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SWP No. 117: Henry Salter

SWP No. 117.1

Figure S026A

Figure S026B

(Examination of Henry Salter )

[September 7, 1692]

7. Sept 92

The Examination #(and confession) of Henry Salters. Taken before Jno Hauthorn Esq'r & other their majesties Justices.

In the tyme of his Examination He struck down with his eye Mary warrin mary walcot Rose foster & mary Lacey And recovered them by touching of them with his hand
mary walcot said he hurt her the last thursday, & almost choaked her to death upon the last Sabath day she saw him afflict Timothy swan [ ] Barnam and Goody Bigsby Mary Warren and saw him afflict Martha Sprague saw him afflict hannah Post .
Mary warrin said he told her he used his witchcraft by the Key & bible & sometymes by the sieve & scisse's. she also saw the black man -- 2 women one man and a company of Litle ones before him.
[?] when was it that the company of witches were at yo'r house and the whyte men drove them away A. I never knew of any such thing, but afterwards said he had told one Goody Lovejoy something but knew not what --
He ownes he has told Lyes before now and been in drink also/

(This is a true cop) I underwritten being appointed by auhe[=oath] to take in wryteing the above examination Doe testify upon oath taken in court that this is a true coppy of the substance of it, to the best of my knowledge --
5 January 1692/3 *W'm Murray

the above Hen[ry] Salter was Examined before
their majesties Justices of peace in Salem
atest *John. Higginson Just'e peace.

(Reverse) Hen'r Salter Exa.7.7.92
Mary Walcot
Mary Warren
Rose foster
Mary lacy
Timo Swan Owned beforethe Grand Jury 5: January 1692/3
Goody Bigsby atest: *Robert Payne
Martha Sprage foreman:

( Suffolk Court Files, vol. 32, docket 2702 p. 24, Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court, Judicial Archives, Massachusetts State Archives, Boston, MA. )

SWP No. 117.2

Figure S025r

Figure S025v

(Indictment of Henry Salter, for Afflicting Rose Foster (Returned Ignoramous) )

[+ January 5, 1693]

Essex in the Province of the Massachusett Bay in New England ss]

Anno RR's & Reginae Gulielmi & Mariae Angliae &c Quarto Annoq'e Domini 1692

The Juriors for our Soveraigne Lord & Lady the King and Queen doe present that Henry Salter of Andover in the County of Essex husbandman upon or about the Seventh Day of September In the yeare aforsaid and divers other dayes and times as well before as after Certaine detestable Arts called witchcraft and Sorceries wickedly malitiously and feloniously hath used practised and Exercised at and in the Towne of Salem in the County of Essex in and upon and against one Rose foster of Andover Singlewoman by which said wicked acts. the said Rose Foster The day and yeare aforsaid and divers other dayes and Times both before & after was and is tortured afflicted Consumed wasted Pined and Tormented against the peace of our Sovraigne Lord & Lady the King and Queen their Crowne & Dignity and the Law in that case made & Provided --

Rose foster
Mary Wolcott
Mary Warren
Martha. Sprage alis. Tyler

(Reverse) Ignoramus, Henry Salter Afflic' Rose Foster
*Robert: Payne foreman:
Henry Salter delivered paying fees

( Suffolk Court Files, vol. 32, docket 2702, p. 24, Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court, Judicial Archives, Massachusetts State Archives, Boston, MA. )

Salem Witchcraft Papers