SWP No. 108: Sarah Proctor
(Complaint of Thomas putnam & John putnam v. Sarah Proctor , Sarah Bassett , & Susannah Roots )
[May 21, 1692]
Salem May the 21'th 1691
Thomas putnam and John putnam, of Salem Village yeomen made Complaint (before us) on behalfe of theire Majest's against [] Basset the wife of [Basset] of Lyn husbandman and [Roote] of Beverly widow, and Sarah procter of Salem farmes daugter of John procter of sayd place for Sundry acts of Witchcraft by them donne and Committed on the Bodys of Mary Walcot Abigail Williams Marcy Lewis ann putnam & others Lately whereby great hurt & Injury hath benne donne them therefore Craves Justice
*Thomas putnam
*John Putnam Jun.
This Compl't was Exhibted Salem 21'th May 16
before us *John Hathorne
*Jonathan Corwin
Per ord'r of the Govern'r & Councill
Rebecka Waltham wife of Jno Waltham
Bethya Lovett the wife of Jno Lovett Sen'r
( Essex County Court Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1, no. 300, Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court, Judicial Archives, Massachusetts State Archives, Boston, MA. )
( Statement of Elizabeth Booth v. Sarah Proctor , John Proctor , & Elizabeth Proctor )
[May 20, 1692 ]
May. 20'th: 1692
Elizabeth Booth aged 18 years or thereabouts Testifieth & saith
That Sarah Procter apeared unto her and brought her a Book and bid her sett her hand to it, this Deponent told her that she would not, ever sence this Deponent hath been greeviously afflicted by her the said Procter: and John Procter and his wife hath Pinch't & Pricked this Deponent Likewise: several times: and still continues to do to: day
(Reverse) Eliz Booth against
Sarah procter
( Essex County Court Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1, no. 301, Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court, Judicial Archives, Massachusetts State Archives, Boston, MA. )
(Deposition of Elizabeth Booth v. Sarah Proctor and Mary DeRich )
[May 23, 1692]
May the 23 1692
Elizabeth Booth aged 18 yeares or thereabouts deposeth & saith That Sarah Procter and Mary Derish the wife of Michell Derish apeared to this Deponent in the Night and Called her Jade, Mary Derish asked her what made her say any thing about #[Sarah Procter] Sarah Procter #[Replyed] said it was well.she did not come to the Village that Day: and with all afflicted, & Pinched, her, this Deponent most greviously and so Continues to afflict her this Deponet still and John Procter and his wife Likewise whos name is Elizabeth:Procter:
(Reverse) Eliz. Booth agst
Sarah Procter &
Mary Derich
( Essex County Court Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1, no. 302, Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court, Judicial Archives, Massachusetts State Archives, Boston, MA. )
(Deposition of Mary Walcott v. Sarah Procter. )
[May 23, 1692]
The Depoestion of mary Walcott Who Testifieth and saith on the 20'th omay 1692 saw the apparition of Sarah Procter: come and choake me and pincht me and terrified me much and urged me greviously to write in her book: but I told her I would not touch itt and then she tormented me dreadfully
Sworne Salem Village May 23rd. 1692
before us *John Hathorne
*Jonathan Corwin
(Reverse) Mary Walcutt against
sara Procktar
( Essex County Court Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1, no. 303, Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court, Judicial Archives, Massachusetts State Archives, Boston, MA. )
(Statement of Susannah Sheldon v. Daniel Andrew , Sarah Proctor, George Jacobs, Jr. , & Phillip English )
[+ May 23, 1692]
the complaint of Susanah Sheldon of Mr andras and sarah proctor 20 of this may thay both aflicted me the next day sarah procter brought the book to me and Sarah procter and andres and iorg gacobe thay mad me def and dum and blind al nigh and the next day tel 10 of clock then cam inges and brougt his book and drod his knife and said if I would not touch it he would cut my throt then thar A perd to me A. ded man ho told me his nam was Joseph rabson then he looked upon ingles and told him that he murderd him and drounded him in the se thar was a nother man in the boot A long with me and the boot tosed up and doun and turend over and my handes ware clunched that I could not lay hold the other man layd hold and was saved then he told me that I must tell mast[e]r hatheren and told me that I should not [rest] tel I had told it then inglish [to]ld me that if I did he would cut my leges of then ther a pered to me a shiny man and told me I should tel of it to morah [= tomorrow] then inglesh tole me that he would go kill the govenner if he could he would go try he was the gretes innemy he had then he sayd that he would kil 10 folck in boston before next six day if he was not tacken up the greter wieman a flict me stil
( Essex County Court Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1, no. 304, Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court, Judicial Archives, Massachusetts State Archives, Boston, MA. )
(Deposition of Thomas Putnam v. Sarah Proctor )
[+ May 23, 1692]
The Deposistion of Thomas putnam who testifieth and saith that with in these few days I have hard Elizabeth Hubbard and Ann putnam To of the afflected parsons greviously complaine of Sarah procter that she did tortor them very much urged them vehemently to writ in hir book
( Essex County Archives Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1, no. 297, Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court, Judicial Archives, Massachusetts State Archives, Boston, MA. )
(Deposition of David Ferneax & Jonathan Walcott , Jr. v. Sarah Proctor )
[+ May 23, 1692]
The Deposetion of David Furneax Aged 23 or their abouts and Jonathan Walcott Junior aged 21: who testifieth and saith that on the 20'th of may 1692 about 12 of the clock we hearde mary Walcott in one of her fitts say that she saw the apparition of Sarah Procttor come and hurte her by choaking and pinching of her we both also heard her say that she brought the book to her and urged her to write in her book we ware then both presante and heard her say I would not write in your book though you kill me
David Furneax
Jonathan Walcott Junior
(Reverse) David furnex
( Essex County Court Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1, no. 299, Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court, Judicial Archives, Massachusetts State Archives, Boston, MA. )
(Testimony of John Putnam, Jr. v. Sarah Proctor )
[+ May 23, 1692]
John putnam Juner testifieth that very latly he hath
hard Elizabeth Hurburd complaine of Sarah proctor that she
hath tortored hir very much and urgeth hir vehemently to writ in hir book --
( Essex County Court Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1, no. 298, Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court, Judicial Archives, Massachusetts State Archives, Boston, MA. )