer's Return )
[June 27, 1692 ]
W'm & Mary By the grace of God of England Scotland France & Ireland King & Queen def'rs of the faith &ca.
To Samuel Abbey & his Wife Joseph Herrick & his Wife goodwife Bibber Abigall Williams Elizabeth Hubbard. Mary Wolcott Ann Putman Mercey Lewis . Samuel Braybrook
Wee comand: you and Every of you all Excuses set apart to appear at the Special Court of Oyer & Terminer to be held at Salem for the County of Essex on the 28th. of this Instant month at Nine of the Clock in the Morning there to testify the truth to the best of your knowledge on Severall Indictments then & there to be Exhibited against Sarah Good for Sundry acts of Witchcrafts by her Comitted & done. hereof make return fail not dated in Salem June.27.1692
*Step: Sewall Clerc.
To the Constables of Salem or any of them Greeting
Dat: 28 Jun 1692
I have warned the parsens.above.named
accorden to tener of this summonce by me.
*John putnam. Const of salem
(Reverse) Subpena versus. Sa: Good .
( Essex County Court Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1 no. 10, Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court, Judicial Archives, Massachusetts State Archive, MA. )
(Deposition of Samuel Abbey and Mary Abbey v. Sarah Good )
[+ June 29, 1692 ]
Samuel Abbey of Salem Villiage Aged 45. Years or thereabouts and Mary Abbey his wife aged 38 years or thereabouts, Deposeth and Saith:
That about this Time three Years past W'm: Good and his wife Sarah Good being destitute of an house to dwell in these Deponents out of Charity, they being Poor. lett them live in theirs some time, untill that the said Sarah Good was #[of] so Turbulant a Spirritt, [Spirritt,] Spitefull and so Mallitiously bent, that these Deponents could not suffer her to Live in their howse any Longer; and was forced for Quiettness sake to turne she the said Sarah , with her husband, out of their howse, ever since, which is about two years 1/2 agone; the said Sarah Good , #[--------] hath carried it very Spitefully & Mallitiously, towards them, the winter following after the said Sarah was gone from our house, we began to Loose Cattle, and Lost severall after an unusall Manner, in drupeing Condition and yett they would Eate: and your Deponents have Lost after that manner 17 head of Cattle within two years, besides Sheep, and Hoggs: and both doe beleive they Dyed by witchcraft, the said William good on the last of may, was twelve months, went home to his wife the s'd Sarah Good , and told her, what a sad-Accident had fallen out, she asked what, he answered that his neighbour Abbey had lost two Cowes, both dyeing within halfe an hour of one another; the s'd Sarah good said she did not care if he the said Abbey had Lost all the Cattle he had, as the said Jno. Good told us. Just that very Day, that said Sarah good was taken up, we yor Deponents had a Cow that could not rise alone, but since presently after she was taken up, the said Cow was well and could rise so well, as if she had ailed nothing: she the said Sarah Good : ever since these Deponants turned her out of their howse she hath #[carried] behaveed her selfe very crossely & Mallitiously, to them & their Children calling their Children vile Names and hath- threetened them often./. Jurat in Curia.
(Reverse) Sam.Abbey & wife
( Essex County Court Archives, Salem Witchcraft, vol. 1, no. 18, Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court, Judicial Archives, Massachusetts State Archive, MA. )
( Deposition of Sarah Gadge v. Sarah Good and Thomas Gadge)
[June 28, 1692 ]
The deposition of Sarah Gadge the wife of Thomas Gadge aged about 40 years this deponent testifieth and saith that about two years & an halfe agone; Sarah Good Came to her house & would have come into the house, but s'd. Sarah Gadge told her she should not come in for she was afraid she had been with them that had the Smallpox: & with that she fell to mutring & scolding extreamly & soe: told s'd Gadge if she would not let her in she should give her something; & she answered she would not have any thing to doe with her & the next morning after to s'd Deponents best remembrance one of s'd Gadges Cowes Died in A Sudden, terible & Strange, unusuall maner soe that some of the neighbors & said Deponent did think it to be done by witchcraft & farther saith not ------
And Thomas Gadge husband of s'd Sarah: testifieth that he had a Cow soe Died about the time abovementioned & though he & some neighbors opened the Cow yet they Could find no naturall Cause of s'd Cowes Death & farther saith not
Thomas gadge and sarah gadge owned this to be the truth on theire oath. before us; the Juriars for Inquest this 28. of June: 92
(Reverse) Thomas Gauge & his wife ver. Good
( Essex County Court Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1 no. 15, Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court, Judicial Archives, Massachusetts State Archive, MA. )
(Deposition of Joseph Herrick, Sr. , and Mary Herrick v. Sarah Good )
[June 28, 1692 ]
The Deposistion of Joseph Herrick senr. who testifieth and saith that on the first day of March 1691/2: I being then Constable for Salem: there was delivered to me by warrant from the worshipfull Jno. Hathorne and Jonathan Corwin Esqrs. Sarah good for me to cary to their majesties Gaol at Ipswich and that night I sett a gard to watch her at my own house namely Samu'l: Braybrook michaell dunell Jonathan Baker.. and the affore named parsons Informed me in the morning that that night Sarah good was gon for some time from them both bare foot and bare legde: and I was also Informed that: that night Elizabeth Hubburd one of the Afflected parsons Complaned that Sarah Good came and afflected hir:being bare foot and bare ledged and Samuell Sibley that was one that was attending of Eliza Hubburd strock good on the Arme as Elizabeth Hubburd said and Mary Herrick and wife of the abovesaid Joseph Herick testifieth that on: the 2th: March 1691/2 in the morning I took notis of Sarah Good in the morning and one of hir Armes was Blooddy from a little below the Elbow to the wrist: and I also took notis of her armes on the night before and then there was no signe of blood on them
Joseph herrik senr and mary herrik appearid before us the Jury for Inquest: and did on the oath which the had taken owne this their evidense to be the truth; the 28: of June 1692
Sworne in Court
(Reverse) Joseph Herrick and his wife against Sarah Good
Sam. Sibley to be Served
Mich'll. Dunwill Jona. Bacar
ver. Sa. Good
( Essex County Court Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1 no. 16, Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court, Judicial Archives, Massachusetts State Archive, MA. )
( Testimony of William Batten and William Shaw v. Sarah Good and Lydia Dustin )
[June 28, 1692 ]
The testimony of William Batten aged 76 years or their abouts and william shaw aged about 50 years and Deborah his wife aged about 40 years, these all testifie and say that this day was a weeke agoe. Susannah shelding being at the house of william shaw shee was tied her hands a cross in such a manner we were forced to cut the string before we could git her hand loose and when shee was out of her fit she told us it [was] Goode dastin that did tye her hands after that manner, and 4 times shee hath been tyed in this manner in towe weeks time the 2 first times shee sayth it was goode dastin and the 2 last times it was Sarah Goode that did tye her, we furder testifie that when ever shee doeth but touch this string shee is presently bit.
We furder testifie that in this time there was a broome carried a way out of the house in visibble to us and put in a apple tree two times and a shirt once and a milke tube once was carried out of the house three poles from the house into the woods and she #[testifieth that] sayeth that it
thes parsons above named upon their oath ownid this their tistimony to be the truth before us the Juriars for
Inqwest this. 28. of June: 1692
Jurat in Curia
(Reverse) W'm. Batten
Con. Good
( Essex County Court Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1 no. 17, Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court, Judicial Archives, Massachusetts State Archive, MA. )
(Testimony of William Allen, John Hughes , William Good, and Samuel Braybrook v. Sarah Good, Sarah Osborne, and Tituba)
[March 5, 1692 ]
March 5'th 1691/2
Wm Allin saith that on the 1'st of March att night he heard a strange noyse not useually heard, and so continued for many times so that hee was afrighted and coming nearer to it he there saw a strange and unuseall beast lyeing on the Grownd so that goeing up to it the s'd Beast vanished away and in the s'd place strate up 2 or 3 weemen and flew from mee not after the manner of other weemen but swiftly vanished away out of our sight which weemen wee took to bee Sarah Good Sarah Osburne and Tittabe the time was a bout an hour within night and I John Hughes saith the same beeing in Company then w'th s'd allin. as wittness our hands
William Allen further saith that on the 2'd day of march the s'd Sarah Good vissabley appeared to him in his chamber s'd allen beeing in bed and brought an unuseuall light in w'th her the s'd Sarah came and sate upon his foot the s'd allen went to kick att her upon which shee vanished and the light with her
william Good saith that the night before his s'd wife was Examined he saw a wart or tett a little belowe her Right shoulder which he never saw before and asked Goodwife Engersol whether she did not see it when shee searched her
John Hughes. further saith that on the 2'd day of march that comeing from Goodman Sibleys a boute Eight of the clock in the night hee saw a Great white dogg whome he came up to but he would not stire but when He was past hee the s'd dogg followed him about 4 or 5 pole and so disapeared the same night the s'd John Hughes beeing in Bed in a clossd Roome and the dore being fast so that no catt nor dogg could come in the said John saw a Great light appeare in the s'd Chamber and Risseing up in his bed he saw a large Grey Catt att his beds foot
March the 2'd Sam'l Brabrook saith that Carrieng Sarah Good to ippswich the said Sarah leapt of her horse 3 times which was Between 12 and 3 of the clock of the same day w'ch the daughter of Thomas Puttman declared the same att her fathers house the s'd Brabrook further saith that s'd Sarah Good tould him that shee would not owne her selfe to bee a wicth unless she is provd one shee saith that there is but one Evidence and thats and Indian and therefore she fears not and so Continued Rayling against the Majestrates and she Endevered to kill herselfe
(Reverse) Allin &c ag't Sarah Good
( Essex County Court Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1, no. 29, Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court, Judicial Archives, Massachusetts State Archive, MA. )
(Deposition of Elizabeth Hubbard v. Sarah Good )
[+ March 1, 1692 ]
The Deposistion of Elizabeth Hubbard agged about 17 years who testifieth and saith that on the 28 february 1691/92 I saw the Apperishtion of Sarah good who did most greviously afflect me by pinching and pricking me and so she continewed hurting of me tell the first day of March being the day of her examination and then she did also most greviously afflect and tortor me also dureing the time of her examynation and also severall times sence she hath afflected me and urged me to writ in her book: also on the day of hir examination I saw the Apperishtion of Sarah good goe and hurt and afflect the bodyes of Elizabeth parish Abigail williams and Ann putnam jun'r
and also I have seen the the
Apperishtion of Sarah Good afflecting:
the body of Sarah vibber
mark [of]
Eliz : S hubbard
(Reverse) also in the Night after Sarah goods Examination: Sarah Good came to me barefoot and bareledged and did most greviously torment me by pricking and pinching me and I veryly beleve that Sarah good hath bewicked me also that night Samuell Sibly that was then attending me strok Sarah good on hir Arme
(Reverse) Elizabeth Hubbard ag't Sarah Good.
( Essex County Court Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1 no. 20, Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court, Judicial Archives, Massachusetts State Archive, MA. )
(Deposition of Ann Putnam, Jr. v. Sarah Good )
[June 28, 1692 ]
The Deposition of Ann putnam Ju'r who testifieth and saith, that on the 25th of february 1691/92 I saw the apperishtion of Sarah good which did tortor me most greviously but I did not know hir name tell the 27th of february and then she tould me hir name was Sarah good and then she did prick me and pinch me most greviously: and also sense severall times urging me vehemently to writ in hir book and also on the first day of march being the day of hir Examination Sarah good did most greviously tortor me and also severall times sence: and also on the first day of march 1692 I saw the Apperishtion of sarah good goe and afflect and tortor the bodys of Elizabeth parish Abigail williams andElizabeth Hubburd also I have seen the Apperishtion of Sarah good afflecting the body:of Sarah vibber.
mark J Ann putnam
ann putnam owned this har testimony to be the truth one har oath. before the Juriars of Inqwest this 28: of June 1692
And further says that shee verily beleives that Sarah Good
doth bewitch & afflicte her
Sworn before the Court
(Reverse) Ann puttnam ag't. Sarah Good
(Essex County Court Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1 no. 19, Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court, Judicial Archives, Massachusetts State Archive, MA. )
(Deposition of Susannah Sheldon v. Sarah Good )
[June 28, 1692 ]
The Deposition of Susannah Shelden agged about 18 years who testifieth and saith that sence I have ben afflected I have very often ben most greviously tortored by Apperishtion of Sarah Good who has most dredfully afflected me by bitting pricking and pinching me and almost choaking me to death but on the 26. June 1692 Sarah good most violently pulled down my head behind a Cheast and tyed my hands together with a whele band & allmost Choaked me to death and also severall times sence the Apperishtion of Sarah good has most greviously tortored me by biting pinching and almost Choaking me to death: also william Battin and Thomas Buffington Juner ware forced to cutt the whele band from ofe my hands for they could not unty it
And farther s'd Sheldon upon giving in this testimony to the grand jury was seized with sundry fits w'ch. when she came to her self she told the s'd jury being aske that it was s'd. Good that afflicted her & a little after Mary Warren falling into a fit s'd. Sheldon affirmed to the Grand jury that she saw s'd Good upon her, & also a sauser being by invisible hands taken of from a Table & carried out of doors s'd. Sheldon affirmed she saw said Sarah Good carry it away & put it where it was found abroad.
Susanah Shelden: oned this har testimony to be the truth before
the Juriars of Inquest on the oath which she had taken
this. 28. of June 1692.
(Reverse) Susannah Sheldon Ag't
Sarah Good
( Essex County Court Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1 no. 23, Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court, Judicial Archives, Massachusetts State Archive, MA. )
( Deposition of Johanna Childin v. Sarah Good )
[++ June 28, 1692 ]
The deposition of Johanna Childun testifieth and saieth that upon 2d: of June: 1692: that the aparition of Sarah good and her least Child did apear to her: and the Child did tell its mother that she did murrder it: to which Sarah good replyed that she did it becaus that she Could not atend it and the Child tould its mother that she was A witch: and then Sarah good said she did give it to the divell
( Essex County Court Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1 no. 22, Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court, Judicial Archives, Massachusetts State Archive, MA. )
(Deposition of Henry Herrick and Jonathan Batchelor v. Sarah Good )
[+ June 29, 1692 ]
The deposition of Henery Herrick aged About 21 one years, this deponent testifieth & saith that in Last march was two yeare; Sarah Good came to his fathers house & desired to lodge there; & his father forbid it; & she went away Grumbling & my father bid us follow her & see that shee went away clear, lest she should lie in the barn: & by smoking of her pipe should fire the barn; & s'd deponent with Jonathan Batchelor seing her make a stop near the barne bid her be gone; or he would set her father of; to which she replied that then it should cost his father Zachariah Herick one; or two of the best Cowes which he had; --
And Jonathan Batchelor aged 14 year testifieth the same abovewritten; and doth farther testifie that about a weeke after two of his grandfathers: Master Catle were removed from their places: & other younger Catle put in their rooms & since that severall of their Catle have bene set Loose in a strange maner --
Jurat in Curia
(Reverse) H. Herrick Sarah Good
( Essex County Court Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1 no. 21, Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court, Judicial Archives, Massachusetts State Archive, MA. )
(Deposition of Sarah Bibber v. Sarah Good )
[June 28, 1692 ]
The Deposistion of Sarah viber aged about 36 years who testifieth and saith that sence I have been afflected I have often seen the Apperishtion of Sarah Good but she did not hurt me tell the 2 day of May 1692 tho I saw hir Apperishtion most greviously tortor mercy lewes & Jno. Indian att Salem. on the 11th April 1692: but on the 2: may 1692 the Apperishtion of Sarah good did most greviously torment me by presing my breath almost out of my body and also she did immediately afflect my child by pinceing of it that I could hardly hold it and my husband seing of it took hold of the Child but it cried out and twisted so dreadfully by reson of the torture that the Apperishtion of Sarah Good did afflect it with all that it gott out of its fathers Armes to:also several[ly] times sence the Apperishtion of Sarah Good has most greviously tormented me by beating and pinching me and almost Choaking me to death and pricking me with pinnes after a most dreadfull maner
Sarah viber ownid this har tistimony to be the truth one the oath she had taken: be fore us the Juriars for Inquest: this: 28 dy of June 1692
Sworne. in Court June 29th. 1692.
And further Adds. that shee very beleives uppon her Oath that Sarah Good had bewicthed her --
(Reverse)Sarah viber against Sarah good June 29, 1692
( Essex County Court Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1 no. 26, Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court, Judicial Archives, Massachusetts State Archive, MA. )
(Deposition of Sarah Bibber v. Sarah Good )
[June 28, 1692 ]
The deposition of Sarah Biber aged 36 years testifieth and sayeth that the saterday night before goode Dustin of Reding was examined I saw the apparition of Sarah goode standing by my bedside, and shee pulled aside the curtain and turned down the sheet and Looked upon my child 4 years old and presently upon it the child was stracke into a great fit that my husband and I could hardly hold it
Sara biber one her oath did owne this har testimony
before the Jurriars for Inqwest: this. 28: of June 1692
Jurat Sarah Viber
(In margin) G. Vibber ag'st Goody Good
(Writen on the reverse side there appears an itemized bill)
( Essex County Court Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1 no. 25, Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court, Judicial Archives, Massachusetts State Archive, MA. )
(Deposition of Mary Walcott v. Sarah Good )
[June 28, 1692 ]
The Deposistion of Mary wolcott agged about 17 years who testifieth and saith that sence I have been afflected I have often seen the Aperishtion of sarah good amongst the wicthes who has also afflected me and urged me writ in hir book
The Mark of
M W Mary Walcot
Mary welcott ownid this har testimony to be the
truth one har oath:before the Jurrars for Inqwest
this 28. of June 1692
also mary walcott testifieth that I have seen sarah good afflicting mercy lewes and Elizabeth Hubberd and Abigail williams and I verily beleve she bewicthed me
(Reverse) Mary Wallcott ag't
Sarah Good
( Essex County Court Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1 no. 24, Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court, Judicial Archives, Massachusetts State Archive, MA. )
( Testimony of Samuel Sibley v. Sarah Good )
[+ June 29, 1692 ]
Samuell Sibly aged about:34: years Testefieth and saith that I being at the house of doctter grides that night after: that Sary good was examened and Elizebeth Hubbard Said that ther sands Sary good #[stands] apon the tabel by you with all hear naked brast and bar footed bar lagded and said o nast Slout if.I. had sum thing.I. wood kill hear then.I.Struck with my Staf wher She Said Sary good Stud andElizabath hubbard cried out you have heet har right acors the back you have a most killd hear if any body was there they may see it
Jurat in Curia
(Reverse) Sibley dep
( Essex Institute Collections, no. 30, Peabody Essex Museum, James Duncan Phillips Library, Rowley, MA. )
(Warrant for the Execution of Sarah Good , Rebecca Nurse, Susannah Martin , Elizabeth How , and Sarah Wilds )
[July 19, 1692 ]
To Georg: Corwine Gent'n High Sheriff of the County of Essex Greeting
Whereas Sarah Good Wife of William Good of Salem Village Rebecka Nurse wife of Francis Nurse of Salem Villiage Susanna Martin of Amesbury Widow Elizabeth How wife of James How of Ipswich Sarah Wild Wife of John Wild of Topsfield all of the County of Essex in their Maj'ts Province of the Massachusetts Bay in New England Att A Court of Oyer & Terminer held by Adjournment for Our Soveraign Lord & Lady King William & Queen Mary for the said County of Essex at Salem in the s'd County on the 29th day of June [past] were Severaly arraigned on Several Indictments for the horrible Crime of Witchcraft by them practised & Committed On Severall persons and pleading not guilty did for their Tryall put themselves on God & Thier Countrey whereupon they were Each of them found & brought in Guilty by the Jury that passed On them according to their respective Indictm[ents] and Sentence of death did then pass upon them as the Law directs Execution whereof yet remains to be done:
Those are Therefore in thier Maj'ties name William & Mary now King & Queen over England &ca: to will & Comand you that upon Tuesday next being the 19th day of [torn] Instant July between the houres of Eight & [torn] in [torn] forenoon the same day you Safely conduct the sd [Sarah Good Rebecca Nurse Susanna Martin Elizabeth How & Sarah Wild From their Maj'ties Goal in Salem afores'd to place of Execution & there Cause them & Every of them to be hanged by the Neck untill they be dead and of the doings herein make return to the Clerke of the said Court & this precept and hereof you are not to fail at your perill and this Shall be your Sufficient Warrant Given under my hand & seale at Boston the 12'th day of July in the fourth year of the Reign of our Soveraigne Lord & Lady Wm & Mary King and Queen &ca: Annoq Dom. 1692 --
*Wm Stoughton
(Reverse) Salem July 19th 1692
I caused the within mentioned persons to be Executed according to the Tenour of the with[in] warrant
*George Corwin Sherif
( MS Am 48, Rare Books & Manuscripts, Boston Public Library, Boston, MA. )