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SWP No. 023: Candy

(See also: Margaret Hawkes -- Complaint .)

SWP No. 23.1

(Examination of Candy, as told by John Hale)

[July 4, 1692 ]

Among the Confessors, Anno 1692. was a Negro Woman, who charged two women to make her a Witch, describing how she see her mark in the Devils Book. And said, if she might be permitted, she would fetch the things whereby she tormented the afflicted complainers. And accordingly brought an Handkerchief, wherein several knots were tyed, raggs of Cloth, a piece of Cheese and a piece of grass And as I was credibly informed, some compelled her to swallow the grass, & that night was burned in her flesh; and one took a piece of her ragg and burnt it in the fire, and one of the Afflicted that had complained of her, was presently burned on the hand. Another piece of her rags was put under water, and then others complaintants were choaked, and strived for breath as if under water; And another ran to the River as if she would drown her self.

( John Hale. A Modest Enquiry into the Nature of Witchcraft (Boston: Green & Allen, 1702), pp. 80–81.

SWP No. 23.2

(Examination of Candy )

[July 4, 1692 ]

SALEM, Monday, July 4, 1692 . The examination of Candy, a negro woman, before Bartholomew Gedney and John Hawthorne Esqrs. Mr. Nicholas Noyes also present.

Q. Candy ! are you a witch? A. Candy no witch in her country. Candy's mother no witch. Candy no witch, Barbados. This country, mistress give Candy witch. Q. Did your mistress make you a witch in this country? A. Yes, in this country mistress give Candy witch. Q. What did your mistress do to make you a witch? A. Mistress bring book and pen and ink, make Candy write in it. Q. What did you write in it? -- She took a pen and ink and upon a book or paper made a mark. Q. How did you afflict or hurt these folks, where are the pup- pets you did it with? -- She asked to go out of the room and she would shew or tell; upon which she had liberty, one going with her, and she presently brought in two clouts, one with two knots tied in it, the other one; which being seen by Mary Warren, Deliverance Hobbs and Abigail Hobbs, they were greatly affrighted and fell into violent fits, and all of them said that the black man and Mrs. Hawkes and the negro stood by the puppets or rags and pinched them, and then they were afflicted, and when the knots were untied yet they continued as aforesaid. A bit of one of the rags being set on fire, the afflicted all said they were burned, and cried out dreadfully. The rags being put into water, two of the aforenamed persons were in dreadful fits almost choaked, and the other was violently running down to the river, but was stopped.
Attest. John Hawthorne , Just. Peace.

( Thomas Hutchinson, History of Massachusetts-Bay. Cambridge, MA: 1936.II, 26 .)

SWP No. 23.3

Figure MA031r

Figure MA031v

(Indictment No. 1 v. Candy, for Afflicting Mary Walcott)

[+ January 6, 1693]

Essex in the Province of the Massachusett Bay in New England\s-\SsAnno R R's & Reginae Gulielmi & Mariae &c quarto Anoq'e \ Do[mbar ] 1692

The Jurors for o'r Sov'r: lord & lady the King & Queen doe present That Candy. A Negro Woman Servant #[Servant] of Margarett Hawkes of Salem in & Upon the Second day of July last in the Yeare 1692 and divers other days & times as well before as after Certaine detestable Arts Called Witchcrafts & Sorceries Wickedly Mallitiously & felloniously hath Used practised & Exercised in the Towne of Salem afors'd Upon and Against One Mary Wallcot of Salem Single Woman by which Wicked Arts The Said Mary wallcot the day & Yeare aforesaid & Divers other times as well before as after was & is Tortured Aflicted Consumed Wasted pined & Tormented Contrary to the peace of our Sov'r lord & lady the King & Queen their Crowne & dignity & The laws in that Case made & provided

(Reverse) Candy Negro: for bewitching

Mary Wallcott
Billa Vera,

*Robert Payne foreman.

Ponet Se.
The juery find the
person here inditted
not gilty of this

( Massachusetts Archives Collection, vol. 135, no. 31, Massachusetts State Archives, Boston, MA. )

SWP No. 23.4


Figure MA031r-2

Figure MA031v-2

(Indictment No. 2 v. Candy , for Afflicting Ann Putnam Jr)

[+ January 6, 1693]

Essex In the province of the Massachusetts Bay in New England\s-\SsAnno R R's Reginae Gulielmi & Mariae Angliae &c Quarto Anoq'e Dom 1692

The Jurors for o'r Sov'r lord & lady the King & Queen present That Candy A Negro Woman Servant to Margarett Hawkes of Salem in the County of Essex afors'd, In & Upon the Second day of July last in the Yeare 1692 And divers other days & times as well before as after Certaine detestable Arts Called Witchcrafts & Sorceries, wickedly Mallitiously & felloniously hath Used practised & exercised in the Towne of Salem aforesaid Upon & Against One An Putnam of Salem Single Woman: By which wicked Arts The Said Ann Putnam the day & Yeare afors'd & divers other days & times both before & after Was & is Tortured Aflicted Consumed Wasted pined & Tormented Contrary to the peace of our Sov'r lord & Lady the King & Queen Their Crowne & dignity and the laws in that Case made & provided

(Reverse) Candy Negro:
for bewitching Ann Putnum
Billa Vera, *Robert Payne foreman
Ponet Se.
The juery find the person here inditted
not gilty of this indittement

( Massachusetts Archives Collection, vol. 135 No. 31.2, Massachusetts State Archives. Boston. MA. )

Salem Witchcraft Papers