SWP No. 089: Mercy Lewis
SWP No. 89.1
( Testimony of William Bradford , Rachel Bradford , and William Rayment, Jr. Regarding Mercy Lewis )
[++ July 29, 1692]
(TORN) william Bradford & Rachell his wife
(TORN) that a bout two years and half since Mercy
(TORN) licted persons did Live with us about
(TORN) quartes of ayear: & we did then Judg that
(TORN) matter of consienc of speaking the truth
(TORN) and untruth she would stand stifly to
(TORN) William Rayment Junior testifieth
(TORN) the above s'd Marcy Leuis I Knew her when
(TORN) of my neighbours and I all wayes took her to
(TORN) as the above writen evidences hath decribed
( Witchcraft Papers, no. 29a, Massachusetts Historical Society, Boston, MA. )