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SWP No. 052: Abigail Faulkner, Sr.

[August 11, 1692 ]

SWP No. 52.1

Figure ecca2040r

Figure ecca2040v

(Examinations of Abigail Faulkner, Sr. )

[August 11, 1692 ]

Abig'l Folkner examined August. 11: 1692 .
Mr Hauthorn; Mr Corwin: & Cap: Higginson pressent

when she was brought into the room: the afflicted persons fell down Mr Ha: You are:heare: aprehended:for:witchcraft: but Answ'd: I know nothing of it with: the cast of her eye: mary:walcot: & the rest afflicted: mary waren and others fell down: it was s'd to her do you not see: she s'd yes but it is the devill dos it in my shape: mary Walcot s'd she had seen her 2 monthes a good while agoe but was not hurt by her till last night: An Putnam sayd she had seen s'd falkn'r but was not hurt by her till last night & then she pulld me off my hors: mary warin s'd she had seen her in company with other witches: but was not hurt by her till lately

Mary Warin & others of the afflicted: were struck down into: fitts & Helped up out of their fitts by a touch of Abig'l folkn'rs hand: she was urged to confes the truth:for the creddit of hir Town: her Couz Eliz Jonson urged her: with that: but: she refused to do it saying god would not: require her to confess that: that she was not gilty of Phelpses daughter complayned her afflicting her: but: she denyed: that she had any thing to doe with witchcraft she s'd falkn'r had a cloth in her hand: that when she squeezed in her hand the afflicted; fell into greevous fits: as was observed: the afflicted sayd Dan'll Eames & Capt floyd was upon that cloth when it was upon the table

She sayd she was sorry they were afflicted: but she was told & it was observd she did not shed a tear: mary waren was pulld und'r the table & was helpd out of her fitt by a touch of s'd faulkn'r she s'd she had looked on some of these afflicted: when they came to Andov'r & hurt them not: but she was told it was before she had began to afflict them: she was told that it was reported she used to Conjure with a seiv: but she s'd it was not so that story:was cleared up: &

August 30, 1692 Abig'l Fokner: before: their Majestt's Justices at first denyed witchcraft as she had done before: but afterward: she owned: that: she was Angry at what folk s:d when her Couz Eliz. Jonson was taken up: & folk laught & s'd her sister Jonson would come out next: & she did look with an evil eye on the afflicted persons & did consent that they should be afflicted: becaus they were the caus of bringing her kindred out: and she did wish them ill & her spirit being raised she did:pinch her hands together: & she knew not but that the devil might take that advantage but it was the devil not she that afflicted them: this she s'd she did at Capt Chandlers garison: the Night after: Eliz Jonson had bin examined before Capt Bradstreet in the day

This is the substance of what s'd Abig'l folkners examination
was: taken out of my Charackters: Attest
*Simon Willard
The aboves'd Examination was before John Hathorne Just peace

(Reverse)Abigaiel Falknors Examination

( Essex County Court Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 2, no. 40. Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court, Judicial Archives, Massachusetts State Archives. Boston, MA )

SWP No. 52.2

Figure ecca2038r

Figure ecca2038v

(Indictment of Abigail Faulkner, Sr., for Afflicting Martha Sprague )

[+ September 17, 1692 ]

Essex in the Province of the Massachusetts Bay in New England ssAnno RRs & Reginae Gulielmi & Mariae Angliae &c Quarto Anno'qe Domini 1692

The Jurers for o'r Sov'r Lord and Lady King & Queen do present that. Abigaill Falkner Wife of francis falkner of Andivor -- In the county of Essex afors'd Husbandm On or about the begining of August -- In the year aforesaid and divers other dayes and times as well before as after Certaine Detestable Arts Called Witchcraft and Sorceries Wickedly Mallistiously and felloniously hath used practised and Exercised at and in the Towne of Boxford in the County of Essex aforesaid in upon and against One Martha Sprague of Boxford aforesaid Single Woman by which Said wicked Acts the said Martha Sprague the day & year aforesaid and divers other dayes and times both before and after was and is Tortur'd Aflicted Consumed Pined Wasted and Tormented and also for Sundry other Acts of Witchcraft by the Said Abigaill Falkner Comitted and done before and Since that time -- against the Peace of o'r Sov'r Lord and Lady the King and Queen theire Crowne and dignity and the forme of the Stattute in that Case made and Provided

(Reverse) Indictm't ags't Abagaill Falkner for bewitching Martha Sprague Billa Vera: --

( Essex County Court Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft, Vol. 2, no. 38. Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court, Judicial Archives, Massachusetts State Archives. Boston, MA )

SWP No. 52.3

Figure ecca2037r

Figure ecca2037v

(Indictment of Abigail Faulkner, Sr., for Afflicting Sarah Phelps Jr. )

[+ September 17, 1692 ]

Essex in the Province of the Massachusetts Bay in New England ssAnno R Rs & Reginae Gulielmi & Mariae Angliae &c'a Quarto Anno'qe Domini 1692

The Jurors for our Sov'r Lord and Lady the King & Queen doe pr'sent That Abigaill Falkner Wife of frances falkner of Andivor In the County of Essex Husbandman in and About the beginning of August In the Yeare aforesaid and divers other days and times as well before as after Certaine detestable Arts called Witchcraft and Sorceries Wickedly Mallitiously and felloniously hath used practised and Exercised at and in the Towne of Andivor in the County of essex aforesaid in upon and against one Sarah Phelps daughter of Samuel Phellps of Andivor aforesaid Husbandman by which said Wicked Acts the s'd Sarah Phellps the day & yeare aforesaid & divers other days and times both before and after was and is Tortured Aflicted Consumed Pined Wasted and Tormented, and also for sundry other acts of Witchcraft by the said Abigaill falkner Comitted and done before and since that time against the Peace of our Sov'r Lord and Lady the King and Queen theire Crowne & Dignity & the forme of the Stattute in that case made & Provided

(Reverse) Abagaiell Falkner Indictm't for bewitching Sarah Phelps
Billa Vera

( Essex County Court Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 2, No. 37. Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court, Judicial Archives, Massachusetts State Archives. Boston, MA. )

SWP No. 52.4

Figure ecca2039r

Figure ecca2039v

( Deposition Rose Foster v. Abigail Faulkner Sr. )

[September 17, 1692]

The deposistion of Rose Foster who testifieth & saith I have ben most greviously afflected and tormented by Abigail Falkner of Andeveour also I have seen Abigail Falkner or hir Apperance most greviously afflect and torment Martha sprague s sara phelps and Hannah Bigsbe sence the begining Augst and I veryly beleve that Abigail Falkner is a wicth and that she has often afflected me and the afforesaid person by acts of wicthcraft:

The above named Rose Foster affirmed before the Grand inquest that the above
written evidence is truth uppon her Oath sept: 17: 1691

(Reverse) Rose foster Depo agst: abigail Falknor
Jurat in Curia

( Essex County Court Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft, Vol. 2, no. 39. Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court, Judicial Archives, Massachusetts State Archives. Boston, MA. )

SWP No. 52.5

Figure MA049r

[September 17, 1692]

(Depositions of Rose Foster & Martha Sprague v. Abigail Faulkner Sr. , Copy; Verdict & Sentence of Abigail Faulkner Sr. Copy)

[September, 17 1692]

The Deposition of Rose Foster

Who Testefieth and saith I have beene most Greviously Aflicted & tormented by Abigall
Faulkner of Andover Allso I have seene Abigall Faulkner or her appearence most Afflict &
Torment Martha Sprague Sarrah Phelps: and hannah Bixbe since ye begining Agust &
verrily believe that Abigall Faulkner is a witch & that she has often aflicted me and the aforesd
person by acts of Witchcraft
The above Named Rose Foster afirmed before thee grand Inquest that the above
writen Evidence is Truth upon her Oath;
Copia Vera

The Deposition of Marthah: Sprague

Who testefieth and saith that I have beene Most greviously aflicted and tormented by
Abigall Faulkner or her appearence Most Greviously torment and aflict hannah Bixbe &
Rose Foster and Sarrah Phelps and i verrily believe in my hart that abigall Faulkner is a witch
and that she has often aflicted me and severall others by act of Witchcraft
The above Named Martha Sprague afirmed before the grand Inquest that thea bove
writen Evidence is truth upon her Oath
Copia Vera Septembr: 17: 1692

Att a Court of Oyer and Terminer holden att Salem by adjourment Septemb 17:
1692 Abigall Faulkner of Andover Indcated and Arraigned for the Crime of fellony by Witchcraft
Comited on ye bodyes of Martha Sprague Evidences being Called and sworne in open Court
Matter of fact Comitted to ye Jury

The Jury find Abigall Faulkner wife of Francis Faulkner of Andover guilty of the fellony by
Witchcraft Comited on the body of Marthah Sprague allsoe on the body of Sarrah Phelps

Sentence of Death pased on Abigall Faulkner
Copia Vera

( Massachusetts Archives Collection, vol. 135, no. 49. Massachusetts State Archives. Boston, MA.)

SWP No. 52.6

Figure ecca2042r

(Deposition of Mary Walcott v. Abigail Faulkner Sr. )

[September 17, 1692]

The deposistion of who testifieth and saith that about the August 1692 I was most dreadfully afflected by a woman that tould me hir name was abigail Falkner .but on the 11th. of August being the day of the examination of Abigail falkner she did most dreadfully afflect me during the time of hir examination I saw Abigail falkner or hir Apperance most greviously afflet and torment sarah phelps and Ann putnam: and I veryly beleve in my heart that Abigail Falkner is a wicth and that she has often affleted me and the afforesaid persons by acts of wicthcraft

The above name mary Walcutt affirmed before the Grand inquest that the above written Evidence is truth upon her Oath 17: Sept.: 1692

(Reverse) Mary Walcott
Depo Agst: Aba: Falkner
Jurat in Curia

( Essex County Court Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 2, no. 42. Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court, Judicial Archives, Massachusetts State Archives. Boston, MA. )

SWP No. 52.7

Figure ecca2041r

Figure ecca2041v

( Deposition of Martha Sprague v. Abigail Faulkner Sr. )

[September 17, 1692]

The deposistion of Martha Spreague who testifieth and saith that I have ben most greviously affleted and tormented by Abigail Falkner of Andevor senc the begining of August 1692: Also I saw Abigail Falkner of hir Apperance most greviously torment and afflet Hannah Bigsbe and Rose Foster and sarah phelps and I verily beleve in my heart that Abigaill Falkner is a wicth & that she has often affleted me and severall others by acts of wicthcraft

The above named Martha sprague affirmed before the Grand inquest that the above written Evidence is truth upon her Oath 17: sept: 1692

(Reverse) Martha Sprague Depo
agt Abigill Falkner
Jurat in Curia

( Essex County Court Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft, Vol. 2, no. 41. Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court, Judicial Archives, Massachusetts State Archives. Boston, MA. )

SWP No. 52.8

Figure ecca2043r

(Deposition Mary Warren v. Abigail Faulkner Sr. )

[September 17, 1692]

The deposistion of marry warren who testifieth and saith that Abigail Falkner of Andevor did most greviously afflet and torment me on 11th August 1692 dureing the time of hir examination for if she did but look upon me she would strick me down or almost choak me also on the day of hir examination I saw Abigail Falkner or hir Apperance most greviously afflect and torment mary walcott Ann putnam and sarah phelps and I veryly beleve that Abigail Falkner is a wicth and that she has often afflected me and severall other by acts of wicthcraft

Mary Waren:own'd upon her oath::to the grand Inquest that the above written evidence is the truth: Sep'r 17: 1692

(Reverse) Mary Warren Depo agst Abigail Falkner Jurat in Curia

( Essex County Court Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 2, no. 43. Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court, Judicial Archives, Massachusetts State Archives. Boston, MA. )

SWP No. 52.9

Figure ecca2044r

Figure ecca2044v

(Deposition Sarah Phelps v. Abigail Faulkner Sr. )

[September 17, 1692]

The depossistion of Sarah phelps who testifieth and saith that about the begining of August 1692 I was most greviously afflected and tormented by Abigail Falkner or hir Apperance: but most dreadfull she did torment on the 11 August being the day of hir examination for if she did but loock upon me she would strick me down or almost choake me: also sence the begining of August I have seen Abigaill Falkner or hir appearance most greviously afflet and torment mary walcott Ann putnam and Martha sprague and I veryly beleve in my heart that Abigail Falkner is a wicth and that she has very often affleted me and the afforesaid parsons by acts of wicth craft

The above named sarah Phelps affirmed before the Grand inquest
that the above written evidence is truth upon her Oath
the 17 Sept: 1692

(Reverse) Sarah Phelps
Depo Ag't: Abagail Falkner

( Essex County Court Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 2, no. 44. Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court, Judicial Archives, Massachusetts State Archives. Boston, MA. )

SWP No. 52.10

Figure ecca2046r

Figure ecca2046v

(Deposition Ann Putnam, Jr. v. Abigail Faulkner Sr. )

[September 17, 1692]

The deposistion of Ann putnam who testifieth and saith that about the 9th of August 1692 I was affleted by a woman which tould me hir name was Falkner: but on the 11th of August being the day of the Examination of Abigail Falkner she did most dreadfully torment me during the time of hir examination also on the day of hir examination I saw Abigaill Falkner or hir Apperance most grev- iously afflect and torment mary walcot sarah phelps . and I beleve that Abigal Falkner is a wicth and that she has often afflected me and severall others by acts of wicthcraft

The above named Ann Putnam affirmed before the Grand inquest that the above written Evidence is the truth upon her Oath.
sworne before the grand Jury Sept: 17. 1692

(Reverse) An Puttnam
vs Abig'l Falkner
Jurat Coram Grand Jury --

( Essex County Court Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 2 no. 46. Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court, Judicial Archives, Massachusetts State Archives. Boston, MA. )

SWP No. 52.11

Figure NYPL06A

Figure NYPL06B

(Petition of Abigail Faulkner Sr. for a Pardon )

[December 3, 1692]

The humblee Petition of Abigall: Falkner unto his Excellencye S'r W'm Phipps knight and Govern'r of their Majestyes Dominions in America: humbly sheweth

That your poor and humble Petitioner having been this four monthes in Salem Prison and condemned to die having had no other evidences against me but the Spectre Evidences and the Confessors w'ch Confessors have lately since I was condemned owned to my selfe and others and doe still own that they wronged me and what they had \said against me was false: and that they would not that I should have been put to death for a thousand worldes for they never should have enjoyed themselves againe in this world; w'ch undoubtedly I shouled have been put to death had it not pleased the Lord I had been with child. Thankes be to the Lord I know my selfe altogether Innocent & Ignorant of the crime of witchcraft w'ch is layd to my charge: as will appeare at the great day of Judgment (May it please yo'r Excellencye) my husband about five yeares a goe was taken w'th fitts w'ch did very much impaire his memory and understanding but w'th the blessing of the Lord upon my Endeavors did recover of them againe but now through greife and sorrow they are returned to him againe as bad as Ever they were: I having six children and having little or nothing to subsist on being in a manner without a head to doe any thinge for my selfe or them and being closely confined can see no otherwayes but we shall all perish Therfore may it please your Excellencye your poor and humble petition'r doe humbly begge and Implore of yo'r Excellencye to take it into yo'r pious and Judicious consideration that some speedy Course may be taken w'th me for my releasement that I and my children perish not through meanes of my close confinement here w'ch undoubtedly we shall if the Lord does not mightily prevent and yo'r poor petitioner shall for ever pray for your health and happinesse in this life and eternall felicity in the world to come so prayes

from Salem Prison Your poor afflicted humble sevants Petition'r
Decem[ber] the 3d: 1692 *Abigall: Falkner

(Reverse) Thes:
To his Excellencye S'r
W'm Phipps knight
and Govern'r of their
Majestyes Dominions in America

( Salem Selections, Massachusetts Box, Essex Co., Manuscripts & Archives, New York Public Library. )

Salem Witchcraft Papers