SWP No. 137: John Willard Executed August 19, 1692
( See also John Proctor -- Physical Examination; Roger Toothaker -- Mittimus .)
(Warrant No. 1 for the apprehension of John Willard, and Officer's Return )
[May 10, 1692]
To the Constable of Salem
You are in theyr Majestyes Names Required to Apprehend & Bring before us the Body of John. Willard of Salem Village husbandman to morrow being the Tenth {Eleventh} day of this Instant May by one of the Clock afternoone att the house of Thomas. Beadle in Salem, whoe Stand accused of high Suspition of Severall Acts of Witchcraft done or Comitted upon the Bodyes of Sundry persons in Salem Village to theyr great hurt & injury & hereof you are nott to fayle. dated Salem May. 10'th 1692
*John Hathorne ] Assis'ts
*Jonathan. Corwin
(Reverse) In prosecution of this warrant I went to the house of the usuall abode of John Willards and made search for him, and in Severall other houses and places butt could not find him; and his relations and freinds then gave me accompt that to theire best knowledg he was fleed Salem May 12'th 1692.
*John Putnam. Jun Constable Salem
John Willards, Warrant
( Essex County Court Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1, no. 231, Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court, Judicial Archives, Massachusetts State Archives. Boston, MA. )
(Warrant No. 2 for the apprehension of John Willard, and Officer's Return )
[May 15, 1692]
To the Marshall of the County of Essex or to the Constables in Salem or any other Marshal or Marshalls Constable or Constables within this theire Majest's Colony or Terretory of the Massachusetts in New England --
You are in theire Majest's names hereby required to Apprehend John Willard of Salem Village husbandman, if he may be found in your precints who stands charged with sundry acts of Witchcraft by him donne or Committed on the Bodys of Bray Wilkins. and Daniell Wilkins the son of Henery Wilkins both of Salem Village and others -- according to Complaint made before us by Thomas fuller Jun'r and Benj'n Wilkins sen'r both of Salem Village afores'd Yeomen; who being found You are to Convey from Town to Towne from Constable to Constable, untill he be Brought before us or such as may be in Authority There, in Salem and hereof You are not to faile Dated Salem May the 15'th 1692
per us *John Hathorne ] Assist's
To be prosecuted according
to the direction of Constable
John Putnam of Salem Village
who goes with the Same.
(Reverse) I have apprehended John Wilard of Salam Veleg according to the tener of this Warrant and brought him before your Worsheps Dated 18 may 1692
by me *John Putnam Constoble of Salam
Goody wheat
mrs Hall of [Groton]
( Essex County Court Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1, no. 238, Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court, Judicial Archives, Massachusetts State Archives. Boston, MA. )
( Statement by George Herrick and & Benjamin Wilkins v. John Willard & Sarah Buckley )
[May 17, 1692]
To: the Hon'ble John Hathorne and Jonathan Corwin Esq'rs att Boston Humbly Thees Dated Salem Village May 17'th 1692
This day Goeing to Salem village by yo'r order I found all the five persons brought their which wee was in persute of we had no sooner secured them in the watchhouse but Counstable John Puttnam came in with John Willard haveing seized him att Nashaway hee beeing att worke with a howe, hee No sooner arrived, butt the afflicted persons made such an out Crye that I was forced to pinion him I have an accompt from thees whoos names are under written that on the 14'th day of Instant may Daniell Willkins about tenn of the clock in the morning was taken speechless and never spoak untell the 16'th day in the intervale of time wee often Endeavoured to make him take something in A spoone but what hee tooke in which was but little hee spitt it out in our faces w'th that wee sent to the french Doctor but hee sent word againe that it was not A naturall Cause but absolutly witchcraft to his Judgment that same day two of the afflicted persons Came up to vissett to Daniell Willkins the last night beeing the 16'th day Marcy Lewis and Mary Wallkott beeing their both did see the s'd John Willard and Goodwife Buckly upon the s'd Daniell Willkins and said that they would Kill him and in three hours after the s'd Daniell Departed this life in a Most dolful and solome Condition Therefore wee humbley begg of Yo'r Honnors to Dispach A Returne for an Examination to prevent any farther murther in the afflicted Creatours who Continue in a lemetable Condition and so wee Remaine yo'r Hon'rs most humble servants
This breeiffe accompt was taken from Benj willkins by the consent of wee wheos name are
under written and sent by me Ezekiell Cheevers
* Geo: Herrick Marshall
*Joseph Neale Cos'tt
* John Putnam Cos'tt
* Jonathan putnam Constable
* Nathanell Putnam
* John putnam sen
* Jonathan Walcott
* Thomas flint
* Edward Putnam
* John Buxton
*T homas Putnam
Mr. pariss is gon to Salem
(Reverse) Nath'l Putnam & attenacon ag't John Willard
( MS Am 51, Rare Books and Manuscripts, Boston Public Library, Boston, MA. )
(Return of the Coroner's Jury of Inquest into the Death of Daniel Wilkins )
[May 17, 1692]
We whose names are underwritten being warned by Constable John putnam of Salem this 17 of may 1692 to veiw the body of daniell wilknes of Salem village deceased and we find several bruised places upon the back of the said corps and the skin broken and many places of the gratest part of his back seemed to be prickt with an instriment about the bigness of a small awl and own side of his neck and ear seemed to be much bruised to his throat and turning the corps the blood Run out of his nose or mouth or both and his body not swel'd neither did he purge elce whare: and to the best of our judgments we cannot but #[thinks] Apprhend but that he dyed an unnaturall death by sume cruell hands of wicthcraft or diabolicall art as is evident to us both by what we have seen and heard consarning his death.
Salem village this 17th of may 1692
All the abovenamed twelfe men the Jury of Inquest made oath to the truth of there aboves'd Returne Salem
May the 18'th 1692
Before us * John Hathorne
* Jonathan Corwin
per ord'r of the Governor & Councill
Coroners Enquest against Willard. May 17, 1692
( MS Am 50, Rare Books and Manuscripts, Boston Public Library, Boston, MA. )
(Examination of John Willard )
[May 18, 1692]
The Examination of John Willard. .18 May. 1692
All the afflicted in most miserable fits when he came in, except John Indian.
When the Warrant was read, he lookt upon severall & they fell into fits.
Here is a returne of the warrant that you were fled from Authority that is acknowledgment of guilt, but yet notwithstanding this we require you to confesse the truth in this matter.
I shall, as I hope, I shall be assisted by the Lord of Heaven, & for my #[flying away I] going away I was affrighted & I thought by my withdrawing it might be better, I fear not but the Lord in his due time will make me as white as snow.
What do you say? Why do you hurt them, it is you or your appearance?
I know nothing of appearance.
Was this the man?
Severall said yes.
They charge you, it is you or your appearance.
I know nothing of appearance, & the God of Heaven will clear me --
Well they charge you not only with this but with dreadfull murthers, & I doubt not if you be guilty, God will not suffer evidences to be wanting.
Eliz: Hubbard testifyed against him & he lookt upon her, & she fell into a fit.
Mercy Lewis testimony read.
If you desire mercy from God, then confesse & give glory to God.
S'r as for sins I am guilty of if the Minister askt me I am ready to confess.
If you have thus revolted from God you are a dreadfull sinner
Mary Warren cryed out, oh! he bites me
Ann Putnam cryed out much of him
Open your mouth, don't bite your lips
I will stand with my mouth open, or I will keep it shut, I will stand any how, if you will tell me how
An: Putmans testimony read.
Do you hear this evidence read?
Yes I do hear it
Sus: Sheldons testimony read.
What do you say to this murdering and bewitching your relations?
One would think (said he) that no creature except they belong to [torn] their Cradle would be guilty of such things.
You say you would bewitch your Grand-father because you, or your appearance saith he prays that the Kingdom of Satan may be thrown down.
He offered large talk
We do not send for you to preach
Benja. Wilkins gave in evidence of his unnaturall usage to his wife.
You had much need to boast of your affections
There are a great many lyes told, I would desire my wife might be called
Peter Prescot testifyed that he with his own mouth told him of his beating of his wife
He urged Aaron Wey to speak
Aaron Wey thereupon said if I must speak, I will, I can say you have been very cruell to poor creatures.
Let some person go to him
Ann Putman said she would go.
He said let not that person but another come
John Indian #[said] cryed out he cuts me
Susan: Sheldon said there is the black man whispering in his ear, & he should not confesse
What do you say to this
S'r I heard nothing nor see any thing.
Susan: Sheldon tryed to come to him, but fell down immediately.
What is the reason she cannot come near you?
They cannot come near any that are accus'd.
Why do you say so, they could come near Nehemiah Abbot , the children could talk with him
Mary Warren in a great fit carryed to him, & he clasping his hand upon her arm, she was well presently.
They all or most of the afflicted testifyed that the dead those that he had murdered were now about him.
Do you think these are bewitcht.
Yes, I really beleive it.
Well, others they have accused it is found true that they are the guilty persons, why should it be false in you?
Susan: Sheldon & Mary Warren testifyed that now his appearance comes from his body & afflicts them.
How do you think of this, how comes it to pass?
It is not from me, I know nothing of it.
If you can find in your heart to confess it is possible you may obtain mercy & therefore bethink your [torn]
S'r I cannot confess that which I do not know
Well but if these things are true Heaven and Earth will rise up against you.
I am as innocent as the child that is now to be borne.
Can you pray the Lords prayer?
Let us hear you.
He stumbled at the thresh hold & said Maker of heaven & earth
He began again & mist
It is a strange thing, I can say it at another time. I think I am bewitcht as well as they, & laught
Again he mist
Again he mist & cryed well this is a strange thing I cannot say it
Again he tryed & mist
Well it is these wicked ones that do so overcome me
Joshua Rea gave in testimony that last night he said he hoped he should confesse, but had a hard heart, but he hoped he should confesse.
Well say what you will confesse
I am as innocent as the child unborne.
Do you not see God will not suffer you to pray to him? Are not you sensible of it?
Why it is a strange thing?
No it is no strange thing that God will not suffer a Wizard to pray to him. There is also the jury of Inquest that will bear hard against you -- therefore confesse. Have you never wisht harm to your neighbors?
No never #[in my life] since I had a being.
Well confesse & give glory to God, take counsell whilst it is offered
I desire to take good counsell, but if it was the last time I was to speak, I am innocent
This is a true account of the Examination abovesai of John Willard without wrong to any
party according to my original from Characters at the moments thereof
Witness my hand Sam: Parris
John Willards Examination.
(Reverse) John Willards Examination
Exam[ination] ag't Willard
( MS Am 46.2, Dept. of Rare Books and Manuscripts, Boston Public Library, Boston, MA.)
(Examination of John Willard, Second Version )
[May 18, 1692]
The Examination of John Willard .18. May 1692
The afflicted in most miserable fits upon his this Examinants drawing near
After several of them were recovered, he lookt upon them, & they again fell into fits, whilst the warrant & returne was reading.
Here is a returne of the Warrant that you were fled from Authority that is an acknowledgment of guilt, but yet notwithstanding we require you to confess the truth in this matter.
I shall, as I hope, I shall be assisted by the Lord of Heaven, & for my going away I was affrighted, & I thought by my withdrawing it might be better, I fear not but the Lord in his due time will make me as white as snow.
What do you say? Why do you hurt these? It is you, or your appearance.
I know nothing of appearance.
Is this the man?
Several of the afflicted said yes.
They charge you, it is you or your appearance.
I know nothing of appearance, & the God of Heaven will clear me.
They charge you, not only with this, but with dreadfull murders, & I doubt not if you be guilty, God will not want evidence.
Eliz: Hubbard testifyed that he afflicted her, & then he lookt upon her & she fell into a fit.
Mercy Lewes testimony read.
If you desire mercy from God, then you must confesse & give Glory to God.
S'r as to sins I am guilty of, if the minister asks me I am ready to confesse
If you have revolted from God you are a dreadful sinner.
Mary Warren cryed out, oh he bites me
Ann Putnam cryed out much of him
Open your mouth, don't bite your lips.
I will stand with my mouth open, or I will keep it shut: I will stand any how, if you will tell me how.
Ann Putnams evidence read
Do you hear this evidence read?
Yes I do hear it.
Susan: Sheldons testimony read
What do you say to this murdering & Bewitching your relations?
One would think (said he) that no creature except they belong to hell from their Cradle would be guilty of such things.
You say, you will bewitch your Grandfather because he prays that the Kingdom of Sathan may be thrown down
The examinant began a large oration
We do not send for you to Preach.
Ben: Wilkins testifyed for all his natural affections he abused his wife much & broke sticks about her in beating of her
You had need to boast of your good affections
There are a great many lyes told, I could desire my wife might be called
Peter Prescot testifyed that he with his own mouth told him of beating his wife.
It seems very much one of your confidence & ability to speak, should be no more #[in] courageous than to run away: by your running away you tell all that #[world] you are afraid
The examinant called upon Aaron Wey & urged him #[before] to speak if he knew anything against him
Aaron Wey if I must speak I will, I can say you have been very cruel to poor creatures.
Let some persons goe to him
Ann Putnam said she would go.
He said let not that person but another come.
John Indian cryed out Oh! he cuts me.
Susan: Sheldon said there is the black man whispering in his ear, & he should not confess
What do you say to this?
S'r, I heard nothing, nor see nothing.
Susan: Sheldon tryed to come near him but fell down immediately, & he took hold of her hand with a great deal of do, but she continued in her fit crying out, O John Willard , John Willard & #[the ex]
What was the reason you could not come near him?
The black man stood between us.
They cannot come near any that are accused.
Why do you say they could not come near any that were accused:
You know Nehemiah Abbet they could talk with him.
Mary Warren in a great fit carried to him & he clasping his hand upon her arm was well presently.
Why said he was it not before so with Susannah Sheldon?
Because said she the standers by you did not Clasp your hand before.
The like said the Constable and others.
They all or most testifyed that the dead those that he had murdered were now about him.
Do you think these are Bewitcht?
Yes, I verily believe it.
Well others they have accused it is found true on & why should it be false in you?
Sus. Sheldon & Mary Warren testify that now h[torn] appearance come from his body & afflicts them.
What do you think of this? How comes this to pass?
It is not from me. I know nothing of it
You have taxt your self wonderfully, it may be you do not think of it.
How so?
You cryed up your tender affections and here round about they testify your cruelty to man & beast, & by your flight you have given great advantage to the Law, things will bear hard upon you, if you can therefore find in your heart to repent it is possible you may obtain mercy & therefore bethink your self
S'r I cannot confess that I do not know
Well but if these things are true Heaven & Earth will rise up against you.
I am as innocent as the child that is now to be born.
Can you pray the Lords prayer?
Well let us hear you.
1. He stumbled at the threshold (that is the #(beging) beginning) & said Maker of Heaven & Earth.
2. He began #[against] again & mist It is a strange thing, I can say it at another time. I think I am bewitcht as well as they & laught
3. Again he began & said trespass against & mist us.
4. He began again, & cryed being puzled Well this is a strange thing
I cannot say it
He begun again & could not say it Well it is these wicked ones that do so overcome me
Josh: Rea Sen'r gave in testimony that last night he said he hoped he should confess tho he had a hard heart, but, but he hoped he should confess.
Well say w't you will confess.
I am as innocent as the child unborn.
Do not you see God will not suffer you to pray to him, are not you sensible of it?
Why it is a strange thing.
No it is no strange that God will not suffer a wizard to pray to him. There is also the jury of inquest for murder that will bear hard against you. Therefore confess. Have you never wisht harm to your Neighbours?
Never since I had a being.
Well confess & give glory to God. Take counsell.
I desire to hearken to all good counsell. If it was the last time I was to speak I am innocent.
This is a true account of the #(abovesaid) Examination of John Willard without wrong to any party according to my original from Characters at the moments thereof
Witness my hand *Sam: Parris
(Reverse) John Willard's Examination
( MS Am46.1, Dept. of Rare Books and Manuscripts Boston Public Library. Boston, MA.)
(Indictment No. 1 of John Willard, for Afflicting Mercy Lewis )
Anno Regni Regis et Reginae & et
Mariae nunc Angliae &c Quarto:
Essex ss
[+ June 3, 1692]
The Juro' for our Sovereigne Lord and Lady the King & Queen pr'sent That. John Willard of Salem Village in the County of Essex #(afores'd) husb.: -- the Eighteenth Day of May -- in the fourth Year of the Reigne of our Sovereigne Lord and Lady William & Mary by the Grace of God of England Scottland France & Ireland King & Queen Defenders of the faith &c and Divers other Dayes & times as well before as after, certaine detestable arts called Witchcrafts & Sorceries wickedly & feloniously hath used Practised & Exercised at & within the Towne of Salem in the County of Essex afores'd in. upon. and ag't one Mercy Lewis of Salem Village afores'd in the County afores'd singlewoman by which said wicked arts the s'd Mercy Lewis -- the s'd Eighteenth Day of May -- in the fourth Year aboves'd and divers other Dayes & times as well before as after was & is hurt. tortured Afflicted consumed Pined wasted & tormented. ag't the Peace of our Sovereigne Lord & Lady the King & Queen. and ag't the forme of the Statute in that Case made #(for) & Provided
Mercy Lewis
Abigail Williams
Mary Walcott
Susanna Sheldon
Ann puttnam sen'r
Ann puttnam Jun'r Elizabeth Hubbard
[Willim] -- omitted
(Reverse) No. 1. bill Avaro
*John Rucke foreman in the name of the Rest
Jno Willard
( Essex County Court Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1, no. 234, Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court, Judicial Archives, Massachusetts State Archives. Boston, MA. )
(Indictment No. 2 of John Willard , for Afflicting Ann Putnam Jr. )
Anno Regni Regis et Reginae Willim et [] nunc Angliae &c Quarto.
Essex ss.
[+ June 3, 1692]
The Juro's for our Sovereigne Lord & Lady the King pr'sent That: John [Willage] of Salem Village in the County of Essex husb: the Eighteenth day of May in the fourth year of the Reigne of our Sovereigne Lord & Lady, William and Mary by the Grace of God of England, Scottland France and Ireland King & Queen Defenders of the faith &c and Divers other Dayes & times as well before as after. Certaine detestable Arts called Witchcrafts & Sorceries. Wickedly and felloniously hath Ssed and Exercised at and within the Towne of Salem in the County of Essex afores'd in #(and) upon and against one Ann puttnam Jun'r of Salem Village afores'd in the County afores'd Singlewoman by which said Wicked arts the said Ann puttnam Jun'r the s'd Eighteenth Day of May in the fourth year aboves'd and Divers other dayes & times as well before as after was and is hurt tortured afflicted, pined Consumed Wasted & Tormented against the Peace of our said Sovereigne Lord & Lady the King & Queen, and ag't the forme of the Statute in that case made and Provided.
Ann puttnam Jun'r
Abigaile Williams
Mary Walcott.
Susanna Sheldon
Mercy Lewis
Ann puttnam sen'r
Elizabeth Hubbard
(Reverse) No. 2 billa Vera
*John Rucke foreman in the name of the Rest
(Reverse) Jno Willard
( Essex County Court Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1, no. 235, Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court, Judicial Archives, Massachusetts State Archives. Boston, MA. )
(Indictment No. 3 of John Willard, for Afflicting Susanna Sheldon, Returned Ignoramous)
Anno Regni Regis et Regine Willim et Mariae nunc Angliae &c Quarto:
Essex ss
[+ June 3, 1692]
The Jurors for our Sovereigne Lord & Lady the King & Queen pr'sent That John Willard of Salem Village in the County of Essex husb: the Eighteenth Day of May in the fourth year of the Reigne of our Sovereigne Lord & Lady William & Mary by the Grace of God of England Scottland france and Ireland King & Queen Defenders of the faith &c and Divers other Dayes & times as well before as after. certaine detestable arts called Witchcrafts, and Sorceries, wickedly and felloniously, hath used practised at & within the Towne #(of) Ship of Salem in the County of Essex afores'd in & upon and against one Susanna Sheldon of Salem Village afores'd in the County afores'd singlewoman by which said wicked arts the said Susanna Sheldon the s'd Eighteenth Day of May in the fourth year aboves'd and Divers other Dayes & times as well before as after, was and is hurt tortured afflicted pined consumed Wasted & tormented ag't the Peace of our Sovereigne Lord and Lady King & Queen and ag't the forme of the Statute in that case made and Provided
Susanna Sheldon
Abigail Williams
Mary Walcott
Ann puttnam sen'r
Ann puttnam Jun'r
Mercy Lewis
Elizabeth Hubbard
(Reverse) No 3: Ignoramus Jno Willard
( Essex County Court Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1, no. 232, Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court, Judicial Archives, Massachusetts State Archives. Boston, MA. )
(Indictment No. 4 of John Willard, for Afflicting Abigail Williams)
Anno Regni Regis et Reginae Willim et Mariae nunc Angliae et Quarto,
Essex ss
[+ June 3, 1692]
The Jurors for our Sovereigne Lord & Lady the King & Queen pr'sent: That John Willard of Salem Village in the County of Essex husb: -- the Eighteenth Day of #(April) May in the fourth year of the Reigne of our Sovereigne Lord & Lady William & Mary by the Grace of God of England Scottland france and Ireland King & Queen Defender of the faith &c and divers other Days & times, as well before as after certaine detestable arts called Witchcrafts & Sorceries Wickedly and felloniously hath Used practised & Exercised at and within the Towneship of Salem, in the County of Essex afores'd aforesaid in upon and ag't one Abigail Williams of Salem Village in the County afores'd singlewoman by which said wicked arts. the said Abigail Williams the. s'd Eighteenth Day of May in the fourth Year aboves'd and Divers other Dayes, & times. as well before as after, was and is hurt tortured. Afflicted Pined Consumed, wasted and Tormented ag't the Peace of our said Sovereigne Lord & Lady the King & Queen and ag't the forme of the Statute in that Case made and Provided.
Abigail Williams
Mary Walcott
Susanna Sheldon #(Nathan'll puttnam)
Ann puttnam Jun'r
Mercy Lewis
Ann puttnam sen'r
Elizabeth Hubbard
(Reverse) No. 4. bill Avarro *John Rucke foreman in the name of the Rest
(Reverse) Jno Willard
Note: Indictments No. 5 and 6 are missing.
( Essex County Court Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1, no. 236, Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court, Judicial Archives, Massachusetts State Archives. Boston, MA. )
(Indictment No. 7 of John Willard , for Afflicting Elizabeth Hubbard )
Anno Regni Regis et Reginae et Mariae nunc. Angliae &c Quarto
Essex ss
[+ June 3, 1692]
The Juro's for our Sovereigne Lord & Lady the King & Queen pr'sent That John Willard of Salem Village in the County of Essex husb -- the Eighteenth Day of May in the fourth Year of the Reigne of our Sovereigne Lord & Lady William & Mary by the Grace of God of England. Scottland france & Ireland King & Queen Defend'rs of the faith &c and Divers other Dayes & times as well before as after certaine Detestable Arts called Witchcraft and Sorceries wickedly & felloniously hath used Practised & Exercised at & within the Towneship of Salem in the County of Essex afores'd in upon, and ag't one Elizabeth Hubbard of Salem Village afores'd in the County afores'd singlewoman by which said wicked arts the said Elizabeth Hubbard the s'd Eighteenth Day of May in the fourth year aboves'd and divers other Dayes & times as well before as after. was & is hurt: tortured: Afflicted consumed Pined. wasted & tormented ag't the Peace of our said Sovereigne Lord & Lady the King & Queen and ag't the forme of the Statute in that Case made & Provided
Elizabeth Hubbard
Mary Walcott.
Abigail Williams
Susanna Sheldon.
Ann puttnam sen'r
Ann puttnam Jun'r
Mercy Lewis.
(Reverse) No 7. bill Avera
*John Rucke foreman in the name of the Rest
(Reverse) Jno Willard
( Essex County Court Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1, no. 235, Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court, Judicial Archives, Massachusetts State Archives. Boston, MA. )
(Summons for Witnesses v. John Willard, and Officer's Return )
[June 1, 1692]
William & Mary by the Grace of God of England &c King &c. To Abigall Williams Mary Walcott Susanna Shelden Nathanill Putnam Ann Putnam Mercy Lewis Greeting: Wee comand you all Excuses laid aside to be & personaly appear befor Our Justices of Court of Oyer & Terminer Held at Salem for the County of Essex on Thursday the second of this Instant June at Nine of the Clock in Morning there to Testifie the Truth of your knowledge upon certain Endictments to be Exhibited at Our said Court ag't John Willard of Salem Villiage hereof you are not to fail 1'st June 1692. & in the fourth year of Our Reigne:
*Stephen Sewall , Cle.
& Benj: Wilkins.
To the Constable of Salem
(Reverse): Subpoena ag't Willard
I have warned the parsons within Named
Per me *Jonathan putnam Constable in Salem Wittnesses ag't Jno Willard
( County Court Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1, no. 237, Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court, Judicial Archives, Massachusetts State Archives. Boston, MA. )
(Summons for Witnesses v. John Willard and Martha Carrier, and Officer's Return, Copy )
[June 28, 1692]
William & Mary By the Grace of god of England Scotland france & Ireland King defenders of the faith &c
To John Rogers Allen Toothaker Ralph farnum #(Sen'r) Jun'r John farnum Son of Ralph farnu Sen'r Benjamin Abbott & His Wife Andrew foster . Mark Graves & his wife and Daughter Sarah Whight Phebe Chandler daughter of Will Chandler .
Wee Command you & Every of you to appear at the pr'sent Court of Oyer & Terminer holden Att Salem w'th out delay There to Testifie the truth of the Best of yo'r Knowledge on Certain Indictments Then & There to be #[indicted] Exhibited Against John Willard & Martha Carrier Hereof Make return fail not
Dated in Salem June 28'th 1692 And in the 4'th year of #[the reigne] our Reign
Stephen Sewall Cleric
To the Constables of Andov'r & Bilrica
#(This is a Trew Coppey Compared w'th) vera Coppia Comporata &c.)
#(w'e) This is A trew Coppey Compared with the
Origionall &c.
June 29'th 1692
(Reverse) In obedienc to this write I have sumanc those parsons hose names are hearein written/
This 29 day of june: 1692
By mee John Ballard constable of andover
Subpena Carr'r & Willard June 29'th 1692
( Witchcraft Papers, no. 16a, Massachusetts Historical Society, Boston, MA. )
(Witnesses v. John Willard )
[++ June 3, 1692]
Evidences ag't John Willard.
Exaamination vide.
Nath'll putnam &c upon murder
Coron'rs Enquest
that Willard diswaded from confession
(Reverse) Evidences ag't John Willard
( Essex County Court Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1, no. 239 )
( Testimony of Susannah Sheldon v. John Willard )
[+ May 18, 1692]
the 9'th of may 1692 this this Is the first to bee Read
the testimony of Susanah Shelton Aged 18'ten yers or there About testifieth And saith the day of the date hereof I sawe At natt Ingersons house the Apparitions of thes 4 persons William shaws first wife the widdow Cooke gooman Jons And his Child And Among these Came the Apparition of John Willard to whome these 4 said you have murdered us these 4 haveing said thus to willard thay turned As Red As blood And turning About to look on mee they turned As pale As deth these 4 desiered mee to tell Mr. hathornJ willard hering them pulled out A knif saying If I did hee would Cut my throote
( Essex County Court Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1. no. 243, Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court, Judicial Archives, Massachusetts State Archives. Boston, MA. )
( Statement of Susannah Sheldon v. Elizabeth Colson and John Willard )
[+ May 18, 1692]
the second to be Read
The sam day ther Apeared to mee eleasabath Coolson and shee took a book and would have mee to set my hand to it and I would not and then shee Profered mee a blak Peas of monny and seaid I might touch that and I shall be well -- may the 10 on tusday ther a Peared to mee the sam appearations and another with them In the liknes of a man and they seaid I should Gooe and tell mr hathorn of it then the seaid willard seaid he would break my head and stop my leegs that I should not gooe there did Appeared to Mee a shineing Man whoe tolde I should goe And tell w't I had heard And seen to Mr hathorn this willard being there present tould Mee If I did hee would Cutt my throate At this same time and place this shining man told Mee that If I did goe to tell this to Mr Hathorn that I should bee well goeing And Coming but I should bee Afflicted there then said I to the shining man hunt willard Away And I would beleve what he said that he might not chock mee with that the shining man held up his hand And willard vanished Away about two hours after the sam aPeared to mee againe and the seaid willard with them and I asked them wher ther wonds were and they seaid ther would Com a angell from heaven and would showe them and forth with the angell come I asked what the mans name was that A Peared to mee last and the angell tould his name was Southerek and the angell lifted up his winding sheet and out of his left sid hee Poolled out a Pitchfork tiang and Pot it in again and lik wise hee opened all ther winding Sheets and Showed all ther wound and the whit man tould mee to tell Mr Hathoren of It and I tould him to hunt willard away and I would and he held up his hand and he vanished away
The second to be Read
the Evening of the same day Came to mee the Appariton of these three John Willard Elizabeth Colson And one old man which I knew not whom tempted her with their Boocks and money And Afflicted her sorely All the fore parte of the night I saw this willard suckle the Apparition of two black piggs on his breasts And this Colson suckled As it Appeared A yellow bird this old man Which I knew not Suckled A black snake then willard tempted mee Again with his Boocke I said to Willard how long have you binn A wizard hee told mee twenty years and forth with they kneelled to Prayer to the Black man with a loung Crouned hat which then was with them and then they vanished away -- may the -11- being on wensday -- 1692
as I was Coming to the bound by the brige I saw the seaid willard and the olld man coming overe the waters they landed by Gorge hakers In a dish and at the Preasant writige thes three apeared with a booke tempting mee after the sam maner
Susanah Shelton. did this 3. dy of June onid this har testimony before us the Jurrors of Inquest to be the truth
(Reverse) Susanah Shelton. ag't Jn Willard
( Essex County Court Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1, no. 244, Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court, Judicial Archives, Massachusetts State Archives. Boston, MA. )
(Testimony of Susannah Sheldon v. John Willard , Elizabeth Colson , George Jacobs, Jr. , Rebecca Jacobs , John Proctor , and Elizabeth Proctor)
[May 17, 1692]
May 17'th #(of) In the yeare 92
the Complainte of Sewzanah Shellten saith that Elizabeth Colson Remaynes in Afflicting of the said Shellten night & day. And Allso mrs white also John willard Remaines in Afflicting of hur both day and night also mr Inglish. and his wife Remaines afflicting of hure both night and day #(J) Googe Jacobs and his wife afflicting of hur the last lords day and tempting the said Shellten to sete her hand to the booke thay both appearing yesterday againe And would. have hur sete hur #(to sete) hand to the booke the said Shelten said she would not then she she said she would stabb hur then sudenly she Reseaved A sore wound on hur lifte side then: Ellizebeth Colson stabbing of hur one the back Right against the other woundes soe that she spente blood then goody prockter Appearing to her and Afflicting of hur and tempting hur to sete hur hand to the booke And last night goody prockter Appearing againe and would have hur sete hur hand to the booke and towld hur that she hade sete hur hand to the booke a grete while agooe.
moreou'e one the 1(7)th day about written 92 Susanna Shelten saith that wife buckle did Aflicke me & her dat(e)r Mary & Misteres hart
(Reverse) also s'd Shelden has severall times seen Jno procter and his wife afflic Mary Warin: -- senc thay. s'd procker: & his wife were in prison
Susannah Shelden ag't Jno Willard Eliz Coleson Geo. Jacob & wife and Eliz. procter ag't G Buckly & daufter & G Hart
( Essex County Court Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1, nos. 202 & 241, Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court, Judicial Archives, Massachusetts State Archives. Boston, MA. )
( Testimony of Ann Putnam, Sr v. John Willard , William Hobbs , and Martha Corey)
[June 2, 1692]
Hanah Putnam aged 30 years
Saith that the shape of Sam'll Fuller & Lidia Wilkins this day told me at my Owne house by the bed side. that #(fi) #(that) who appeared in winding sheets that if I did not Goe & tell mr Hathorne that John Willard had Murdered them. they would tare Me #her) to peices I knew them when they were living & it was Exactly thier resemblance & Shape & at the Same Time the apparicon of John Willard told me that he had killd Sam'll Fuller Lidia Wilkins Goody Shaw & Fullers Second wife & Aron Ways Child & Ben: fullers Child & this deponents Child. Sarah 6 weeks old & Phillips Knights Child w'th the help of Wm #Knig) Hobbs. & Jonathan Knights Child & 2 of Ezek: Cheevers Children with the help of Wm Hobbs. Anna Elliott & Isack Nicholls w'th help of Wm Hobbs :
& that if mr Hathorne would not beleive them (ie) Sam. Fuller & Lida Wilkins shaps they would appear to the Majistrates
The Same day
Joseph Fullers apparicon also came to me & told me that Goody Corey had Killd him the Spector afors'd told me that vengeance vengeance was Cried by s'd fuller
Sworne in Court June 2'd 1692
This Relacon is true
Ann aaa Putnam
(Reverse) Ann Putnams Relacon Sworne
( Essex County Court Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1, no. 240, Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court, Judicial Archives, Massachusetts State Archives. Boston, MA. )
(Deposition of Samuel Parris, Nathaniel Ingersoll , and Thomas Putnam v. John Willard )
[+ May 18, 1692]
The deposition of Samuel Parris aged about .39. years, & Nathanell Ingersoll aged about fifty & eight yeares & also Thomas Putnam aged about fourty yeares all of Salem testifyeth & saith that Eliz: Hubbard, Mary Warren & Ann Putnam & John Indian were exceedingly tortured at the Examination of John Willard of Salem Husbandman, before the honoured Magistrates the .18. May .1692 . & also that upon his looking upon Eliz: Hubbard She was knockt down, & also that some of the afflicted & particularly Susannah Sheldon then & there testifyed that they saw a black man whispering him in the ear, & that said Sheldon could not come near to said Willard but was knockt down, & also that Mary Warren in a fit being carried to him the said Willard she said Warren was presently well upon his grasping her arm, & farther that severall of the afflicted also then testifyed, that divers of those he had murthered then rose up against him, & farther that he could by no means rightly repeat the Lords Prayer tho he made manifold assayes.
Mr Samuel parris and Nathaniel Ingerson and: thomas putnam did uppon the oath which they had taken did before us the Juris of inquest owne this their testimony: this .3. dy of June: 92.
Sworn in Court by Mr. Parris & Tho: Putnam
(Reverse) The depo'tion of
Sam: Parris &c ags't
John Willard
( Essex County Court Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1, no. 242, Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court, Judicial Archives, Massachusetts State Archives. Boston, MA. )
( Testimony of Sarah Bibber v. John Willard )
[June 3, 1692]
june the .3. 1692:
Sarah vibber aged 36 years or thear abouts testifie and saith the day befor Jno Welard was exammnend at the villeg I being in lef't Ingorsols Chambor I saw the aporishtion of john willard com to mary walcot & marcy luis & hurt them grivosly & almost choked Them Then I tould of it & emediatly the said wiliard fel upon me & tormented me grevesly & pinched me & threw me down
sarah vibber: ownid this har testimony before us the Jurriars for
Inquest: this. .3. of June: 1692
Jurat in Curia.
(Reverse)Sarah Vibber
( Essex County Court Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1, no. 245. Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court, Judicial Archives, Massachusetts State Archives. Boston, MA. )
( Deposition of Elizabeth Hubbard v. John Willard )
[+ May 18, 1692]
The deposistion of Elizabeth Hubburd agged about 17 years who testifieth and saith that on the 11 may 1692 I saw the Apperishtion of John willard of Salem villege who did Immediatly torment me and urged me to writ in his book: but on the 18th of may being the day of his Examination John willard did most greviously tortor me dureing the time of his Examination for if he did but look upon me he would Immediatly strick me down or almost choak me: and also dureing the time of his Examination I saw the Apperishtion of John willard goe from him and afflect the bodys of mary walcott mircy lewes Abigaill williams and Ann putnam Jun'r
elizabeth hubburt: did one this testimony aftar the Reding of it before us the Jurris for Inquest this. .3. dy of June: 92
(Reverse) Elizabeth Hubbard ag't John Willard
( Essex County Court Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1, no. 246, Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court, Judicial Archives, Massachusetts State Archives. Boston, MA. )
( Deposition of Elizabeth Booth & Testimony of Susannah Shelden v. John Willard )
[? August 4, 1692]
The Deposistion of Eliz: Booth agged about. 18 years who testifieth and saith that severall times sence the later end of June 1692 I have ben most greviously afflected and tormented by John willard or his Apperanc by pinching pricking and almost choaking me to death: also I have often seen John willard or his apperanc most greviously tormenting and afflecting my Brother George Booth almost Redy to kill him:Susannah Shelden also Testfieth that within this fortnight she hath seen John willard or his Apparancs most greviously torment and afflect George Booth almost Redy to prese him to death.
( Essex County Court Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1, no. 247, Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court, Judicial Archives, Massachusetts State Archives. Boston, MA. )
( Deposition of Lydia Nichols and Margaret Knight v. John Willard )
[? August 4, 1692]
The deposition of Lydia Nicols aged. 46 yeares and of Margaret knight. Aged. 20. years #(and of Margaret) who testefy and say.
That the wife of John Willard being at her fathers house. when the sayd Willard lived at Groaton. she made a lamentable complaynt. how cruelly her husband had beaten her: she thought her selfe that she should never recover of the blows he had given her: the next morninge he was got into a litle hole under the stayers and then she thought some thinge extraordinary had befallne him. then: he ran out at the doore: and ran up. A steep hill. almost impossible for any man to run up: as she sayd: then she tooke her mare and rid away. fearing some evil had ben intended agaynst her. and when she came to the house of Henery or Benjamin Willard. she told how it was with her and the sayd Henery Willard. or both went to looke after him and met him comeinge in a strange destracted frame
(Reverse) Lidia Nichols
( Essex County Court Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1, no. 248, Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court, Judicial Archives, Massachusetts State Archives. Boston, MA. )
( Deposition of Samuel Wilkins v. John Willard )
[+ August 5, 1692]
The Deposistion of Samuell wilknes aged about 19 years who testifieth and saith that sence Jno: willard has ben in prizson I have been afflected in a strange kind of maner for about the later end of June or begining of July as I was a weaveing the yarn broak exceeding fast: and as. I was a tying a thread I had a stroak on my hand like a knife the blood being almost Redy to com out and I was also pinched several times by an unseen hand: also Riding to marblehead Just as I came to forrist River Bridge I was immediatly seazed with a violent wait on my back and I saw a black hate: and was Immediatly pulled ofe my horse or mare and almost pulled into the Rivere: but: holding fast at last I gott up againe: awhile affter as I was once in the woods and a goeing hom & a little boy with me: I thought I must run: and I said: to the boy let us Run: and as soon as I Ran there was a black hate Run a long by me: a while affter one morning about an hour by sun I was afflected and I saw John willard or his Apperance with a darke collored coot and a black hate very like that hate which I formmorly saw: a litle while after this one night as soon as I was abed John willard whom I very well knew or his Appearanc came in to the Room where I was a bed: and another man and woman along with him which I did not know and they tould me they would cary me away before morning.
Jurat in Curia
(Reverse) Sam Wilkins
( Essex County Court Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1, no. 249, Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court, Judicial Archives, Massachusetts State Archives. Boston, MA. )
( Deposition of Thomas Bailey v. John Willard )
[+ August 4, 1692]
The deposition of Thomas Baly aged 36 yeares who testefieth and sayth
That I being at Groaton. some short tyme after John Willard. as the report went had beaten his wife I went to cal him home. and comeinge home with him in the night I heard such a hideous noyse of strang creatures I was much affrighed for I never had heard the like noyse I fearinge they might be some evil spirits I enquired of the sayd Willard what might it be that made such a hideous noyse the sayd Willard sayd they were Locust: the next days as I suppose the sayd Williards #(bringing his wife) wife with a younge childe and her mather being upon my mare. ridinge. betweene Groaton Mil and Chensford. they. being willing to goe on foote a litle desired me to ride: then I taking my mare being willing to let her feed a litle: there as I remember I aprehend I heard the same noyse agayne where at my mare started and got from me.
Jurat in Curia.
(Reverse) Tho. Bayley ag't Willard
( Essex County Court Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1, no. 250, Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court, Judicial Archives, Massachusetts State Archives. Boston, MA. )
( Testimony of Elizabeth Bailey v. John Willard )
[+ August 4, 1692]
The Testimonie of Elizabth Bayly aged twenty seaven years or there aboutes testifyeth and saith that John Willard lookeing his oxen mett w'th this deponant and told her that all the way from Francis Eliotts hous to his owne home hee #(ver) veryly thought that the Divell Came before him or behind him all the way which dreadfully frighted him the s'd Deponant asked him why he thought so he answered hee could not tell and Emediately fell a singing
The marke of X
Elizabeth Bayly
Jurat in Curia
(Reverse) El Bayley
( Essex County Court Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1, no. 251, Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court, Judicial Archives, Massachusetts State Archives. Boston, MA. )
( Testimony of Rebecca Wilkins v. John Willard )
[+ August 4, 1692]
The testomony of Rebeckah wilkins aged ninteen years Doe testifie that 29'th July at night shee se John wilard seting in the Corner and hee said that hee wold afflick me that night and forthwith hee ded afflick me: and the nax day I ded se him afflick me soer by Choaking & Polling me ear into Peases the nex day being the Lords day I being Going to meting I se John wilard and hee afflickted me very soer
Jurat in Curia
(Reverse) Rebecka Wilkins
Rebecka Wilkins vs. Willard
( Essex County Court Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1, no. 252, Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court, Judicial Archives, Massachusetts State Archives. Boston, MA. )
( Deposition of Thomas Putnam and Edward Putnam v. John Willard )
[+ May 18, 1692]
The deposistion of Thomas putnam agged 40. years and Edward putnam agged 38 years who testifie and say that we haveing been conversant with severall of the afflected parsons as namly mary walcott mercy lewes Elizabeth Hubbrut Abigail williams and ann putnam jun'r: and we have seen them most greviously tormented by pinching and pricking and being all most choaked to death most greviously complaining of John willard for hurting them: but on the 18'th day of may 1692: being #(be) the day of his examination the afforesaid afflected parsons ware most greviously tormented dureing the time of his examination for if he did but cast his eies upon them they ware strocken down or all most choak: also severall times sence we have seen the afforesaid afflected parsons most greviously tormented as if their bones would have been disjoyned greviously complaining of John willard for hurting them: and we veryly beleve that John willard the prizsoner at the barr has severall times tormented and afflected the afforesaid parsons with acts of wicthcraft
*Thomas putnam
*Edward putnam.
Jurat in Curia.
(Reverse) Thomas & Edward Putnam their Evidence
( Essex County Court Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1, no. 253, Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court, Judicial Archives, Massachusetts State Archives. Boston, MA. )
( Deposition of Henry Wilkins, Sr. v. John Willard )
[++ August 4, 1692]
The Deposition of Henery Wilkins Sen aged 41 yeares
who testifieth and sayth. that upon the third of may last John Willard came to my house: and very earnestly entreated me to go with him to Boston w'ch I at lenght consented to go with him, my Son Daniel comeinge and understanding I was goinge with him to Boston. and seemed to be much troubled that I would go with the sayd Willard: and. he sayd he thought it were wel If the sayd Willard were hanged: w'ch made me admire for I never heard. such an expression. come from him. to any. one Livinge. beeinge since he came to yeares of discretion but. After. I was gone. in a few days. he was taken. sicke: and. grew every day worse & worse where upon we made aplication to a phisitian who. affirmed. his sicknes. was by some preternatural cause. & would make no application of any phisicke some tymes after this our neighbours comeing to visit my son. mercy Lewis came w'th them and affirmed that she saw the apperition of John Willard afflicting him. quickly after came An Putnam. and she saw the same apperition and then my eldest daughter was taken in a sad manner. & the sayd An: saw the sayd Willard aflecting her. at Another tyme mercy lewes. and mary Walcut came to visit him and they. saw. the same apparition of Willard aflicting him. and this was but a litle tyme before his death.
Sworne in Court.
(Reverse) Henry Wilkins ag't Willard
( Essex County Court Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1, no. 254, Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court, Judicial Archives, Massachusetts State Archives. Boston, MA. )
( Testimony of Benjamin Wilkins and Thomas Flint v. John Willard )
[++ July 1, 1692]
The Testimony of benjamin wilkins #(and Thom) aged about .3[lost] and Thomas Flint aged about: 46: years Testifieth [lost] one the .16. day of may last: 1692: we being at The house henry wilkins where we saw his son danell wilkins [torn] [as] we judged at the point of death & marcy luis & mary [wolcot] being with us Tould us That john willord & goody bucly [were] upon his Throat & upone his brest and presed him & to aur bes judgment he was presed and choked [from the] time we saw him almost to death & the said benjamin wilkins continued with him til [torn] was about .3 howrs aftor & he altered not in the mannor [torn] Condisthtion only grew wors & wors till he died
Jurat in Curia
by Ben: Wilkins
(Reverse) Ben Wilkins Tho. Flintt
( Essex County Court Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1, no. 255, Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court, Judicial Archives, Massachusetts State Archives. Boston, MA. )
( Deposition of Bray Wilkins v. John Willard )
[++ August 4, 1692]
The Deposition of Bray Wilkins of Salem Village aged about eighty & one years with reference to John Willard of s'd Salem, lately charged with Witchcraft, when he was at first complained of by the afflicted persons for afflicting of them he came to my house greatly troubled, desiring me with some other Neighbours to pray for him: I told him I was then going from home, & could not stay, but if I could come home before night I should not be unwilling, but it was near night before I came home & so I did not answere his desire, but I heard no more of him upon that account. Whither my not answering his desire did not offend him, I cannot tell, but I was jealous afterwards that it did. A little after my wife & I went to Boston at the last Election, when I was as well in health as in many yeares before, & the Election day coming to my brother Lf't Richard Way's house, at noon there were many friends to dine there, they were sat down at the Table, Mr Lawson & his wife & severall more, John Willard came into the house with my sone Henry Wilkins before I sat down, & s'd Willard to my apprehension lookt after such a sort upon me as I never before discerned in any, I did but step into the next room, & I was presently taken in a strange condition, so that I could not dine, nor eat any thing, I cannot express the misery I was in for my water was sodainly stopt, & I had no benefit of nature, but was like a man on a #(wrack) Rack, & I told my wife immediately that I was afraid that Willard had done me wrong, my pain continuing & finding no relief my jealousie continued: Mr Lawson, & others there, were all amazed, & knew not what to do for me: There was a Woman accounted skilfull came hoping to help me, & after she had used means, she askt me whither none of those evil persons had done me damage. I said, I could not say they had, but I was sore afraid they had, she answered she did fear so too, as near as I remember. I lay in this case .3. or. .4. dayes at Boston, & afterwards with the jeopardy of my life (as I thought) I came home, & then some of my friends coming to #(se) see me (& at this time John Willard was run away) One of the afflicted persons Mercy Lewes came in with them, & they askt whither she saw any thing: She said yes, they are looking for John Willard but there he is upon his Grandfathers Belly (& at that time I was in greivius #(parts) pain in the small of my Belly) #(I sent my) I continued so in greivous pain & my water much stopt till s'd Willard was in chains, & then as near as I can guess I had considerable ease, but on the other hand in the room of a stoppage, I was vexed with a flowing of water, so that it was hard to keep my self dry. On the .5. July last talking with some friends about John Willard some pleading his innocency & my self & some others arguing the contrary, within about 1/4 of an hour after that I had said it was not I, nor my son Benj'n Wilkins , but the testimony of the afflicted persons, & the jury concerning the Murder of my Grandson Dan: Wilkins that would take away his life if any thing did, & within about 1/4 hour after this was taken in the sorest distress & misery my water being turned into real blood, or of a bloody colour & the old pain returned excessively as before which continued for about 24. houres together
(Reverse) Bray Wilkins Testimony
ags't John Willard
( Essex County Court Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1, no. 258, Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court, Judicial Archives, Massachusetts State Archives. Boston, MA. )
( Deposition of Philip Knight and Thomas Nichols v. John Willard )
[? August 4, 1692]
The deposition of Philip knight aged 46 yeares and of Thomas Nicols 22 yeares who do testefy and say
That sometymes in April last there was discourse at the house of the sayd Philip Knight. about several of the village that were taken up upon suspition of witchcraft. John #(Willard) willard being present then replyed: hang them. they ar all witches
(Reverse) Philip Knight
( Essex County Archives Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1, no. 256, Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court, Judicial Archives, Massachusetts State Archives. Boston, MA. )
( Testimony of Benjamin Wilkins & John putnam v. John Willard and Sarah Buckley )
[++ May 18, 1692]
The Testimony of benjamin wilkns aged about. 36: years saith That about the 12: of may last marcy lues being at my fathers hous tould us that she saw john wilard and goody bucly upon my father wilkins presing his belly and my father complained of extreme paine in his bely at the same time: then John putnam struck at the aperistions then marcy luis fel down & my father had ease emediatly:
John putnam testifieth to the same above written
(Reverse) Benj. Wilkins Contra Willard
( Essex County Court Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1, no. 257, Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court, Judicial Archives, Massachusetts State Archives. Boston, MA. )
( Deposition of Mercy Lewis v. John Willard )
[+ May 18, 1692]
The Deposistion of Mircy Lewes who testifieth and saith that I have often seen the Apperishtion of John Willard amongst the wicthes with in this three weeks: but he did not doe me much hurt tell the 11'th of may 1692 and then he fell upon me most dreadfully and did most greviously afflect me allmost redy to kill me urgeing me most vehemently to writ in his book: and so he hath continewed ever sence att times tortoring me most dreadfully beating and pinching me and allmost Ready to choak me threating to kill if I would not writ in his book: also I being caried to wi[lls] hill on the 14'th of may att evening to see the afflected parsons there I saw there the Apperishtion of John willard greviously afflecting his grandffather wilknes: and I also saw the apperishtion of John willard there greviously afflecting the body of Daniell wilknes who laid speachles and in a sad condition and John willard tould me he would kill Daniell wilknes with in Two days if he could: also I was at Henry wilknes the 16 may a little before night and their I saw the apperishtion of John willard a choaking Daniell wilknes also on the 18'th may being #[ing] the day of his examination I was most greviously tortored by him dureing the time of his examination for if he did but look upon me he struck me down or almost choaked me to death and severall times sence the Apperishtion of John willard has most greviously afflected me by beating pinching and allmost choaking me to death: also dureing the time of his examination I saw the Apperishtion of John willard goe from him and afflect the bodyes of Mary Wolcott Abigail williams Elizabeth Hubburd and Ann putnam Jun'r
(Reverse) Mercy Lewis ag't John Willard
( Essex County Court Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1, no. 259, Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court, Judicial Archives, Massachusetts State Archives. Boston, MA. )
( Deposition of Benjamin Wilkins , John Wilkins , & Nathaniel Richardson v. John Willard )
[++ June 4, 1692]
The deposition of benjamin Wilkins aged 36 years and John Wilkins aged 26 years these deponents testifieth and say that Lidia Wilkins wiffe of John Wilkins was well delivered with child. and was well the next day after but the 2 day after shee was deleivered shee was taken with a violent feaver and flux as we supposed had in a litle time the flux abated but the feaver continued till she died which was about four dayes
(Reverse) Nath. Richison tells of a Nashway man that speakes of a profound sleep that Willard was in
( Essex County Court Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 2, no. 127, Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court, Judicial Archives, Massachusetts State Archives. Boston, MA. )
( Deposition of Ann Putnam, Jr. v. John Willard )
[+ May 18, 1692]
The Deposistion of Ann Putnam who testifieth and saith that on the 23 of April 1692 att evening I saw the Aperishtion of John Williard and I was very sorry to se him so: that one that had helpt to tend me was com to afflect me: and I bid him lett me alone and I would not complaine of him: but on the 24 of Appril being Saboth day he did soe greviously afflect me that he forced me to crie out against him before all them that were with me: and he being tould of it as he tould me on the 25'th of Apr. he came personally to my fathers house to talk with me and I tould him to his face it was so that he did hurt mee: But he denyed it most dreadfully: but I also tould him that if he would leave ofe and hurt me no more that I would not complain of him: and for 3 or 4 days he did hurt me but very little but then againe he did sett upon me most dreadfully and beat me and pinched and almost choaked me to death; threatening to kill me if I would not writ in his book: for he tould me he had whiped my little sister sarah to death and he would whip me to death if I would not writ in his book but I tould him I would not writ in his book tho he did kill me: affter this I saw the apperishtion of my little sister Sarah who died when she was about six weeks old crieing out for vengance against John Willard I also saw the Apperishtion of a woman in in a winding sheat which tould me she was John Wilknes first wife and that John Willard had a hand in her death: also I being caried to Wills hill on the 15th of May att evening. to see the afflected parsons there I saw there the Apperishtion of John Willard afflecting of his grandfather Wilknes and Daniel Wilknes and Rebecka Willknes: & he also tould me that he would kill daniel wilknes if he could but he had not power enufe yet to kill him: but he would goe to Mr Burroughs and git power to kill daniel wilknes: and also on the 18'th may being the day of his examination I was most greviously Afflected by him dureing the time of his examination for if he did but look upon me he would Immediately strick me down or almost choak me to Death and also att the time of his examination I saw the Apperishtion of John Willard goe from him and afflect the bodyes of Mary Walcott Mircy lewes Abigail williams and Elizabeth Hubburd
Ann putnam Jun: one har oath which she had taken did after the Reding of this to har did owne it to be the truth: before use the Jurris of Inqwest this 3 day of June: 1692.
Jurat in Curia
( MS Am 47, Dept. of Rare Books and Manuscripts, Boston Public Library, Boston, MA )
( Deposition of Mary Walcott v. John Willard )
[+ May 18, 1692]
The Deposishion of mary walcott agged above 17 years who testifieth & saith that on the 15'th of may 1692 I saw the apperishtion of John willard who did Immediately affect me most greviously and urged me greviously to write in his book and so he hath contineued eversence greviously torturing by times and threating to kill me if I would not write in his book and he also tould me that he had bewitched his grandfather wilknes: and I being caried up to wills hill on the: 16'th of may a litle before night I saw their the Apperishtion of John #[Wilknes] Willard a choaking Daniell wilknes also on the 18'th may being the day of his examination I was most greviously tortored by him dureing the time of his examination for if he did but look personally upon me he would Immediately strick me down or allmost choak me to death: also severall times during the time of his examination I saw the Apperishtion of John #[Wilk] Willard go from him and afflect the bodyes of mircy lewes Abigail williams Elizabeth Hubburd. and ann putnam Junr
Marry Wallcot: upone the Reading of this har testimony to har. did on the oath shi hath takin: owne it to be the truth before us the Juriars for Inquest: this 3'd of June. '92
Jurat in Curia
(On Reverse) Mary Walcott ag't John Willard
(MS Am 29 Dept. of Rare Books and Manuscripts, Boston Public Library, Boston, MA. )
( Testimony of Abigail Williams v. John Willard )
[+ May 18, 1692]
The Testimony of Abigail Williams witnesseth & saith that sundry times she hath seen & been almost killed by the Appartion of John Willard of Salem Village Husbandman on & before the 18. May. 1692 .
Abegall Williams did deliver this testimony to us the Jurriars for Inqwist this 3'd of June: 1692. and did afarme to the truth of it
(Reverse) Abig. Williams ags't John Willard
(MS Am 1147.3 Dept. of Rare Books and Manuscripts, Boston Public Library, Boston, MA. )