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SWP No. 133: Samuel Wardwell Executed, September 22, 1692

"SWP No. 133.1"

Figure ecca2059r

(Examination of Samuel Wardwell )

[September 1, 1692]

The Examination and Confession of Sam'll wardwell. taken Sept 1st 92. before John Higginson Esq one of theire maj'ties Justices of peace for the County of Essex

After the returneing of negative answers to severall questions He said he was sensible he was in the snare of the devil, He used to be much discontented that he could get no more work done, and that he had been foolishly Led along with telling of fortunes, which sometymes came to pass, He used also when any creature came into his field to bid the devil take it, And it may be the devil took advantage of him by that, Constable foster of Andover said that this wardwell told him once in the woods that when he was a young man he could make all his cattell come round about him when he pleased. The said wardwell being urged to tell o truth he proceided thus, That being once in a discontented frame he saw some catts together with the appearance of a man who called himself a prince of the aire & promised him he should live comfortably and be a captain and requyred said wardwell to honor him which he promised to doe, and it was about twenty yeares agoe. He said the reason of his discontent then was because he was in love with a maid named Barker who slighted his love, And the first appearance of the catt then was behind Capt bradstreets house, about a week after that A black man appeared in the day tyme at the same place and called himself prince and lord and told him the said wardwell he must worship and beleeve him, and promeised as above, with this addition that he should never want for any thing but that the black man had never performed any thing, And further that when he would goe to prayer in his family the devil wold begin to be angry He saith also that at that tyme when the devil appeared & told him he was prince of the aire that then he syned his book by makeing a mark like a square with a black pen and that the devil brought him the pen & Ink He saith further he Covenanted with the devil untill he should arryve to the age of sixty yea's and that he is now about the age of 46 yea's. And at that tyme the devil promeised on his part as is above exprest,
he said it was about a 4'tnight agoe since he began to afflict, And confesses that mary Lilly and Hannah Tayler of Ridding were of his company Further he saith that martha Sprague was the first he afflicted, that the devil put him upon it and threatned him thereunto

And that he did it by pincheing his coat & buttons when he was discontented, and gave the devil a commission so to doe, He sayes he was baptised by the black man at Shaw shin river alone and was dipt all over. and beleeves he renounced his former baptisme #[(noate), that he still afflected notwithstanding the former confession att'st).]

*John Higginson #(Just' peace)

Sam'll Wardwell. owned: to the grand Inquest: that: the above written: Confession: was: taken: from: his mouth and that he had s'd it: but: he s'd he belyed: himselfe:: he also s'd it was alone one: he: knew he should dye for it: whether: he ownd it or no
Sept'r 13'th 1692.

(Reverse) Samuel Wardell his Examination & Confesion

( Essex County Court Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 2, no. 59, Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court, Judicial Archives, Massachusetts State Archives, Boston, MA. )

SWP No. 133.2

Figure ecca2056r

Figure ecca2056v

(Indictment v Samuel Wardwell, for Afflicting Martha Sprague)

[+ September 14, 1692]

Essex in the Province of the Massachusetts Bay in New England ]

Anno RR's & Reginae Gulielmi & Mariae Angliae &c Quarto Annoq'e Domini 1692.

ss/ The Juriors for our Sov'r Lord and Lady the King and Queen doe present That Samuel Wardell of Andivor In the County of Essex Carpenter on or about the fifteenth day of August In the yeare aforesaid and divers other days and times as Well before as after Certaine detestable Arts called Witchcraft and Sorceries Wickedly Mallitiously and felloniously hath used practised & Exercised At and in the Towne of Boxford in the County of Essex Aforesaid in upon and against One Martha Sprague of Boxford in the County of Essex Aforesaid Single Woman by which said Wicked Acts the said Martha Sprague the day & yeare Aforesaid and divers other days and times #[both] both before and after was and is Tortured Aflicted Consumed Pined #(an) Wasted and Tormented, and also for sundry other Acts of Witchcraft by the said Samuel Wardell Comitted and done before and since that time against the peace of Our Soveraigne Lord and Lady the King and Queen theire Crowne and dignity And the #(in) forme in the Statute in that case made and Provided.

(Reverse) Indictm't against Samuel Wardell for bewitching Martha Sprague

Billa vera
Ponet Sse

( Essex County Court Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 2, no. 56, Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court, Judicial Archives, Massachusetts State Archives, Boston, MA. )

SWP No. 133.3

Figure ecca2055r

Figure ecca2055v

(Indictment v. Samuel Wardwell, for Covenanting)

[+ September 14, 1692]

Essex in the province of the Massachusetts bay in New England ss//]

Ano RR's & Reginae Gulielmi & Mariae Angliae &c Quarto, Anoq'e Domine 1692 --

The Jurio's for o'r Sov'r lord and Lady the King & Queen [pbar ]r'sent Samuel Wardell of Andivor In the Countÿ of Essex Carpent'r About Twenty years agoe in the Towne of Andivor In the County of Essex aforesaid Wickedlÿ & felloniouslÿ he the Said Samuel Wardell with the Evill Speritt the Devill A Covenant did make Wherein he promised to honor Worship & beleive the devill Contray to the Stattute of King James The first in that behalfe made & provided. And Against the peace of Soveraigne Lord & Lady the King & Queen their Crown & dignitÿ

(Reverse) 1692 Billa vera Ponet se

Indictm't agst Sam'l Wardell for Covenanting w'th the Devill

( Essex County Court Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 2 Page 55. )

SWP No. 133.4

Figure ecca2057r

( Depositions of Martha Sprague, Mary Walcott & (Mary Warren v. Samuel Wardwell )

[September 14, 1692]

Martha Spreag: Aged 16: years Affirmd to the grand Inquest: that Sam'll Wardwell: has afflicted her: both before: his examination & at the time of it: by #(biti) pinching & sticking pinse into her & striking: her downe: & yesterday: when I had a warant to come to Court s'd Wardwell: did greivously afflict#(e) me: I also have seen s'd Wardwell afflict Rose foster & her mother: and I veryly beleev he is a wizzard & that he afflicted me &: the above mentioned by acts of witchcrafts Sept'r 14:, 1692

Mary Warin: affirmd: to: Jury of Inquest that Sam'll Wardwell: hath: often afflicted her & that: he now: before #(with) the grand Inquest hath: afflicted her: also: she s'd that that on the day & at the time of s'd Wardwels examination #(s'd war) he did afflect Martha Spreag: & she veryly beleevs: s'd Wardwell is a wizzard and that he afflicted her and martha Spreag: by witch craft. Sept'r 14: 1692 upon her oath

Mary Walcot: affirmd to the grand Inquest: that she saw Sam'll Wardwell or his Apperition pull Martha Spreag off from her horse: as she was #[going] riding out of Salem: & #(verily) beleevs he did it by witchcraft: Sept'r 14: 1692 upon oath Jurat

(Reverse) Wittnesses ver Wardwell Martha Sprague Mary Warren Mary Wallcott

( Essex County Court Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 2, no. 57, Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court, Judicial Archives, Massachusetts State Archives, Boston, MA. )

Sept'r 14: 1692.

SWP No. 133.5

Figure ecca2058r

( Deposition of Ephraim Foster v. Samuel Wardwell)

[+ September 14, 1692]

The deposetion of Ephraim foster of Andovr: aged about thirty five #(six) years this deponant testifyeth and sayeth: that he heard: Samuell wordwall: the prisoner now at the bare #[tell] my wife: that she should have five gurls: before: she should: have: a son: which thing is Come to pase: and I heard him tell dority Eames hur forten: #(which he did:) and I have heard: said dority: say after that she belived wardwall was a: witch. Or Els he Cold never tell what he did: and I took knotes: that: said wardwall: would look in their hand: and then would Cast his Eyes down: upon the ground allways before he told Eny thing this I have both seen and heard severall times: and about severall persons & that he Could make Cattle come to him when he pleased
Jurat in Curia

(Reverse) foster Martin Vs Wardw'll

( Essex County Court Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 2, no. 58, Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court, Judicial Archives, Massachusetts State Archives, Boston, MA. )

SWP No. 133.6

Figure ecca2060r

Figure ecca2060v

(Testimony of Thomas Chandler v. Samuel Wardwell )

[+ September 14, 1692]

The tistimony of Thomas Chandler aged about 65 who saith that I have often hard Samuell wardle of Andovr till yung person thire fortine and he was much adicted to that and mayd sport of it and farther said not
Jurat in Curia. (Reverse) Thomas Chandler depo agst Sam'l Wardwell

( Essex County Court Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 2, no. 60, Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court, Judicial Archives, Massachusetts State Archives, Boston, MA. )

SWP No. 133.7

Figure ecca2061r

Figure ecca2061v

( Testimony of Joseph Ballard v. Samuel Wardwell )

[+ September 14, 1692]

The testimony of Joseph Ballard of andover eaged about 41 yeares saith that my brother John ballard told me that Samuel Wardel told him that I had reported that he had bewiched my wife these wordes weare spoken before I had any knolidg of my wife being afflicted by witchcraft after I meting with said Samuel Wardel prisnor at the bar I told him that I douteed that he was gilty of hurting my wife for I had no sutch thoughts nor had spoken any sutch wordes of him or any other parson and thearefore I #)was) doe not know but you are gilty & further that Sam'll Wardwell Owned to this deponent that he had Spoke it to my Brother.
Jurat in Curia.

(Reverse) Joseph Ballard. Depo' ags't Sam'l Wardwell

( Essex County Court Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 2, no. 61, Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court, Judicial Archives, Massachusetts State Archives, Boston, MA. )

SWP No. 133.8

Figure ecca2062r

Figure ecca2062v

( Deposition of Abigail Martin and John Bridges v. Samuel Wardwell )

[+ September 15, 1692]

the deposetion of Abigell Marten of Andaer Aged about sixteen years this deponent Testifyeth and sayeth that some time last winter: Samuel wardwall being at my fathers hows: with John farnom: I heard said John farnon ask: said wordwall his forteen [fortune]; which he did: and told him that: he was in love with a gurll: but should be crost: & should goe to the Sutherd: which said farnom: oned to be his thought: said wardwall further: told he had like to be shot with a gon: & should have a foall of from his hors or should have: which: said farnom, after oned that he told Right:

And further I heard him tell Jeams bridges his forten: that he loved a gurll at forteen years ould: which: said bridges: oned to be the truth: but Cold not imagin how said wardwall knew: for he never: spake of it: John bridges father of said ieams: bridges sayeth: he heard Jeam say I wonder how wardwall cold teell so true
Jurat in Curia, By both

(Reverse) Abiga'l Martin & James Bridges depo' ve's Sam'l Wardwell

( Essex County Court Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 2, no. 62, Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court, Judicial Archives, Massachusetts State Archives, Boston, MA. )

SWP No. 133.9

Figure ecca2096r

Figure ecca2096v

(Petition of the Andover Selectmen, Regarding the Children of Samuel Wardwell)

[September 26, 1692]

To the Hono'ed Court now sitting at Ipswich The Petition of the Select men of Andover sheweth;
That wheras Samuel Wardwell and his wife of Andover, were lately apprehended and committed to prison for witchcraft, and have left severall small children who are uncapable of provideing for themselves, and are now in a suffering condition: we have thought it necessary and convenient that they should be disposed of in some familyes where there may be due care taken of them. We therefore humbly pray yo'r Hon'rs to inform us what is our duty in this case, and to give #(us) order so to dispose of them that their necessityes may be releived, and to grant liberty to improve so much of their fathers Estate as is necessary for their present supply And yo'r Petition'rs Shall ever pray &c

Sep't 26. 1692 *John Abbott.
and *John Aslabee
by order of the saleckt men

(Reverse) Select Men of Andover petic'on

( Essex County Court Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 2, no. 96, Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court, Judicial Archives, Massachusetts State Archives, Boston, MA. )

SWP No. 133.10

(Placement of the Wardwell Children by the Selectment of Anndover)

[? September 28, 1692]

Wee ye subscribers selectmen of Andover ye abovesd year having informed ye Quarter
Sessions at Ipswich ye 27th of ye abovesd September that there was severall children of Saml
yt was in a suffering condition begging their advice direction & order therein which they were pleased to Consider of & order as followes yt ye Selectmen for ye time being should place out, or if need require binde out sd children in good & honest families, referring to a law in that case provided. Persuant to this order of ye Court wee have placed them as Complaint of Mary Brown & Benjamin Larobe v. Sarah Cole (of Lynn) follows; viz Samuel Wardwell we placed with John Ballard
his uncle for one year, Williamwe placed with Corpl Saml ffrie till he come to be of ye age
of one and twenty years; sd ffrie to learne him ye trade of a weaver. Eliakim we placed to
Daniel Poor till he was twenty-oneyears of age & Elizabeth we placed with John Stevens till eighteen years of age, all ye abovesd were to find them with suites of apparel att ye end of sd term of tyme.

Saml Frie
John Aslebe

Sarah Loring Bailey. Historical Sketches of Andover. Boston: Houghton, Mifflin and Company, 1880. (Reprint edition, North Andover Historical Society. 1990), pp. 220–221.

Salem Witchcraft Papers