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SWP No. 075: Mary Ireson

SWP No. 75.1

Figure ecca2019r

Figure ecca2019v

(Complaint of Edward putnam, Thomas Rayment, Elizabeth Booth , Abigail Williams, & Ann Putnam Jr. v. Mary Ireson )

[June 4, 1692 ]

Deacon Edward putnam and Thomas Rayment both of Salem Village Complained on behalfe of theire Majesties against Mary Ireson the Wife of Benjamen Ireson of Lyn husbandman for Sundry acts of Witchcraft by her Committed Lately on the bodys of Mary Waren Susana Shelden & Mary Walcot & others [also Eliz bo[o]th Abi Williams Ann Putnam also] of Salem Village whereby great hurt hath beane donne to theire bodys. therefore Craved Justice Salem June 4th. 1692
*Edward Putnam
The Mark L of
Thomas Rayment

(In left margin) also--
Abi Williams
Ann Putnam
also --

(Reverse) Ireson

( Essex County Court Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 2, no. 19, Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court, Judicial Archives, Massachusetts State Archives, Boston, MA. )

SWP No. 75.2

Figure ecca2018r

Figure ecca2018v

(Warrant for apprehension of Mary Ireson, and Officer's Return )

[June 4, 1692]

To the Sheriffe of the County of Essex or his deputie or Constable in Lyn

You are in theire Majests names hereby required to apprehend and bring before us Mary Ierson the wife of Benjamin Ireson of Lyn husbandman on Munday next about ten of the Clock in the forenoon at the house of Thomas Beadles in Salem who stands Charged on behalfe of theire Majests with haveing Committed Sundry acts of Witchcraft on the Bodys of Mary Waren, Susannah Shelden Mary Walcot and Others whereby great hurt is donne to theire bodys.) in order to her Examination Relateing to the abovesayd premises faile not Dated Salem June 4t 1692 Per us

*John Hathorne
*Bartho Gedney
*Jonathan. Corwin ] J:peace

(Reverse) According to this warrant I have Aprehended the person of mary Ierson #[and] wife of Benjemen Ierson of Lyn and brought her to the plase apoynted in order to for her exemination as atest my hand *Henery Collings Constabll for the town of Lyn

( Essex County Court Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 2, no. 18, Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court, Judicial Archives, Massachusetts State Archives, Boston, MA. )

SWP No. 75.3

Figure B20r

(Examination of Mary Ireson, )

[June 6, 1692]

Mary Ireson was examined: before Majr Gedney: & other their Majestis justices June: 6th 1692

before sd Ireson was brought: into ye roome:in prayer time ye afflicted fell into a fitt & complayned of Mary Ireson when sd Ireson

came in her sister came with her: & ye justices: cald to ye afflicted: to come & look on her sister: & see if that was she yt afflicted them but they sd that was not she that hurt them: it was she wt a whood on sd Ireson had a Riding hood on: it was asked sd Ireson doe you not see how you are discovered: she sd she: might be left: to this afflictione for her other sins for she had bin of a bad temper: #[for] but for witch craft she had not yt sin to answer for: Eliz Boothe Susana Sheldon Mary Warin & Mary Warin fell down when she looke on them: & were well again when she touched them with her hand seval times it was so: they charged her with afflicting them: when some of them were well they charged her with hurting ye others yt were afflicted: they three of them: all but mary Wolcot sd they never had seen her in person: before: but they knew: yt this was ye woman yt had afflicted them: Mary Warin sd she had brought the book: to her to sign: a monthe before: Susana Sheldon sd she had brought ye book at that pressent time of her examination: & sd if she would not sign it she would tear her throat out: sd Iresons: eyes being fixed: it was asked her: what she fixed her eyes upon: ye afflicted sd ye black man was before her & bid her not confess both ye justices & sd Iresons unkle: ffuller: that was there urged her to confess & breake ye snare of ye devill: but she sd she knew not yt she was in it: She asked weither she might be a witch & not know it: but was answered no: she sd then she could not confess till she had more Sight.

I undr written being appointed by Authority to: take ye above examination doe testify upon
oath taken in Court: that this is a true coppy of ye substance of it to ye best of my knowledge:
*Simon Willard

( MS Ch K 1.40, vol. 2, p. 210, Rare Books & Manuscripts, Boston Public Library, Boston, MA. )

SWP No. 75.4

Figure Ireson_doc-1

Figure Ireson_doc-2

(Indictment v. Mary Ireson, for Afflicting Elizabeth Booth (Returned Ignoramus))

[June 6, 1692]

Province of Massachusetts ] Anno RRs & Reginae Gulielmi & Mariae Angliae &c

Bay in New England Essex] Quarto. Annoq Dom. 1692

The Jurors for our Sov. Lord and Lady the King and Queen presents

That Mary Ireson Wife of Benj. Ireson of Linn in ye county aforesd, husbandman On ye Sixth Day of June One Thousand six hundred ninety Two –
And diverse other days and times as well before as after Certaine Detestable Arts
called Witchcrafts and Sorceries, Wickedly Mallishiously and felloniously hath vsed
Practised and Exercised at and in the Towne of Salem in the County of Essex
aforsed: upon and against One Elizabeth Booth of Salem Singlewoman --
By which Wicked Arts the said Elizabeth Booth – the Day and Year –
aforesaid and Divers other Dayes and times as well before as after was and is
Tortured afflicted Tormented Consumed Pined and wasted against the Peace of our
Sovereigne Lord and Lady the King and Queen, their Crowne and Dignity, and the
Laws made and Provided in that case made and Provided

Witnes Mary Warren

Elizabeth Booth

(Reverse) Mary Ireson

Afli: Eliz Booth


Robert Payne:


Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court, Judicial , following its lineationArchives, JU-SJC/OAT/series 003, (Box 14, Folder 32), Boston, MA.

Salem Witchcraft Papers