SWP No. 086: Mary Lacey, Sr.
(See also: Mary Lacey, Jr. -- Examination.)
(Complaint of Joseph Ballard v. Mary Lacey Sr. , & Mary Lacey, Jr. )
[July 19, 1692. ]
Joseph Ballard of Andover husbandman Complaineth of Mary Lacy wife of Lawrence Lacy of Andover husbandm'n and of Mary Lacy daughter of s'd Lawrence Lacy of Andover afores'd Singlewoman: as followeth that whereas #[in] this Complainers Wife Elizabeth Ballard hath been this Severall monthes Sorely aflicted & visited w'th Strange pains and pressures & remains So to this day which I verily beleive is Occasioned by Witchcrafts and have cause to Suspect the above Mencioned Mary Lacy & her daughter Mary to be the actors of it & accordingly Enter this my Complaint against them & acknowledge my Selfe Indebted to Our Soveraign Lord & Lady the King & Queen One hundred poundes Currant money of New England On Condition to prosecute this my Complaint to Effect as the law directs: in witness whereof I have hereunto Set my hand this 19th day July: 1692.
per [Joseph Ballard]
This Com'lt was Exhibited Salem July the 19th.
1692 per Jos'h. Ballard abovesaid before
Barth. Gedney }
Jona'h Corwin } Jus Peace
Jno Hathorne }
Jno Higginson ] }
( MS Ch K 1.40, vol. 2, p. 400, Rare Books and Manuscripts, Boston Public Library, Boston, MA. )
(Examination of Mary Lacey, Sr. )
[July 21, 1692 ]
21 July 1692. A part of Goody Laceyes 2d Examination and confession to be added to the first.
Before Mag'r Gedney Mr Hauthorn & Mr Corwin.
When Goody foster was upon examination the second tyme, Goody Lacey was brought in also, who said to her mother foster , we have forsaken Jesus christ, and the devil hath got hold of us, how shall we get cleare of this evil one:
she confesses that her mother foster, Goody Carryer & herself rid upon a pole to Salem Village meeting, and that the pole broke alittle way off from the village she sayth further that about 3 or 4 years agoe she saw Mistress Bradburry Goody How and Goody Nurse Baptised by the old Serpent at newburry falls And that he dipped theire heads in the water and then said thay wer his and he had power over them, she sayes there were six baptised at that tyme who were some of the chieff or heigher powers, and that there might be neare about a hundred in company at that tyme. It being asked her, after what maner she went to Newberry falls answered the devil carryed her in his armes, And sayth further that if she doe take a ragg, clout or any such thing and Roll it up together And Imagine it to represent such and such a persone; Then whatsoever she doth to that Ragg or clout so rouled up, The persone represented thereby will be in lyke manner afflicted.
It being again asked her if what she had said was all true, she answered affirmatively, confessing also that Andrew Carryer was witch
She confesses that she afflicted Timothy Swan in Compa with Mistress Bradbury Goody Carryer Richard Carryer and her own daughter mary lacey, They afflicted him with an Iron spindle and she thinks they did once with a tobacko pipe
She said she was in Swans chamber and it being ask'd which way she got in answered the devil helpt her in at the window, she also remembers the afflicting of Ballards wife , and that Rich'd Carryer was ther also
She said further the devil take away her memory and will not let her remember.
(Reverse) Mary Lacey further confession
part of the Examination of Mary Lacey --
( Essex County Court Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft, Vol. 2, no. 51,
(Depositions of Elizabeth Hubbard, Mercy Lewis & Mary Warin v. Mary Lacey, Sr. )
[September 14, 1692 ]
Eliz: Hubert affirmd to the grand Inquest: that she hath: seen Mary lascy sen'r afflict: Joseph Ballards wife of Andover: she sayth also: that: s'd Mary Lascy did at the time of her examination: afflict her s'd Eliz Hubbert: & mercy Lewis: & she dos beleev: s'd mary lascy was a witch: & afflicted me & the above s'd persons: by witchcraft: but: she never afflicted her: s'd Hubberd since she confessed: upon oath: Sept'r: 14: 1692
Mercy lewis: affirm[e]d to the grand Inquest: that s[h]e saw: Mary Lascy sen'r : afflict Joseph Ballards: wife of Andover: she saith also: that mary Lascy sen'r afflicted her s'd Lewis &Eliz Hubbert: at the time of her examination but since she has not hurt her: she sayth: she beleeves s'd Lacy was a witch: & afflicted: her: & the above named persons: by witchcraft Sept'r. the. 14: 1692
Mary Warin affirmd to the gran Inquest: that she saw Mary Lascy sen'r Afflict: Eliz Hubbert: & mercy Lewis: at the time of her examination: she own[e]d it: upon her former oath Sept'r: 14: 1692.
(Reverse) Witness agt Mary Lacey
( Essex County Court Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 2, no. 50, Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court, Judicial Archives, Massachusetts State Archives, Boston, MA. )
(Indictment of Mary Lacey, Sr., for Afflicting Elizabeth Hubbard )
[+ September 14, 1692 ]
Essex in the Province of the Massachusetts Bay in New England ] Anno R Rs Reginae & Mariae Angliae & Quarto. Anno'qe Domini 1692
The Jurors for o'r Sov'r Lord and Lady the King and Queen doe Present that Mary laceÿ Wife of lawrence lacey of Andivor in the County of Essex Husbandman upon the Twentieth day of July In the year aforesaid and divers other dayes and times as well before as after Certaine detestable Arts called Witchcraft and Sorceries wickedly Mallitiously and felloniously hath used Practised and Exercised at and in the Towne of Salem in the County of Essex aforesaid in upon and against one Elizabeth Hobert of Salem aforesaid Single Woman by which said wicked Acts the said Eliza Hobert the day & Year aforesaid and divers other dayes and Times Both Before and after was and is Tortured aflicted Consum'd Pined Wasted and Tormented and also for Sundry other Acts of witchcraft by the said Mary laceÿ Comitted and done Before and since that Time against the Peace of o'r. Sov'r Lord and Lady the King and Queen theire Crowne and Dignity and the forme of Stattute in that Case made and Provided,
(Reverse) Indictm't ags't Mary laceÿ
for bewitching Eliza Hobert
Billa Vera
( Essex County Court Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 2, no. 49, Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court, Judicial Archives, Massachusetts State Archives, Boston, MA. )
(Indictment of Mary Lacey, Sr., for Afflicting Mercy Lewis )
[+ September 14, 1692 ]
Essex in the Province of the Massachusetts Bay in New England ] Anno RRs & Reginae Gulielmi & Mariae Angliae &ca Quarto Anno'qe Domini 1692//
The Jurors for our Sov'r Lord and Lady the King and Queen doe pr'sent That Mary Lacey Wife of Lawrence Laceÿ of Andiver In the County of Essex Husbandman The Twentieth day of July In the Yeare aforesaid and divers other days and times as well before as after Certaine detestable Arts Called Witchcraft & Sorceries Wickedly Mallitiously and felloniously hath used practised and Exercised At and in the Towne of Salem in the County of Essex Aforesaid in upon and against one Mercy Lewis of Salem aforesaid Single Woman. by which said Wicked Acts the said Mercy Lewis the day & Year Aforesaid and divers other days and times both before and after was and is Tortured Aflicted Consumed Pined Wasted and Tormented, and also for Sundry other Acts of Witchcraft by the said Mary lacey Comitted and done before and Since that time against the Peace of Our Sov'r Lord & Lady the King and Queen theire Crowne and Dignity and the forme of the Stattute In that case made and provided.
(Reverse) Indict't ags't Mary Lacey
for bewitching Mercy Lewis
Billa Vera
( Essex Institute Collection, no. 31, James Duncan Phillips Library, Peabody Essex Museum, Salem, MA. )